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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Ar!" Sora shouted. He moved as a shield and protected his wife. It grew silent. Aires lost her breath as she clung to her brother. "Kaze . . ." She whispered, afraid.

"Damn. . . . Come ya Monkey hurry up." Kaze demanded. He then noticed that his sister's eyes were normal. Which meant that their father was, "Oh dust . . ."

"Ar!? NO!" Sora screamed add the man that she loved laid lifeless on top of her.
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Elinore smirked at Michael and tossed him the chock "You're looking good~" she cooed as she ran over to the window "Thank you, you may have just saved a poor little birdy's life" she said as she opened the window "don't get reckless." she cooed as she climbed out the window. She jumped down onto the ground which was thankfully only a floor down and ran. William wasn't going to be help. Ben and Aires was missing. She needed someone who could help. Someone who she could trust not to rat her out for sneaking out. Someone who would help her with the White Fang. "Where on earth could Enrique be..." she murmured to herself
(I didn't get any Notifs!!!!!!)

Enrique was walking back with Teri. It was dark out. "I think one of your sisters is watching us." He said as he felt like someone was watching him. He had that feeling a lot. It was like he was in the jungle and the Grimm's eyes were watching a target that was painted on his back.

The smile on Constellion's face grew.
"That's one." He said as he looked at Sora. He walked over to her and pressed his boot to the mans chest. He used the force that any normal man would have. "Love makes people do crazy things. It makes people throw themselves in front of danger for their loved ones... It's crazy, isn't it." He said as he dragged the giant blade across the dead mans throat, severing his head. "Do you forfeit, or do I have to kill another one of your loved ones?" He said as he pointed the barrel at the boy (Kaze).
"That's probably Acid." Teri said as she waved her hand to shoo her away. "She's very crazy and protective. Sometimes drunk or drugged but she gets things done." She continued. "I wonder where everyone is though? Are they out on a mission or something?" She asked, slightly worried for their safety.
Enrique looked around. "Huh must be." He heard some rustling from behind them. He thought it was nothing, maybe Acid was ignoring her sister kept following them.
Acid slowly removed her crosshairs from Enrique. "Fine." She said before placing Acid Blaster away. She started to walk away from her vantage point.

"Let's ask around, maybe someone knows where they went." Teri said. @Dakup
"Good idea." He said as he walked back with Teri to Beacon. After a few minutes of walking he held onto her hand. He walked side by side with her, just holding her hand.
After a bit of wandering they happened across Elinore. "hey El, what's going on where is everyone?"
Elinore, looking a wreck after her long day of having her laundry and favorite coat explode, her teammates being kidnapped, becoming the prime suspect of a murder case she didn't commit, and then escaping from the detention hall, quickly turned when she heard Enrique "En, Teri. Thank goodness it's you. Listen, listen, listen," she said frantically as she looked over her shoulder and lowered her voice, "I need your help. There's no one else who I can trust right now. Half my teams been captured by the White Fang and they're in danger. Aires was trying to kill her parents but that didn't work out and now she's being mind controlled and and...I'm at my wits end. I need help getting them back. I can't have them too. I can't have anyone else like Markus and Loki and Rolland and Annabelle."
"My word El, sounds like you have had a interesting day if your speeding everyday." He said as he recognized two of those four names. "But you kind of got us at an interesting time. We're kind of on a date El... I mean I am willing to help you out, but...." He looked at Teri. "its up to you if you want to help them. You probably know them better then I do so you would have a better reason to fight for them."
"No!" Aires yelled as she stood in front of Kaze, "Don't hurt my brother."

"Idiot, what are you doing?" Kaze growled, he was losing his grip on Ben. If he completely lost it he would be sent back to his body.

Sora stared at her decapitated husband and wondered why. "Stupid idiot." She mumbled her eyes glazed. "Fine I'll play your game." She snapped as her semblance shifted. Her gloves ignited and her super speed and strength came into okay. "You wanna destroy my family? FINE!" She grabbed Castellion by the neck and slammed him against a wall, crushing him all the way inside of it. "I'll destroy you." Her gloves pulsed and her bullets fired releasing her toxins into his skin. "Let's see you outlive that for more than a couple of minutes." If I go down, he's coming with me. She concluded. At those two kids can grow up together and hopefully be better than we ever were, Ar. She back flipped into the air and landed in front of her kids. "That' damn bitch . . . Scar where the hell are you?" Sora scanned the area and waited to see if there were any signs of that ram coming back for another punch.

Aires couldn't help but wonder if she would ever see her team again. She missed them and the good old days. Geez that seemed so far away. Almost as though it were all a dream. "What's going to happen Kaze?" She turned to look at him.

"I don't know silly goose, I don't know . . ." he quickly hugged his sister. "It'll be over soon though." The whole area was silent.
Constellion hit the wall with a lot of force. He had a huge smile on his face. He was poisoned, but he shrugged that off. Right now he had to deal with Sora, he would deal with that later. He cracked his knuckles, and his neck. "Oh this is gonna be a good fight." He said as he picked up big Papi. The heavy weapon, which would normally take two hands only took one. He had a very big grin on his face.

(@RushWing If you kill Constellion, can he kill Sora?)

Sora got some good hits on him, but he wasn't going to give up that easy. He tracked her. After a few passes he got her path. "Batters up." He said as he took one swing and cut Sora in two. "Damnable Bitch." He said as he started to laugh. This laugh went on for a couple of seconds before he started to convulse. He fell to his knees. The poison was starting to take effect. He held up the weapon so the barrel was pointed at Sora's children. He was fighting to keep the weapon for a few more seconds. He smiled. He stopped convulsing and fell forward, a smile still painted on his face.
"Oh you can be sure I'm helping." She said. "Lemme go change first and see if my team is available." She added as she walked to her dorm while simultaneously using her scroll to send a message to her team.
Angel looked around, trying to figure out where the crash came from. Taking the uniform from Tavril, Angel looked at it thoroughly. "Not a scratch." She said, murmuring to herself. She turned to face Tavril who was holding the other uniform. "Should we get going? That crash didn't sound like it was very far." She said, tugging at his sleeve.
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Teri called Caron and Oxis who followed Aires to the White Fang base. "Where are you? We have something to do!" Teri shouted, making the two wince away from their Scrolls. "We followed Aires and the others without them knowing ." Oxis said while Caron was recovering from her ringing ears. "Oh...go! Help them!" She screamed before hanging up. Teri head into their room and changed her clothes before heading back. "They're there. Acid! We have something to do!"

"...You heard her...let's go!" Caron said, activating her jetpack while Oxis took flight. Oxis activated her Semblance and made oxygen gather into a tiny ball which she put into her cannon. "...Weak point located." She said before firing her cannon onto the side of the base and burying she orb into it. "Your turn."

Caron aimed Gashburn onto the tiny orb before firing a single flaming arrow into it. "Ka..." The arrow hit the orb. "Boom." A fiery explosion tore onto the base and created and entrance. Both girls took flight and entered the gaping hole in the base.
"If I go down so do you." Sora spit, blood was gushing everywhere. Aires closed her eyes when Kaze let her go and ran to Sora.

"Mom . . . You'll be okay, you'll be-"

"Don't lie to me boy. To think all these years we could have been a real family instead of following stupid orders." Sora had seconds left. "Take care of your sister and here take these. Use them wisely and carefully." She handed him her gloves. "Kaze . . . I did love you and I'm sorry I didn't say it." She took one final gasp and said "Live on. Love strong." With that Sora's eyes went dark and her life force left her.

Aires ran over to Kaze. She saw her mother lying there lifeless. Looking over at the ram she noticed he had a smile on his face. Why am I so upset? Wasn't I going to do the same thing? That was before i found out they were just following orders? Whose orders? Who decided that my family would be used as puppets? I HATE THIS! At that moment Aires screamed a blood curling scream that defied nature. Her eyes began to glow their deadly neon purple and she looked at the ram. "I won't forgive you." She knew he couldn't hear, but she didn't care. With a blink of her eyes the ram exploded. When Kaze set Sora's top half down he went up to Aires and hugged her, trying to shush her telling her that it was over. Then they both heard an explosion that wasn't Aires. Aires's mind was blank, she only knew fury. Looking at Caron and Oxis, her eyes flared up again with that purple light. "No Aires no! They're your classmates! Aires don't blink!" Kaze pleaded as he placed his right hand over her eyes to blind her. Kaze then looked back to where he had left Ben and the monkey was starting to come to. "AIRES NO!"
Ben had noticed himself starting to be pulled back before violently being brought back to his own skin. "That was fun..." He mumbled as he slowly woke up, not realizing what a dire situation he was in.

"Ben? Ben?? Ben?!" Trinity yelled as her friend left her side. "Oh crap. Your time expired like some bullshit videogame..." She said with a groan of annoyance. With that she went to go find Elinore and will wherever they were, flipping a knife in her hand as she strode through the halls of Beacon.
Seeing Elinore make her way out the window, Michael had finished his work and turn to leave the now elinore look a like tied and bound while the Yong armored figure moved past will. Michael would look for some means of transport while the rest of the students ran about he would find them when they had finished acting like chickens with out there heads. He for a moment consider a bullhead but was reluctant as so many had been crashed of late.
"Hey Ben!" Kaze yelled out to the Monkey to see if he could help out. "I can't hold Aires down myself." He yelled out. Aires was making it pretty difficult with all her thrashing around. If he let go of her eyes then she would go on a killing rampage. It must have been a sight thought. Sora's severed body lying on the ground blood everywhere. Ar's head lying on one side of the ground and his body on the side of the ground. There was blood everywhere. The ram's body was also in vast puddle of blood and black goo, probably the poison, and then what smelled like vomit. It was putrid.

Aires was then beginning to slip and Kaze kept yelling out. "Aires don't! Aires come back! Snap out of it! STOP!" She threw Kaze to the ground and blinked. Luckily it missed anyone in range. She then looked over to her brother. "You did this. You're the idiot." Aires flared her eyes one more. "Aires no!'" Kaze spread his wings and pulsed. He scooped himself into the air as she blinked and thank goodness it missed him by a fraction.
"....." This was a turn of events. Shade didn't exactly know what was going on but so far he knows that his commanders are dead, He didn't care for them at all to be honest. A man with wings was holding down a girl who could Literally kill someone by blinking at them. Since he had no contract left with the group, he decided that maybe it would be wise to stop the bird-Lady from killing everyone. He wasn't going to die here of all places... He took cover to avoid her gaze. 'I have to take her out and fast before she kills us all!' He stealthily snuck behind her, thank god that he was a damn good thief, and struck her in the back of her head with the back end of his Staff with enough force to knock her out.

((I hope that was an okay thing to do... @RushWing))
"Hello... hey... stop fooling around... WAKE UP!" Alex shouted before kicking William to wake him up.

"Who, what, where, when, and why?!" William blurted out after feeling someone kick his head. He looks around and saw Alex looking down at him with a blank look on his face. "Oh... it's you. What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Alex asked himself while looking away from William. "I don't know. Maybe I want to eat cookies and strawberries without someone stealing them before I even put them in my mouth. Or a semblance that grants me the ability to go back in time to prevent everything that happened in the past few weeks from occurring. That way, I wouldn't need to deal with a lot of tedious tasks in my life right now." He replied before dropping a huge bag on top of William.

"What's in here?" William asked before opening the bag to reveal the mysterious gifts inside. "It's my armor without the dents and blood stains." He said while inspecting each piece with a small smile. "When did you-"

"Don't underestimate my smithing skills, kid." Alex said as he freed Natalya from her restraints. "I wouldn't have opened up my store if I couldn't fix and make custom armaments like a pro. Though mind telling me why Nat is cosplaying as your girlfriend? It's creeping me out a lot."

"...I honestly don't know." William replied after equipping Archdeath. The student was now back in his custom armor and felt like he could go against anything that got in his way. "Guess who's back?!" A masculine, electronic voice announced through his helmet's speakers. "Oh dust no!" William exclaimed as he took off his helmet and threw it at Alex, who caught it with one hand. "It's very rude to throw your gift at someone who gave it to you out of kindness." A feminine, electronic voice announced with more maturity than the last one. "When did they-"

"Don't ask me." Alex said after tossing the helmet back to William. "They were already in the armor's electronic hardware before I even fixed it for you. But enough complaining from you." He walks over to William, with Natalya over his shoulder, to give him a sheathed combat knife. "Before you ask, it's useful in all sorts of situations and the ladies love it. Now go do whatever you have to do as I deal with my own problems." He said before leaving the classroom.

William sighs as he puts on his helmet and stuffed his new weapon in his- "Right... gotta get it stitched up later with Elinore's jacket." He mumbled as he leaves the building to look for Elinore while holding his sheathed weapon. Maybe she could shed some light on what happened in the classroom earlier...


"Reds, this is Blue-1." A soldier with blue strips on their armor reported through a scroll. "My team is one mile away from the mission objective and have zero visual of your Bullhead. Where is your current location, over?" After a moment of silence, a man with a rough accent answered the transmission. "Hey, you dirty Blues! Where are you maggots at right now? We already secured the White Fang base, rescued the students, reported to the main fleet, and are heading back to the academy right now, over." Silence. "Really? Well then explain why the students are with us, over?!" Another moment of silence. "...Blue sucks, over." Then began a huge idiotic argument about which color team was better while Gold Team, who really did all of the work, arrived back at Beacon Academy via Bullhead. They had Aires, Kaze, Benjamin, Caron, Oxis, and Shade transported to the infirmary to get treated for any injuries and stress. Then they head back to White Fang base to ensure that the Reds and Blues haven't killed each other yet.
Opening her eyes she noticed everything was extremely bright. She then saw her poster that she had hung after having been assigned to teams. The last few months were a blur and honestly felt like they hadn't happened. She turned to see that she was the only one in the room. Twisting her alarm clock towards her she saw the time. "What?" She asked herself in a groggy voice. She didn't know what day it was, what month, and she was a little lost about what had happened recently. She wasn't sure if she was supposed in a class as of right now, or training or anything. In fact the last she remembered was probably the moving into her room. She yawned as she got herself out of bed and into the shower. After getting dressed she heard her stomach growling. "Yeah, yeah I hear you." It was almost ten in the morning so it was still breakfast time for her. Putting her boots on she tied her hair and was out the door.

Kaze was speaking to a couple of other students when he sensed Tavril. He walked up to him and patted his back. "Hey So I was hoping if you could give me any tips regarding technique within the team. I know we haven't really been a team and that's well mostly my fault and I was hoping that we could get closer as team-" Kaze then sensed a bitter emptiness as Tavril waled away from him. "Mates . . . " he finished his ramble, "Or not . . . That's what I get I suppose." Kaze was a little bummed. Things seemed to have gotten too normal around here. It had only been a couple of weeks since he and Aires had become orphans, well thanks to some teachers and other higher ups, nothing happened to Aires. I wonder if Oz knows that Aires killed those students? "Well not important. Huh?" He sensed Elinore going in the direction of her favorite escape place the roof, which now a days seemed a bit less crowded, and then he caught another scent, it was the monkey's. Ben hadn't really spoken to him since they got back to Beacon. "Come to think of it he hasn't spoken to Aires either. . . Crap." One Aires had healed up they moved her to her room to oddly enough make more room for other students that were hurt and didn't visit the clinic as often. The last time Kaze "saw" Will he had gotten his armor back and was well the Will that everyone couldn't live without. Aires, however, had yet to emerge from her sleep. "I wonder if she'll remember anything."

"It's likely Ms. Phoenix won't remember much if anything at all to do with your family tragedy. She may have some PTSD after this so keep a eye on her. You should check up on her everyday at least once and once she wakes up notify her teammates if they don't already know before you. Oh and notify Oz, I'm sure he'd like to speak to her." That's what the doctors told Kaze as they left the clinic to go to her room. "I guess I haven't really checked on her today, might as well." He made his way to her room. He knew it would just be her, her teammates were rarely there. They were there in the early morning to change and sometimes at night to sleep, but that was it. He knocked on the door out of habit. "Hey sleepy head, how are you doing toda-" Her scent wasn't there. He couldn't see her purple aura, her bed was empty, she had woken up. "Aires?" He quickly spoke into his scroll and sent a message to her teammates:

Message Subject: AIRES

TO: Elinore LaLuna, William Reaper, an Benjamin Gray

Content: Aires is awake and somewhere on campus, just fyi. She's finally awoken.

FROM: Kaze Phoenix
"...I grabbed the Beowolf by the head before headbutting it with overwhelming power that it died immediately in one hit." Professor Port lectured to the class as he walked back and forth across the front of the classroom. It was another boring day of "Grimm Studies" for the students, some of them barely keeping themselves awake and others writing notes. William was quietly listening to Port's story when his scroll vibrated on the table. Curious as to who would text him during class, he checks his messages and reads the one called "AIRES". "Mr. Reaper, is there something wrong?" Professor Port asked when he noticed William got up from his seat with his scroll in his hand. "I know my stories tend to excite energetic hunters like you, but not to the point of getting up to take pictures of me with their scrolls."

"Oh... sorry." William apologized as he sat back down on his seat. "I suddenly did have the urge to take a picture of you after hearing about the part where you killed a Beowolf with a headbutt, but I'll wait until class is over." He heard some snickers around him, but didn't mind about that. Somewhere on campus, Aires is awake and walking around doing who knows what by herself. He wasn't sure what her condition would be like after weeks of being asleep and could only hope that Elinore or Ben will find her before something bad happens. Actually, now that he thinks about it... where the heck is his teammates? Shouldn't they be in class with him right now?

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