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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"They are fine. They are far better off than you." he said, although he was not sure. They were able to keep conscious and he doubted Elinore was in the wing long. "Aaaaand we are done. This may sting, but it will hurt less than the stitches." Ben said as he dabbed the wound with an alcohol soaked cloth. "Can you sit up yet? I want to switch the gauze and wrap it up." His mind flashed back to when he was in Aires' situation, having to be stitched up. That time one of the younger girls sewed him up on his shoulder and they had to use the cleanest shirts they had for bandages. It is nice having real equipment, Ben thought as he continued to dab.
Aires bit her bottom lip hard. She was able to sense all the pain now. Squeezing her eyes shut the pain was over with. "I might be able to sit up with some help." She said, feeling a little queasy.
"Alright. Give me your arm." Ben says, slinging her arm over her shoulder. He sat Aires up and looked around for something to prop the Faunus up on. He grabbed a few pillows off one of the nearby cots and used them, stuffing them behind her. The monkey faunus tossed the cloth into the trash and reached for the gauze and wrapping. "This shouldn't hurt." He said with a smirk, showing his fangs. "You ready?"
Aires nodded. She examined his face closely and then softly whispered, "Thank you . . . For helping me that is. You didn't have to though, but thank you, really." She said becoming a bit flustered causing her to cough, wincing at the pain that caused her.
The Faunus smiled back as he removed the bloody gauze and replaced it. "Friends look out for each other. No matter what." Ben replied before sitting her up more as he began wrapping with one hand and his tail. "Besides. I have a little practice at this kind of stuff." He said once he finished, turning to show Aires the multiple scars. I'm still not wearing a shirt, Ben remembered and laughed a little. Made that a little easier...
Aires giggled slightly, "So I can see . . . Wait sorry that wasn't very funny." Her side felt raw and tender. "Ouch . . . Ugh" The medic came up to them, "So you fixed her huh how nice for you." He suddenly grabs Aires's face in between his hands. "Hmph you just refuse to die don't you." Aires looked at him and as he walked away she lifted her leg and cocked her boots, "Touch me again and you die. Got it . . . Doc?" The medic waved her off and she put her leg down quickly. She was dizzy from just lifting her leg from her sitting position. "After all this time I'm still pathetic. . ." Aires shook her head and then grabbed her side gently.
"It's fine to laugh. They don't hurt anymore and most were for stupid things." Ben said with a laugh before the medic came over. The interaction between him and Aires disturbed and confused him. He was too confused to do anything before the medic walked away and Aires had put her leg back down. "Um, Aires, what the hell was that?" The aura surrounding them had disappeared by this time so that was nice to not have to explain. "Just relax. The more you move, the less the stitches will help." Ben added.
"You're right. I won't move too much. " She smiled up at him in a sweet way like how she used to before things at Beacon became hectic. She felt tired. "Will we be getting back soon?" She asked him leaning her head against his chest. Her forehead was hot but she felt cooler this way. "Thank you again Ben. M" She looked up at him. "Thank you . . . for saving my life." She smiled up at him.
The Faunus grinned back. "I'm not sure when but we shouldn't be much longer. And it is no problem. Like I said before, friends look out for each other." He said, allowing Aires to lean on him. He felt the heat emanating from her body, but he wasn't overly worried about that. It should just go down once she produces more blood cells. She's probably got too many antibodies right now, he concluded and looked around for anyone else. Guess they all left the wing....
Aires began to get real sleepy. It was like she was being sedated all over again. Without warning her body felt as though it were slipping. "The ground, it's getting closer." She giggled slightly, it was like being hyped up on pain medication. "Friends look out for each other huh yeah I guess your right . . . But you're more than that Ben . . ." She could feel herself about to go to sleep.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Ben asked, confused again. "You okay Aires?" He asked. She's acting kinda dopey. What could that be from? He pondered. "If you are going to sleep, I'm going to lay you back down and look for my shirt and armor." He let her know quietly. That is pretty important right now. And I have to wash it out...
After Benjamin left, several security guards pulled Markus back to his bed. They exit the private room when Alex walks in. "Captain Markus, it appears that we're both in trouble with Ozpin. Apparently we ruined the raiding operation on the White Fang hideout, which was supposed to commence in two days. " He said as he walks over to the forcefully bedridden Markus. "You're in trouble for doing the raid too early and for tracking down a student's scroll without the Dean's permission. I'm also in trouble for infiltrating the hideout without any permission to go there."
He glared at alex. Markus now turned his attention to the guards, he was not making easy for the security guards to put him back into the bed. After a minute of pushing they finally get him back into the bed. Markus glared back at Alex "First off we didn't know if that location was where Scarlet was. I will take that charge.... But what I have to say about the other charge is screw the permission. If we didn't go in when we did then Elinore would be dead, Scarlet would be long gone, and we wouldn't have had the chance to capture her. All that information that we recovered gives us some idea what the white fang is planning, we got designs, weapons that we will most likely use, and a lot of other information that could lead to some of the white fangs executive members being captured.... If we didn't act now we would have nothing. the information would be wiped, and they would have move to another location." Markus was getting angry. "So I say screw the permission. I did what I had to do, any commander on the battlefield does what they have to do to have their men survive."

His temper was really starting to grow. "Now this is my ship and I can do what ever the hell I want so sailor your going to let me out or I am going to court marshal you!" He said. The sailor didn't move. "Must I keep repeating myself... I might know where Scarlet is... There might still be a chance for us to capture her, or would you rather let her, and one of the biggest names of the white fang to get away... She can lead us to Roman Torchwick!"
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Aires was in a deep slumber. She was glowing a faint people color, slowly healing herself.

(Alright I'm going camping. Be back in two days! ^^)
"Will you stop squirming?" Tavril sighed in aggravation. "I would if it weren't for the fact that a man with only one good arm is trying to stick a needle in my neck!" Elinore retorted. Elinore wasn't too keen on being near a lot of people at the moment. She had herself tucked away somewhere on the ship. Tavril wasn't about to let her bleed to death. They'd finally given the faunus an actual cast, but Elinore needed more than just a band-aid. Luckily the minion who was supposed to kill her didn't get too far into his task of slitting her throat. "Can't you just patch it up?" Elinore whined. "Can't you just shut up?" Tavril growled back as he began stitching up the deepest part of the cut "he missed your jugular. And anything real important at that." he mumbled as he cut the string and sat the needle down, "now go get that bandaged up. And stop hiding in this damn closet." he sighed. Elinore stuck her tongue out at him and joined the others in the main wing.
"That's the exact reason why the operation was suppose to commence in two days." Natalya said before entering the room with her scroll. On the screen were pictures and notes recovered from past raids at other White Fang hideouts. "Ozpin knew Torchwick and other important figures were coming, but with something big. While it's true that Elinore would be dead, Scarlett would have still remained in order to receive the package." She expands one of the pictures to full screen and shows it to Markus. "They were suppose to deliver this. They call it 'Freckles'."


"There is limited information on what this machine can do, but it might be dangerous once completed. The main purpose of this operation was to retrieve Freckles and capture high ranking members of the W.F. Retrieval or destruction of any weapons Scarlett has gathered was secondary. This could not happen since both of you tried to save Elinore today. Expect to have your positions suspended as punishment for ruining this chance." The sound of the airship landing on the academy's air docks could be heard inside the ship.

Natalya nods her head to the guards, who released Markus. "Nat... why are you here?" Alex asked with a confused look on his face. "Goodwitch was too busy to come, so Ozpin ordered me to pick you guys up and to ground this airship until further notice." Natalya replied with a smirk. Waving goodbye, she leaves. Alex face palms himself in agitation. "Goddammit."
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Micheal had returned to beacon and was feeling like some time to think and consider how to move forward. He headed up to one of the spires and settled in looking up at the sky.
After the guards released Markus. Markus was angry, and it was easy to tell. If he had a fire semblance he would be a raging inferno. First he was told that his position was pulled, so he couldn't do anything with beacon for a while. Second they got were grounding his ship, and no one ground his ship.

After the chick left Markus got up off the bed and moved over to alex. "Hey, you angry?" He said. It was a rhetorical question,of course he was angry. "I'm not going to sit for this... I am going after Scarlet." She had pissed him off, she tried to kill him twice. "Screw permission, she's being brought in, today!" He says before he leaves the room.
Alex remained in the room for a few minutes to calm down. He wasn't sure if he should let Markus go after Scarlett or stop him from doing it. He might be angry, but not enough to go after Scarlett right now. "Markus, don't do this!" He yelled out after leaving the room to stop Markus.
Markus didn't stop he just kept walking. "I will get her today, even if I have to grab her by myself... I am willing to walk through hell and beck to make sure she is caught." He walked into the armory. "Now are you in?" Markus would take him along, if he chose to tag along.
Alex was silent when given the offer to capture Scarlett. Maybe he should go after her, since she did cause a lot of trouble for the academy. But his urge for revenge wasn't like Markus. " Thanks for the offer, but I decline. I might not be a professor right now, but I need to get these kids to the infirmary and back to their dorms. They still need to attend class tomorrow." Alex replied with a small smile. He leaves the armory to help move the injured out of the airship.
Markus grabbed a earpiece and stuck it in his ear. "Your Lose." He said. He grabbed his weapon and walked out into hanger. His team was already there. They had the same idea. " looks like we all want revenge... Everyone get in the ship."

Tag me if I have to see it
Alex leaves the airship with Aires in his arms and looks behind him. The injured were being carried out with help from other students. "Come on people! Let's get everyone to the infirmary quickly. You all still have classes tomorrow." He ordered before heading to the infirmary and laying Aires on a unoccupied bed. With that task done, he heads to his room to sleep.
Tinko marched all the way from the Airship to Beacon's main entrance.

You need a new robe.

"Aha!" Tinko said "I knew that you liked my soft and comfy bathrobes!"

Hardly, but I understand the need to conceal weaponry. Any nitwit worth respecting knows that waving about their armaments leads others to view them with nothing but venomous opinions.

"Okay," Tinko said slowly "I'll get to it after a nice, long sle-"

Too much could happen in that timeframe, hop to it immediately!

"But I-!" Tinko was caught off guard as another head ache steam trained into his subconscious.

Hop to it soldier, 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4

Following the motions, Tinko hurried into the nearest bit of woodlands on a search for something he could use as fabric.
Micheal had finished his cape and was now finishing up meditation. Cycling upmand down his semblances midnight then brass then both, the way his teacher had showed him he had some control over the demon now but it was still a slippery slope. He finished up satding and moving to drills with the training sword. He would then go for a run paracticing burst of speed with his semblance then he would go climb the cliffs lifting himself and catching him self between falls.

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