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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Seeing Michael say hello and the speed off to get food makes Aires giggle, she then looks back at Ben. "Well?" She asked looking into his eyes, "Wait your not in pain are you? Or are you sick!?" She placed her hands on either side of his cheeks and then on his forehead. "Hmm, you don't seem to have a fever."
"I'm fine. You are the one with stitches and you are the one that had a fever. There is no need to worry about me." Benjamin replied after saying a brief hello to Michael. "And wouldn't you be a little irritated if people used your food to wake someone up?" he asked with a grin and chuckled a little.
Aires's cheeks flared red as she took her hands off of his face. "I guess I'd be happy that my friends would acknowledge my presence in some way but I can see where taking one's food can be annoying." She laughs lightly, "Like I said, I think I'm okay. I have a headache and my side hurts a bit. But fine other than that." The wind picked up and it swept her hair all around her.
"Are you sure? Maybe you should drink something. It might help with the headache." Ben stated simply. "If there is anything you need, remember that I am here as a friend." he said with a smile, ignoring Aires' reddening cheeks.
"I know that. I know we're friends . . . I'm sorry" for what? She wasn't sure. Her eyes darter down to the ground immediately. I'm such am idiot . . She thought to herself letting her face fall short.
There are some negative things involved in being the cage containing a demon's fractured and tainted soul one of the is currently not hearing loss. "Im your friend too. Also you two are really loud." Micheal Yelled from the mess line with out Turing around. The grin on Michaels face was nearly disturbing.
Benjamin have her a confused look. "Sorry for what?" Ben replied, a little confused. It's too early in the day to think hard about things. Just go back and eat, the faunus' brain told him. Aires is fine. She said so herself...
She kept her eyes on the ground. Aires tried to hide her embarrassment but couldn't very well. "I'm sorry for being a pain in your day to day experience." She trips and gently falls on Ben. "Oh g- g-gosh sorry!" Aires says struggling to get off of him. "Geez I'm such a dumb clutz . . . I'm sorry Ben." She said slightly giggling.
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"Listen Aires. You aren't a pain. Remember you guys are the ones who saved me. So think of this as returning the favor." He started before Aires tripped on him and he caught her. "Whoa." Ben said with a laugh. "See, what would you do without me?" The faunus joked, a grin on his face.
Aires whispered, "I'd be dead probably. . ." She snapped out of it and thanked him for catching her. "That was a long time ago, huh. It's so natural to see you here, I feel like you've always been apart of the team." Aires remembered faintly how dopey she was and the ridiculous favor she asked of him. Just say it, Ben I like you. . . Good! Now how about saying it out loud... She leaned in and kissed his cheek. Smiling she sang, "I'll never be able to thank you." Her voice was sweet as she tucked her hair back.
"So you do remember thi-... the dust? It dissappeared?" A.D murmured as William was trying to open a puzzle box.

"What are you talking about, A.D? Do you mean the owner of the house isn't coming here anymore?" William asked as he places the box on the ground. By stomping on it with his foot, it breaks down to reveal pieces of jewelry.

"Yeah... whatever was coming here dissappeared from my radar. Probably it was a glitch." A.D replied as he watched William stuff the jewels into his jacket's pockets . "Umm, why are you stealing that? Don't you think that's a bit low for you to do?"

"No, it's not technically stealing if no one owns it anymore." William retorted as he uncloaked himself from invisibility. He didn't need hide if no one was coming to the cabin. But this is what he gets for trusting A.D's programs again. Damn GPS and radar... making me wake up early for no reason...

"Great! Now you sound like Nat, who would steal anything valuable that's within her grasp! What a great role model to follow!" A.D jeered as William opened up the closet.

"Shut up, A.D. I don't know who I really am yet, so I'm just doing whatever Nat taught me from her profession after losing my memory." William said before taking out some gothic Victorian looking dresses. Somebody he knew would look great in these dresses, but who is it? Maybe Elinore, since she 'was' his girlfriend... "But too bad she's dead. That faunus woman just had to kill her before payment..." He muttered to himself after putting the dresses away. Now in a damp mood from trying to remember who he is, William goes to the kitchen to see if they had any food left. There must be some beef jerky in here that he could eat...


Alex watched Tinko's strange performance before seeing almost everyone leave after that. "What a wonderful breakfast..." He said before looking at Elinore and Hayden. "Shouldn't you two head to class? Specifically to Combat 101 (A.K.A Gym), since you're freshmen?" The school bells start ringing to signal that class was beginning soon. "Like right now?"
Ben smirked a little when Aires kissed his cheek. "You may not be dead." He replied with a laugh. "You have everyone else too." Now is probably the time to complete your promise, he thought to himself. "Do you remember what you asked me to do on the ship yesterday?" The Faunus asked with grin that showed his small fangs.

Hayden nodded in response to Alex's question. "Guess it's that time again. Wonder where everyone went off to..." He said before standing up and heading towards the trash can. "Elinore, can you let the professor know I will be a little late? Gotta grab something out of my room." Hayden requested. And change out of these clothes...
Aires saw Michael and waved, "We'll be a little late. Could you let the teacher know? Thanks Michael." Aires called out to him. She blushed immediately after Ben asked her if she remembered. "Uh. . . oh that well yeah . . . I remember, of course I do, how could I forget? I totally made you feel uncomfortable." Aires didn't notice until then how close they were to one another. Ben flashed a smile that showed his fangs and her heart sped up. Aires was softly rubbing the back of her head chuckling a little. Why am I so nervous?
"Just cause you have poor timing doesn't make it uncomfortable." Ben said with a laugh. He had ignored Michael's comment since Aires had taken care of it. "Well, I promised you. And like any decent person, I always follow through on my promises." The monkey Faunus said before bringing Aires in closer gently kissing her.
Aires was brought in close to Ben so close that he, He's kissing me. Holy Dust is this real!? Aires instinctively wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him back. On her tip toes she smiles against his lips ending their kiss. She smiles gently, "Well, Thanks for keeping your promise." Aires giggled still hooked around his neck on her toes. Class started but she didn't care, how many times had she been late in the past.
Micheal was sitting in his chair picking his fangs with a bit of bone. Board. When he had finished class was starting and he started sharpening his Gladius.
"I'm a man of my word. Well, part man anyway." Ben said with a chuckle. "I think we should probably head to combat class soon." He told Aires. The Faunus had a large grin on his face, a look that seemed to give the impression of not having a care in the world. For that moment at least.
Aires laughs lightly as she sees the grin on his face. "Yes, we should." Placing both hands on either side of his face Aires looks into his eyes and smiles brightly kissing him once more. "Thank you, Ben." Grabbing his hand she heads off to combat class.
Ben followed Aires to class, somewhat against his will. Someone seems to be a little bit better, he silently notes as the two near the classroom. Risk and Gambit were on his wrists still and Ben felt extremely good about the upcoming class. It was the most fun class on campus, due to the fact it was combat related.
Markus jumped out of the way of the missile,it was a close call, but he still managed. "You two draw it's fire!" He commanded. While they were doing that, Markus jumped up to the catwalk that was on the second floor. "Alright, time to die." He said as he jumped onto the back of the giant.

He landed with a thud right in front of an electrical panel that had bold print on it. "Caution: high voltage." "Time for a short circuit." He said as he used his war hammer to smash the panel off. He hit the four corners, then with the sharp point on the end of the war hammer Markus jammed it into the side of the panel and popped off the cover. There were many wires, colors like red, green, blue, yellow, and black. Markus had a huge grin on his face. "Yippee ki yay mother f*******." He said as he took his LMG and started unload a full clip, 120 bullets, into the wiring. He kept his LMG on target.

@KillerWilly @noalaniwolf
"Systems malfunctioning." Freckles announced as it kept firing missles and bullets at the intruders. "All personnel, please evacuate the area within one minute. Self-destruction mode has been enacted." The mech suddenly charges at the intruders, managing to bash two of them across the room. "50... 49... 48..." It goes on a rampage as it continues to mercilessly attack its enemies with brute force. "30... 29... 28..."
"Breakfast and a a show." Elinore cooed as she watched the crazy events unfold around her and her meal. She stood up and grabbed a muffin before heading out to class, passing Ben and Airea in the hallways with a grin, "gotta be honest, never saw that pairing coming." she cooed to them before heading by. She sat down near the back and held her precious axe that she'd been separated from for so long to her side. She was actually looking forward to classes again. Nice, calm, classes.

Tavril had stopped for a long time pressed up against a wall in the house. So long he'd apparently come off AD's radar. He waited until William left Annabell's parents' room because...well....he didn't feel like he was allowed in there. And the whole house was still kind of a delusion of his childhood still. He dropped his guard and sighed when he saw William "Oh dust, it's you." he grumbled, "did Elinore send you to get something? Or steal her mother's jewelry? I swear, if you broke her mother's puzzle box both of us will never hear the end of it."

"Shall we, love?" The man said as he gestured to a wall when Freckles began his countdown. They were in a private estate at the moment where Scarlet always came whenever she needed to lay low. Also this was the house they honeymooned in. T be more exact, they were in the hidden bunker in the basement. The second safest and hardest to find in the private mansion. The man picked Scarlet up and pressed on a section of lining on the wall. A secret passage opened and the two slipped in, the passage closing behind them seamlessly. The made their way down the tunnels and towards the exit point in a city not too far away where they'd be near impossible, or they'd at least be safe from any excessive uses of force.
William stopped searching for food when he heard Tavril's voice. "No, Elinore didn't send me here. I just found the place by myself, though I didn't know she used to live here before." He said before seeing Tavril nearby him. "But how are we going to be punished by her if she's dead? Is she going to haunt us for the rest of our lives... whatever your name is..."

Alex follows everyone to their first class of the day. He wanted to see who would replace him as the academy's combat instructor until Ozpin decides to forgive him. Everyone enters the new gym, the interior remodeled into a arena after a recent fire/explosion damaged the original building a while back. "What the literally fu-"

"HI EVERYONE! WELCOME TO COMBAT 101!" Natalya announced as students came into the center of the gym. "I am Professor Natalya, your substitute combat instructor! But call me Nat if you feel more comfortable calling me by my nickname!" She then orders the students to sit on the bleachers surrounding the arena, she checks her scroll. "Now then, I want to see how combat proficient you all are as future Hunters and Huntresses for personal reasons. So if anybody wants to fight in a duel, then raise your hand. I'll make sure to pick someone of your skill level before you fight them."
Tinman felt like giving himself a pat on the back, Tinko was neutralized before he could cause any harm, the benefactor's people had their intel, and Rage hasn't acted up in a while.

Then he entered panic mode as he realized what time it was.

Tinman rushed into the class with a bit of panting.

Not too late, not noticeably late anyway.

He quickly tried sneaking to a position behind the assembled crowd of students.

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