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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"So what does Scarlet think you're doing now then Lulu, I guess that will be my question." Aires looks over at Angel and smiles, "Follow me after this is done okay." She nudges Angel's shoulder.
"You said she was looking for weapons? And you need to bring them back to her. Right." Michael drew his sword and flipped it handing it hilt first to Elinore. "This should do. And shouldn't hurt us, so far as I know I'm the only one who can handle the recoil And I got a new weapon when I was away studying." Michael moved to sit back on his desk
"She thinks I'm stealing weapons for her arsonary." Elinore answered as she took Michael's weapon. Two in one day should really impress Scarlet, or at least give her a bit of extra time.

Scarlet looked at the scroll for a moment before tapping out a reply, "You'll need to relay me the pass-code to hear how the mission is going. Some personal business has come up though, I'm afraid you'll have to fill in for me. -Elinore"

There it was again. Elinore wouldn't sigh her name. Markus thought something is going on. " oh it's a raid on this location." He gives the coordinates of Scarlett's location. "Big raid, suppose to be going on in a couple of days." He grabbed his captain of the guard uniform and put it on. 'I'm gonna have to check in with ozpin. I need his permission to activate the locator in elinores scroll.' He thought. Today was going to be interesting!

Tag me if I have to see it
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A.D flew into Benjamin's room and lands on top of their bed. "Nice blankets you got here. It would be a shame if something were to rip it apart out of boredom."

William remains silent as the group were talking among themselves. He wasn't sure if he should open his mouth again, since he always discovers something new every time he talks. Like learning that he nearly killed Aires, put Elinore in a coma, his current armor might not be the original one, and how the original Archdeath was used to create other tools. But who knows? Maybe his jacket is a new one with enchantments on it. "Like turning 'invisible'." He jokingly muttered to himself.

"WILLIAM! WE NEED TO TALK!" Alex yelled out as he bursts into the classroom with Bluntfire. "I TOLD YOU TO NOT CAUSE TROUBLE BEFORE WE- what the?! Where is he?!" The angry professor tried to find his target among the group, but failed to spot him anywhere. It's almost like he dissappeared. "Do any of you know where William is? Also we need to talk, Elinore. There's been reports that you've been stealing weapons from other students in the past few days. Is this related to your previous attempt to take Nat's weapon away from her?" He as asked as he tries to prevent her from escaping by immobilizing her with his hands.
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Michael stood and walked over to Alex slowly prying Hus hand free and smiling his fanged smile. "Dearest Alex it would be best for you to turn around and walk back to your office and get some lunch. Many take a nap before class. There's some rather confidential information being passed around and its a need to know basis. Now" Michael drew his Gladius and kept it at his side held flat. His smile broadening to an inhuman size he growled a deep base resonating series of clicks.
Well. That was that. And William had disappeared. "Sorry William, it looks like I won't be around long enough to help you get your memories back, but hey, we had a good run, I'm glad I got to see you one last time" she said softly before her semblance flared up. Fire encountered Elinore to make sure no one could grab her before she dashed out of the room through the window Benjamin used earlier. Michael had her covered. Hopefully no one else in the room would tr to stop her. She'd either have to be extremely careful with stealing weapons now or break out by herself that night. IT seemed either way these were going to be her last hours.

A white van drove up to pick Elinore up. She jumped in and it sped away without ever really stopping.
"Michael, don't you dare threaten me. I'm not in the mood to fight." Alex said while giving him a cold stare. It felt like everyone enjoyed attacking him these days. Was it because he was a professor at a school that allows students to carry weapons and he had to stop fights between them everyday? Or simply because they just hate him? Either way, he has to finish his duties. "If you attack me with that toothpick of yours, I am going to- Elinore! Stop!" Noticing that Elinore ran away, Alex pushes Michael aside and goes to the window in time to see her leave in a white van. "Dammit... okay then. Now that she's gone, I have no choice to question every one in this room. I mean, you were passing around 'confidential information' among yourselves. Right?" He asked as he looked back at the remaining students in the classroom.

Well that was weird. When Alex burst into the classroom looking for William, apparently several small glyphs appeared on his jacket and made him invisible. Which is strange, since he never asked Natalya to enchant his jacket before coming to Beacon. Unless... this was something he did before losing his memory. "I really hate my life." He muttered to himself as he held on to the top of the van that Elinore was in. Nobody noticed him due to his invisibility glyphs, which he had no idea on how to deactivate yet. Which means he might become a living ghost for the rest of his life. Yeah...
Aires smiles wickedly, "Um, to be honest Alex this is none of your business . . ." Aires muttered as she looked up to the cieling and changed her eye color. There was a high pitch sound and then BOOM a hole was created. She flung her wings out and made her easy to her escape. Her eyes returned to normal as her mind raced. Where the dust is that van and where did Will go, he was right there. I mean seriously we came this close to forming the old team. I thought that love could conquer anything . . . Well love couldn't stop Loki from dying now could it . . . Ouch Thanks subconscious . . .So what are you saying that we can't say Lulu? That Will will never regain his memories, that were all gonna die? No. I refuse to believe this. But I don't know who to trust . . . Alex is with Nat so can't I trust him anymore . . . Gah!
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Markus slammed the door open from ozpins office. He was furious. "AS chief security officer the right to know." he yells. "look if your going to not give me the information, then would you mind at least lying to me." he says as he walked out the door to his office. He walked out and into the security office. " I don't care if he gives me the permission or not, I'm doing this." He went into his office, logged onto his computer, and began to track elinores scroll. He also tapped it so he could listen in on the conversations.
"Calm yourself AD. Just got to find it. Then you can shoot it and test how blast proof it is. Maybe I'll have you blow something else up too." The Faunus said, looking through his dresser and closet.

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"You must have taken a small weapon this time." one of the men in the truck mumbled to the empty handed Elinore. She didn't have time to pick up anything on her way out. Things were already going downhill. Fast. "I got caught this time. You're lucky I got out without leading anyone on about you plans." Elinore grumbled back. "Useless human." the faunus muttered back. "Scarlet will have big plans for you tonight."

The truck came up to an old factory and the passengers got out with Elinore in tow. The guard escorted Elinore to her shared room and pushed her in, locking the door behind her. Elinore sat down on the bed and sighed, "sorry Tavril, Alex was about to catch me. We don't have long."

Scarlet looked at the scroll and placed it down beside her. She knew that Markus was toying with her. She simply didn't appreciate that. Once the preparations were done, she'd make sure he was her first target. Or, collateral damage, to make sure she never harmed other faunus. "Intentionally."
Michael had sheathed his blade as Elinore was jumping out. Had his sword by the time the roof detonated and was presently walking out the door
<p>Peck. Peck. Peck. <strong><em>"Oh look! A new hole! I wonder how many I can make in another minute?" </em></strong> A.D warned as he made another hole in the blanket. </p>


Alex face palms himself in anger. Ozpin is totally going to kill him for the new hole in the ceiling. "Okay, now is anyone else going to escape before I question you all? Because if you are, use the door." He said, pointing at the busted doorway. Which he destroyed himself... dust. "If not, tell me what's going on. I need to know if my students are in danger or not."</p>


William finally gets off the vehicle when the coast was clear. Sure, nobody can see him, but one can never be too careful. He begins scanning out the outer area of the factory and passes by several patrols with weapons. Waiting for one of them to be by themselves, he pulls the faunus guard into a dark corner. "Where's the human girl and what's going on here? Tell me what I want to know if you want me to let go." He whispered into their ear, his invisible hands ready to crack their neck. "The girl is in a locked room in the building! But I don't know what's going on. We're just waiting for new orders from Scarlett." Understanding that they were telling the truth, he lets the guard go. But not before ending their life. <em>'Crack!'</em> This was going to be fun.</p>
Aires lands a mile away from the site where the van went. She flew high enough not to be seen and she slowly made her way towards the base. She's gotta be here somewhere. Damn, I should not have come here alone. Oh well, do or die, right? She gulped slightly and wiped her brow. She made her way in and stopped to tie up her hair. "Freaking hair gah!" She whispered as she heard the cocking of a gun against her head. "Oh great . . . Not again." Alright well if I make a sound that means more bad guys and worse bad news for Lulu . . . Now how do I kill you without making a sound . . . Think Aires, Think!
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"Quit it AD. I will freeze you- Ah, here it is." Benjamin states yanking a chest piece out of his closet. The right arm connected to his Chain Blade and created a good amount of protection. "Here we go. AD, peck at this for a couple seconds instead of my sheets. It shouldn't break too easily." The faunus stated while looking at his weapons.

"Do you remember asking me if I had named my weapons when you set me free?" He asked the metal falcon for no apparent reason.
"Mr. A!" Tinko called out as he stumbled past Michael, tripped on the edge of a broken door, and was soon splayed out on the floor of the room.

In a second he was back up and practically bouncing in front of Alex.

"Mister, do you know where I can find a guy named William?" He asked between bounces " Tin Tin needs to ask him something and I didn't want to interrupt their 'save the chainsaw lady from the White Fang' plan!"

Imbecile! We were supposed to ask about the boy! Who cares about their stupid plan!?!

Tinko heard Tinman yell before he was struck with another vicious headache.
"Yup, of course I do. I am a A.I after all." A.D said as he flew over to Ben's new armor. Peck. Peck. Peck. "What's this made out of? It seems pretty durable against my beak."

"Angel... is it true that Elinore is somehow in trouble with the White Fang?" Alex calmly asked the two students who knew about the plan. Though he wasn't really calm at all, even if his voice might suggest it. He was angry because he had a lot of problems to deal with in the past few days. "Tinko, I don't know where William is right now. Though if you help me find him, I'll make sure he answers all the questions your friend wants to ask him."

"What do you mean by 'not again'? Do you usually have people pointing their primary firearm against that head of yours?" William asked Aires, his invisible pistol pointed against her head. Apparently he was getting inside the old factory when he managed to spot her doing the same thing. Pointing a pistol at her was just his current way of saying hi. "Because if you do, I think you should start wearing a helmet. It's great protection against bullets and other dangerous stuff."
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"But sir," Tinko said, as he rubbed the back of his head "if what Tin Tin said is true, then William may be a serious danger to himself and anyone near him!"
"How would your friend possibly know that? Also, who is Tin Tin? Is he here in Beacon right now?" Alex asked as he took out his scroll and contacted Ozpin about Elinore's situation with the White Fang.
"Just trust me." Tinko said "Despite his anger Tin Tin's never been wrong before. And we need to know if Will's susceptible!"
KillerWilly said:
"Yup, of course I do. I am a A.I after all." A.D said as he flew over to Ben's new armor. Peck. Peck. Peck. "What's this made out of? It seems pretty durable against my beak."
"Michael... Angel... is it true that Elinore is somehow in trouble with the White Fang?" Alex calmly asked the two students who knew about the plan. Though he wasn't really calm at all, even if his voice might suggest it. He was angry because he had a lot of problems to deal with in the past few days. "Tinko, I don't know where William is right now. Though if you help me find him, I'll make sure he answers all the questions your friend wants to ask him."

"What do you mean by 'not again'? Do you usually have people pointing their primary firearm against that head of yours?" William asked Aires, his invisible pistol pointed against her head. Apparently he was getting inside the old factory when he managed to spot her doing the same thing. Pointing a pistol at her was just his current way of saying hi. "Because if you do, I think you should start wearing a helmet. It's great protection against bullets and other dangerous stuff."
Michael left
"Okay! Calm down and wait for a few minutes. I think I know a way to locate him." Alex said while sending a message to Natalya. Apparently she has more experience on tracking William down during his disappearances.

Natalya was inspecting her new classroom when she got a new message from her scroll. Seems like William went missing again. "Give me a minute." After sending the message, she makes a call to her lackeys in the Hellsing. Getting William's coordinates within a minute, she sends it to Alex.

Alex received the coordinates, which was located in the Industrial District of the city. "Come on, let's go! We're going to the city." He announced as he heads toward the academy's air dock to get a Bullhead.
Tinko nodded before following Alex.

"Sir, I heard that Will's had trouble with his memory." Tinko said "Do you know what's causing it?"

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