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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I'm going to kill them." She whispered looking at her face in the mirror. Then she turned to look at Elinore. "I can't involve you two. I've caused enough problems. My so called parents and brother all need to be eliminated." She looked at the ground this time. "And maybe I need to be to . . .Right Gavin?" She tried throwing in some humor to her last statement. "I'm pretty sure they have Ben. I'm not risking your lives. I need to save his. Besides . . ." She turned to face the window and hugged herself, "after what I've done, who would even want me on their team."
"Damn straight. You and your crazy family all deserve to die." Gavin agrees before his hand unconciously smacks his helmet.

William sighs when he regained control over his body again and decides to throw a sock at Aires. "Yeah, nobody would want you on their team." He threw another sock at her. " Everyone in the academy knows you're still part of Team WABE. Which means your problems are our problems too, mostly when another teammate of ours is in trouble." Another sock lands on Aires. "So if you think you can leave us behind and kill your family by yourself... then you're an idiot." This time a shirt hits Aires head. "I'll personally help you kill them after we save Benjamin together as a team."
(Back guys. I haven't died!)

Ben searched through the confiscated weapons until he found something that caught his eye. Pulling it out he exited the building, trying to remain unnoticed if possible. They probably have me on tape, but oh well, he thought as he dashed out of the side exit as a officer walked by. Once out he checked his scroll, seeing Kaze's message and quickly replied with an "Okay." He then left for the docks to collect his quarry.

Trinity was out of it, her ears ringing as one of the explosions occurred close to her. "What? Guys? What's going on?" She yelled to the team of three.
"You ain't gunna shrug your team off as easily as that." Elinore said as she reached over and grabbed a sock to throw on top of the pile growing on Aire's head "we're your family too. A cooler family. That's dysfunctional. You're my sister and my daughter, and I don't know how that works but dammit that's how it's gunna stay." she declared, "so if you wanna go off and kill the Phoenix's. We're coming with you. Rather you like it or not."
Aires smiled. It was a rare smile. A smile she hasn't shown to others in a long time. Nodding she stood up and threw all of Will's clothes back at him. "Haha, alright then please help me kill my horrid family. But we can't stop them alone. We need the others too."

"It's about time." Kaze huffed as he swooped down and took out his pistols. "Alright, let's move Grey and maybe I won't kill you." Kaze threatened as he saw the monkey Faunus approach.

"Everything seems to be according to plan Air. Our little girl will soon be with us once more."

"Excellent. Oh what Fine husband you are, Ar" Sora chuckles to herself. "Soon little Aires will regret the day she betrayed me."

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"Well we're doing our laundry first." Elinore declared as she took the basket and picked Williams cloths up again "We're not going on a mission smelling like this." She said as she led the way out of the room

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"Who knows? Maybe we can recruit someone on our way to the laundry room." William said as he follows Elinore out of the room. That's when they bump into Trinity, who was shouting at them. Probably temporarily deaf from the recent explosions at the forest... "We're going to do our laundry before we assassinate Aires's family and save Benjamin at the same time. Wanna join us?" He asked as he walks past Trinity, not waiting for her answer.

(Busy week and no notifications until right now... -_- ; )
Elinore led the group of who knows how many people to the laundry room in the school. She duped the basket of cloths into the machine and pulled off her jacket and threw it in there as well. She looked down at herself and sighed "I should probably wash the skirt and corset too...." she mumbled, "yosh~ William. Watch my stuff while I go get changed into laundry cloths." she cooed as she sauntered back towards their room. In hindsight, she should have done it before they left. But everyone was in the room. And inspirational moments were a thing. A distracting thing!
Teri waited in her bed for the rest of her teammates. When they all arrived there was a lot of awkward silence.

"So...I'm your sister..."

"Technically..." Acid started but fell silent at the rest of her team's glares.

"So...why didn't you look for me?"

They told their story, about how they thought she was dead, about who they were. There was a lot of emotions but in the end they became closer.(Not in the mood to insert dialogue.)

Teri thanked them and told them to return to what they were doing before getting ready for her date. @dakup
Enrique walked back to his dorm room. He was planning on taking her to a small cafe in towards town. He looked at his scroll. It had been some time since they talked. "Hell maybe I should send her a message about us meeting up... We never really got to do that." He said opening up the messaging system. "Hey, when are we going to catch up?" He sent her.
"Roger that." William said as Elinore left the laundry room. "...what the heck is laundry clothes?" He takes off his jacket and stuffs his clothes into the machine too. He then takes a seat on top of a different machine and looks at whoever else was in the room. "So... how was your day?"
He chuckled when Teri replied. "Sorry that message was meant for Elinore." He sent, then he sent message to Elinore. "Are we going to do a meet up later?" He sent to Elinore.
Elinore heard a beep coming from the bag on the belt around her waist....what? What on earth- oh yeah....she finally got a replacement scroll. It was a message from her old training buddy. "Yeah, sure. I've got laundry duty now and my team is going to *maybe* kill some people later? I dun really know. When do you wanna meet up?" she tapped away as she entered her room.
"I got a date later with Teri... How about we meet up tomorrow... Say after classes get out." He sent the message. He got to his room and changed into some clothes that didn't have as many blades on it. He had been accustom to wearing some black with a lot of knives.
"Nobody wants to answer? Okay, I see how it is between all of us." Gavin said when nobody responded back to him. "None of you feel like answering me because you're afraid of me. Am I right or wrong?!" For some unknown reason, Gavin was getting really irritated and decides it was time to do a science experiment. He opens the laundry machine underneath him and threw a grenade in there. Closing the door, he turns on the machine and walks out of the laundry room. A explosion could be heard from inside the room a few moments later. "So grenades do explode inside active laundry machines..."

"Our clothes were in there..." William muttered before he face palms himself.

"We can buy new ones. Though it's not like we had a lot clothes to begin with." Gavin replied as the school janitors arrive to deal with the fire inside the laundry room. "Just some socks and a school uniform."

"Plus Elinore's clothes and her favorite jacket. Which means we're screwed forever." William reminds his other personality.

"I bet it's fireproof... maybe... right?"



"We're are so screwed."
Elinore was on her way back to the laundry room when she heard an explosion. Well that was normal. But that meant someone was screwing around again. Sigh~. Of course, she didn't really care until she saw staff running in the direction of the laundry room. She hurried her pace only to have her suspicions concerned. The laundry room was on fire. Of course. She left William, and this was what happened. Why? Why did she not see this coming? Good thing her cloths were fireproofed...

"It seems like no one was harmed. But a grenade went off in the machine and it destroyed almost everything in it." she heard one of the janitors say as he pulled a hole riddled jacket out of the machine.

Elinore's eye twitched, and for a moment she stood motionless in the hallway. "Will....I.....AAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!" She snapped, fire blaring around her. One of the janitors quickly put her out with a fire extinguisher.
"That's so hilarious! Hahaha!" Gavin said when a janitor put Elinore's fire out with a fire extinguisher. He was now on the ground with no intentions to stop laughing.
"William...." Elinore growled as she slowly turned her head "NOW I'M STUCK IN THESE PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR CLOTHING!" she snapped, pointing at her tank top and shorts. It was seriously an extremely uncomfortable amount of skin for her to show. Probably for everyone in the area just as much for her. "and what about my jacket?" she hissed as she grabbed it from the wreckage "This is my favorite jacket. How do you expect to make up for this?"
Enrique heard an explosion. "Oh god." He hadn't been in this school for long, but an explosion is never good. Enrique couldn't come to check it out. He had a date, so he needed to make sure he looked presentable.
William managed to stop laughing and immediately gets off the ground. He wasn't sure how he was going to solve this problem without any bad consequences from Gavin's actions. All he could do now was smooth talk his way out of this situation. "Uhhh, I'll have someone fix your jacket and... and... and I'll get you a temporary jacket to wear in the meantime!" He said stuttering, before looking for something to cover Elinore's exposed skin. Pulling out the curtains from a nearby window, he wraps it around Elinore's entire body. "Be- Better now?"
Elinore stared at William for a moment with a blank expression before a small smile crept on her face. Before long she had began to laugh, "William Reaper, you are just too much." she laughed as she tied the curtain around her like a cloak. It would do for now. She folded up her poor torn up jacket and hung it over her arm "well I guess that means our laundry is done." she said with a shrug
"More like incinerated into ashes." William said when he realized that most of their clothing didn't survive the explosion. He'll probably go to the city with Elinore to buy new clothes when they aren't busy. "So do you know any places we could go to fix your jacket? It seems custom made, considering the fact that it sort of survived the grenade's fiery blast." He asked as a janitor gave him his jacket, which looked like swiss cheese. "...I hate you so much Gavin..."
"Well it was custom made..." Elinore said as she looked fondly down at her old jacket, "It was given to me after...the incident." she said with a soft smile, "but all my cloths are fire proffed. I kind of spontaneously combust. It would suck if my cloths burnt up every time I used my semblance." she laughed, "they're just not grenade proofed." she sighed, "I'm sure there's somewhere in Vale that fixes clothing."
"Yeah, we'll check out the city later to find a specialized tailor there." William said as he puts on his destroyed jacket. "Probably someone who could make our jackets look brand new, fireproof and grenade proof." The pair then walk back to their room together. "So do you know how we're going to assassinate Aires's family later? I'm not sure if I should change into more... casual clothes for this mission. You know, something that blends into the crowd and doesn't scream 'I'm the Terminator'."

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