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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Apparently Elinore couldn't make it to her own bed." Ben replied to Aires with a smirk. "Anyway I think she already headed down. We should probably follow." He said as his stomach let out another growl.
Aires laughed at his growling, "You're a little hungry huh Haha!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued, "Thank you for last night. It's weird it felt like a dream, well more like a nightmare." She nuzzled his nose, the room was still and quiet. She looked him straight in the eyes, "Ben there's someone inside my head." She told him face to face.
"No problem." Ben replied still grinning. "And what do you mean someone in your head? Because we don't need another Gavin around. One is enough. Especially one that wants to kill is all." He said with a small chuckle as he moved towards the door.

Hayden had finally gotten up after hauling his belongings back and forth from his old room to the team room. "I really need to get rid of some stuff." He thought out loud, although in truth it wasn't the amount of his belongings, it was the bulk. The holo projector took up more space than needed, but he didn't have any way to make it more compact. Currently it was sitting in a janitor's closet of sorts down the hall. "Good morning Elinore. Good morning Markus." The student said as he joined the two at the table.
"Well I guess we all have our own styles." Elinore said with a nod. She finished the rest of her coffee and placed the cup down again. She nodded a hello to Hayden without ever looking away from the same wall she'd been staring at the whole morning. "Good morning." she mumbled.
Aires crossed her arms and took a big breath. Exhaling she smiled, "Nevermind, it's nothing to worry about I don't think." She followed him towards the door and down to the dining hall for food.
Markus had never really meet this person before, he had read a file, but thats it. "I'm sorry I don't think that I have ever meet you... It looks like you know who I am, and my reputation precedes me..." He took another sip from his hot chocolate, he got up and put out his hand. "Its a pleasure to formally meet you, son." He said because he was technically a teacher.
"Hayden Pyke at your service." Hayden said introducing himself before starting to eat. The student gulped down a few bites before Ben entered the area.

(Sorry for a short post. Just woke up from a nap. Can't think)
Teri, Caron and Oxis went to the dining hall together. Teri was no longer bothered by the dream.

"Where's Acid?" Teri asked the two, she had not seen Acid for the entire evening after dinner.

"She took a enthusiastic walk through the forest." Oxis replied as she ordered some food and orange juice.

"She does that from time to time." Caron continued as she got a couple pieces of bread and stuffed them with bacon.

Teri nodded and got a cup of coffee and some toast. They sat down to peacefully to ea-

"I'M BAAAAAAACK!!!!!" Acid shouted as she returned from her walk, covered in various bloodstains and chunks of flesh and bone, blood dripped from her axe as she happily dragged it over to the table. Teri eyed Oxis in confusion.

"Very, enthusiastic walks." Oxis elaborated.
Entering the dining hall she follows Ben and grabs her food to sit down. Aires was eating a vegetarian meal when she saw Acid. She calmly drank her tea and watched the events unfold.
"...So...let me get this straight..." Teri started as she slowly lost her appetite. "You went on a walk..."


"Encountered some Grimm."


"Killed the biggest one by shooting it 36 times-"

"37." Acid corrected.

"Which made the rest attack you."


"Which you proceeded to kill with extreme prejudice."

"Very extreme."

"...*sigh* Go take a bath." Acid was about to say something. "NOT IN THE BLOOD OF YOUR ENEMIES!" The tables around them disintegrated. Acid yelped and made a mad dash for their room for a bath.
"Sis, can I talk to you?" Kaze asked as Aires stood from her seat to get a juice. "Sure. You okay?" Kaze grabbed her hand and dashed out of the room with her. "Kaze you can't just take me away from-" He quickly covered her mouth, silencing her. "I'm sorry sis but you're in danger. I can't stand by anymore. Have you been having headaches at all?" Aires raised her eyebrows at him. She suddenly grew suspicious of her brother's intentions. Carefully she nodded as he uncovered her mouth mouth. "What's this all about Kaze?" She asked him not really wanting to know the answer. He sighed and stood up straight. Racing around his head he untied the headband covering his eyes. They were bloodstained and he had dried blood all around his eyebrows, eyelids, and bags. When he opened his eyes they were not there. His eyes had been dug out. Aires felt the sudden urge to puke and she did in a nearby trash can. "Who did this to you. Is this why you wis the blindfold. Kaze I'm sorry." She hugge him as he pushed her away. "Nevermind me, you're in danger. You're a ticking time bomb. I'm just trying to protect/warn you." Suddenly Acid ran past them with a horrible smell passing though.
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When Kaze dragged Aires away, she stood up and stretched "Well, I'm gunna head up to the roof guys. It was good seeing you too." she said before leaving the table and walking out of the dinning hall. She didn't question Kaze talking to Aires as she walked past them. She had a mission; get to the roof, do roof stuff. Nothing would get in her way. Well...almost nothing. She was not known for her long attention span.
I'm a ticking time bomb . . . "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She shouted, infuriated that her brother would keep this from her.

"Shh, Aires please . . . I couldn't . . . I didn't . . . Dust. The minute I knew I was accepted to Beacon everything simply changed. But all of that happened after the medic that use to work here inserted mom's control device. It has a part of dad's semblance activity." Aires placed her hands over her face knowing all too well about her's fathers mind control abilities. She needed to stay away from her friends, but she couldn't do that, not when teams were just decided and everything was just starting.

"I can't believe you! I should have never trusted you! I'm gonna end up killing my friends, joining the White Fang or dying, if I'm lucky! And put your blindfold back on it's creepy. . . " She began walking away, "And to think I trusted you."

"Aires please! I've changed! I'll help you fight back! I promise! AIRES!"

"NO!" She shot a couple of her feather shards at him pinning him to the wall. "I've heard enough." She walked back in the dinning to get her juice and then stepped outside.

"What am i going to do?" She drank her juice, threw it away and spread her wings. "I need some air. . ." She said to herself pulsing up into the sky.
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"Elinore Laluna, Orzapan needs to see you in his office." Goodwitch said as she intervened Elinore on her path to the roof. Elinore tilted her head and followed the principle's assistant. She was led to a room apparently everyone in Beacon but her had gone to. The door closed behind her and Orzapan motioned to a seat in front of her.

Elinore left the office and headed directly to her room. One day as a team and she had to leave on a mission in another kingdom. Great. She had to pack right away. Hopefully she would run into at least one of her teammates so she could explain her disappearance.
Ben was heading back towards the room with Hayden at his side, the other student enlisting his help in finding a better place to stow his holo projector. Walking to the closet, the opened the door and peered inside. Finding the heavy machinery, Hayden went in to grab it from the back while Ben hauled it out from the front.

"Why do you have this thing?" The Faunus asked as he moved the equipment into the hall before placing it down. The trunk sided machine made a strong thud as it hit the ground.

"Hey, careful. It is to maximize the potential of my weapon. It works on all, but that is why I have it. Now you said you had an idea on where to stow it." Hayden replied politely.

"Yeah. I had an idea. But now I am not so sure this will fit. Maybe we could store it in one of the old temp dorms. I'm certain there are ones that are never used." The Faunus thought aloud, rubbing his chin in the process.
William entered the dorm after a restless night at the forest. He slept in a tree in order to prevent Gavin from strangling Elinore and the rest of his teammates in their sleep. But he accidentally fell off and met a group of hungry Beowolfs who wanted a midnight snack. That did not end well for the Grimm. "Elinore, what are you doing?" He asked Elinore when he entered the room and saw her packing her bags.
Elinore looked over her shoulder at William and returned to looking down at her bags, "I'm sorry," she said quietly, "I'm going to have to take another raincheck on that dinner Will..." she sighed with a slow shake of her head. "I don't want to go, but I'm required to help a team in another kingdom on a mission. I'll be gone for a week." she said softly. "I was really looking forward to dinner."
"Oh... that's unfortunate." William replied sadly. He leans against the wall and watched Elinore pack the rest of her bags. "Let me help you with those bags." He offered as he carried most of her bags out of the room.
Elinore nodded slowly and picked up her other bag, holding it up against her chest. She walked alongside William silently until they reached the front of the school. She suddenly stopped and tightened her grip on the bag, "William...I don't say this nearly enough...but I love you, so don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, okay?" she asked softly. This was quite possibly the longest she'd ever stayed quiet. "I don't want to come back and hear that you've gotten hurt, or expelled, or left to join the mercenaries again, or lost your memories." she said with a firm nod, "Will you promise me that William Reaper? You won't go get yourself in trouble?"
"Don't worry about me, Elinore. I'll make sure to avoid trouble when you're gone." William reassured Elinore as he pats her head lightly. He didn't say he'll 'promise' back since he knew anything could happen to him in one week. It could contain huge explosions, Grimm trying to eat him, unintended fights, kidnappings by a crazy woman, something hitting his head hard, etc. All that or a really peaceful 7 days of relaxation. Nobody knows what could happen. "Just make sure to watch your back and check their profiles before you meet your temporary comrades. You never know what they might be hiding from you."
Elinore nodded, "I'll try." she replied with a smile. She really didn't expect William to promise anything, but she knew something would go amiss while she was gone. Hopefully nothing that would hurt him too badly. The continued walking until they got to the airship and stored her bags. She gave William one last smile and hugged him before giving him a quick kiss on the mask "I'll see you soon William" she said before stepping up on hte airship. The door slid close and the ship took off.
William watches the airship fly away and stays there until it was out of sight. Despite being saddened by Elinore's sudden departure, he still needed to attend class. "Let's hide a jar full of angry Rapier Wasps in her pillow case before she comes back to Beacon. I bet her screaming will smooth your pain of being left behind for a week." Gavin said as he walks to the Grimm Studies class, which was taught by Professor Port.

"Yeah, a little... no! We're not doing that to her!" William stated before entering the classroom. He takes a seat in the front and watches more students enter before class starts. "No... why the dust are you here?!" He yelled out to the tiger faunus professor in front of the class.

A war club flew to William's head and smashed it into the wall behind him with immense force. The professor walks toward the armored student before taking his weapon back. "How dare you speak out to your instructor like that! I might give you detention for disrupting class before we even begun!" Alex exclaimed after putting Bluntfire on his back. The professor walks back to the front of the room and writes down his name on the chalkboard. He turns around and smiles. "Hello students, I am Professor Regit, your substitute professor. Pete- Professor Port had to go to another kingdom for classified reasons and I'm now in charge of this class until he comes back. But call me Alex instead if you're not comfortable with calling me by my last name. Now that introductions are over... any questions before we begin?"
" Yeah who let a dangerous person like yourself teach. . . I came here to learn not to waste my time." Aires's voice came out harsh and stern. "Sorry I'm late." She took a seat next to Will but didn't look at him.
"The man who runs this academy gave me this teaching job, Aires." Alex replied with a raised eyebrow. "But make sure to be in class before it begins next time. I don't want to start giving out detention on my first day here." The professor then looks around the room to see if anyone else had a question for him.

"Ha, more like idiotic instead." Gavin chuckled after getting his head out of the wall. Sadly, his head went back into the wall after Bluntfire smashes against it again. "I hate that man..."
Hayden and Ben walked in late, sneaking into the back rows hoping to not be noticed. It had taken them far tooling to drag the equipment around the halls, but they did find a room that hadn't been used to their knowledge. Ben picked the lock and they threw the case in, before realizing they were late.

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