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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Split personality disorder. Apparently he got it when he tried getting his memory back yesterday." A.D replied as William was trying to free himself from the chains wrapped around him.
Aires rollef her eyes, "it's my fault huh, dust, crashing into him want the smartest idea . . . Sorry Will. AD are you saying he has his memory back?" Aires smiled lightly pushing Will from behind, "Let's go, I know someone powerful out there has a vengeance for ya."
"Great, so it was Will without memories of me pointing a gun at my head or Will with two personalities still aiming a gun at me." The Faunus groaned as he tried to pick up the pace. "Maybe Elinore will have more luck than us." He mumbles as he turned around to pull while walking backwards.
Drake over heard, he pulled up his tablet. "Give me a minute, and I can bring your cameras." He said as he began to fiddle with the tablet. He opened Hacking app and began to hack into the suit.

Tag me if I have to see it
"Yes, he remembers everything now. But William's personalities usually alternates between each other or simultaneously talk at the same time." A.D said while William mumbled something inaudible to himself. "So if you aren't sure which one you're talking to in a normal conversation, just know one is aggressive while the other is... somewhat passive." The A.I receives a hacking alert and sets up a firewall to block it. Just in case that didn't work out well, he installs a virus into the suit's electronic systems to prevent any outside sources from getting in. "Wait a minute! It's you! You're the random hacker that tried deleting me a few months ago!" He yelled out to Drake at the suit's speakers highest volume. "Get the heck out of Archdeath's systems or face my electronic wrath!"
Aires smacks her face, "Alright," She jumps into the air unfurling her wings and yells toward Ben, "Wrap your chain blade around my waist. It might hurt but that doesn't matter I can at least get us out of here."

Kaze hard his sister's wings in the distance. "Well we gotta find those relics soon, before Aires does. I will not lose to my sister."
"You sure?" Ben asked as he tossed her a blade. "I guess I am the middle man here?" he questioned, not fully following Aires' plan. This doesn't seem like the most thought out plan...
Of course I'm not . . . Your chain could rip my waist to shreds. Aires nodded "I can only lift one of you with my arms but I can lift both of you if the weight is at my core."
"Okay. I guess I'll keep Will here somewhat immobilized." Ben replied with a confident grin. Hopefully this works like you hope...
Aires was wearing her Armor they wad suited to her fashionably. The chain wrapped twice around her waist and she lifted wincing slightly from the pressure they have from her previous wound. But she fine. "Okay up we go!" With four pulses of her wings she was high enough in the air for the other two to lift off the ground.

"Ah, see there's Aires right now-is she?"

"Yes she is." Goodwitch held her head.
"What on Remnant is going on out there! Did someone turn off the gravity or am I flying up to heaven right now?" William exclaimed when he didn't feel the ground anymore. He couldn't tell what was going on due to being blind inside his own helmet.

"Maybe if you were listening to their conversation earlier, you would know that Aires is lifting us up with her wings." He told himself.

"Then what caused the ground to rumble a few minutes ago? Mind explaining that to me?" William begins swinging the chain back and forth in the air with his body weight.

"I don't know about that one. Maybe it was a minor earthquake or some huge Grimm passing by. But how can I know what it was if we're both blind?"

"... shut your mouth. Don't speak anymore."
Aires was struggling with Will swinging his weight around. They were considerably far enough. The blade began to seep into her skin and her blood started to run down the chain. I'm gonna crash again, aren't I . . . "Ben let go! Agh!"
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Drake had upgraded to the best of the best anti virus, and security programs. He created them himself, it had perks to be a technical genius. "Try it, it will send it right back at you... I installed a program that has the ability to counter the virus and reroute it back to it's source... I created it all." He knew that anything that the AI would send, could easily send it back.

It took him a couple of minutes, a little bit of a harder to hack, but he got it. "Your cameras should be coming back on." He yelled.


Tag me if I have to see it
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Elinore had taken refuge in a tree when Will started shooting, and then things started getting weird. So...she stayed in the tree. She climbed up higher and just sat on a branch, watching the weirdness happening. She was just...going to watch it. Surely they'd start making sense soon.Though it was clear Aires wanted that specific team. She liked that team.
Aires landed with a little struggle but she made it. She stood a little out of breath from carrying her friends. "Okay, Aires is out . . . Will, Gah, take down those traps in your room!" She exploded and walked away forgetting that Ben's chain was still around her mid section. Growling she walked straight into some goop that caused her to get stuck. She flaps but she begins to sink. Tucking her wings in she sighed. "More go . . . Great just perfect. Just let me die like this. . ." She said looking up to the sky.

Kaze was ramming a tree when he felt the presence of thunder. "Does it look like it's gonna reason?" He asked his teammates.
"I'M NOT BLIND ANYMORE!" William cheered when his sight returned to him. He got off the ground and saw Aires beginning to sink into a pile of goop. "Hey Aires! Do you need help with- your untimely death!"
Aires crossed her arms in front of her chest. "As a matter of fact I do. If you could possibly make me sink faster that'd be great!"
Elinore spotted the group land in some kind of mud-like substance. Perhaps it was time to go down there. She climbed out of her tree and walked over to the group "Giving up already?" Elinore asked Aires as she stuck her axe in the ground in front of her and folded her hands on top of the handle before resting her chin on them.
"Yeah, our chicken faunus here decided to give up on life by drowning in goop." William responded to Elinore's question as he tried to push Aires deeper into the goop. "So I'm granting her last request by helping her sink faster."
"Ergehmhdrhsjgk c sgsffs!!!!" Aires was already deep in the goo, her nose and up were the only thing left. Rolling her eyes she began kicking. She felt distressed. Her brow furrowed and she then calmed herself taking a deep breath as her nose was covered by the goop.
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When Ben crashed he was dazed for a minute or two before regaining full awareness. He only managed to do so because of the slow tugging on his arm from Aires sinking. "Oh crap." He muttered as he racked his brain on how to get out. Well, there is one idea, he thought as he yanked hard on the chain with no actual success.

"A little help here before you two lose half the team in a matter of minutes..." The Faunus yelled as he was dragged closer and closer to the goop. "I didn't have plans on dying today."
"William! Stop it!" Elinore snapped as she bopped Will on the head and began trying to yank Aires out, "if you're going to be obedient then help me get these two out of the mud." she called over to William.
"Obedience is for the weak minded!" William yelled out in anger. "Only a stupid dog would ever listen to your damn order-"

"Roger that, mam." William said suddenly as he tries pulling Aires out of the goop. Half of hish body was now submerged inside the goop, but he manages to pull the top half of Aires' body out of the muddy grave. "Elinore, go help Benjamin with pulling Aires out with the chain." He ordered as his body continues to sink slowly. "I'll stay in the goop to pull her legs out."
Aires could finally breathe more. She took in a huge gasp of air and then quickly coughed. "Ya know Will," She started out of breath, "I was joking when I said I wanted to sink fast-OW!" She could feel the chain embedding itself into her waist. "Owowow! NO! I rather die here!" She yelled worried that she'd gotten her friends stuck in a real predicament, but it was Will and Luna and Ben they were all pretty much ten times smarter than the Bird Faunus. "Perfect . . . All we need is a Grimm of some sorts." She muttered under her breath. Feeling Will help her made her feel at ease somehow, maybe it was because he was her friend and it had been such a long time since she had seen Will with his memory back, even if he was a little crazy.
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He looked at the group who was no longer flying. "Well alright then, I guess I should be off." He said as he packed up the tablet, he took that thing everywhere. He sighed as he watched them fall from the sky. "I guess I should go and help them!" He said as he began to walk towards the point in which they crashed. "You know I never really get out of that room unless I have to." He said to himself. "I can do the technical stuff, but my fighting could use a lot of help... Maybe I should talk to that guy in the mech suit.... He seems to know what he is doing." He said as he reached the crash site.

He closed in on them. "Hey you guys need any extra hands?" He directed it towards the lady in the goop.

Markus was looking over head. He might not have his position back yet, but at least he could stay in his house, on school property, and watch the teams form. "Interesting." He said. "These are some interesting teams." He said as he watched on his scroll, that no one took from him. He got up, and began to fiddle with somethings. He was making another weapon.

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