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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires stood only to fall back down . . . "Aw dust I don't feel so good." Trying to get up once more she thanked her saviors. "Thanks for the help you two. My name is Aires."

"Wait, my sister did this?" Kaze asked surprised. "She attacked you Will?"
Maxwell facepalmed...

Karmella chuckled as she spun her cane "I am Karmella Valentino, Part of the great Valentino Family. This loveable oaf over here is Maxwell, my bouncer."
Aires smiled getting her balance back. "Are you from a high income family? You seem so esteemed. Hi Maxwell." She took his hand gently in hers, "Thank you." Then she took Karmella's hand in hers and thanked her.
Karmella laughed "High income? My dear, the Valentino Family controls only the highest of trade and commercialism, we own Two-Thirds of the businesses in Herst. We're practically royalty.... right Maxwell?"

Maxwell walked off to admire some grass, but gave a low grunt.
"Yes, that bit- buttercup landed right on top of my head. It felt really painful and she needs to be pun- persuaded not to do that anymore." William replied. "But don't worry about me, my sweet Elinore. I feel perfectly fine."
"Really?" Elinore asked as she raised an eyebrow, "you just called Aires 'buttercup'." Elinore said as she crossed her arms, "are you sure she didn't hit you in the head too hard?" she asked skeptically.
Kaze stepped closer, "If you let me I can scan your head." Kaze said his hands turning a softy highlighter blue. "It won't hurt."

Aires looked at her and smiled. "Well it's an honor. If there is ever anything I can do for you, either of you, please just say the word."
"No, no. I'm perfectly fine. Though am I not allowed to give people nicknames whenever I feel like it?" William asked as he took off his mask. It felt nice to get some fresh air that wasn't filtered by the suit. "Though I'll appreciate it if you don't go scanning my head. I fear that your life will be in danger once you touch me without my permission."
Elinore shot William a sideways glance then finally nodded, "Yeah sure...I can't stop you from giving people nicknames..." she said with a slow nod. Elinore stood up and stretched, "I'm going to go wash this soda off me...and then punch Markus if I get the chance. You guys...enjoy my room while I'm gone" she said as she retrieved her pajamas from hr drawer and left the room.
Arata stared at Will then nodded to herself as Elinore left "Yep, I don't think this is-"

Tinko threw open the door and dragged in a box of chains.

"Okay, I snuck a bunch out from the docks, we should be able to-" He took one look at Will before groaning and looking at Arata "IT happened didn't it?"

She gave a somber nod.

Karmella laughed to herself "What I would like, is for you to join us for tea."
Aires blushed slightly, "You want me to join you for tea? Oh goodness I fear I've caused you enough trouble, I wouldn't want to impose."

Kaze nodded at Will's remark and his hands returned to normal. "Well I better find Aires. I'm pretty sure she'll be happy to know you remember her."
Karmella wrapped an arm around Aires "Nonsense!" She said "Maxwell, Bring me my chair!"

Maxwell sighed before charging back to the lawn chair, picking it up, then charging back.

"Good... Now go get the tea set from the storage room... all of it."

Maxwell groaned before dashing back towards the school.

"We'll be toasting soon, I won't take no for an answer! " Karmella said
"Yes, you should do that Kaze. But my good man, why do you have a box of chains in your hands? Are we going to wrap that around someone before torturing them to tell us their secrets?" William asked as he puts his mask back on and rolls off at the opposite side of the bed. Standing up, he looks at the window before taking a flashbang out of his jacket. "Actually, I don't want to know. But enjoy this complimentary blindness for helping me out." Pulling out the pin, he tosses it to the bed before crashing out of the window. He lands on the ground and runs away.
"Wait!" Tinko yelled before Arata tackled him to the ground.

Tinko and Arata fell to the floor and Tinko felt her cover his eyes right before he heard a disorienting blast.

After several seconds, Tinko stood as Arata took her hands from his eyes.

She rubbed her ears as she glanced out the window to see William running off.

With a sigh she turned back to her husband.

"We have a problem now." She stated

Tinko pouted "It's not my fault."

"You should've warned them."

"Not my fault, come one... we've got to try and talk him down."

"We should go find his girlfriend, she should be able to help more than we can."

Tinko sighed "Fine, but it's still not my fault!"

The two left the room and began searching for Elinore.
Elinore was in the middle of trying to untie the corset she wore under her jacket when Arata entered the bathroom with her. A quick explanation of the situation made Elinore sigh, "I thought something was off. Alright. Let the hunt begin." she said as she put her jacket down on the table and grabbed her axe cannon. "Take me to the last place you saw him."
Arata led Elinore back to the room where Tinko stood.

He was about to say something when Arata pointed a finger to silence him.

"It wasn't," he yawned "my fault."

Arata walked to the window before pointing at the last place they'd seen Will "He was last spotted there, heading in that direction."

Maxwell trudged back to the girls, loaded down with light furniture and a tea set.

At Karmella's beckoning he began setting it up. Once the chairs were up, Karmella gestured towards them.

"Please, sit." She said as she sat in one
William kept running through the school grounds in case he was being chased by the couple. Realizing that no one was pursuing him, he stops in front of the gym. If memory serves him right, a certain someone should be in there...

"Class is dismissed!" Natalya announced to her students when they heard the signal that ended the school day. Several students needed help walking outside due to the injuries they got from training that day. Apparently defeating Ursas while being covered in red sap is a really dangerous way to fight. "See you all in class tomorrow!" Waving goodbye to her students, she noticed William entering the gym. "Where were you this morning, William? Did you play hooky to hang out with that girlfriend of yours?" She teased as she walked over to meet up with her 'son'.

" Where's Master, you disgusting cow? I need to ask him something important." William asked as he stops walking and leans against a nearby wall.

"He left Beacon to go back to his store. But what's with the mean insults? Are you mad at me for some unknown reason?" Natalya said when they were finally in front of each other.

"No, I'm not mad at you. It just slipped out of my tongue." He lied. "But is it okay if I hug you, 'Mom'? Take it as my way of saying sorry for rudely insulting you."

He reaches out to hug Natalya, who was creeped out. Never in her life has she been hugged by him and knew something was wrong with his mind. Plus being called Mom by him was super weird too. "Did you bang your head against a wall?"

"Why do you ask, my dear 'Mother'? You don't like being hugged by me?" William asked once he managed to hug her.

"Yeah, since you never hug me at all. Now let go of me before I- AHH!" Natalya was being shocked by William as electricity surged out of his body. Releasing the unconscious professor from his grasp, he leaves the gym. It was now time to head to the city...
"Got it." Elinore said as she positioned herself on the windowsill then jumped off. She fired her cannon downward to slow her fall enough to not hurt herself when she landed. "GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME YOU BODY SNATCHER!" she shouted in the direction William ran off to before running that way.
Aires sat down after her invitation. Smiling she takes a good look at Karmella. She's beautiful . . . "Thank you again." She smiled sweetly.
Arata and Tinko moved to follow Elinore, but partway through, Arata held out a hand and pointed.

Tinko followed her hand till his sight it stopped at the Gym, where William had just left.

He looked at Arata "I'll go with Elinore, you go make sure he didn't hurt anyone."

Tinko nodded, then Arata darted after Elinore and Will.


Tinko stumbled into the Gym, where he noticed the body lying on the floor.

Nooooooooooo! The Asset! Dear God no!

Tinko crouched down and examined her.

Now we'll never repay the debt! We'll be haunted all the way to our graves!

"She's not dead," Tinko said

We'll be-! Wait, what?"

"She's got a pulse Tin Tin," Tinko said "she's alive."

Well don't just stand there you imbecile! Get her to the clinic immediately!

Tinko scuttled into action, hoisting the woman up and running for the infirmary.


"No, Thank you darling," Karmella said as she sipped her tea "so tell me why you were falling to your death earlier if you would?"

Maxwell finished setting up the and plopped down in a chair with a groan.

Elinore smirked at the body on the ground. Finally the girl got what was coming. But then Tinko said she had a pulse...and also was talking to...Tin Tin. Okay. But she was alive. Darn. "So William has definitely been though here." she sighed as she looked around. There was a bit of sticky residue on the ground by a door. Soda. "This way." she said coldly as she walked out of the door. There was only one place he could be heading. Before heading after William she stopped to get her motorcycle. She revved the engine and headed to the city. At least he'd b easier to track there. It kinda felt nice to not be wearing that stuffy jacket as well...
William made it to the city by crashing a Bullhead into the city's air docks. Apparently his piloting skills still needed some work. He walks to the Alex's store and found the front entrance locked. He goes to the back of the store and tries to open the garage.

Natalya woke up when she noticed someone carrying her. Not sure of who it was, she smacks Hellsing against the back of their head. "Let go off me, you fiend!"
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"Dust..." Elinore sighed as she pulled up to the dock and watched William fly away. "William....I'm going to kill you." She mumbled before revving the motorcycle again and driving it into the airship that bussed between the city and the school. "Sorry everyone, lives are probably in danger." she said as she ran over to the cockpit and took the controls from the pilot "I'm so getting arrested..." she sighed before lifting off.
"Oh a mocking bird tastes best with corn and salsa~!" Tinko sang as he carried The Asset lady toward the Infirmary, right before something cracked against the back of his head. He was laid out on the ground clutching the back of his head while whining within a second.


Arata ran after the airship until it reached the edge of the docks. There, she stopped and stared at the retreating ship. Silently, she slid open her phone and called a chauffeur.

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