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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Enrique was standing on the other side of Teri's door. He knocked. "Hey, open up. It's Enrique... I just want to talk." He said.
Teri flopped off the bed and stalked towards the door. "Yes?" She said grumpily before realizing who it was. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a mess..."
He waved his hand. "Don't worry about it." He leaned against the door frame. "So listen, I pulled some strings... Do you wanna go out and get some food? Say later tonight."
"Hows eight?" He said still leaning against the doorway. It had been a while sense he had been on a proper date.
"Alright, so I will see you later tonight." He said before turning away. He walked out the hallway, into the stairwell. He made his way to the door to exit. "Sweet, got a date tonight." He said before making his way back to his room. He walked past so many trees. They were pretty. He would make an analogy about how the leafs on the trees are healthy. But he didn't, he had other things to think about.
"I can fly . . . No way, Kaze actually fixed me. This is incredible!" Oh how she just adored flying. She flew straight up into the sky passing everything. Towards the setting sun, she dashed away. She created a shadow that reached all the way to the Emerald Forest. "Oh happy day. Nothing can stop me!" Aires shouted laughing. She flew over the lake she had so often be to. Landing she knelt down and dipped a finger into the lake. The ripples carried and slowly faded away. Lying down she took a deep breath in, starring up at the sky and then it happened. She felt her body heat up to a dangerous level. Turning over on to her side she crawled to the lake and saw her eyes changing. From their natural mix matched, to their original blue, to the deadly purple and when they finally stopped forming their color they finished at neon purple mixed with a gold accent. A horrid gift from her father. Her mind wasn't hers anymore. Standing, her body moved on it's own. What the dust is going on? No! Stop moving body I command you to . . . Aires's body did stop when it caught sight of some people. Maybe students, maybe not. Her lips curled into a blood thirsty grin as her eyes began to glow and then she blinked. The students then exploded as their blood coated everything. Not one scream was heard.

Message Subject: Dust

To: Benjamin

From: Kaze Phoenix

250 Cartes of Dust are being loaded up at the docks. Sora wants all of it. Good luck.

"I wonder what if this Benjamin betrays us. . ." Ar said out of the blue, "Also, Air-" Ar began but Sora snapped,

"This had better be good. "

"Aires is now under my complete control." Ar finished add Sora smiles grew into Aires's devious look.

"Perfect." she said.
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Quick reply

To: Kaze Phoenix

Let her know there will be a slight delay as I am getting something that may help me. Also, how am I supposed to transport that much on my own? Is there a way to put it on a boat for your men to pick up?

Ben typed as he ran, pressing send once the message was complete. "Alright, let's see what Vale's finest have stocked up." He said as he approached the police station. Looks like the station needs an upgrade in outer security. Getting in shouldn't be a problem with no one around. Although the front door isn't an option. Where are some open windows? The Faunus thought as he scanned the building. Once he found his point of entry he immediately hopped off the roof and made a break for the side door that was slightly ajar.

Just as he approached, an officer got up to close the door. Ben's semblance came into effect as he stuck out his hand and tail to stop the door. The officer was shocked at the sudden resistance and tried to push harder before slamming the door shut, not noticing Ben had slipped inside.

The monkey Faunus proceeded to pistol whip the officer, knocking him out cold and taking his access badge and scroll. These may come in handy, he thought as he moved carefully through the building, keeping out of sight when possible. This is like a goddamn stealth game. And they are just as oblivious as The AI, Ben noted as he moved closer towards the evidence room. He was fairly familiar with the station's layout, having been detained in Vale for a brief time.

Turning right, Ben appeared in front of door to the evidence room, the officer in the window was busy watching some show on his television. How the hell am I going to get in there? I can't distract this guys without attracting attention. And I can't bust into the room. Think, no vents into the place, one door, one guard. Just gotta knock him out with ought being noticed. Awesome.

The Faunus peered over the ledge, thanking his luck that the guard was distracted by some sitcom on the tv and was turned around. Loading up his pistol with a magazine of ice rounds, he stood up and fired for the officer. No longer faced with any threats, Ben unlocked the door and entered the room, looking for anything that caught his eye.
William, Elinore, and Trinity enter the Emerald Forest after their search for Aires in the city was unsuccessful. They already checked their room for Aires, but the faunus student wasn't there. So they were going to check out the Emerald Forest before it becomes dark, since a random blondie saw a winged student fly there. "Aires! Where are you!" William yelled, hoping for a response.

"If you don't come here this instant, I'm going to rip out your wings and hang them on the wall for no reason!" Gavin threatened when nobody responded back to him.

William was going to yell out something nicer than Gavin's threat when the group saw a unknown team walking towards them. He runs ahead to speak with the unknown students. "Hey! Have you all seen-" That's when they all exploded into a bloody mess from out of nowhere. Their blood coated his entire body, making his armor and jacket turn red instead of black. "Ambush!" He announced before dropping down to the ground before crawling toward a tree to use as cover. Activating his semblance after placing his back on a bloody tree, electricity begins to burn the blood off of him as he waves his teammates to go find cover. "Was it a rocket that obliterated them? Maybe a mine?" He muttered to himself while peeking out of his cover to spot anyone else among the trees and nearby lake.
Aires came into view. Her eyes completely different. Her hair became sticky with blood and her smile was coated. She could smell humans near by. Her eyes were wide open . . . She then heard something in Will's direction. With a chuckle, she blinks and the trees explode. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Aires said in a monotone voice. She cocked her head to one side and then blinked once more, this time in Elinore and Trinity's direction. Aires was gone.
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Elinore took a deep breath as the trees around her began to explode. How was she going to attack this? If she caught anyone in her sights they were gone. This would have to be full on distraction. "Trinity. You run to the left, I'll run to the right. If she looks at either of us, the other will attract her attention. Don't let her blink at you." she told Trinity. She nodded before dashing off from behind the tree she was hiding behind. She ran past William, stopping behind a tree for only a second, "put her in a coma. Don't get seen." she said sternly before dashing off again. She had her axe ready so she could launch a grenade at Aires every time she tried to look at Trinity who was hopefully running in the other direction.
Aires saw something pink dart to the left. She blinked immediately but her explosion was countered by a grenade. She looked over towards Elinore and blinked. "Die." Aires whispered. Lifting her leg she cocks her boots and fired a couple rounds in Trinity's direction. Aires wasn't aware of Will. She had somehow forgotten about him.
"What the dust, Aires!" William exclaimed as his tree was blown in half. He wasn't sure if he should attack his own teammate, even though Aires was trying to blow them up. Though after Elinore instructed him to knock Aires in a coma before dashing off, he decides to sneak his way toward Aires position by crawling there. Hopefully his possibly crazy teammate won't spot a hunk of metal crawling toward her while distracted by his not so crazy teammates.

"Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dun da da da. Dun dun da da da. Dun dun da da da. (Repeat forever)" Gavin hummed as he crawls toward Aires, trying his best to blend in with the grass and bushes. He somehow arrives behind Aires without getting blown up and gets off the ground. "Surprise hug attack!" He wraps his arm around Aires's neck and begins to suffocate her. Only problem is, Gavin is actually trying to kill her instead of making her unconscious. William's other personality is out for blood...
"Listen, I can't say much about the project due to certain complications. Let's just say that it's an important container and leave it at that." Ozpin stated


"So did they go that way or not?"

Mr. X stared as the shop owner began making violent, angry gestures and went on a tangent about a violent customer who was planning t0 wreck his shop. Mr. X was barely listening, he was too busy staring in the direction the shop owner pointed towards.

The barest telltale sounds of explosions hit his ears, Mr. X sighed before thanking the shopkeeper, who kept yelling about various lawsuits.

Mr. X began lazily making his way towards the sounds. What did he have to give these kids in order for them to be original in some way?
Aires is suddenly hugged by Will. He begins to squeeze tightly and her eyes go on a rampage of colors. They switch from blue, to purple, to gold as she constantly blinks trying to set herself free, trying to breathe. Suddenly her eyes change to her mismatched colors and she tries to get out with her last gasps, "Will. . . Stop . . . Ple-" her air began to leave her and her body was slowly going limp. Will Please . . . Let go . . . .

Message Subject: Moron

To: Benjamin Grey

From: Kaze Phoenix

You'll have the help of twenty plus faunus and myself. Torchwick has also volunteered his service. Don't screw this up.
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William stops choking Aires after hearing her say stop. He let goes of Aires before taking a few steps back. "Aires, why did you attack us? Was that an act of betrayal or some realistic combat training?" He asked coldly as he looked back at the bloody trees.

Alex was about to say something, but decided not to question Ozpin anymore. He decided to trust the Dean to watch over of the project without his help. "Fine, I won't ask anything else. We'll be leaving the orb on your desk before we leave." Alex said as he wrote on the notepad, before showing it to Natalya. The female professor nods and the orb falls on top of Ozpin's desk, which made a new hole on it. "...we have to go. Bye!" Both staff members leave the office immediately, closing the door on their way out.
Enrique went up to his room and opened his scroll. "Hey El, we never got that chance to catch up... Wanna meet up... I got something a little later... so it would be good to do it now."
Coughing Aires falls to her knees. "Will, I'm sorry . . . But why were you choking me? Why are you covered in blood? What's going on? Wait . . . I attacked you?" She gulped, have my parents actually broken me? Was I controlled? She reached her hand towards Will, "I'm sorry . . ."
"Get your filthy hand away from me!" William exclaimed as he slapped Aires's hand away from him. "How dare you try to act innocent with me after you tried to blow us up! Should I actually have Gavin take over and kill you this instant?!" He asked, infuriated that Aires attempted to kill her own teammates.
Aires was shocked. Will rarely ever laid a hand on her, much less slap her. "Will, please, it wasn't me." Aires says trying to stand. "I don't just attack my teammates!" She then saw Elinore and Trinity, "I love you and Lulu and Ben. I don't kill others for fun or sport. And I most certainly don't try to purposefully hurt any of my teammates, my family members. Will, it's me, Aires." She looks over at Elinore, "Please believe me."

Kaze was watching the entire scene from above concealed in a tree. Wow, I never knew that's what her power could do. If the Phoenix sect gets their hands on her power and extract it . . . We'll be unstoppable. Unless of course Will kills her right here and now.
"Then what about those students you just blew up? Why did they deserve to die?" William asked, before blocking Aires view of Elinore by standing in front of her. "Action speaks louder than words, Aires. I can't believe you after witnessing you murder fellow students in cold blood." He takes a step toward Aires to subdue her and cover her eyes with his bloodstained jacket, but decides to back off instead. Something in his mind was telling him to believe in Aires and leave her alone for now. It definitely wasn't his other personality telling him this though, since Gavin was suggesting to torture her with nails and hot water. Maybe it was a part of him that wasn't as cruel like Gavin. "...I'm going back to the academy to clean myself up." William muttered as he turns around and walks away from Aires. He passed by Elinore and Trinity without saying a word to them, before heading back to the academy by himself.
"H-hey Gavin, cut it out, give her a break" Elinroe stammered when she saw William slap Aires hand away. She was convinced it was Gavin talking, until William used his name. So this was William? She wanted to intervene but only found herself frozen in place with her cannon aimed at the scene just in case anything happened. When William walked away, she was free to move again. "Aires....what happened....." Elinore asked quietly. She didn't approach the girl. It was too dangerous too. A single blink could kill her so she had to make sure she could get behind something fast at all times.

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Aires looked at the ground as her eyes returned to normalcy. She whispered trembling, only slightly, "I killed those students but I didn't mean to." Ben will believe me. I need to find him. "Lulu, I never meant to hurt anyone and now I'm afraid that I've lost your trust and Will's trust. . ."
There. Normal eyes. Elinore rushed forward and embraced Aires like she had when she killed Markus. "Its okay Aires.... things happen that we didn't intend to do." She said in a hushed voice as she held Aires closer. "Its going to be okay."

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