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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires was eating a ton and taking Ben's veggies. She then suddenly didn't feel good. "Ben ugh I think I ate too much."
William enters the dining hall and wasn't expecting anyone to approach him. So when Elinore came out of nowhere and hugged him, he stood frozen in place. "I... I... I'm okay." William stuttered out surprised. "It wasn't anything serious and my aura healed the cut up in a few seconds. There's nothing to worry about." He suddenly regained his ability to move again and sits down at a nearby table. He remains silent and stares at the table in front of him.
"You okay, Will?" Aires asked stretching her body. She felt her head spin as she stared at the ground. She felt as though she might puke. "Those damn nurses."
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Elinore sat down at the table with William, being sure to give him his space. She was surprised he hadn't sent her away yet again. But he was obviously upset. He hated her. He had to have hated her now. Who wouldn't hate the woman who pointed a knife at their throat? "I'm sorry..." she finally said quietly. Aires was also trying to help William. But she would probably do a much better job sense Aires was just nice like that. For now she would just pipe down and let the two of them talk and banish Elinore when the time came.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just... a bit tired from today's Initiation." William replied sullenly. He suddenly straightened his back and looks up at Aires.

"Though that doesn't mean we can't enjoy our dinner together as a team!" Gavin said as he gets up and take someone's dinner away from them. He places two uneaten trays in front of him before sitting back down. "Here. Have some dinner with me, my little munchkin. You must be starving from eating nothing all day." Taking off his mask and placing it right next to his tray, Gavin starts eating his stolen dinner.
Aires got up and held onto Ben's right shoulder for support. She was seeing double but she made her way to Elinore and Will. Stumbling She found her footing and used Elinore and Will's shoulder for help. "Are you two doing okay? Seriously did something attack you on the way here? You both don't look so good. We're all tied bit I mean Been and I look beget than you two. " Her vision was now hazy and her breathing slowed. "Gavin . . . You're proving to be annoying as hell."
"I don't feel comfortable. Will took his armor off..." Ben half joked as he took another bite of his food. "Everything cool with you guys? Because Aires and I both have new scars." The Faunus said, trying to get an answer to move on.
Acid watched the rather violent boy she met in the woods from afar. 'He's very violent...' she thought. She then blushed a bit and stared even more intently. '...I like it.'
Elinore looked at Aires with a weary smile and helped her sit down "You did go to the nurses', right deary?"she asked the faunus who looked like she could pass out at any moment. Surely the nurse did something to help her. She looked worse than before. "Don't exert yourself" she said with a pat on Aires back. She chuckled at Ben's joke too. "Well I for one think he's quite cute without his mask." she said with a nod. Though William was right about how they should enjoy their first team meal together. She took the tray he gave her and stuck a fork in it before pausing. In the back of her mind she believed Gavin would have tampered with the food, but she trued William to have not let that happen. It was time to see who was the stronger personality. She began eating her meal.
Aren arrived late to the Dining Hall. He spent some time holding ice on several burn marks he had received from his earlier fight. He surveyed the massive hall. Most of the faces he recognized, but some were unfamiliar to Aren. He grabbed some food and took an empty seat across from a girl he hadn't met. She had very impressive wings. He nodded to her. "Hey. I'm Aren." Now that he saw her closely, he recognized her as the girl who had intervened in his fight with Caron.

Aires sighed "Guys . . . I'm no longer special." She says frowning. "This sucks." She said drinking some tea. "I did go to the nurse. They put some weird acid stuff on me, heh. She said something but I forget what she told me."
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"What are you talking about Aies?" Elinore asked with a sigh as she put her fork down, "You're a freaking bird faunus with metal wings. You've got a team and a great boyfriend and you're like the friendliest person I know." she continued on as she crossed her arms, "you've got tons of friends, two weapons, a cool semblance, your brother goes to this school, and your not scared by the memories of coming home to your slaughtered family in the kitchen as a child. What's not special about you?"
Aires looked down at her plate. " I'm not the only one with wings anymore. And those things are all true, thank you, but as of right now my father's been trying to kill me, Kaze has tried to kill me in the past, and now I may have a mother who's freaking psycho!" Aires pointed to her mind making a crazy face. " The only advantage I had was flight. And even that's gone." She forked her food and rested her head on Ben's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't feel like this, I know."
Elinore patted Aires on the head, "Okay, so you're not the only one with wings. But does everyone else have wings? Are they metal and their feathers can be used as freaking daggers AND communication devices?" she asked with a smile, "and besides, you don't need to be special on your own anymore. You have us now, and we're a team. No one else has a team anything like ours. I'd even say we're the best team. William is full tank. He does the up close damage and acts as the main shield. I'm tank support. Benjamin is our rouge whose the most stealthy and benefits from the tank distractions, and you're the long range attacker, the one who constantly helps us, especially when it's hard to get near a target. A fully rounded team."
"Yeah. A team." Ben said in between bites. He couldn't contribute much to the conversation since he wasn't the most familiar with his teammates back stories, instead mostly listening to what was being said. Seems like Elinore has our team dynamic worked out, he thought as the food quickly depleted from his plate.
Aires smiled up at Elinore. She nodded her head and felt better. "Thanks Elinore." She held up her cup to make a toast, "To the team and great friends."
Elinore raised a glass to toast with Aires, but as soon as the glass was raised, she fell forward unconscious. Okay, so perhaps something had been in her food. But that didn't matter now, because she was unconscious. So she really couldn't say anything on the matter.
"To the team and great friends." William repeated after lifting up his cup. He did it out of reflex, something that he's used to doing a lot in the past. But hopefully this time, nothing bad will happen to his team. Which just happened now. "Goddammit Gavin..."

"Hehe. Never accept food from the enemy, fool." Gavin chuckled while pouring his drink on Elinore. Apparently he dropped some sort of drug into her food before giving it to her. Why he had it is a secret.

"Bad Gavin!" William barked out to himself. He slaps himself in the face. After having a minute long argument with Gavin, which involved more slapping and screaming at himself, he lifts Elinore into his arms. "We're going back to the room." He told his teammates before leaving the dining hall.
"My name is Oxis." Oxis said as a boy named Aren introduced himself to her. "I apologize for interrupting your spar with my sister. Or not if you're here to thank me." She said. "Either way, I think that you wouldn't have appreciated being burned to a crisp." @Fexonocks 
"Welp..." Acid said as she finished eating. "I'm going to take an enthusiastic walk through the woods." She announced before standing and exiting. "Anyone is free to join me."

Teri finished eating. "I'm going back to our room to sleep some more." She mumbled. Caron stood and followed Teri back into their room.
"We're going to have to kill him aren't we?" Ben joked as he the last bit of food off his plate. "You alright to head back to the too Aires?" He asked upon standing up. Maybe all Gavin needs is a little bad luck, the monkey Faunus thought. But all that would do is hinder Will. Stupid personality...
William arrives in front of his room and opens the door. "Hey idiots." A.D insulted him suddenly.

"What is it you impulsive bastard? It better be important." Gavin said as he entered the room.

"Kaboom!" A.D yelled out before the ice trap above the door exploded.

"Not my fault..." If William could mask palm himself right now, he would do it in a second. But he couldn't since he was encased in ice. With Elinore in his arms... he's doomed. As in burned off arms, slowly tortured with a small knife, then kicked off a cliff doomed.

"Don't think like that, William! Now you're making me panic!" Gavin exclaimed while trying to move his body in the ice. Which wasn't working at all.
"My, My." Karmella said as she passed by a room with a William/Elinore ice sculpture inside, she was of course riding on top of Maxwell. Maxwell stared in confusion at the spectacle as Arata followed behind, Tinko nowhere in sight.

"What a lovely piece of architecture!" Karmella exclaimed as she climbed down from Maxwell and studied them from the hall "Don't you think so chaps?"

She turned to her two teammates, Maxwell's face briefly met his palm while Arata stared at William and Elinore with a stoic expression.

"For some reason," she said "I get the feeling you did this to yourself."
Teri and Caron passed by a block of ice. A block of ice that had people inside and was gathering attention. "Caron, could you please?" Teri asked as she passed by. Caron nodded and took our Fireblade before approaching the ice. It lit aflame and was brought close to the ice. It started melting and she didn't take it away until the ice melted completely.
Elinore was woken up with a sudden chill of ice. What? How? Oh...William. Hehe, William. She would have smiled, but she was too busy being frozen in ice. Before she could activate her semblance, or even acquire the motor skills to do so sense he mind was still a bit loopy from the weak drugs, the ice was melted. She yawned and wrung some of the water from her hair out, "Always with the trap doors" she giggled, "William, you're the greatest~" loopy? Yes. Yes she was.
"What is that woman saying, A.D?! Is she insulting us?!" Gavin asked angrily.

"She's calling you a idiot with low intelligence and no life. Also she says you eat babies for breakfast." A.D reported. The A.I made that up since he couldn't hear Karmella through the solid ice. The only reason why he could hear William talk was because his mask prevented his mouth from getting frozen, which sucks for the A.I.

"I am going to strangle her when I get out of here!" Gavin watched the ice melt by Caron's sword and was able to move again once free. He was going to drop Elinore and jump on Karmella for a relaxing strangling session, but he had a better idea when he heard Elinore talk. "You're a ugly shisno!" He yelled out before throwing a loopy Elinore at Karmella.

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