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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I'll have you know that I've been riding him all over town, several times in fact." Karmella said while Maxwell furiously shook his head "We can get on him and ride him towards the newest smoke trail!"
Markus woke after his night of flying back to beacon. He parked the bike in a cave about 4 miles from the school. He was on the floor again. He started on the bed, but he must of turned over. "Why do I keep falling on the floor." He thought, as he threw the covers off him. He grabbed the bag he had. "What do I have today?"
Aires woke up disturbed that she had no idea of how she got to Beacon. Shrugging her shoulder she gets up and gets ready for the day. Her scroll went off once more. "Huh?" It was Ozpin. "Hello young Hunters and Huntresses. I expect all of you had a good night's rest. Make sure to have a good meal and report to the Emerald Forest. Good luck and see you all soon." Aires yawned. "Wait . . . Lulu! Will!" She she'd to their rooms to find them forgetting that Will's room was always armed with some trap. "AHHHHH! WILL!!!!" Aires was covered in some type of goop. "Ugh, at this rate I'm never gonna get they're in time. Darn it all, this had to be when we chose teams . . ." She struggled to get up and shipped once more. "We're gonna have to have a serious talk. . ."

"Well Elinore had been brought back to her Will was put under with a sedative, Maxwell carried almost everyone back to Beacon on his back it was remarkable. Aires blacked out once more. Put Thanks to everyone's help we all came back safely. Alex explained evening to all the authorities and bystanders do luckily there are no charges filed against him. So that's what's been happening thus far Professor." Kaze was clearly telling to a lamp post. As Ozpin sighed and said,

"Kaze I'm over here three steps to your left. But I'm glad everything is well and good. See you in a couple of hours." He said sipping his coffee and walling away from the blind student.
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Elinore woke with a jolt in her bed. She had the craziest nightmare that William had gone crazy and....she was in the infirmity. William had gone crazy. And electrocuted her. Again. Alright. She was going to punch him the next time she saw him. In the face. Elinore had never recieved her scroll back from Scarlet, so she was still unaware of the event happening after breakfast. She headed to the showers to finally clean herself up from the soda explosion then headed down to breakfast, where she would probably just sleep some more.
Aires heads to the cafeteria in a towel. She grabs some food and then sis down. "Have to take another shower . . . Clean my clothes and get ready all over again. Geez! Huh? Lulu! Over here!" She waved Elinore down.
Elinore looked up from her coffee she had yet to start and smiled at Aires before yawning. She rubbed her eyes and tilted her head, "Hey Aires..." she said quietly with a wave of her hand. Aires was a shiny bird.... but not as soft as a pillow~
Marcus had just woken up hearing the announcement to go to the emerald forest. He rubbed the sleep out of his eye and looked down at himself. He had fell asleep in his uniform so he guess he was ready actually. He got up his hair still a bit messy giving him a boyish look. He straightened his cloths and grabbed his spear and headed to the cafeteria. He saw Aires and another girl there while he grabbed his breakfast. Though he didnt know why she was wearing a towel but he wasent complaining. He sat down a few chairs away from her. "Morning."
She smiled at Marcus, "Good morning to you how are you-" Suddenly Kaze bursted into the dinning hall,

"Aires! I explained everything to Professor Ozpin! And I-"

"Um Kaze . . . I'm over here . . ." She said as she watched him grab and shake Luna relentlessly.

"Oh . . . I knew that." He grabbed her shoulders and then paused. "Um sis why are you naked?"


"Oh . . . well . . . why?"

"William's stupid room . . . " She said drinking some of her juice. "I had to wash my clothes and take a shower so, duh, and those clothes were my uniform." She looked at Elinore, "Geez I wish I could remember what happened. . . Lulu,you want some more coffee?" She asks her as Kaze sits down to join them.
William saw the new message on his scroll while having breakfast. "The Emerald Forest? What's going on there?" He asked as he was eating cereal on the roof.

"The first year students have to go through Initiation again so they can finally make teams." He replied to... himself. "The academy couldn't make several teams due to a unequal amount of students participating in the last Initiation."

"I remember that! We met a bunch of weirdos that I wanted to kill that day! Mostly that redhead girl with the scythe and that Grimm-human hybrid! "

"Yeah... but I have a question for you. Do you have another name that's not mine? It's kind of annoying to call you 'me' or 'myself' every time we talk to each other."

"That's a subject for another time, my minion! We must get ready for our test!" William throws his bowl into the air before blasting it apart with a burst of electricity. He jumps off the roof and runs toward his room to get ready for Initiation.
"More coffee would be nice" Elinore said with a nod even though her cup was already full. She was not a morning person, and even Kaze shaking her didn't have much of an effect, "good morning Marcus" Elinore cooed "hope the lovers quarrel yesterday didn't hurt too much." she yawned
Kaze brought Elinore a second cup of coffee. Sitting down he digs into his breakfast for the day. Aires ate the last of her muffin and excised herself. "Alright I'm pretty sure my clothes dry, be back in five." She said rising from the table. Turning one could see her back and the two slits that ran the length of her spine. The those were the spots she's her wings reside.
"Aires wings are detachable?" Elinore asked with a tilt of her head as she finally took a sip of her coffee. Tavril saw down next to her and grabbed her second cup "You don't need the caffeine." he told her sternly. Elinore nodded and took another sip. "Today is another initiation day. We'll decide teams this time." Tavril said as he put his scroll on the table "get a replacement scroll. Scarlet still has yours." he continued on. Elinore stuck her tongue out at Tavril "I don't need you to tell me what to...INITIATION DAY SQUARED! BY! BE BACK LATER!" she gasped as she stood up and ran out of the room. Tavril sighed and closed his scroll again.
"Heh i didnt get hit to much, it was tiring though. What hurt the most is that they both gave up and ruined my fun." He said quite depressed. "Teams? Hmm i havent really ever worked in a team before." he siad thinking to himself.
"Did she just say my sister's wings are detachable?" Kaze asked Tavril with food in his mouth. "Cuz they're not, " He swallowed, "Our wings go inside our bodies. We're not exactly like birds." He grabbed Tavril's coffee by accident believing it to be his milk.
Aren dismounted the air ship. The long ride to Beacon had been incredibly lonely, Aren being a late arrival. As he finally stepped back onto solid ground, he was taken aback by the beauty of the campus. A merging of modern and gothic architecture accompanied great fountains and parks. Unsure of where to go next, Aren looked around for any sign of where to go. Noticing the congregation of students in one particular direction, Aren made his way towards the dining hall, hand on his sword.
Aires finally changed into her uniform and ran back to the lunch room. She accidentally ran into Aren and fell backwards, "Ouch . . ."
"She's....not the brightest in the morning. I'm just surprised she understands English..." Tavril sighed with a shake of his head. He let Kaze take is coffee. He was sure the guy would figure it out soon enough. "So your blind, huh?"he asked as Aires ran back into the room and bumped into someone.
"Yeah I am, hmm my milk is incredibly warm. Oh this is coffee, my bad Tavril." He takes his milk and drinks it, "But I can see in other ways that most can't. I've got a great sense of smell and can see scents. People's scents are usually colors. I wonder whose team I'll be on."
Aren looked in surprise over the cafeteria. The aspiring hunters looked just like normal people, unlike what Aren had expected. He was suddenly startled by the girl running into him. Uh oh. Not a good way to start off. "Sorry about that." He put out his hand.
"What happened in here?! Did someone come in my room and smear jelly everywhere?!" William exclaimed as he entered his room.

"No, it's from one of my traps. Kind of got sick of being frozen in ice a lot."

"Ah you and your damn traps! What's the point of setting them up if no one is going to steal our stuff!" He steps over a pile of goop to get to his bed. Pulling out a suitcase from underneath the bed, he opens it and put the weapons inside into his jacket.

"Well the trap only works if someone enters the room without deactivating it. But seeing how we're not covered in goo right now, someone did enter before us and activated the trap."

"Oh shut up, you smart arse." William leaves his room and walks out of the dorm building.
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"Well you certainly didn't smell that coffee...unless milk and coffee scents look the same." Tavril said with a smirk. An axe came down on the table between Tavril and Kaze "Yosh!" Elinore announced proudly from on top of the table, "you guys excited for teams? The last initiation day wasn't that great anyways" she said with a shrug, "you better not end up on my team Tavril." Elinore mumbled crossly. "Don't worry, 'll avoid you like the plague." he sighedd back. If she had a team, he wouldn't have to worry about watching her so much. Finally.
Tinko's eyes popped open, and the first thing he realized was that he was upside down. He was dangling from the slightly opened door of Arata's closet. He says Arata because he was practically lined up with her eyes.

Arata sat on her bed, facing the closet. She was looking through her scroll, muttering as Tinko unhooked his legs from the door.

"Mayu-Chan, what happened?" Tinko asked as he steadied himself "Last thing I remember is-"

Don't question it, it took a surprising motion on the Benefactor's part to fix the antics of those idiotic failures you call friends.

Before Tinko could question Tinman, Arata spoke "It's orientation day today, today we go into the Emerald Forest to partner up with our future team."

She looked at the floor downcast. Tinko blinked before walking closer.

"Hey Mayu~" he sang "Why don't we make sure to meet up first okay?"

Arata silently nodded before getting out of bed and walking to her door. She opened it and held it open to let Tinko stumble/dance out into the hall before following him to the lunch room.


Karmella entered the lunch room followed closely by an angry Maxwell who rubbed his head while glaring at her.

He had no idea how they got there, or what happened between yesterday and waking up today. But Karmella had a smirk on her face that was different than her usual smile.

Everything went like usual: they got their lunch, sat at an empty table, then ate while Karmella went on and on about the Valentino family's various accomplishments.

But Maxwell knew something was wrong, this was all wrong.

Aires looked up at the boy, "No that was completely my fault." She smiled. "Did you just get in?" She asked him accepting his hand.

Kaze looked at Tavril, "Hey I can make mistakes."
"Im mostly new so i dont know any of you much, though i chose a good day to come if we are picking teams today." He said sipping his milk. How long has everyone known each other here?" He said slightly curious.

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