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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Angel agreed with William, since most of her team wasn't assigned to anything. As everyone left the briefing room to get ready, Angel headed to her room. She wasn't sharing it with anyone as far as she knew, so she's been in there for almost a couple of months now. She was the only girl on the team anyway.

"Now.. What the hell should I ready up on.." She said to herself, rummaging through her stuff.
"Oh..um, that would be me." Elinore said with a nervous laugh when William asked who had set of the trap on the door. "They wouldn't let me carry my bags up on my own because they were 'too heavy', so Malachite set off the trap. That'll teach him to take my stuff." she said with a smirk, "and besides, I don't have a scroll anymore. Scarlet took mine and I never got it back." she sighed. Elinore began digging through her bags for her normal cloths and started taking off the Haven uniform because, as Aires pointed out earlier, they were going to live together for four years. Besides~ she always wore her corset under everything, and people were a lot more comfortable with a corset than the traditional form of female undergarments.
"Oh that makes sense... was Malachite that huge guy you were with at the ca-" William said before he heard a clicking noise from his armor. "A.D, what was that noise?"

"Nothing." A.D replied quickly.

"You miserable little A.I! Answer my question this instant or I'm muting you!" Gavin threatened as he opened the safe and took out a metal box. It had a keypad and several wires connected to it, which means it might be a bomb.

"Fine, I'll tell you! I just got myself some interesting pictures to use as blackmail for emergency cases!"

"Blackmail? Pictures? There's nothing interesting to- oh... never mind. Time to leave." William mumbled when he turned around and saw Elinore changing out of her Haven uniform. He knew that he's going to be used to seeing this sort of scene a lot in the future, but not now. Stuffing the metal box into his jacket, he quickly places a new trap above the door before running out of the room to head to the air docks.

"Hey William, your heart rate has increased from 60 beats per minute to 100 beats per minute. Did you suddenly experience any sort of fear, anxiety or stress before leaving the room? It's not normal for your heart-"

"Quiet A.D. Don't speak to me for the next few minutes or I'm going to mute you."




Benjamin felt someone tugging on his tail during the meeting, quickly learning it was Aires, but before he could respond, the meeting had ended and the teams were headed to their dorms. "Guess I'll ask Will..." The Faunus muttered as he followed his team leader. He might have missed his assignment while Aires was pulling his tail, but it wasn't a big deal to him.

Once at the door, the student decided to wait outside the dorm. Listening in, he could hear Will arguing with himself, only barely. He mostly heard Gavin as a matter of fact, the violent personality seemed to be prone to shouting. He could infer that AD was not helping the situation and was most likely doing the opposite.

Once the meeting had concluded, Hayden headed back to the team dorm, immediately changing into clothes that were much better suited for fighting. "Okay. So we are playing bodyguard for the guy in a full suit of armor with an AI unit. Am I the only one that thinks we are not necessary there?" The student questioned possibly no one.
As soon as Elinore started getting changed William bolted out of the room. She would have to keep note of that; if William- or more likely Gavin- was annoying her, she just had to take her shirt off. Duly noted. Elinore threw her jacket on over her corset and buttoned it up when a thought occurred to her. Did AD say pictures?



"YOU PERVERTED ARTIFICIAL JERK! I'LL RIP YOUR WIRES OUT!" she snapped as she ran out of the room after him.
Benjamin chuckled as he heard Elinore's reaction. Obviously the AI did something that Elinore wasn't too happy about. He would have sat there for a good while, but Ben realized they will need their leader and possibly his AI over the course of the next three years.

The end result of his conclusion was to take off after Elinore, hoping her semblance didn't burn the school to the ground if she activated it. "That could be a mess..." Ben thought as he ran, dodging several students, even sending a few spinning.
Aires was one of the was Ben spun around. "What in the?" She shrugged her shoulders. Entering the dorm she faced palmed her pillow and decided a quick nap was what she needed. "Just ten minutes." Aires said drifting into a beautiful tired sleep.
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"Well.. Maybe I should wear something more.. Less sweaty?" She said, looking in the mirror as she pulled at her shirt. It stuck like paper on glue. Gross. She then looked at her bo staff. "And you need a little fix up." She said, walking to her bo staff that rested on her bed.

Picking up a rag, she split the staff into two and started polishing it back to its former shine. "Well, that should do the trick." She said to herself, examining her fine work. "Now.. To take a shower and get out of these wet clothes." She took a towel and headed straight for the bathroom. After ten minutes, she was out if the shower, in her underwear while her hair was in a towel.

She walked to her dresser, rummaging through the articles of clothing she had in it. "Where's my usual combat outfit.." She asked herself, going through every piece of clothing she had.
"You just had to piss her off, you damn jerk!" William told the A.I after running through a group of students in the hallway. He heard Elinore chasing him, which inspired him to run faster. But running isn't going to save his hide, so he instinctively breaks down the door of a random room and hides underneath a bed.

"Why are you hiding under a bed? Isn't that the worst place to hide yourself, especially when there's a psychopathic girl after you?" A.D asked his partner.

"It's a legitimate hiding spot!" Gavin yelled out before noticing someone's feet in front of his face.

"You are so doomed..."

"Shh! It might be someone else and they have no idea we're in here."

"Dude, you broke into their room and crawled underneath their bed like a scared dog. Of course they know we're-"

"Shh! Shut up and remain silent. They'll leave soon. I know it."

If the A.I can face palm himself right now, he would do that this instance. Now all he could do is record what happens in the next few minutes with the armor's hidden cameras...
Angel heard someone enter the room, but as she turned around, no one was there. "Wha... Weird." She commented, turning back to her dresser.

After a few minutes, she found what she was looking for. Her usual white tank top with a pair of jeans that was stretchable. "This.. I haven't seen this in so long." She said, smiling at her clothing. She let her hair out of her towel and proceeded to get dressed. "This is one perk of being the only girl in the team... My own room."
"What the dust?! It actually worked?!" A.D whispered in a low volume.

"Of course it did! Never question the guy who learned from the master herself!" Gavin jeered as he peeked his head out of his hiding spot. .
Elinore chased William down the hallway. Without her axe to weigh her down, she was pretty fast. She needed to be to swing that chunk of metal around at a normal speed. She followed him into a turn and stopped to stare at the row of doors. She sighed and ran forward, looking for one that William could be hiding behind. Once she decided upon one she burst into the room "I'm going to kill you, you little mechanical pervert!" Elinore snapped so loud it could probably be heard in the next room over.

Tavril stared at Elinore for a moment. Was this a nightmare? Hopefully. He'd rather deal with dreams than the real thing. "Don't think whoever your looking for is here. But pipe down. Angel is in the next room over, I don't want you waking her up if she's sleeping." he scolded her crossly.
Ben was still following Elimore and followed her into the room she entered. "Elinore, you can't just burst through random doors." The student said quickly in between breaths. Damn she could run fast, he thought as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Yeah. Good thing I finished changing..." Hayden said as he went to grab Trivial off of his bed. "Anyways, just let me know when we are heading out. I'm going to go get food."

"Grab me some." Ben told the other student as he passed by, receiving an eye roll from Hayden.

"Meh, you would eat too much for me to carry." Hayden replied with a laugh and walked further down the hall.
Elinore sighed and walked right back out of the room without further word. "Guess I'll just have to wait out here. He has to eat sometime." she mumbled as she leaned against a wall in the hallway with her arms crossed. Her stomach rumbled slightly. Maybe lunch before the mission would be smart. William had better stopped hiding soon, she was starving.
"...door?" William asked while looking for ways to escape the room. He pulled his head back under the bed when he heard Elinore's voice in the room next door and knew it was time to leave. Facing Elinore's wrath wasn't something he wanted to deal with, mostly after that 'knife to the face' incident last week.

"No, too risky. There's a 80% chance of bumping into her if you go out the door." A.D replied. "Maybe the window? You can probably survive the fall since Archdeath can take in most of the shock from the ground."

"No, let's take that girl hostage instead. Elinore won't be able to touch us if we have a gun pointed at their head." Gavin suggested while pulling his pistol from out of the jacket.

"No, we're not going to-"

"YOLO!" Gavin already crawled out from underneath the bed before grabbing Angel. He leads her out of the door with his pistol pointed against her head.
Elinore almost jumped William the moment the door opened but she locked up the moment she saw the gun pointed at Angel's head. For a second a look of sheer terror flashed across Elinore's face. He couldn't be serious? Could he? It was William...but...no. She just ad a fresh reminder of Rolland, she couldn't let anyone else die. Especially not if she could stop it...or if she caused it. Elinore recomposed herself and took a deep breath. "William...put the gun down. You let go of that girl and we can go get lunch, I'll call everything even. You can even keep the pictures. Just let her go." she said softly and slowly without any sudden movements.
"Oi! Let me go!" She cried, struggling with William, not caring that a gun was pinned to her head. She continued this for a good few minutes. "Let me go, damn it!" She cried, hitting William in the gut, followed by a kick to the shin.
While Teri.and Acid were busy packing, Caron and Oxis was busy having an argument on the explosives to use.

"I say we use my incendiaries." Caron insisted.

"Let's use my concussives." Oxis replied.

This went on for a bit until Teri interrupted and suggested both.

They finished packing and started to head out, with Acid stopping by Aires' team's room and leaving her gift, a vial of avid and a note that says:

I'd like to hang out with Gavin -Acid

Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk 2
Markus was waiting in the loading bay. It was early, by that was the point of being a commander. He had responsibilities, it was the point and he didn't mind it.

Enrique has finished his game of ping pong, he had won. After his victory he made his way to elinore's group. It is a big campus, beacon.
Karmella threw open the door before stretching nonchalantly "Ah, what a beautiful day to go see a show!"

She took one step outside before frowning at the sudden change of tension and looking to the side.

That metal kid with the brain disability seemed to be holding someone hostage.

Karmella looked to her other side to see a girl who she thought she saw with the metal kid earlier was trying to talk him down or something.

"Oh a standoff!" Karmella turned around "Maxwell! Get me my chair!"

A tired looking Maxwell soon emerged from the room with a chair in one hand and the other rubbing the back of his head.

He placed a folding chair against the wall next to the door and was heading in when his eyes snapped open in revelation.

He leaned out of the doorway again and took one look at the hostage situation before sighing in disappointment and entering the room and closing the door.

Karmella chuckled to herself a bit before taking a seat and laying her cane along her lap as she viewed with abundant interest.
Once he finished readying for the mission, Aren began to make his way over to the loading bay. On the way, he noticed a commotion down the hallway. Curious, he investigated. He found Elinore and William, both of them Aren had met on his first day. He also saw a student he had never met before. What's William doing with her? Is that... a gun? On instinct Aren drew his revolver and aimed at William. "What the hell is going on here?"
"Oi! I sad let me the hell go!" She struggled, even after hitting William in the shin and gut. "What the hell is going on here?" Someone cried out, from near them. Angel turned to see the a student she didn't know appear, pointing at them with a gun. "Hey! I already have one gun pointed at me! I don't need another!" She cried out, looking at him.

Aires woke up a bit groggy. She turned to her to her left and then saw something on her desk: a vial with a note on it. "What's this?" She asked herself yawning. "It's from Acid. . . Gah" Slowly getting up she grabbed her jacket, slipped it on and put the vial into her pocket. She raf the note and slightly chuckled. "Well I have no say in the matter, but I'll tell Gavin about this . . ." She muttered to herself. Looking around the room she grabbed her pack, clipped onto her side and grabbed her mini back pack. " I need to practice. If I can't fly I'm useless." She made her way to the roof. On her way she heard the commotion but she knew she had to do this.

Once on the roof Aires gently put her pack down. Extending her wings she could see her burns. Her legs were shaking. Breaking into a run she froze at the edge of the roof. " I can't . . . I'm scared. What if I fall . . ." She reeled her wings in and sat down her head in her arms on her knees.
Enrique was flabbergasted. From what he saw of William, he was a nice guy. This was someone else. He leaned towards elinore. "What the hell happened to him... He was fine a minute ago."
Would you look at that crowed? It was like almost everyone in the school was there. "This is normal for William." She sighed "Look at what you've done. This is a huge crowed you've amassed." She started to scold him "...bravo" she said with an approving smile. "Will you end this show now? I'm hungry Will" she said as she gave him a fake pouty face

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