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Fandom Beacon Academy.

(Guess I'm there now)

"Yeah. Thanks to Alex." Benjamin groaned. "But AD took mine off. I'm not sure he could do the same to this one." He stated looking at Will. "What do you think." He wanted to pull Elinore aside and ask about what was going on with everything, but he had caught the tail end of a few statements and knew the present moment was not the time.
"Yeah yeah," Tinko waved it off "you saved my life or something yesterday."

He then resumed his one track mind.

"But Mr. Ozpin" he said in what could only be described as a pleading tone " I would be so grateful if-"

Tinko couldn't finish his sentence, for the next thing he knew, he felt something slam against the inside of his skull.

Tinko went silent as he grabbed his head and tried to massage the pain away.

"Tin Tin..." he whined as his hands moved through his hair.

Honestly the amount of disrespect you can show without remorse will never cease to annoy me. By the end of this we might actually have to pay her for mental duress.

Tinko just pouted as he returned his attention to Natalya and wordlessly handed her his wallet.
"Aires, Will is having a bit of a memory problem, he doesn't quite know...us." Elinore cautioned the bird faunus. "I've promised to fill him in on everything. For now, William, this is Aires, she's a good friend of ours. And that over there is Benjamin," she said with a gesture towards the faunus who had just joined them, "he's also a friend of ours. It's nice to see you Ben, how have you been? Alright, the last time these things were used, didn't AD jump in and turn it off? Do you think it'd work again?" Elinore asked as she tugged on the collar. It beeped and Elinore instantly let go of it and folded her hands in her lap. There would be no more of that.
"It's been fine. I can see we have reversed situations from when we met." He joked with a small chuckle before shutting up. "Elinore, we need to talk." He stated simply. The messages he had been receiving now had him confused. If they are trying to get the weapon, why couldn't we team up and help each other? He thought with a slightly confused look on his face.
"Well there's no better time to talk than now." Elinore said with a nod to Benjamin, "we can use all the ideas we can get. And information too. This is all kind of a shot in the dark." who knew what other measures Scarlet had to secure her plans. If they were going to achieve that zero casualty rate she always shrived for they would need backup plans; all the possibilities had to be explored.
"I sent you a message a couple days ago and got a reply to grab a weapon from Natalya, sound familiar?" The Faunus asked, raising an eyebrow and flicking his tail. "The message seemed really dark and somewhat disturbed from the normal you."
Aires pulled Will aside since the other two were busy. "You really don't remember me?" Aires asked as she played with her fingers.
"Sounds about right..." Elinore mumbled as she crossed her arms, "I had my scroll taken away when I was captured. Someone's messing with you." she said with a shake of her head before getting a devious grin, "send messages back that talk about our progress, how well our multi step plan is working. Don't b afraid to send weird stuff either. Things that'll make them leave you alone. Like how good humans taste or something."
"What the hell Elinore. Seriously what the hell is wrong with you? Human flesh? What the f*ck?" Benjamin stated, weirded out and somewhat insulted. "Who the hell is controlling you?" The faunus demanded.
Elinore couldn't take it anymore, she simply burst out laughing, "Calm down Benjamin, can't you take a joke?" she asked, still in a fit of giggles, "if you want whoever keeps messaging you to leave you alone, you gotta make them not want to talk to you."
The Faunus did calm down, but he didn't think Elinore's joke was funny at all. "I got that part. But who has your scroll then? Seriously this person sounds crazy. That's all I get from these messages. A real nut." Benjamin stated.
William was trying to remember who Aires and Benjamin were, but failed to retrieve any memory of them in his brain. Apparently they were his friends(?) and not people to shoot at. Before he could ask who A.D was, he noticed Aires pulling him away from the group. "Yes, I have no memory of you. If we really were friends before my current state of mind, then I'm sorry for forgetting about you." He apologized. Though before he could ask Aires about A.D, a metal hawk crashed through one of the windows and attacked William with its talons. "CAW CAW, I'M BACK YOU ARSE!" A.D yelled out as he kept scratching William's mask. "What the heck?! A talking bird?!" William exclaimed as he tried punching the metal hawk off of him.

"Umm... why are giving me your wallet?" Natalya asked Tinko with a raised eyebrow. She noticed everyone looking at her with disappointed eyes. It felt like they were all looking at her as a criminal. Which she was, but it still felt horrible when your the focus of attention. "Ms. Regit, what's the meaning of this extortion?" Goodwitch asked the ex-librarian as she took out her scroll to check for blackmail in Natalya's school email account. "Wait! This is all a misunderstanding! I don't know why he's giving me his wallet at all!" Natalya retorted in self-defense. If she had a chance to keep her job before, well... it seems like it's gone now.
"It's okay. Hey Lulu can we bring Angel She should be better and she will be asset to this mission." She said looking at Elinore motioning not to touch the collar.
"I got no idea who has my scroll" Elinore said with a shrug of her shoulders, "we can only be sure of the fact that they're not a friend." she replied before a mechanical bird flew into the room. AD! Elinore ran over to the bird attacking William's face and hugged it up against her chest "it's my favorite sassy pain in the neck!" she said as she throttled the bird around gently, "hey buddy, where have you been? I've got one of those little bomb collars you can blow up if you get it off me~" she cooed before turning to Aires, "that girl Tavril likes? Yeah, she can join up if she's up to it."
Aires looked at Elinore, "Wait . . . Tavril . . . Likes? Girl? What!? Really! Sweet!" She squealed zooming towards the nurses office.
"Thanks Elinore. Now we get to make Tavril uncomfortable on a rescue mission. And me because the last time they were together all of you took off except for Aires who was oblivious." The Faunus groans as Aires zooms out of the room. "And I see our resident asshole of an AI is back."

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Markus woke up. He was on the floor." Ah my head... Man that was one party." He grabbed Megan, his weapon. He grown accustom to naming his weapon. His eyes were beat red. "Next time I'm not going to touch ozpins coffee.... What was he doing at the party last night? what was I doing?" He sent a message to elinore.


Tag me if I have to see it
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A.D was enjoying his attack on William before being grabbed by someone. "Hey! Let go of me yo- oh. Hey Elinore, long time no see." The A.I said as it stopped struggling against Elinore's hug. "So what's this about a explosive collar?" He noticed the collar attached to Elinore's neck and immediately gets to work by transferring himself into its security system. After a minute of hacking, the collar pops open and falls on the floor. "Mine!" A.D manages to free himself from Elinore and scoops up the device with his talons. Then he perches himself on top of a desk. "I know you all love me. Especially you Benjamin. But why did you have a collar attached to yo-" BANG! William shoots at A.D with his pistol, but misses since the A.I begins flying around the room to avoid the bullets.
"Whoa! Holster the pistol Will. AD is your AI." Ben says, grabbing Will's wrist. "And the bullets will just ricochet off and probably hit one of us. Or he will fire back." Ben states, trying to stay calm.

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Markus's head was still pounding. He picked up his scroll and messages elinore. "Morning, my head is spinning.… where you at the party last night?

Tag me if I have to see it
Angel was feeling better after a couple of days. She finally woke up two weeks ago, and was now in recovery. Being alone in the infirmary was nothing but boring, not a single soul came to visit her. Maybe they did when she was still in a coma, who knows. She had to stay in bed since it was the 'doctor's orders', even though she could move around perfectly fine, which sucked.

As always, she just sat in her bed looking out the window when a loud bang from the door emerged. "Angel!" A voice cried out. It was a familiar one, one Angel knew well. She turned to find Aires, the first friend she made since entering Beacon, who was also her savior. "Aires! Oh thank whoever I need to thank! I've needed a fresh face to look at in a while!" She said, a smile on her face. "What brings you to the infirmary?"
"William!" Elinore snapped before she even got to sigh in relief that the collar was off. Couldn't he ever just...not shoot things? She bopped him on the head and smacked the gun out of his hand "Will you just chill out?! You all need to calm the f*uck down RIGHT NOW!" Elinore snapped. Sure her short temper was notorious, but at the moment she was truly pissed off. "If we don't get a plan together, and soon, without a single member of the white fangg figuring it out, I'm going to be dead in four days. And so is Tavril. And maybe most of Beacon. I've been stealing weapons without killing anyone, but whoever they replace me with probably won't give you the same curtusy. Now just...chill out okay?" she asked softly, "AD, can you give me that collar back? I need to at least look like it's still on me, otherwise Scarlet is going to catch wind of this."

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