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Futuristic Midnight Blue

Leo dragged all of the unconscious marines on the main deck of the Five Eight Afrasee to a mast with Mus. Using some rope they found, they tied the marines onto the mast. "That'll stop them from causing trouble once they wake up." He muttered while putting the marines' weapons inside a barrel for safekeeping. Leaning on the railing, he kept a lookout for Solace so they can depart into space as soon as possible. Staying any longer on a planet that's home to the Interstellar Navy and dangerous pirates didn't sound too appealing to him.

"You know, the captain already went inside her office while you were in the midst of changing." Mus told the armored pirate after getting bored of being on lookout with Leo. "I think you should head inside there and tell her that eye to feline eye. Otherwise, you said all that for no reason."

"I know this ain't some fancy portable potty, woman!" Half-Tail angrily yelled out, losing his cool instantly. "Who the space do you think ya messing with?! Do you think I'm some simple-minded idiot?!" Pulling out his curved knife, he pointed it toward her left eye. "I know treasure when I see one, so tell me what it really is or I'm gonna-"

"Captain!" One of Half-Tail's goons said after entering the inn out of breath. "We know where the bastards who stole your tail are right now!"

"Where are they?!" Half-Tail asked without pointing his knife away from Solace. After his goon quietly whispered his findings through his ear, he smiled. "Hmm... to think your a member of such an infamous ship like the Afrasee. You know," He said as he slid the knife down her arm to her wrists. "You should have told me that sooner or I wouldn't have been this harsh to you." He sliced open the rope tied around Solace's wrist and legs before giving her bag back. "I'm sooooo sorry for wasting your time, woma-I mean, mam." He kindly said as he motioned his goons to let her go, who backed away from them slowly. "Bye. I hope you and your crew have a safe journey."

Kai's Prospective

Kai reached the top floor where he then was token to the meeting room. " What's up Sargent, you guys needed me?" He said looking puzzled on what's going on. All the high ranks in the room looked at Kai as they felt like he disrespected them. "Oh yeah sorry I almost forgot, I got you a gift when I was on Earth capturing the pirate." He said digging in his pocket while walking to the Sargent. She didn't seem happy that he didn't notice that the higher ranks where looking at him, he was embarrassing her more then ever. He pulled out a beautiful necklace as he put it around her neck as it shined bright and the higher ranks began to clap to show appreciation that a young man would respect his Sargent so highly. Confused on what was going on he looked around as he bowed to show respect to the others. " I am Kai Takeshi nice to meet you all, I'm sorry for not saying anything before." He said standing straight behind the Sargent.

Sargent Mia's Prospective

"Well now straight to business Commander Soul had gave me a message from his last mission with his squad. It showed a group of pirates attacking them, the last words of the video showed that they where getting grouped up by bandits or pirates if you want to call them." She took out a little pad as she touched a small button on it, and it revealed a hologram of the Commander sending the message.

Everyone's watching the hologram Prospective

" My beautiful daughter Sargent Mia this message was created on day 15 of my mission this may be the last day, the pirates seem to be attacking in rumors they really want this treasure on planet Stovia. If you can please send some troops it would be much thankful for." Commander Soul said as it started to get a small static threw the message, they could hear yelling and screaming in the background as the static came back to being clear. The pirates was surrounding Commander Soul and some of his troops as the message cut off.

Once they had reached the Afrasee Draven headed below deck to the cargo hold in search for alcohol and weapons.

Meanwhile, Trinity followed Leo, taking an interest in the human. "Your not going to take a weapon for yourself?" She asked quizzically as he stashed the guns and blades in the barrel and leaned against the side with the earth duo. "They have top quality arms in there. Or they may have some more below deck." The girl said as she pulled out Sally.
Vakarine sat back in her chair and twisted the golden orb open. From the center of the orb grew and extensive three dimensional map of the universe. She smiled and put the orb down on the table before getting out of her chair. She could see the clear line connecting perfect models of the planets. She knelt down and covered Malice's eyes. The cat yowled in protest, but it only make Vakarine smile more. She could still see. She could see more clear than she had in a long time. The mental link that allowed Vakarine to see may have allowed others who were close enough to see that the orb was open, but most people would probably question the ability to see through walls in that case. She let go of Malice and walked closer to the miniatures of planets. She could see Ausrine, and the planet they were on, and earth, and so much more. She slowly extended her hand and made a downward movement with her fingers. The planets shifted at her touch. It was time to start exploring.
"Agh!" She proceeded to to stumble a bit when the rude captain had let her go. "ahem, I'll be taking me stuff den." She eyed the Falila closely as she tore the notebook away from him. "Ain't nobody be messing wit me potty." She had to hold back her smile as she dashed away. "Why on earth would he have let me go? Someting's fishy, huh?" She looked up to "her" ship. It was decorated as the night sky but once she got on deck she noticed that she'd have to do some cleaning up. She knew that there was a way to steal this ship and make their own, but that would require an operation from the inside. If she could just get her hands on the registry that her father had back at headquarters then she could make the Afraesee disappear and put their ship off the radar. "Where is everybody?" She looked around and then whistled, "Captain?" Wow. Haven't said that in a while. She smiled, "Solace reporting for duty." She was hopping that Annabelle would holler and let her know where she could be at.
"Nah, weapons aren't really my thing." Leo replied as he shifted away from Trinity when she pulled out her gun. "I know how to use a pistol and swing a blade, but prefer not to carry one around with me." He looked at Trinity's gun before raising an eyebrow. "Isn't that a .44 Magnum from Earth?"

Mus was listening in on the conversation until he noticed Solace was on deck. "The captain is her office right now." He told Solace as he makes his way toward the captain's office. "I'll let her that you're here." After the door slid open for him, he entered the office. "Hey, captain! Solace is here... why is there planets floating in front of my face?" He asked after seeing the universe floating around the entire room.
"Why yes she is. And so is Ranger. But not quite from earth. My father designed them. He was a pretty good smith when he practiced it. These two were his pride and joy." Trinity replied with a smile. "And why not carry something on you? At least a knife. Especially one you can throw too. Those are the best. But they definitely help in confrontation. No one likes to mess with someone who's finger is on the trigger of something aimed at their head." She started and took aim at one of barrels on the dock. With a loud blast, the barrel now had a coin sized hole in it, spewing ale onto the platform.
"Thanks Mus!" She headed into the quarters when she too saw the planets around their bodies. But there wasn't anytime to waste. "Captain! We need to leave now. I have a pretty good hunch those pirates from the bar are gonna be coming after us. I suggest we move now." She saw Mus give her a "relax" look. He was certainly enjoying the show. "Captain!" Solace continued, "I'm sure of it, they also know about the orb. I'm sorry, they kinda kidnapped me and I just escaped. It's a weird story. But we need to get our arse out, now!" Solace bit her tongue after watching Annabelle very closely. "Uhh, Annabelle?"
Once hearing Solace call out for her, Vakarine kept her gaze fixed on the planets. Malice sat up lazily and started trotting towards the door to go fetch the girl. By the time the cat made it to the door, they had already opened the Captain's door. Knowing she couldn't see them anyways, Vakarine didn't bother to turn her head. "Isn't it magnificent? Here's where we are now." she said as she slightly enlarged the scale. "and wayy over here," she said as she shifted the map around "is the planet with the shrine dedicated to the Woven Deity Blue and her Companion Fear. It's really funny because that's not the Woven home world which is where you would think they'd build it. And if you look out here...." she began as she realized Solace was talking about the other pirate crew who knew about an orb. She continued to stare at the stars and planets for a few seconds before Vakarine's attention snapped from the orb. Someone was supposed to tell her when Solace got on board! She snapped the orb closed and hid it in her bag again. "Alright. Let's get moving. Now. All hands on deck." she said as she walked back to the captain's desk "AI, prepare for liftoff." she ordered. After confirming the massage the ship started to turn on, but still required some manual work in order to leave, a notion originally created to fend off hackers.
Mus ran out of the office and climbed up a mast quickly after Vakarine's order to the crew. Having no experience with Star Chasers or anything related to space sailing, he knew there was only one job a young man like him could do. "CAW CAW!" He yelled out after getting inside the crow's nest. "I'm a majestic space bird! Fear me, ya land walkers!"

"Whoa!" Leo said, surprised when Trinity shot a barrel. "Okay, I get why no one would want mess with someone holding a gun. Though I still wouldn't carry one around, unless my life depended on it." Suddenly the ship's engines roared to life from its slumber and a force field powered up around the ship. "It seems like we're gonna take off soon. So... what do we do now?" He looked up when he heard some squawking above him, only to do a facepalm when he noticed it was Mus making the bird noises. " You know what? I'll start swabbing the deck, since I don't know much about sailing. So yeah..." Getting a mop and bucket from a storage room below deck, he begins cleaning the deck. Not a great job to do on a ship, but it's better than doing nothing.
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Erik moved aft of the main sail where the group had been standing. moving up to to poop deck and got a look at the ship, from Erik's vantage point he could see several things that needed doing. Erik moved to secure hatches, disconnect docking ports and other activities necessary for the ship to leave. It appeared that he was one of the few "pirates" capable of manning a vassal thought the stars on his own power. Perhaps they will be useful in a fightfight.
Draven emerged from the lower decks with a case of brandy in one arm and clutched some naval blades in the other, making his way towards the captains quarters. Upon hearing the command to prep for takeoff, he dropped the case and weapons off outside the door and began tying up loose ropes. "Damn this ship has a lot of ropes!" The half breed muttered as he tied off what seemed to be his hundredth end.

"You help out more than cleaning up a clean deck." Trinity said with a laugh and grabbed Leo's collar. "Here, tie down any of the loose cargo on deck. I'll unfurl the sails if needed." The marksman instructed and began her ascent. Luckily for her, the Afrasee's sails were controlled by the AI, leaving the pirate with nothing to to but wait on the cross arm and relax until being told what to do if needed.
" Draven . . ." Solace exhaled as she saw him. She slowly approached him and landed in close. Too close for comfort, of course. "Keep a look out for that coward pirate we met a few moments ago." Lightly touching her goggles and brushing the hair from her face she smiled. "I have a feeling he may follow us." Solace then swiped her attention up to the crow's nest. Apparently Mus was having a grand time being of no use. She chuckled lightly and then have Draven a quick salute. Solace sent up to the side of the ship and had to hoist anchor. Normally one would do it through the use of technology, which is exactly what she planned to do. Out of her pack came her handy portable ladder. She set it on the edge and then with a little running start, she jumped over the edge and caught the ladder with her legs. Taking out what looked like a pen she waved it across a panel and they both turned a neon blue. Suddenly the ship shook just a tiny bit and the anchor lifted itself, back up into in the middle of the ship. "Nice. Good girl." She smiled. With a swing of her torso she was back up and on the ship's deck with ease. "Wahoo! What a rush every time!" She smiled to herself.
"What? Why would that pirate follow us? We left him unconcious with half a tail back at the tavern." The bounty hunter replied, but by the time he had finished his statement to the engineer, she had gone off to hoist anchor. "Well, I guess I'm on look out duty." He muttered to himself until he looked up to see Trinity laying on one of the cross arms.

"And what do you think you are doing?!" Draven shouted to the rogue.

"Waiting for launch!" The sharpshooter replied.

"Well keep a look out for that Falian pirate. Solace said he may have followed." He yelled and resumed tying knots and cutting excess ropes.
The moment the ship was ready for liftoff the force field meant to keep gravity and oxygen in raised up and Vakarine started moving the ship out from the docks. They didn't need anyone else trying to stop them. She was getting them out of there immediately. They had planets to find! And uh...two humans to return home. That too. They should probably get that done, and hopefully there would be no HOSTILE JERKS on Earth either who would stop them from restocking supplies. After making sure the orb was packed away on her person safely, Vakarine headed out of her office and onto the deck where she promptly slipped and fell on her back. Disgruntled to say the least, she sat up and gripped the back of her head "Can someone explain to me why the ship is wet?" she asked in a calm voice that was obviously hiding her unfathomable rage.
"Leo tried to clean the deck. I sent him to tie down cargo and make sure it's secure." Trinity replied to the captain. She still found it odd that the young, blind girl captained such a large vessel, but she didn't question it too much as Draven seemed okay with it. Seeing the hybrid work was a past time of hers, dating back to when he worked with her father as a gunsmith for a brief time. That is when she became infatuated with the pirate.

Draven felt Trinity's eyes on him, a feeling he had grown used to in recent years. The girl was obsessed with him. It was unhealthy and strange he often thought, but one night he made one bad choice, asking Trinity for help in capturing a fugitive, and he ended up with a permanent problem in an insane "partner" of sorts. She had her perks, highly skilled marksman and weapons expert as well as an innovator in technology. "Where are we headed?" The bounty hunter asked the captain as he returned to the case of brandy. "I still need to have my proposition for Leo approved." The falia then proceeded to open the bottle and help himself to more alcohol.
(Ah, alright then. I hope everyone's okay with me attacking the ship temporarily, but if not then I'll make a different post.)

Donovan leaned contently against the balcony of his penthouse, watching contently as his men performed various combat exercises, infantry drones flew by in formation, and vehicles transported much-needed supplies to their respective facilities. This was but a fraction of a fraction of his total military empire, however. He had bases everywhere, performing everything from wiping out smuggling rings, to suppressing uprisings, and even fighting in major wars. He smirked complacently, but his reverie was soon cut off by the sound of a door sliding open. "What is it?" the businessman said with a sigh, disappointed that he had to be drawn to business once again.

A servant robot walked out onto the balcony, and took its place at White's side. "Sir, forgive me for the intrusion, but I've just received an urgent message for you from the Interstellar Navy. It's about a pirate ship, sir, by the name of the Five Eight Afrasee. They say their numbers are stretched thin in this particular sector, and that they wish to hire your services to dispatch the ship."

Donovan was intrigued. Any pirate ship that required outside help to dipatch was clearly up to snuff, and if the pay was good, then certainly he was going to take up the offer. "Send a message, and tell them me and my men will handle it." The servant nodded in confirmation, and promptly walked back inside. It wasn't uncommon for Donovan to fight alongside his men; he found that it boosted morale for the soldiers (the ones that were human, anyhow.) He himself had fought in the theater of war for a time, so it wasn't as if he wasn't well-versed in combat. It was going to be quite eventful, to be sure.
Solace eyed the Falia and his deranged partner. She could feel her grip tighten her cheeks flushed. What the hell is going on? Do I like him or something? No, of course not, I just don't get how he could have a partner like her. Grr, huh? Her body language shifted and she walked right up to Draven. Without a single word she took the bottle from him and took a swig, "Hmph, Brandy." She took another swig, and gave him the bottle. Wiping her mouth she saw him staring at her and she realized, Rats, I do like him. She looked over to see Trinity giving her an interesting glare, Way to make enemies Sol, Gah! She put on her goggles and then saluted. "Well I better check to see how the ship is doing. Heh." She then turned and headed off in the opposite direction, she simply needed to get away from her jealousy. "Why? Why?! Stupid, stupid Solace." She banged her fist against her head lightly.
(I need to write myself back in, so here we go.)

Daniel stumbled out of the lower decks, still decked out in his combat gear. His two pistols, his two sabers, and his rifle on his back. In his left hand was a bottle of rum. "Mmmhh. Rum." He said as he stumbled over to the railings. He noticed the girl pounding her face. She could give herself a concussion if she continues... More rum. He thought as he took another swig from the rum bottle. He saw the captain tumble, and couldn't help but laugh. It was rude, but the booze were taking control of him. After a few minutes he remembered that she was for the most part blind. He made his way over to her trying to act calmly. He walked in a straight line, for the most part. There were a couple of times where he looked like he was going to take a tumble, but he was able to recover his balance. When he approached her, he stopped and offered her a hand up. "Come on. It's time we get out of here."

Not seeing Daniel's hand, Vakarine pushed herself up and dusted herself off "The ship's taking off as we speak." she said with a firm nod. "We're heading to Earth to drop off our stowaways before we go on our real adventure. This time we're not docking. I'm tired of the Navy. Earth isn't going to be nearly as bad as this place, but I'm not taking a single chance." she sighed "we'll go is shifts on the lifeboat to collect supplies......what did you say? More ships?" Vakarine asked as she tilted her head. One downside to being two different people was the difficulty in distinguishing between the two different inputs.

Malice lifted her head from her nap when she heard a voice coming through the ship's interface. She stood up and placed her chin on the captain's desk to listen to the AI. It was alerting them about some attack ships that were in the area. It didn't raise any suspicion sense they were near a military planet. Malice yawned and laid back down. There wasn't any reason to raise alarm.

Vakarine shrugged when Malice decided to go back to sleep. "Nevermind, if anyone needs me I'll be in the captain's quarters if anyone needs me. Hopefully this will be a peaceful ride..." she sighed. This escort mission was taking way too long. All she wanted to do was set off towards Cerberus. She just wanted to see- feel that planet.
Draven shrugged and nodded in reply to the captain. She'll find out eventually, the bounty hunter thought as he mapped out his plan in his head. Getting the woven's money would be easy, it would be retrieving the cargo that would be difficult. We will burn that bridge when we come to it, the hybrid mused as he drank more brandy. "We need to make a whiskey stop on Earth. Terran whiskey is better than any of this..."

"180 proof for me!" A feminine voice yelled followed by a light thud of someone landing on the deck. "Pure ethanol is the best." Trinity said. For some odd reason, her lack of a need for oxygen resulted in her ability to enjoy the pure alcohol without loosing her throat.

"That's disgusting..."
Leo poked his head out of the barrel he was in when the captain went back to her quarters. "Is she gone?" He asked anyone nearby him.

"Yup," Mus replied as he made his way down the mast. "She's out of sight."

Leo sighed with relief before getting out of the barrel. "I thought she would kill me when she slipped on the spot I cleaned at." He said as he did some stretches.

"The moment you saw Annabelle slip, I watched you dive into that barrel like a scared rat hiding from a blind cat." Mus chuckled. "I almost fell off the mast from laughing so hard."

"Oh ha ha, Mus." Leo said irritated. "Laugh all you want, but know that it's natural for anyone to hide when they sense danger." Accidents tend to happen and he was sure the captain would forget about it after a nice meal and some sleep. It's not like things can get worse. The ship was now leaving the planet's atmosphere and things were beginning to get a bit shaky. The cargo that were still on deck began sliding all over the place, crashing into anything in their path with splinters flying everywhere. "This is why I hate tying stuff..." He muttered before a crate smashed into him.
As the ship flew to Earth, Malice sat outside of the captain's quarters to keep watch over the ship and take any concerns. Most non-Woven would think it silly for an animal to take such a position, but Malice was just as much Vakarine as the blind girl inside. While Malice kept watch, Annabelle played with the map, still enchanted by the chance to comprehend visual stimulus, even if she couldn't technically "see" it. She worked on planning a route for her crew to get them to Cerberus safely. She didn't even want to consider the fact that the map may have been a farce and there was no golden planet trio at the marked location.

Many problems arose when her laid out path neared the mythical planet. It was assumed most planets anywhere near it were uninhabited and therefore they couldn't collect supplies on them. They would have to carry a lot of supplies at once and hope they could get enough to last them the trip or find their own renewable resources they could stock the ship with. Either way they needed a lot of work done on the ship to ensure maximum survival of the crew. Speaking of the crew she still had the dilemma of how many people on the ship were freeloaders and how many were actual crew members. She was pretty sure only three of the seven other people on the ship were actual pirates and the rest were going to leave once they got to Earth. She would have to bolster that number quickly. They weren't going to survive a single attack from pretty much anything really with only four people.

Whilst Annabelle mulled over the details, Malice trotted under the deck to check on the rest of the....bipeds.

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