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Fandom Beacon Academy.

The second they charged to him marcus just broke up out in a grin, he wasent even expecting to this but to him it was by far the best option.

As the bullets flew at him akio twirled his spear deflecting the bullets in all directions but behind him till Tinko was nearly right on top of him. When Tinko reached him it seemed like he was in the perfect position to hit till the spear broke into two parts held together by chain and the top half deflected the blades force downwards to the ground.

After the blade was deflected the spear continued its path and broke into further 5 pieces on the top half wrapping around his arm with the last link in his hand like a dagger which he thrusted at Tinko's cheek which was immediately followed by his foot flying at his face while he back flipped out of range.

He ran backward and diagonally to dodge the bullets whizzing at him, he reached the wall and slammed his spear into the ground which let off a boom and shot him into the air.

He promptly launched himself off the wall at Atara while he took off the last link of his spear which morphed into a 19th century dueling pistol which shot a bolt of 1 bolt of energy and her shoulder and another at her opposite hand while the rest of the spear broke into connected links which allowed him to move it freely with one hand to block her return fire till he landed.

He swung the spear at her legs that if hit would wrap around them and pull her off her feet. Weather he hit that blow or not he fired a bolt at her face.
Striding up with a cow boys jont Micheal shook out the match he had used to light his pipe and rested his hand on the haft of his sword. What in the blases did I miss. Play paty cake with a few Beowulfs for a few minutes and suddenly the world gose to hell. "Elinore... What.. What's happening hear?"
William watched the small battle occur in front of him. He didn't feel like joining since he was confused with the whole situation. Was hurting your loved ones a common way to show affection in this society? If so, was his past self trying to show his love to Elinore by nearly killing her a lot? If that's true... but wait?! Didn't Aires say that she nearly got killed by him before? Plus many others like her? Does that mean he loves all of them too? "Great, now I have a freaking headache..." William muttered, holding his head in pain.
Elinore only watched as the fight engulfed Markus as well. Micheal joined the group and asked what was happening. "Love. love is happening." she said with a hint of uncertainty in her voice. She didn't exactly know what was happening herself. She looked over at William who claimed to have a headache. She patted his shoulder "Perhaps we should leave them to their business."
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." William agreed as he slowly walks away from the fight. "Elinore, how do I usually show my... love for you?" He asked when they were a good distance away from the battle.
Tinko was able to evade the dagger, taking the brunt of the kick to the cheek before spinning with the force and righting himself as the new kid went after Arata.

Arata promptly turned diagonally to let the bolts pass her as she fired. When the new kid swung the spear and fired a bolt at her face quickly leaped to the side before extending a baton and rolling passed the kid.

Tinko for his part recovered enough to go on the offensive once more. Tossing a Revo-blade at the kid's feet before launching himself towards the ceiling and impaling his other into it to keep him hooked to the ceiling while he pulled another from his bathrobe and resumed firing.

(Personally I never recalled Kyoko's Spear to have links that could form into guns. But I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.)
After Arata got away from him he was about to pursue immediately when a flash of steel caught his eye in peripheral as he looked at her. Jumping side ways he rolled and came up just in time to see the knife land where his feet used to be.

'Damn that would have be painful.' He thought to himself as he ran away from the gunfire of the man towards Arata now hooked to the ceiling. Throwing his spear in front of him high into the air after taking up the last two links which morphed into two more pistols he turned and looked at Tinko as he ran.

Changing the dial the pistols seemed to morph further ever so slightly as he switched them to automatic as he turned and fired rapidly. While he shot a few illusion shots that looked aimed well but were never supposed to hit the majority of his ammunition pickpocketed in a rough circle till the roof creaked once and broke in a 5 meter circle around Tinko and plummeted downwards.

He then turned his attention back to Arata as he jumped and grabbed the spear he had thrown and threw one of the links back on as it morphed back. Meanwhile his weapon suddenly had several lightish blue runes gleaming on it as he yelled. "Ignite!" As he activated his dust. The weapons slammed less the a foot from atara's position and let out a burst of a charged lightning shot that sent up dust and smoke from the floor and a electric shock that would have her paralyzed if she had been 5 feet from impact point, meanwhile any backlash fizzed out against his special boots and gloves.

Then twirling in the air on the spear thrusted into the ground he landed and pulled the spear out and swung in a arc clearing the smoke and hitting anyone within a 7 foot area and taking the pistol in his other hand he aimed at Arata and let loose a full auto blast.

Then he paused for a moment while watching them saying. "Your teamwork is wonderful, is it because you fight so much and with each other so much that you know each others fighting styles? No matter, im having so much fun." He reconnected the last link and put the spear on his shoulder. "Dont go down yet, i want to savor this fight!" He said his face alight with battle fever. He did not look like he was worried about winning or fearful of getting hurt, he looked like he was enjoying the battle completely.
THUNK! Aires woke up to her face on the floor. "Ow. . ." She said rubbing her head and checking her surroundings. "Where am I? Oh that's right . . . I remember." Getting up she fixed herself, "Well better find him and apologize."

Kaze followed the scent of his sister which led him to the roof top. "Well you're not Aires but you have her scent on you." He said then he fixated his blindfolded eyes on Ben. "Do you like her?" He asked catching a whiff of something.
Tinko fired the Revo-blade hooking him to the ceiling, letting it detach as the spear impaled into his previous location. He was about to swing his Revo-blade up to attack but found a volley of bullets strafing towards him, so he let himself fall to the floor before stumbling to his feet. And then the ceiling gave out overhead.

Arata saw the spear bury itself a foot near her, once again leaping back to elude it as it kicked up a cloud laced with electricity. She saw the ceiling give out nearby but ignored it as the new kid cleared the could with his spear followed by an immediate burst of automatic gunfire. Arata spun her baton to deflect it as Tinko scrambled out of the way of the debris on the other side of the hall.

Arata was about to use the new kid's monologue as a starting ground for a counter-offensive, but then Tinko spoke.

"We fight well together because we do it in the name of love." He stated while giving a sloppy stretch "A feeling that overrides most other thoughts and emotions which in turn creates a perfect battle minded scenario for the subconscious."

"Quite," Arata commented with her usual air of utter apathy "and if you think we'll even think about-"

"Actually," Tinko said, "I think now is the perfect time to call it quits. Hooray! Everyone's a winner!"

Arata stared at him seemingly blank faced as always, but Tinko could feel the confusion and annoyance radiate through her eyes.

"I'm tired Mayu-Chan." He stated as he rubbed his back "I'm too old to be overdoing it."

"You're only two months older than me."

"The point is that with Tin Tin keeping me up hunting Beowolves all night, I actually have an excuse to be tired!" He stated "Besides you haven't even settled into your room yet."

Arata's cold eyes darted from Tinko and the new kid several times, before she relented with a sigh.


"Yeah!" Tinko cheered before slouching again and trudging back down the hall he came, passed several onlookers who looked in fear at the combatants.

Arata glanced at the new kid for a moment before shaking her head and walking after Tinko steadily.

"Let down," Whined Kharmella as she stared into her tea cup to see if she missed anything.

Maxwell sighed in relief as the couple walked off.
Marcus accepted their explanation but could only look dumbfounded by their sudden surrender. "wha...." He sighed in defeat at their retreat. "Why cant no one ever let me have a proper battle."
Karmella fumed as Maxwell trudged over to the center of the hall-turned-warzone, he then reached down and pulled a Revo-blade out of the floor, the last Tinko had thrown to be precise.

"Oh my," Karmella said "a souvenir for this wonderful performance!"

Maxwell shrugged as Karmella fawned over it.
Marcus put his spear on his back and walked over too the two silent watchers. "Damn it i really wanted to continue that battle." he sounded quite salty about it being ended so soon. "So who are you two?"
Maxwell's eyes shot up from Karmella to the new kid once acknowledged.

"Hmm," Karmella hummed "I am from the well renown Valentino family, Lady Valentino is my current title , and this is Maxwell... my bouncer."

Maxwell facepalmed before shaking his head.
"Your bouncer? Also what is the Valentino family?" He asked confused, even after he left the white room he hadent been privy to any info or anything in the world at all.
Maxwell's eyes widened in horrified realization.

"The Valentino family run many aspects of commercialism and trade in a foreign country, we're the best that come from there." Karmella smiled to herself "I, am here on vacation!"
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"Have you been living under a rock the past few years or something?" Karmella rolled her eyes "we're practically world renowned."

If Maxwell didn't have the self control necessary to keep himself from smashing his head into the nearest wall, he would've wrecked this place more than the trigger-happy imbeciles from before.

Even now Maxwell was making subtle gestures from behind Karmella's back, trying to warn the new kid to cut the conversation.

To save them both the displeasure of hearing it.
Marcus looked at her and said. "I dont have any memories before 10 years old and for years after that i was kept in a white room to learn how to fight with dozens of others and watch everyone around me die till i was the only one left. There's a lot i dont know or have seen."
"Ah, then you have an excuse!" Karmella clapped her hands together "I should've known, what average person knows nothing about the Valentino family? Well then it's time to catch you up to speed on everyone's favorite wealthy family!"

Maxwell mentally shut down his audio receptors.

"Established over 832 years ago in the nation Herst, to the west across the ocean, the Valentino family has been the main source of trade and commercial since it's founder, Count Valentino, took hold of the Kong's Trade industry. What followed was a decade long custody battle as Kong's original heirs tried to outwit the business agreement between Kong and Count Valentino. Once our Great Count came away victorious, the Valentino family grew ever since. We consumed smaller trade networks across Herst until branching out to other sources of revenue. And we've done so ever since, I have no doubt that we'll be ruling Herst one day."

Karmella cleared her throat after finishing and giggled in self satisfaction.
The Faunus looked up to see Kaze near him. "Um, who are you? Those are some pretty direct questions to ask a stranger." Ben asked, noticing the blindfold. Interesting, wonder if he is actually blind. Or if it's just a facade, the student pondered with a hand rubbing his chin.

(I seriously never get notifications. I was even checking the thread but it didn't update for me. What gives rpn?)
Marcus just seemed to become more and more confused as she kept talking. In the end he simply decided to say. "Uhhhhh fascinating." he said in a voice that was more confused then fascinated.
"How have you shown your love?" Elinore asked as she started to lead him away from the room. Tinko's...family? seemed to have Marcus occupied. "Hey, Michael, we're heading to the roof," she told Michael with a nod before continuing on her conversation with William, "well usually we'd hang out on the roof...and ya know...talk and stuff. We were called away on missions a lot and you have this odd habit of disappearing for a month at random, but we'd spend our downtime together. I think we've talked about dancing once" she explained as they made their way to the staircase thst led to the roof.
Markus was still on the roof, just sitting. He couldn't sing but if he could he would be singing

He wasn't in a good mood, his position was taken from him, he lost the target that he was looking for. The day wasn't his best, or his worst.His aura began to flare as he thought of that day, that infamous day. "Stop... I need to stop, that's life...." He looked at the mountains and flatlands. The song was ending and he felt the presence of some people, one of the was Elinore. "Time to put on the mask."
"Exactly," Karmella chuckled "And now you can purposefully tell any and all individuals whom you meet that you've been graced with the knowledge of the great Valentino family's accomplishments."

She leaned forward on her cane and chuckled to herself as Maxwell thought of anything other than his current situation.

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