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Futuristic Midnight Blue


The Hunter
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  • Name:
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  • Age:
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  • Alliance:
  • Background:
  • Other:
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  • Name: Annabelle Vakarine

  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Woven
  • Home Planet: Ausrine
  • Alliance: Pirate
  • Background: Vakarine's family was killed when she was young by a rouge group off pirates who pillaged her home town. Ironically, even though a Woven pirate had killed her family and blinded her (mostly), she still intends on gathering a pirate crew to be the first to find Cerberus.
  • Other:Annabelle's partner is a lazy, good for nothing clouded leopard named Malice. Seriously. She's not even a good seeing eye dog. And she's pretty sure that has nothing to do with the fact that she's a cat.
* Name: Leo Kupe

* Appearance:


* Age: 21

* Gender: Male

* Species: Human

* Home Planet: Earth

* Alliance: Civilian

* Background: Born in the Earth city known as New York City, Leo was abandoned by his parents after he was born. He lived in a orphanage located in the bad part of the city for most of his life and never ventured out to other parts of Earth even once. Leo was usually too busy taking care of the orphanage and its residents, since abandoned children were usually left at its doorway every single month. Taking care of the building wasn't much of an annoyance to him, since he felt like he owed the owner for taking care of him ever since he was an infant. But he didn't feel content with his life. He would always look to the stars, wondering what the other planets looked like and wanted to see the Sea of Stars with his own eyes. Saving enough money to buy himself a ticket off Earth, he said his farewells to the orphanage and boarded a ship with a captain that promised him an adventure of a lifetime. Which turned out to be a lie after the captain knocks him out and tries to sell him as a slave at a random planet. Leo manages to escape, but is currently on the run from them. Now he must find a way to continue his adventure or it's going to end before it even begun.

* Other: Leo is the jack of all trades, or considers himself to be one. He took all sorts of jobs in the city to support the orphanage financially, which taught him all sorts of skills to take care of his own and himself. Some of these skills include cooking, cleaning, organizing, piloting (if crashing a small ship into the water with minor damage to it is considered landing), and running. Lots and lots of running.
Name: Solace Reprimand (Sol for short)


Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Bleak

Home Planet: Sola

Alliance: Pirate

Background: Solace comes from the war capitol. She grew up quite wealthy in a huge estate with her parents and younger brother. Her father was a proud and stern Captain in the Interstellar Navy. He was always fighting against pirates. Her mother was one of Sola's grand fashion designers. She would create the most elaborate designs ever seen and the profit made was incredible. Solace only wanted to please her parents. She trained hard in order to become eligible for the Interstellar Navy. She had been in an out of the base several times when she was just a tiny thing. She was always her mother's model when to came time to reveal the latest trend and so it would seem that Solace had everything anyone could have wanted, yet she was not pleased. In time Solace began to train with someone well versed in the knowledge of ships. She did end up working for the Interstellar Navy as an engineer. She began from the bottom and worked her up. Though she need only to mention her name and she could have made it to the top with ease. Solace worked hard and on her own she became a pirate, the sole thing her father hated. Since she knew her father wouldn't hesitate to hunt her down her pirate life became a secret. Now she works for the Interstellar Navy and is a pirate on the sidelines.

Other: Solace wears steam punk style of clothing and she always has her tools on hand. Being a Bleak, not too many others know that she is what she is since she appears human. She's friendly but stern and you may want to watch out for your belongings suddenly disappearing while she's around. She use to run with a Pirate crew all of her own, but had to give that up when her father went on a hunt for her crew. She saved her crew by cutting her ties with them. Now she works as an engineer and currently travels wherever work calls her.
Name: Deluros Aujstwé




As a Bleak, he has elf shaped ears with enhanced hearing.

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Stovian and Bleak

Home Planet: Earth

Alliance: Pirate - Neutral

Background: Deluros himself barely knows where he comes from. His parents abandoned him once he was born while they went to visit Earth. He was raised by an elderly swordsman who taught him the way of the blade. At the age of 13, Deluros ran away in search for adventure. He joined a small Pirate Crew but had to abandon them after the Navy killed most of the men. Since then, Deluros has worked by himself, leaving no trace of his existence. He is a pirate, yes, but he is a pirate on his own.

Other: Deluros owns a bird named Kaku

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Draven Ryske


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.a41f7b19c48646543141c8a3dab1f0b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.a41f7b19c48646543141c8a3dab1f0b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






Falia- Draven is only half falia, the other half is human so his animalistic traits are much more hidden than in most Falia. He still possesses fanged teeth, clawed hands, and acute senses of hearing, sight, and smell, making him a great tracker.

Home Planet:



Pirate, Bounty Hunter, Badass


Draven was born on a farm to a Falia mother and a father who he never knew. Being a hybrid, he was an outcast for most of his life, driving him to stay home and read stories his father left behind. The young boy read about pirates and cowboys and soldiers and spent countless hours watching movies from earth millinia ago. So as Draven grew up, he dreamed of becoming one of the characters from the stories, practicing all the skills he would need to be successful. As soon as he was old enough he left Marus on a ship and became a pirate, hunting bounties once he realized it was a much more profitable profession.


Draven specializes in quick melee attacks paired with a few gunshots inbetween. His arsenal of weaponry consists of: a curved ninjato, two foldable kama, a variety of throwables, and several pistols that resemble colt revolvers.



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  • Name: Mus "Mouse" Trapper

  • Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/claus1.jpg.92615c97fbb63d11e6f93d8baccfeb5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/claus1.jpg.92615c97fbb63d11e6f93d8baccfeb5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Age: 13

  • Gender: Male

  • Species: Cerdivan

  • Home Planet: Earth

  • Alliance: Civilian

  • Background: Mus was born on Earth in New York City. He was abandoned by his parents at a young age when they left the planet to escape paying their debts to loan sharks. Sent to a orphanage in a bad part of the city, he formed a friendship with one of the elder residents who lived there for most of their life. Sometimes he would help them out with the chores or go exploring around the city by himself for fun. Years later, after he heard that his childhood friend was leaving Earth, Mus sneaks his way into their ship undetected before it departs into space. No way was he going to let them have fun in outer space without him.

  • Other: Thanks to his short stature, Mus can fit himself into the smallest spaces and crawl through them with ease. This allows him to fit inside anywhere from vents to barrels without getting caught. Loves scaring anyone who passes by his hiding spots and is fascinated with any type of technology.



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  • Name: Dr. Tanya Young

  • Appearance:

  • Age: 39

  • Gender: Female

  • Species: Human

  • Home Planet: Earth

  • Alliance: Interstellar Navy

  • Background: Tanya was born into an incredibly rich and notorious family, and was subjected to incredibly privileged education from just four years old. Going on to study Chemistry, Biology and especially Physics, Tanya holds an incredibly high IQ. After being recognised as being very gifted and talented, Tanya was recruited into the Interstellar Navy as a science officer and advisor as well as an occasional medic.

  • Other: She is a pacifist who refuses to kill (although she's not completely against violence and will fight in self defence)
  • Name: Fergus Maplewood

  • Appearance:

  • Age: 58

  • Gender: Male

  • Species: Half Bleak, Half Ceridian [idk if spelt right]

  • Home Planet: Sola

  • Alliance: Civilian[blacksmith], Former Navy Admiral.

  • Background: Fergus is a former Admiral of the Interstellar Navy but quit at the age of 40. At the age of 43, he found a child named Deluros and took him into his care. He immediately taught him the way of the blade. Since Deluros left to become a pirate, he quickly took into the business of a Blacksmith in the capitol of Planet Solar.

  • Other: Despite his age, Fergus is extremely strong and wise. He is brothers with Deluros' former dead captain, Captain Ryko.

Trinity Rosea









Home Planet:





A Mystery


Trinity has an odd infatuation with weapons. Especially her two .44 Magnums, giving them names (Ranger and Sally) and talking to them.
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Name: Former CMC (Command Master Chief) Daniel "Dan" Kasper


Age: 38


Species: Half Bleak, Half Human

Home Planet: Sola

Alliance: Former S.W (Special Warfare) CMC, now Pirate

Background: Born as the bastard child of a Bleak fashion aficionado and a human women. Dan's life hasn't been normal, he was hated by his father, and their kind, and hated by his mothers kind. His mother was the only one that showed him any kind of affection. She would whore herself out to many and all man. His father, who hated him, would try and hide it from the media. "It would be a horrific tragedy if they found out about my Bastard son." His father would think.

Dan didn't go to a conventional school because everyone would pick on him, because they thought he was weaker because of his human side. His mother would homeschool him during the day. He was just starting high school when he knew what he wanted to do. He believed that he was destined to be a fighter. He just barely qualified for special warfare, after all the qualifications and tests.

After a long, honorable and prosperous career, Daniel was dishonorably discharged from the interstellar navy. Daniel would go on a drinking binge for a couple months. The reason they gave him for the dishonorable discharge was he would talk back to his commanders, but that couldn't be the reason, could it?

Other: Dan learned to play the guitar from his mother, part of the artistic side of human. Depending on the day, or how he feels, a bottle of some type of alcohol can be found in his hands, most likely rum. His squadmates would often say his only strength was his determination, which for the most point. He's neither weak, nor strong, but he'll get back up, even if his legs are broken, and he doesn't have the strength to fight won't stop him. He makes for a good sparring partner.
  • Name: erik gothmog

  • Appearance:

  • Age: 19

  • Gender: male

  • Species: space Viking

  • Home Planet: Midgard

  • Alliance: freelancer

  • Background: born on the viking world of midgard Erik was exposed to the strange ways of the space vikings half brutal pirate, half loving family men. The makeings of a small space empire have begun on the edge worlds were the sword worlds are now being carved out by the blade. Still a young empire the world spawns many a wondering youth and often a blooded pirate. Erik grew up like most other space vikings farming the land, working machine, riding animal and contraption alike. By the age of 15 they are well trains in everything from sword play to politics. And are send off to server as squares and attendants to the ships while the men raid. Now an independent man of his culture he may come and go as he chooses. With the discovery of the Star Chaser Erik finds himself cast into the sea of the void. To carve out a feif of his own

  • Other: the customary sword of a space viking, this sword in particular a flamberge. A recoiless Vulcan auto repeater that fires self propelled .75 caliber rounds... Unfortunately it cost more to fire the dammed thing then he often gets back on investment. Typical space viking garbe from horned helm to magboot. Erik is a capable flyer and good shock fighter.
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  • Name: Verona Megune
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Falia
  • Home Planet: Sola
  • Alliance: Freelance
  • Background: Verona grew up doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She preferred to stay on the fashionable side of Sola whenever she was on the planet, mainly because it was full of easy targets. From pickpocketing to grand theft Starship, Verona has paid for a total of three objects in her entire life. She enjoys to involve herself in anything and everything she finds interesting
  • Other: Verona is a kleptomaniac. A very dedicated kleptomaniac.

  • Name: Harry "Half-Tail" Poole
  • Age: 47
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Falia
  • Home Planet: Marus
  • Alliance: Pirate
  • Background: Half-Tail left his home planet during his teens in search of better opportunities in space. One thing led to another and he became the captain of a somewhat successful pirate crew during his mid 30's. Is well-known to be a paranoid drunkard with a temper, which usually causes him to kill 3 of his crew members a week. Why any pirate would still join his crew is a mystery to everyone.
  • Other: Earned the nickname "Half-Tail" by tricking his opponents into thinking they cut off his tail in combat, only to surprise them by shooting them with a small, hidden pistol with his tail. Has a bounty of 100,000 credits on his head by the Interstellar Navy for 1st degree murder, smuggling, theft, and sailing under the influence. Also is racist against humans.

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