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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Arata looked up when the guide's sister yelled Tinko's name, and she looked up just in time to see the winged girl fire blades towards the ground. At that spot was the boy she'd been looking for.

Tinko heard his name and looked up in time to see blades speeding towards him.

With two Revo-blades in hand, he blocked the first several before the last one collided with his blades with enough force to knock him off his feet.

Tinko rubbed the back of his head and pouted at the sight of his destroyed weapon.

Arata cleared her throat silently before shouting in a stern voice "Mr. Masseman!"

Tinko spun to the voice, and immediately smiled upon seeing the owner of the voice standing across the gym from him.

"Mayu!" Tinko cried with glee as he began prancing through the battle towards her.

He weaved through grappling, bounced over several Beowolves and spun through a firefight.

Arata appeared unfazed as he began running in what seemed to be slow motion.
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Marcus looks at the man next to him. "Well do you want me to end this battle?" He said seriously as he waited for a response. The only reason he asked was if his sister kept fighting he'd be forced to stop her and while he wouldnt kill her it would be painful.
"Nah . . . Let the teachers take care of it. Besides I'm pretty sure she's done for now." Kaze said. "Marcus, right? You have to go see Oz or Goodwitch in order to enroll. I gotta have a chat with my sister."
"And where are they?" he asked. While he knew he shouldnt enter the battle and instead go enroll he would easily be able to tell he was itching for it. He kept shooting glances back at the remaining Beowolves and his dominate hand drifted to his spear. It had always been a bad habit of his, he had a hard time resisting battle. Which many people considered strange as he won his freedom without ever striking a blow.
"You wanna fight don't you?" Kaze lifted his hands, "Look kid I won't stop you." Kaze said, he gestured to him to go for it. "I've got business to take care of I'll see you around." He said walking away from the fight, "If you wanna enroll go to the Dean's office."
Arata reached into her pocket again as Tinko raced forward with his arms spread open.

She then spun when he got in range, letting the baton in her hand expand before bringing it crashing into Tinko's face.

The force made him whirl in the air for a split second before landing on the ground.

Arata pinched the edge of her baton as Tinko rolled over, clutching the side of his face.

He groaned, "Mayu!" He whined "why?"

Arata ignored his puppy dog eyes and tapped his nose with her baton.

"Exactly two and three-eighths of a year ago our agreement was redone, this new version stated that we would have the same schooling from that point on." She stated with no trace of emotion "Our last school was satisfactory, but then you pull this little stunt. You must understand how much of a violation this is."

"But Mayu-!"

Arata pulled out another baton and smashed his head between the two. Tinko instantly clutched his head before rolling on the ground some more.

"No buts," Mayu said before grabbing hold of his hair and dragging him out the way she came "now you're going to come and help me enroll like a gentleman would."

And so, Tinko was dragged from the slowly dying battle as Arata made her way towards the Dean's office.
The second you finished talking he was down on the battlefield. His spear was out and he headed too the first two beowolves. They were focused on the others so the first one never had a chance, before it even turned around hearing his foot steps its head flew off its shoulders. The other one yelled in rage and turned around and swung one massive fist at him in a downwards slam. Marcus simply stepped back but held out in spear in place like he was offering his weapon to it. Most other weapons would have broken into pieces but when his weapon was hit it just folded and with a quick movement akio wrapped it around his hand and stepped in leaving it no way to retaliate. He then grabbed the last part of the chain holding the point of the weapon and cut the beowolves throat with it. He then unwrapped his weapon and had unclicked each end in both hands around his shoulders. He approached the beowolve that had thrown Aires while he connected his weapon again. When he was about 20 feet away he went into a full on slash as the spear unconnected fully for its full range of 25 feet slicing it across the chest forcing it to back up. Marcus's eyes were alight with battle fever as he approached though he paused and threw a look at Aires. "Are you alright?"
Aires looked up and saw a boy. Who is this kid? "Yeah I'll live." Aires said. The wolves were defeated and she looked at Nat, "I'm officially done and so is class." She stayed on the ground for a couple seconds before trying to get up. "Man this class was difficult today." She looked back at the new kid, "Who are you?"
"My name is marcus, im new here." He said introducing himself. The wolf he had slashed was far from dead and made a last charge of pain and injury. Marcus turned calmly stepped back and threw his spear which hit square in the chest and screwed the heart in a single blow. It got knocked back and hit the ground hard and didnt get up. He offered a hand to aires to help her up.
She took his hand and smiled, "Thank you. Nice to meet you I'm Aires." Clad was over and she had to make her way to get room.
"Nice to meet you too." He went over to his spear and pulled it out of the wolve with a sick flesh ripping sound. "Oh by the way your brother is here, he guided me to this place in particular."
Elinore refused to fight Michael or the Beowolves. She refused to play in Natalya's game. She was done with the good girl act she was putting up. She simply knocked the wolves who came near her away. She climbed out of Natalya's pit and gave her a glare before heading out of class. This would be yet another class she'd avoid. This was the second time she'd pretended to be a good guy. How could you even get hired as a teacher with a background as someone who helped RUN the Underground?! Elinore headed to the roof, leaving Aires to talk to the new guy. She was a lot better with people than Elinore.

Tavril nodded and walked out of the house "Be sure to board it back up." he called back to William as he began to lead the way back to Beacon.
"Hmph welcome." Disconnecting his spear and packing it and some of his bloodlust satisfied he felt in a decent mood. He walked towards the deans office, it took him a only a little bit of effort to find it. He walked in and looked around to see who was here.
Tinko and Arata were already in the Dean's office when Markus had arrived.

Tinko layed back in a chair while Arata stood in front of the Dean's desk with her arms crossed behind her back.

Tinko stopped massaging his cheeks and glanced back to the door for a moment.
"Roger that." William places the board back on the door before walking next to Tavril. They were silent to each other throughout the entire trip. Seeing Beacon Academy after a few hours of walking, the pair enter the school grounds. "Do you prefer to use or be the gun?" He asked Tavril, breaking the silence between them.

Natalya laughs after everyone left the gym to go to their next class. "What the hell is wrong with you?! How can you laugh when your students nearly got killed by your stupid lesson? !" Alex asked angrily. If he wasn't married to her and not in trouble with Ozpin, he would have strangled her by now. "Don't act like you have any authority over me, Alex. I don't need to answer to you anymore." Natalya smirked before a new group of students entered the gym. "I would love to talk with you more, but it seems that it's time for you to leave. I got a class to teach." Alex silently glares at Natalya before leaving the gym. He seriously hated his life.

"Another new student already?" Ozpin muttered as he saw Marcus arrive to his office. "Ms. Goodwitch, get more application sheets please. It seems like more young people are going to join our academy today." Goodwitch nods to the request before leaving the office. Ozpin motions Marcus to approach before looking back at Arata. "Now then... you are Arata Mayumi, daughter to the owner of Damari Appliances. Currently engaged to the heir of Masse Mechanics. Despite having such a high position in society, why do want to join my academy? There must be a good reason for you to become a Huntress?" He asked before taking a sip of coffee from his mug.
Marcus steps closer listening to the description of the girl beside him. "She had quite the resume." he thought to himself. "To bad she is engaged." He chuckled. After that he simply waited for his turn, i wonder if this guy would be able to dig up any of his actual past given how shrouded it was.
"I wish to become a huntress because it's good cardio and a healthy hobby." She stated in reply.

Tinko went back to staring at her as he continued massaging the back of his head. Arata's abuse was natural, he'd always been able to handle Tinman so Adding her to the mix was surprisingly easy.
"Good cardio and a healthy hobby? I see..." Ozpin said as Goodwitch came back to the office. "Then please sign this form if your actually serious about becoming a Huntress. This isn't a career to be taken lightly though, mostly if those are your reasons for joining my academy."
"Thank you sir," Arata as she took the form and walked to Tinko, who had promptly fallen asleep "Off."

When Tinko didn't respond, Arata grabbed a thick strand of hair and pulled him out of the chair.

He snored peacefully on the floor as Arata sat and began filling out the form mechanically.
"My one and only job is stealth so I hate using guns, but if I had a choice, I'd prefer to be the gun." Tavril said with a nod before gesturing to the roof, "she'd be up there. Just...you forget your past a lot. And you try to kill her...a lot. So, I don't care how you do it, inside of that stupid mask you wear or whatever- promise me you'll protect her. I've been doing it for years, but it's looking like now I've only dragged her deeper into danger." he sighed.
"Kaze!" Aires said blasting open the door. There he was. "You're alive!" She hugged her brother.

"What are you doing sis?" Kaze asked baffled by her affection. "Hey let go would ya."

"What ate you doing here!? I thought you were gone for good." Kaze smirked, "Of course I'm alive. I'm here to enroll into Beacon." She stood there spechless.
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"I can't promise you that I will protect Elinore, but I'll try my best to watch over her for you. Though trusting someone who tries to kill her a lot might be a bad idea." William chuckled as he glances at the rooftop Tavril pointed at. Nice place to hide or snipe someone. Waving goodbye to Tavril, he makes his way up to the roof. "What are you doing up here? Enjoying the scenery or something like that?" He asked Elinore as he sat a few meters away from her.

"Now are you here to apply to my academy too?" Ozpin asked Marcus.
"I need your help sis. Help me tien my life around." Aires could tell Kaze was indeed telling the truth.

"Well you've always wanted to be accepted. . . But your blind. But that hadn't ever speed you before and you have tried to kill me in the past . . . Alright I'll help wet need to go to Ozpin." Heading out the door they make their way to Ozpin and knock on the Dean's Office door.
"Come in." Ozpin told the newcomers. When they came in, the Dean didn't recognize the male faunus at all. "Are you new here? If so, then tell me your name and why you want to become a Hunter at my academy." He asked Kaze.

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