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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Michael bowed to the lady in front of him the sword held a foot away at chest night and at a 45 deg angle. Then he stiffened. "My name is Michael ford, I am the keeper of the demon Thanatos Malcharion. ABANDON HOPE, stand fast and DELIVER, I am the last thing you will see... May God have mercy on your souls. (From yelling to a whisper) as Michael leaves his bow he coats the sword in lighting dust and take a deep breath. Activating his semblance swelling around him as sea of midnight blue and brass energy, then he lifts his head and opens his maw and screams an unholy scream flying forward as no more than a diapering wave of engery slashing thought all 3 guards on The right and swing back at scarlet's legs.
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Tinko had been in the middle of stabbing a WF guard repeatedly and essentially ignored everything else when suddenly-

Okay, we have to find the generator.

"The what?" Tinko asked as he tore off one of the guard's fingers and pocketed it.

The generator, if they have the lights on then they must have some way to power them. We need to find it.

Tinko sighed before nodding the affirmative. He had finished both of the guard's hands and was working on the one remaining eyeball.

Once he finished he rose quickly. Everybody seemed mighty preoccupied at the moment.

With as much stealth as he could, he backed down the way they came and took an alternative route.

He followed Tinman's instructions the whole time.
Markus followed them! He switch Megan into her weapon more. She was a lmg. Markus's team was assembled. " time to blow the doors." Markus commanded, and his team got to work. After couple of well places charges they blew the doors open! "Looks like you got your wish. Now get what ever you were looking for and let's get out." Explosions could be heard outside.

Tag me if I have to see it
The sound of explosions could be heard as Angel took yet another victim in her violent state. She paid no mind as she killed another member of the White Fang. "That's four.. Hehehe.." She murmured, her inner demon already having full control over her body. She looked around her to find someone else to hurt. Following the sounds of the bombs she came across another group of people, it was Markus and the others. With her bloodied appearance, she just stood at the door, waiting for her next White Fang victim to come to her, a bloody grin on her face.
"Sorry they're gone." Aires heard through her feathers. "NO!" She slammed her fist against a wall and heard an explosion. Elinore! Tavril! She ran in the direction of the explosions and saw Angel and Markus? Angel was attacking whoever got in her way. "Damn." Aires came up behind Angel and grabbed her. "Angel stop!" She was strong which caused Aires to use more strength.

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Elinore thought it was over when a faunus tackled her out of nowhere. Soon she was let go of though, and luckily it was Ben who had tackled her, and not the enemy. She took a moment to spit up some blood and cover her neck wound again with her hand "It's nice to see you. It looks like the rescue party came after all." Elinore said softly before returning to looking through the weapons.

Tavril pulled on a familiar handle in a crate, taking Elinore's axe out of the box. That was one down. Then he heard Aires shouting something. He turned around to yell at her and Markus for making too much noise when he saw Angel being grabbed by Aires. "Hey! Wings!" Tavril called over to Aires, "get Angel out of here. This is dangerous."
Angel looked at Aires, her eyes shallow. She wanted the taste of blood, she wanted to kill again. "Hehehe.. Do you want to play birdie?" She asked, her voice a different kind than her usual sweet tone. She was about to strike Aires when she heard the voice she missed hearing— Tavril. She dropped her weapon and looked over to him. 'Tavril.. You're ok..' She thought, her body still controlled by her demon self. She began regaining control as her demon side's grip on her consciousness loosened. "Aires.." She murmured, her knees giving way, falling down to the ground.
Aires hears Tavril and then feels the weight of Angel falling. "Tavril?" Aires caught Angel and looked over to see Elinore and Tavril, They're not dead. . . Oh thank goodness. Aires looked down at Angel and was relieved that she didn't want to kill her anymore. First Will then her heh. WILL! Aires stood up only to be shot down by someone. The bullet entered her side where Will had stabbed her. Aires could feel the blood gush once more. "No way. . ." She trembled but smiled. Her friends were alive and she had to get them out. She bent down ignoring her wound. "Angel, you gotta get up, we need you come on."
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Markus followed them, keeping note of the time. After a minute or two he looked at his watch. "Guys!" He said. "I don't know how much time we have until the external force has to draw back and then they have more men to hunt us down with... what I am trying to say is grab what is important, we don't have long until they have more people to hunt us down!" He then looked at Elinore, he was still sweet on her even thought she was with William. "Go to the service hatch that leads into the air system, follow it until you hit the surface. Their will be a team there that will take you back to beacon... there is one thing that I need to do." He said. He was going to do something that would make sure that Scarlet couldn't get into beacons systems. He looked at Elinore one last time. "Goodbye!" He said as he left them to go and find Scarlet.

He ran through the halls making as much noise as possible. "Scarlet, My darling come out and play!" He yelled. He was going to make them focus on markus so they could get out. "Come on out my love, We have somethings that we need to discuss!" He yells again.

"Are you sure about this Tin Tin?" Tinko asked as he stared at the massive dual generators that inhabited the room.

There were White Fang members lying dead all over the place, one propping open the door Tinko had used.

Do not begin questioning me now, this is important young fool.

"Well, it's just that most of the doors in this place seem to be tech-based one way or another." Tinko said as he pointed an overcharged Revo-blade at one generator "So wouldn't cutting the power render them inoperable, like... trapping us in here kind of inoperable?"

Yes and no, while the doors will be stuck it would only require above average strength to pull them open. I'm quite sure that you and your associates are more than capable of getting them open.

Tinko shrugged before firing, the blast made a crater in the machine. Immediately the lights dimmed, and Tinko frowned a bit before charging up his Revo-blade again.

"What if someone's not strong enough to open the doors?" Tinko asked.

It's neither of our problems, we just need to keep the benefactor happy.

"There you go talking about the bean fattener." Tinko rolled his eyes

Not bean fattener you little-.... -sigh- just cut the power!

Tinko just groaned before blasting the other generator.

The lights fully cut out, save for some red emergency lights

Good, now we make our leave.

Tinko walked back to the door, which was now frozen halfway, and slid through the gap.

In the hall ahead, a handful of WF members ran out of several other branching paths.

At the very end was a large grate that led to what looked like an air vent.

"What's going on!?!" One of them yelled to another

"We're losing power in major parts of the facility! And those psychos from Beacon are slaughtering us!" Replied another

One spotted Tinko's stumbling form "There's one of them!"

"Hey guys!" Tinko called happily "Do any of you know where I can find a stringer, some salt and some grease?"

They then began shooting.

Tinko darted to the side, placed one foot on a nearby wall, and flipped off of said wall as bullets sped by him.

"Wheee!" He cried as he spun through the bullet storm before firing his Revo-blade.

The round caught a WF member in the shoulder, knocking them off their feet and distracting another member.

"Hey are you okay-!?!" He was cut off by the spinning Revo-blade that lodged itself in the side of his head.

The rest of the WF members continued pelting Tinko's position with Gunfire until they all ran dry.

When the bullets stopped, they saw a large, ragged ball of cloth and metal lying in the hall.

Slowly the ball unfolded, Tinko pulled himself out of his tightly contorted position.

Being limber really was a gift.

He felt his clothing, and pouted once he realized his bathrobe had been torn to shreds.

Get over it, keep moving before they find an opening!

"I made that robe myself." Tinko sniffed before grabbing the remains of the bathrobe that hung loosely on his arms.

Pulling it away, Tinko revealed that the majority of his bathrobe was a dense, fiber-laced suit of holsters.

Each holster held a single Revo-blade, forming some type of armor.

"Don't just stand there!" A WF member yelled to his companions "Shoot him."

"Have to make another robe to cover this up." Tinko pouted before noticing the WF members who were frantically reloading their guns "Oh, I see. The Ol' highnoon bit."

Tinko chuckled as he lazily whipped two Revo-blades from his suit "Unbeknownst to y'all varmits-"

Tinko tossed the two Revo-blades up as he reached for two more "I won the World juggling championship three years in a row."

As the WF members fired, Tinko began frantically juggling his Revo-blades. He pulled them through the air expertly, the bullets colliding with individual blades.

Once the gunfire slowed, Tinko spun, waving his arms and letting the falling Revo-blades fall into the holsters on the arms of his suit.

He tucked his legs in and rolled through the first three WF members, unholstering a Revo-blade as he went, he popped up and gunned the three down before spinning to intercept the blade of another behind him.

Kicking the WF member away, Tinko saw that there were three left.

Two with knives, and the wounded one who was stumbling away while gripping their bloodied arm.

Tinko blew a raspberry before pointing his Revo-blade at the two and pulling the trigger.


"Aw man..." Tinko whined before one of the WF members swung at him.

Tinko intercepted the blade by using the Revo-blades on his arm as a shield, the blade clanged off his arm.

Tinko took the time to toss his weapon into the WF member before the other swung again, forcing him back.

Quickly, Tinko reached down and pulled his Revo-blade out of the head of a nearby corpse and spun at the WF member.

Tinko leaped and tackled the member before digging his blade into him.

Seeing that the wounded WF member was escaping, Tinko darted toward them.

The last member turned to see Tinko diving toward them, and quickly drew out a pistol.

Tinko crashed into them, and a gunshot rang out before they both crashed into the metal grating.

They both tumbled into the vent system.

Markus made his way to a big room, so big that it could actually fit a cat walk, and a second level. He saw the exact person that he was looking for. "Hello my love." He said, he was addressing scarlet. "My, my the time has not been good to either of us. He looked at her. "Let me guess, you have all your men aimed at me?" He notioned to the fact that the second floor was lined with white fang members. All of them had a weapon, and all of them were pointed at markus. "I guess you had missed me! Maybe I shouldn't have left you my love."

Aires stayed low to the ground and made her way over to Elinore. She saw the wound on her neck. How much blood have you lost Lulu? Geez! She rips a piece of cloth from her previous outfit and wraps around her neck. "Don't bleed to death. I just got you back I can't lose my sister again . . ."
Elinore smiled at Aires and thanked her for the cloth. It looked like it would hold perfectly fine until they got back to Beacon, "it's good to see you too." she said as she searched through the crates. Elinore had finally managed to find Tavril's weapon before the lights in the building went out. "Alright....I guess that's out que to leave." Elinore said with a nod. The door to the vault locked once again. Unfortunately for them, locked doors never presented a problem for Elinore. She waked to the door, trading weapons with Tavril, before putting the blade of the ace against the door and pulling the trigger. The door blew off its handle ad landed in the middle of the hallway. "Okay, let's get out of here before things get worse!" she said before taking the lead out of the factory.

Scarlet stopped and flicked an ear in annoyance. "So it seems you've found me. But my dear traitor, you're simply too late." she cooed before the ceiling above them opened up. An airship hovered above her. Scarlet knelt down and jumped. Using her semblance, she cleared the distance without ease, "perhaps you shouldn't have switched to the losing team!" she called down to Markus before the White Fang minions bellow opened fire on him.
Markus had a very devilish smile on. "Watch what your calling a losing team!" He said. When the white fang opened fire markus yelled out. "Now!" Three jets cleared the the airship. A giant hole was in it. The teams on the second floor were putting holes into markus. After he fell to the ground, they stopped.

The three jets were back.Ropes fell from the ceiling and troopers began to fall in. They took out all the minions. Markus was on the floor bleeding, teams were coming out of the ceiling, and the airship above had a giant hole in it. "Maybe.... Maybe you sh-hould have ch-checked the airspace before y-y-y-you leave." Markus said before he passed out. The teams began a medipack.

Where's serious Tinko when you need him? Aires looked around, she scaned the area for Will but couldn't find him. I could fly us out of her two by two, first Tavril and Lulu then Angel and Ben. If I fire up my semblance I could get us out of here at record speed and I could just explode anything that I have to. She saw Elinore bust through a door and she started to head out. "Wait what's our plan of attack?" She asked feeling the blood in her side begin to pool once more. She looked at Angel and Ben then at Tav and Luna. "We need to get you out of here."
Benjamin followed the group in a monkey crawl. "Yeah, we have a few injured and we need to get them out That includes you two." He stated, gesturing to Elinore and Aires. "I can hold off some reinforcements if AD's aim was good." Bulletproof armor would help, as long as I don't get shot in the left side or legs, he thought. "This may be tricky." he muttered under his breath.
Aires looked at Ben, "What the knife wound, it's nothing, Tinko patched me up already, I'm good. I'm ready to kick ass. Besides we can't just leave you here by yourself. We need a plan." Aires said grateful that she was wearing black.
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"The more blood you lose, the more of a hindrance you may become. Plus, with how much you move around, your blood flow has to increase. I don't think that would is gonna cauterize and stop soon. And I doubt being 'psyched up' helps that." Ben reasoned quickly. "And those that are uninjured should hold off the White Fang until the injured are secured." Benjamin suggested.
Tinko and the wounded WF Member bounced around through the air vents repeatedly for some time before they broke through one particular vent that was outside behind the base.

They landed on the ground painfully, but the WF-Member jumper to their feet quickly before kicking Tinko back to the ground.

Tinko rolled over before the member straddled him and put his neck in a vice with their good arm.

Tinko grabbed wildly, and ended up digging his thumb into the member's bullet wound. The member immediately released a feminine shriek of horrible pain before yanking herself out of Tinko's reach.

With his arms free, Tinko was able to pull a Revo-blade from his suit and aim-


"Hm?" Tinko blinked at Tinman's suddenness

Take her to the place.

"But why, Tin Tin?" Tinko asked as he rubbed his head in confusion

The benefactor claims it as a matter of PD.

Tinko shrugged before approaching the member and rendering her unconscious with a Verminian Pulse displacer palm that Tin Tin taught him.

Soon after Tinko ran off into the forest as fast as he could with the member in order to drop her off at the 'place'.

As soon as the deed was done Tinko hurried back some time later.

Thankfully not much had happened while he was gone, and focus was once again placed on the combatants inside the facility.

Tinko climbed back into the air vent system and scuttled over and around the facility-wide firefight

Eventually he was able to find the trail of his classmates.

"Hey, we get to meet up with wing-lady and the chainsaw girl again!" Tinko cheered

Not yet, wait until they actually
need assistance, don't just drop in for an unexpected dramatic entrance. Besides, what with Scarlet's play coming to fruition, we may be needed elsewhere if her assaulter's are stupid enough to attack her.

Tinko blinked, "Who's Scarlet?" he asked with a confused frown.

Oh don't worry my dear foolish friend, it's not your problem at the moment.

Tinko just shrugged before continuing his crawling.
Blood began to gush down her side. She gripped her side and then saw her hand it was red. "Dust . . . Alright whatever let's just get out of here." She huffed, her vision blurring. Her wings unfurled and she blasted her feathers creating a staircase. "Up and out, got it?" She then looked at Tinko, " You serious Tinko or happy Tinko?"
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"Quit moving. Let someone help you out." Benjamin stated tossing Aires' arm over his shoulder and taking her weight. "Dust you are stubborn. Just cover it and press on it with your hand." the faunus instructed before hearing something about Tinko being serious or happy. "What? Tinko is bipolar?"
Aires' s arm was then suddenly swung unto Ben's shoulder. She applied pressure to her side. "You're strong Ben, nice, I'm sorry I-" Her breath began to fail her. " I'm sorry I . . . Gah dust, we need to leave . . ." Her blood began soaking Ben's shirt. "Damn."
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"Calm down. Just focus on breathing and my voice okay? You need to stay conscious. Do you hear me?" Ben asked. "Guys, we need to move. Now." he said as he moved towards the steps Aires made. "Elinore, you strong enough to created a couple holes out of here?" He felt a warm liquid begin to slowly seep into his side, but had to ignore it for now. Just keep moving. Ignore what isn't important, the faunus thought.
Aires heard many footsteps running in their directions. She turned her head and saw WF members running to them. "Look out!" Aires switches her eye color and blinks at the cieling above them and it comes down crushing the members. She then coughs a ton of blood up. "Ben I can't-" Aires said losing her grip on reality.
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"What the dust?" The faunus asked when he heard explosions behind him. He peeked back for a few seconds, quickly turning back. "Hang on." Benjamin demanded and continued to move.

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