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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Angel looked over to Aires, William and back to Aires. "Yeah.. We're good." She muttered, not wanting to remember what had previously happened. Clenching her fist, she turned back to look to her team. "You guys ready?"
Kaze nodded. After all he wouldn't kiss her again. "Let's do this." He said adjusting his blindfold he takes it off revealing his gouged out eyes, throws the blindfold away and puts on his highly sensitive black sunglasses that helped him see like the others in a special way. They connected with his brain waves and where designed to never be taken off. "Let's hope these work." He spread his wings and went towards Aires. "Don't you look lovely." He said mockingly to his sister. He could tell she was upset. Grabbing her from underneath her arms he picks her up and flies high into the air. The rain finally cleared and evening grew darker. "It's wonderful!"

"Kaze put me down!" She panicked. "Kaze please!'

"What;s the matter?" He wondered they were only like ten feet in the air.

"Kaze!" She began to tremble, never was she afraid of the sky. Kaze then figured it out. He flew higher this time. Until his teammates and hers were tiny. "Let's see you fly Aires." He said loosening his grip on his sister.

"NO! PLEASE!" She yelled as he let go. Someone please help. She silently prayed stifling her scream. Someone would save her, but she'd have to answer questions.
Enrique nodded. "Hell yeah, I'm ready to take out some white fang." He pulled out his scimitars.
Team TACO arrived a few moments after Oxis got back. Teri stored.saving Ligh beulhind her ready to draw (gtg college)

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Gavin bites his lip when all of his teammates were talking back to him. Each comment made his blood boil even more and caused a bit of electricity to travel across the armor. "I wasn't cowering hiding behind that girl to hide, Benjamin. She was suppose to be my meat shield and I wouldn't be surprised if all of you tries to kill me in the future." He said while reaching for the pistol in his jacket.

"Don't do it or I'm using that gun for another purpose." William told himself as his hand went limp.

"Tsk. Fine... so why is Aires crying for help? Can't she fly?"

"I don't know..."
"She's had troubles with her wings before..." Elinore muttered under her breath as she watched Aires begin to fall. A sense of urgency struck Elinore when she didn't immediately start flying. "William, position yourself under her!" she barked out "Kaze! Catch your sister right now!" if Kaze coudn't, or wouldn't, catch her, William was the only one who could survive breaking her fall.
William nods and immediately positions himself under Aires. "Move a little bit to the right by six steps. Now move back at least three steps before going four steps left." A.D instructed the armored student, who kept looking up while shifting his position continously to make sure she'll fall on top of him.

"That flying bastard better catch her..." William muttered.
Kaze hesitated. "Quit fooling around Aires! Fly!" Kaze felt her scent, she was afraid.

"I CAN'T!" She yelled shutting her eyes. Kaze then realized she wasn't kidding. "Damn it!" He growls diving down trying to catch his sister. His arms were outstretched but he wasn't as fast a flyer as Aires. I'm not gonna make it. He thought to himself.
Enrique acting as quick as he can, rushed up to the roof of a nearby roof. He waited for the right time. He backed up, as far back as he could, until he felt the brick wall against his back. When Aries passed him he knew it was time. He rushed, and jumped off the top of the rooftop. He caught her, with both hands. "Hold on!" He said. His momentum was more then hers so instead of falling straight down, they were making their way to the building across the way.
"Ooaf!" Aires said as someone came at her. That gave Kaze enough time to swoop in and grab the two students. He landed near the others but so far away enough.

Once on the ground Aires went straight to her knees, hugging herself tightly controlling her breathing. "I'm so sorry Aires, I, I didn't know, it was just a joke. I'm really sorry sis." He said touching her shoulders gently, she flinched away from him. She wanted her team that's all she wanted.
"Back away, back away, give her some space." Elinore told the crowed of people around Aires as she ran over to her friend. She knelt down in front of her and put her hand on Aire's shoulder "Hey, hey, look at me, are you ok?" she asked softly.
After they had landed. He let go of her, and walked over to Kaze. "Get out of here." He said in the darkest tone he could. "What kind of brother would drop his sister from a height like that... You make me sick..." He pulled out one of the two scimitars. " If you don't leave, then I will make you leave." The temperature around Enrique was starting to get hotter.
"Don't you know that was just a simple joke gone wrong? You don't need to get all worked up about it, Enrique." Gavin said as he walked over to Kaze and Enrique. "Kaze is needed for the mission in one piece, so don't go chasing him off just yet. Though why are you here? Your not part our mission and have no reason to be here."
"Aires . . . Do something." Kaze stammered. "I wouldn't have done that if only I had known." Aires was in lock down. Her mind was blank, but she was slowly coming to. Her eyes were shut. "I understand. . . Kaze. But given your past history," She began, "Whatever, just stay with your team and stay away from me!" Aires shouted opening her violet eyes and blinking at a tree behind Kaze, sending him flying. Her eyes returned to normal and she slowly stood up walking over towards Will. "I'm sorry about this Will." She said cocking her shotgun boots. She aimed it at his gut and fired knowing he'd be okay. "That's what you get Gavin."
"Oh... that gotta hurt." Gavin said as he watched Kaze get sent flying from the explosion. Then he got shot by Aires with her boots. "Oww! Not cool!"
Enrique was not happy with what he was about to do. "Fine... But if you do that again... Then I will gut you like a fish..." He said before she sent him flying. "as for you Gavin..." He looked at Gavin, with eyes, that were close to black as humanly possible. "I'm here, and I'm helping because it's the right thing to do... If you don't like it... then after we get back... I'll show you what Master Rolland had taught me."
"Master Rolland? You mean the dude that's freaking dead? Hah, how could I be intimidated by the student of a dead man?" Gavin asked after shaking his fist at Aires for shooting him in the gut. "If his skills couldn't save him from death, then that means your going to die sooner then you think." He turns around and looks at Markus. "So when are going to leave, 'commander'? I think we've wasted enough time here."
Enrique scoffed. "He might be dead... But his teaching will live on... In me.. and in Elinore, and everyone that he taught.... Plus beating a dead man is impossible." He turned to Face the guy that was commander. "Yeah. I want to take out some anger."

Markus was leaning against the ship they were going to take. "I think we have... and when we get back, you two can have your pissing match... I don't want any shit... If I find anything that goes wrong between you two then you two are done... Kaput... Gone, out of beacon... Is that understood?" He said in a commanding voice. He wasn't fucking around.
"I'll like to see you try, 'Commander' Markus. You might have gotten yourself a high-ranking position in the academy, but it doesn't mean your not that same student I met a few months ago." Gavin said while walking toward the airship Markus was leaning against. "The same exact guy I nearly strangled to death in the forest after you attacked Beacon Academy for the White Fang." He gives a small salute to Markus while he passed by him before entering the airship.
Markus only chuckled. "The only reason that you almost killed me was because you had that damnable suit.... Take it off then we'll go toe to toe... Till then your gonna have to wait." He looked out at the rest. "Come on, we got a base to raid." He said as the others got on board. When everyone was on, they took off.
...so much testosterone.

Elinore got on the ship and flopped down in her head down. This was going to be a long mission. It seemed like everyone was at eachother's throats. How were they supposed to work as a team when almost everyone wanted to kill eachother and Aires was all upset and she was sure something else was going to go wrong. She sighed and rubbed her forehead in aggravation. Maybe they just needed a mission to let some steam out. Yeah. Once this was over the would just calm the dust down.
Aires sat down and placed her head in between her knees. She then looked up and sighed. "I'm sorry" She dais to her teammates. "I'm sorry . . ." She placed her hands over her face and her elbows on her knees.
Benjamin took a place near the rear of the ship, climbing into a hold that was typically used for light luggage. Sitting alone, he began to meditate and get himself mentally prepared.

Hayden sat near the middle of the aircraft, trying not to add to the madness that had occurred. His concerns mirrored Elinore's, wondering how this mission could work out if half the team was ready to kill one another.
Aires pulled a tiny cookie from her pack. She finally calmed down enough. Making her way towards Ben she could see him meditate. Not wanting to disturb him she leaves the homemade glazed cookies near him and slowly makes her back to her sit.

Kaze was sitting alone making sure his equipment was ready. "It was just a joke . . ." He muttered to himself under his breath.
Hayden walked over to his teammate. "Hey, we all know it was. Even if some people can't tell." The student said to his teammate and gestures towards Enrique. "While it was dangerous and stupid, it confused us why your sister couldn't fly. Move on from that and focus on the mission. Which apparently is to play bodyguard." Hayden took Trivial off of his back and replaced the magazines.

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