Midnight Blue

Well the story isn't dead and neither are we. Some of us have school, family and work to attend to, Haha ^^ For example I'm a teacher, so it's difficult, but this role play, psh, please, it's still on ;b
Way to say it rush. We're people with lives. I can only speak for myself, but this might be my last Christmas with my family for a while (enlisted going to boot). I don't know where I am going or if i am going to be back next year, so I want to make the most of it. It ain't over till the fat lady sings, and the show hasn't even started yet.

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Hey rush I didn't know that your a teacher, what do you teach and what grade?

Tag me if I have to see it
Theater, pretty cool. I was a techie in my school.

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Not well. -_- ; Half-Tail nearly shot his own butt while shooting bottles with his tail back at his ship. Luckily he avoided that crisis by turning the gun away in time, only to shoot Woode in the knee. Poor bastard...

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