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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Hear me you damn Grimm, my name is Acid Ace and I have come to kill you!" She said, ignorant of everything around her and lost in her bloodlust. She aimed her Acid Blaster and fired a barrage of acid drops.
Aires blasted her wing blades posing Ephemeral out of the way. "No please he was just a baby . . ." Why can't we just runaway from him!

Kaze flew higher. "A death stalker! I didn't sign up that!"
"No, you should check yourself out for threatening me!" William yelled out at Benjamin while shaking his fist at him.

"Hey William 2.0, there's a King Taijitu nearby." A.D reported. "Maybe you should deal with it before insulting another person."

"I would love to kill it, but those fools have the situation under control. No need to waste energy on it and I think other me wants to say something to that axe-wielding wrench." William replied as he watched most of the group fight it. He walks away and stood next to Elinore.

"So... did you make eye contact with anyone else yet?" He mumbled while hearing the roar of a Ursa and a huge cracking noise nearby. Probably from some fight between Grimm and other students in the forest. "I mean, it's not like I care if you have a partner. I'm just a bit curious about who's going to be with you for the next four years in Beacon. That's all..."
Acid kept firing as she started approaching the Grimm. Her axe glowed dimly once more as she raised it. "Goodbye!" She said as she swung her axe down, aiming for a fatal blow.
Elinore waddled out of the goo she was trying to not get very stuck in in the first place, avoiding pits of acid that would kill anything that touched it, and sense it was a liquid avoiding it was...tough. She sat back and watched the slowly growing group fight off Loki's old pet. She knew it'd grow up to be trouble, but Loki had thought differently. Perhaps it would have followed in his path had he still been around to make one. William approached her eventually to ask about partners, "I made eye contact with an ursa right before killing it if that counts." she said with a smirk as she turned to look at William, "I don't think I would be able to stand four years with it anyways. Those things get really annoying." she said with a sarcastic smile. "how about you?"
Aren sighed as he trudged along through the forest. He hadn't seen anyone yet. He had heard them, but his sense of direction was terrible. He heard shouting, and turned to find himself face to face with a dangerous-looking Beowolf. Wasting no time, Aren jumped back and drew his sword, circling the creature of Grimm. Taking slow deep breaths, the two went on like this for a while, until the monster grew impatient and lunged. Aren sidestepped and swung his sword, leaving a large cut on the creatures side. Instead of jumping back again, Aren took a more offensive strategy and leaped at the Beowolf, bringing his sword down. The creature parried the blow with its claws, but couldn't block the bullet to the chest. Aren holstered his revolver and continued his quest. He started jogging at a brisk pace towards where he had heard the yelling, hoping he would get it right this time.
Ephemeral was taken down without any ability to really fight back. Aires was kneeling on the ground. "That was the last piece I had of him." She whispered looking at her knees, her hands are curled into fists. Her black hair spread around her since her pony tail had been yanked off. She didn't move at all.

"Hey Hayden if you tell me she to shoot. I hit this thing with a couple of my bullets." Kaze said as he pulled his dust pistols. "What do you say?"
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"I saw Aires, but she was already taken by Benjamin." William replied as Acid made the final blow against Eph. "Then I made eye contact with this tablet guy who A.D hates, that faunus girl who nearly hit me with acid, Michael, and that dead Grimm over there. Though I doubt any of them would want to be partners with me." He turns his head away from the finished battle and made eye contact with Elinore, despite have a faceplate covering his eyes. "Now I made eye contact you... wanna be partners for the rest of our time in Beacon? I promise to not be annoying, if it keeps my head intact."
Elinore smirked "Well, you did make eye contact with a lot of people. But maybe they were all taken. It doesn't take long to find someone out here." She said quietly to not disturb Aires. She needed the time to grieve. It would probably be best not to disturb her just yet. In a moment she would go to try and calm her down. "But if reaalllyyyy wanted Will, I'd love to be your partner." She cooed with a gentle smile. "And you've never been annoying...just...painful sometimes." She chuckled, "but are you okay? Yesterday you kind of...flew off the handle there."

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Hayden scanned the Grimm again and again, seeing no real weak points. "I don't think that will help too much. Deaths talkers are heavily armored. Maybe if we can flip it over, I has chinks in its underside." He thought out loud. We need explosives..."
"What are you talking- oh right... I shot a rocket at you yesterday in the store." William said before looking away and scratches his helmet out of embarrassment. That was when his other personality had total control over his mind and was causing chaos in the city. "Well I have a spilt personality disorder and my other self is kind of a..."

"Don't you dare say it!" He yelled out at himself.

"... aggressive idiot. Its kind of hard to deal with me since he's always insulting and attempting to murder everyone he meets." William said calmly before punching himself in the face. "Really? Was that necessary?"

"Yeah, it was. You deserve punishment for disobeying me." He punches himself again, only to be block by his other hand.

"Elinore... can you deal with Aires while I try calming down my other self? I'm going to be a bit bus- OW! I'm talking here!" The armored student begins having a intense brawl in his mind and keeps hitting his own body.
Elinore stared at William as he fought himself for a moment. This would be interesting. Perhaps she could coax this new personality to behave...or threaten it. Yeah. That. She left Williams side to kneel down beside Aires. She put her arm over her shoulder and rubbed her back gently "Hey are you okay?" She asked softly

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After everything is said and done Drake looked at the guy fighting himself, and a girl scheming to use him for something. "Well then, I guess I shall be on my way." He said as he wandered into the woods. He saw the kid take down the Beowolf. Then he started running, how interesting. Drake caught up with him. "Hey you, where are you going?" He said
Aires sniffed and looked up at her hands. She smiled so brightly it was painful. "I'm great. At least I will be." She stood up slowly and noticed her clothes with blood on them. "Oh that's right!" She said lifting her shirt to reveal her waist and the bloody marks that were there from Ben's chain. "Ya think this will fade?" She asks Luna. Slowly placing her shirt down She hugs Luna and whispers in her ear, "You're my sister." Making complete eye contact with her she puts her forehead to Elinore's forehead. "Always."
"Always make sure that the target is dead." Acid said as she hefted her blaster an aimed it at the Grimm's corpse. "That way target won't attack once backs are turned." Acid Blaster hummed softly as she prepared to fire.
Aires suddenly then growled, "Stop it! He's dead! Okay!" She engaged her wings. "Dont. You. Dare." Her eyes were beginning to change colors.
"Why are you protecting Grimm? Isn't this our duty? To combat monsters that hunt humanity?" She asked, never removing Acid Blaster's aim. "Or Faunusity....uh....Faunity? Whatever! My point stands."
"Lulu, get me out of here." Her eyes switched to neon violet. "Now! Get me out now!" Aires pleaded trying not to blink.
"..." Acid looked down at the Grimm and tried to shoot but couldn't. "...Huh?" She blinked. "...I cannot seem to eliminate the target completely..."
Aires could blow up this Death Stalker. But I don't know where she is. Kaze thinks to himself landing a good distance away from the Grimm.
Acid put down her weapons. She had a few tears running down her cheek. "Huh? There is water from my eyes?" She exclaimed, confused by all of what is happening.
Aires's mind was beginning to cloud. She began to hold her head. Her eyes were slowing returning to their normal colors. Focus don't blow things up.
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Aren turned in surprise. Drawing his sword. "Oh hai!" He holstered his sword, glad to finally find a teammate. "I was just looking for a teammate. It gets pretty lonely out here in the woods." He looked at the man. "I'm sorry, I don't think that we have met. I'm new here. Names Aren."
"Well, let's not just sit here and wait for it to kill us. I think I have an idea." Hayden replied as he reformed his weapon. This better work, he thought as ran towards the Grimm.

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