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Fandom Beacon Academy.

After Elinore left, William turns to Mr. X. "Professor X, can you tell me what happened here? Who's this Trinity person that took Benjamin away from the academy and threw knives at Aires's head?"

"Tell me or I'm going to rip out all of your spare masks and punch your squishy face!" Gavin threatened as he tried to stop Mr. X from rolling around by lifting him off the ground.
Mr. X brushed an imaginary tear from his eye as he stretched in Gavin's grasp before wrapping the angry child in a bear hug with the force of a vice.

"Oh my dear, dear wittle buddy!" Mr. X purred as his voice began to fluctuate "It's just so horrible! Ben found a new girl and has ran off to elope with her while Aires is decommissioned!"

Mr. X pouted jokingly before bursting out laughing "And that's not even the most dire thing to worry about in your position Gavin." He held back his giggles for a bit before continuing "But I fear that the time grows short as events continue without my ability to view them, how sad for me."

Mr. X descended into laughter before remembering something "Oh! I almost forgot!"

He then freed a hand and snapped his fingers.


A glyph shone brightly on the Metal orb as it activated, releasing the Ball's inner mechanism as it popped open.

The top half bounced on the miniscule hinges before laying on it's side, and a large cloud of dust and smoke rose out of it before settling.

Inside the ball was barren, nothing but a small pocket of empty space inside the metal container.
"What are you talking about, Handy Creep? Why should I worry about myself?" Gavin asked while trying to free himself from Mr. X's bear hug.

"Nat, did you do... never mind. You can't hear me." Alex muttered after witnessing the metal orb open by itself. "It looks like a container for some sort of small object."

"It looks like a container for some sort of small object." Natalya said as she inspected the open orb.

"I just said... never mind." Alex sighed as he watched Natalya get occupied with something to do. Maybe she'll know some sort of information about the orb...
"Well of course there's that one thing..." Mr. X sighed before drumming his fingers on Gavin's head absent mindedly "But I feel the most pressing matter at this time is your hairstyle!"

With the sudden slickness of a snake, Mr. X slipped out of Gavin's grasp and began pacing.

"Ben's soon to be wife got him on her motorcycle and went that way." Mr. X waves in the general direction he saw them take off in "Now while you kids play grown up, I shall acquire my makeover kit."

Mr. X paused and went still as his swarm of hands began grabbing hold of him "And when I get it... I'm going to make you... so beautiful..." He chuckled and lazily pointed a finger as the hands covered him entirely "You'll be the prettiest wittle buddy in all the lands."

When he finished the swarm exploded away from him, and he was gone... the swarm of floating hands then flooded out the window and off toward some other random place in Beacon.
"Why do you want to protect Aires so much?" Sora asked Ben. Her eyes narrowing and her gloves charging up. "Answer me, boy."

Ar watched his wife as she interrogated the one that was dating his daughter. He came near Ben's face, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground. "Do you love her?" He let Ben go with an evil psychotic smile.

Aires looked at Elinore, "I'm fine but I need to know where Ben is . . .Where could he be?"
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When Ar dropped him, the Faunus hit the ground with a thud. Man, Aires family is fucked up, Ben thought as he propped himself up with his tail. "I don't think you two really care if I do or don't. I want to protect her because she is my girlfriend and my friend." Ben said calmly once again.

"What's your bright idea here? Becoming their loyal servant? You should've just let me kill your girlfriend and moved on rather than work with the White Fang. We hate these-"

"You worked with them too."

"To protect your ass."

"Which I am perfectly capable of protecting myself. And I have teammates to help."
Ben argued quickly with Trinity.

Trinity was growing more and more frustrated with every passing second. She continued to pull on the links, attempting to discover a weak point as subtly as possible.

"Quit it will ya? You are gonna get us killed."

"I'm almost at a weak link, I can feel it."
Trinity thought back as she shifted her hands to the next link.

"Then remember which it is for plan B."
Ben commanded.
"You little ass. I should kill you right-"

"Ar . . . No. Grey, I will accept your offer. But you must come whenever summoned, be here in the blink of an eye, do whatever I ask understand?" She turns her head to Trinity "And you." She placed her hands on the sides of Trinity, "Don't make poison you. . ."
Benjamin was slightly pleased with his small victory. "I can't promise a blink of an eye, but I can promise my full services up to the point of killing myself. Although I have one request: I would like to keep our arrangement a secret. Would you provide me with White Fang clothing for these purposes?"

"For what? I just want to get my weapons back and return to heading my guild." Trinity replied in a frustrated tone.

"Stay calm Trinity. Anger is just going to get you killed."

"How the hell can you stay calm in a situation like this?"
Trinity yelled in his head.

"Preparing helps. What do you think I was doing on the way over?"
Ben replied.
"Hmph." Sora stood upright. "Being a little pest irritates me Rosea. Escort the pink one out. Her services are no longer required." The guards proceeded to drag Trinity away. Launching her outside the area, the guards watched her as she made her way to her bike.

"Benjamin. You may be wondering why we are so, hmm, corrupt you might say. Mark my words." She whispered slamming her fist into his gut. "Cross me and I'll make you kill Aires, but not before I acquire her semblance of course." She smiled wickedly into his ear. Ar came up to Sora and whispered,

"Air, Kaze is here."

"My darling boy." She said at the mention of Kaze's name. Turning to the monkey faunus She announced, "Guards, take him away. Oh and hand him a uniform." She said waving her hand.

The guards took him to a corridor where they stored extra clothes, weapons etc. The uniforms were black pants, black boots, a long sleeved gray shirt with three gashes in the back going horizontally, and on the shoulder was a Phoenix emblem. The last item he received was a mask and a dust gun, like Kaze's only less advanced.

Aires suddenly felt horrible. "Lulu they have a history! Ack! I can't stand this! Does she likes him? Were they a couple beforehand . . . BEN!"
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"Should we be scared?" Gavin asked himself after watching the hands fly out of the window.

"Yeah, I think so. We should watch our back from now on. You never know when Professor X might appear for our... makeover." William replied before jumping out of the window. Projecting static electricity from his palms, the armored student descends slowly to the ground. After landing, he runs over to his teammates. "Aires, are you okay?! Why are you screaming out Ben's name?!

"I have no idea what this is." Natalya stated after inspecting the metal orb for a few minutes. "All I know is that it's a container called the Cradle by some students who needs it for their project. Maybe we should ask them why it opened by itself."

Grabbing a notebook and pen, Alex scribbles something before showing it to Natalya.

Who was involved in this project?

"1st year Teams CRDL and TAKM, plus 2nd year Team BTLR." Natalya closes the metal orb before making it levitate with a glyph. It follows the staff members out of the room as they head toward Team TAKM's room first.

"Open the door, kids. I need to ask you guys some questions about your... homework." Alex was knocking on TAKM's room door, waiting for them to come out. "If you don't open this door in the next five seconds, I'm going to break it down." He pulls Bluntfire off his back as he gets ready to kick open the door. "Five... four... three... two... one. .."
Aires looked up at Will, she was on the verge of tears. "What did X say about Trinity? Where's Ben!? Did he say?" Aires asked her team leader.
I'll make sure to kill you're family first, Ben thought as he was escorted out of the room. Once he had received the clothes and Grim mask he exited the hideout. "Well, hope that I can hitch a ride back." He said as he stashed the clothes in a bag he had snagged from the room.

Trinity was long gone. She was annoyed that her dagger was still embedded into the mason work in one of the rooms, but she at least had her scimitars back. "I'll have to ask Lyric to forge me a new blade until I can retrieve that one." She muttered as she turned onto a smaller road. Pinning the throttle, she sped down the lane until coming across what looked to be an office building. Burned into the side of the building was the mark of the Thieves Guild, masked in other scorch marks.

Benjamin was not having as much luck and decided hitching a ride was not going to happen. Instead he headed over to the next best noodle house in town, A Simple Wok for a bite to eat.
"The professor told me that Ben and his... friend left on a motorcycle to the city." William replied as he knelt down next to his teammates. "Now before we do something rash and stupid, I want you to calm down. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth a few times. I don't want to see my teammate crying in front of other students. That'll just make us look weak and pathetic in their eyes."
Caron was busy in the library, studying. 'I think I'm the only one who takes this seriously.' She thouht. Oxis entered and sat next to her. "We need to talk, it's about Teri."

"What about her?" She asked while flipping a page.

"I think we should tell her now." Caron slammed the book shut.

Teri happened to pass by the library when she heard someone talking about her. She pressed her ear against the door.

"Oh, you mean like this? 'Oh hi Teri, you're our long lost brother turned sister.'" Caron replied and made Teri's eyes widen.

She backed away from the door and dropped her weapon in shock. The loud clang attracted the two's attention as Teri ran, she ran as far as she can.
Aires took a deep breath. She looked at her teammates apologetically and tried to get up. Sighing She said, "At least I can get off the ground now." She stood up, fully shifting her weight around and then looked at Elinore and William. "I need to train and become better. Ben will come back, right? . . .Right." She looked at Will. I don't mean to be pathetic, even though I know I am. I simply want to be an essential part of this team and family.

"Kaze, my darling, where's your sister?"

"Mother I'm afraid that, well her injuries are not yet healed and-"

"Silence. I have a new plan now. See to it that Benjamin Grey have little to no contact with Aires. The sooner the better."

"Mother, Father why do you want to kill Aires?" Kaze asked in a fearful but firm voice. Sora then looked at Ar and he smiled.

"Aires is the next heir. But her loyalty has fallen. If her powers are not for us then her powers will be no more. We do not need someone more powerful than all three of us combined. Your sister however does not know that. Any more questions Prize?"

" . . . No . . . Father. No more questions."
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"I don't know, which is why we're heading to the city to bring him back." William said as he stood up too, before offering his hand to Elinore. "There's a good chance we might not find Benjamin in our search, but that doesn't mean we can't look for information on Trinity's whereabouts. For all we know, he might be her prisoner."

"Or toy." Gavin snickered.

"Quiet, you." William told himself. "Now back to what I was saying, don't contact Benjamin's scroll at all. Trinity might have it and lead us to a trap with it. So are you ready to head out to the city or are you still not well, Aires? We can drop you off at the room before we leave."
"Then let's head out." William said after helping Elinore up. Team WABE (without the B) takes a airship to the city and disembark at the air docks. "Elinore and Aires, check the stores and restaurants if they've seen Ben with a girl on a motorcycle. I'm going to ask around about who Trinity is to the civilians. We'll rendezvous at A Simple Wok in one hour." William splits off from his teammates in front of the air docks to do his part of the mission. He walks around the streets for a few minutes before noticing someone pickpocket a random man. Following the thief into a alleyway, he grabs their back before lifting them off the ground.

"Tell me who Trinity is or prepare to get stuffed into a garbage can, scumbag." Gavin threatened as he moves next to a open garbage can with trash in it.
Angel smiled as they reached their destination. A cute little shop called "A Simple Wok", which made her laugh a little. "It's fine Tavril.. It looks like the food is good here." She said, looking at him with a smile on her face. "Shall we go? I think you're getting hungry, yourself." She added, pulling him into the store by their connected hands.
In hindsight, they should've checked here first. Maxwell thought this, but didn't want to beat on Tinko's confidence. Even now the compelled sleeper was marching sloppily towards the janitor's closet that Mr. X frequently resided in when not popping up unannounced or joking around with staff and students.

Tinko stopped in front of the door and turned to Maxwell with his usual sleepy smile "We've got' em on the ropes Max! There isn't no place else he could hide."

Maxwell refrained from mentioning the fact that X had a habit of hiding literally everywhere.

Tinko pulled open the door, and pointed a Revo-blade as Maxwell stood too the side of the door frame waiting for clearance to go.

Tinko smiled as he discovered his target inside, but Maxwell watched as the smile turned immediately into a horrified expression as a sickening fleshy sound echoed out of the room.

"Huh," Tinko said as he smiled wearily "so that's what he did with you."

Before Maxwell could move to get a look, a massive hand made of smaller hands slammed into Tinko and smashed against the wall.

"Max! If I'm not back in three hours tell Arata I love her in the most violent way possible!" Tinko shouted as the massive hand began dragging him back into the janitor's closet "And tell Karmella that she could be way more profitable working as an interior designer!!!"

Tinko vanished inside the depths of the janitor's closet as Maxwell stared with his jaw hanging low. After several seconds he moved to take a look inside but was halted as Mr. X slid out with some cheesy pop music playing.

"Maxie boy!" Mr. X said before shimmying over and wrapping one arm around Max as the cloud of hands floated out after him "Now if there's one student I can trust to not talk about this, I'm sure it's you am I right?"

Maxwell had a thousand yard stare, his body frozen like a statue.

"I thought so," Mr. X said before releasing him and waltzing over to the window "well if you excuse me I have an appointment with fashion darling!"

The cloud of hands were armed to the teeth with hair care products, nail filers, and various cosmetic appliances.

Several closed the janitor closet door as Mr. X stepped onto the window sill and leaped out s his swarm flooded out and caught him.

Soon he was just a trail of giggles, cosmetics, and flying hands, sailing in the direction of the city.

Maxwell was still standing next to the janitor's door, shell shocked.


Karmella was skating, in the time she had by herself she had converted team TAKM's room from an island retreat into a frozen skating ring by changing the décor to a moderately light blue and freezing the entire floor in with glyphs.

Her cane was wedged in the center of the floor, sticking up from the ice proudly.

She moved with great ease along the slippery ice but almost lost her balance when she heard the knock on the door.

She skated over to the door before coming to a halt. She pulled open the door and noticed Natalya and Alex.

"Ah, so many visitors today, and what business do you two have?" Karmella asked as she placed her hands against her hips.
Feeling someone pull at him, the thief panicked. Once he was off the ground he was slightly relieved until he was asked about Trinity. "Trinity? Don't know her. Did you lose someone?" The thief replied with a panicked tone. He swallowed nervously as he told the lie, and tried to slip out of his coat.

Trinity walked into her room in the building, called the Complex. Passing by Lyric she instructed the smith to craft her a new set of knives. The teen groaned in response as he left for the forge room. "Where the hell are Drake and Wyvern? I need to talk with them." The young teen informed one of the thieves in the office.

"Drake went out for practice, Wyvern is out on a job. Why do you need to speak to them?" One of the thieves asked. She was a young girl, who was about ten to twelve years old and dressed in raggedy clothes.

"I may have to leave and I need them to keep this place up to shape if I happen to do so." Trinity replied with a smile.

"Oh. When can I go out on jobs Trinity?" The girl asked with a curious smile.

"Maybe soon Brooklyn. You are getting better. Maybe you'll be the one in charge when I leave." She replied with an encouraging smile. With that, Brooklyn ran off to go train, nearly bumping into Lyric with a roll of knives of various sizes, all with pink grips. "You were quick."

"I've learned to prepare early when you leave the complex." He replied with a simple shrug.
"Yeah, I did lose someone. He's a male faunus who's been kidnapped by Trinity." William replied as he throws the thief into a wall. He slowly approaches the thief with sparks of electricity coming out of him. "But seeing that you were trying to escape, it must mean you know something important."
"Whoa, slow down. I don't want any trouble. I don't know a Trinity." The thief said as he was slammed into the wall. Turning around he found the sparks emanating from Will's hands and cowered in fear. "Okay. Okay. I lied. I know Trinity. But she wouldn't kidnap anyone. Plus I haven't seen her in days. She's been in and out of the Comp-" he started before covering his mouth to keep from saying irrelevant information that the student may want.
"We're here to ask your team about what this metal orb is and it's purpose for their project." Alex replied after moving aside to show Karmella the floating metal orb.

"She's been in and out of the Comp what?" William asked as he stood in front of the thief. "Compound? Company? Complex? Compass? Speak more clearly or your going to understand how it feels like to get the electric chair."
"Oh shit... Um, It's not important. The point is that I have no idea who you think Trinity took, but I'm saying she probably didn't. We may be thieves but we don't steal people. Just money and items of value." Drake said trying to muster up a normal tone of voice. Will's semblance was scaring the crap out of him and his threats weren't helping him much.

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