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  1. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    Zink guided the large throng of confused escapees down the hall; there would be no way of getting out the way they came in, so they would have to find an alternative route. "Circuit, where's the best way out of this place?" She spoke into the comms before hearing Beat. "Good to hear you're...
  2. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    Xenon did not attack immediately, instead watching the rebels and prisoners, waiting to see what they would do and how long it would take them to notice her presence. Her purpose here for the moment was to observe and assess whether or not they posed any large threat. So far, she had not been...
  3. Tylar Annell

    Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (OOC/Concept)

    Original Hylion So... It doesn't seem as if this RP is still active anymore, but I thought I'd give you the map I made anyway, you might like to use it for another RP at some point.
  4. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    (PyroWarriorZ WantYourSoul So sorry for dropping off the face of the internet. But, I'm back now. Hopefully we can continue.) Zink didn't stay long enough to watch Sylver with the young boy, instead she made her way to the next cell. It was the same size, but there were more people crammed...
  5. Tylar Annell


    Count me in.
  6. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    "Freeing, not hunting" Zink growled as she stormed after the eager young girl, "Now cool it Fireball, and stop drawing attention to yourself!" Zink looked down at the broken, slightly charred Blade on the ground before checking their surroundings: it seemed it had been a lone patrol and it...
  7. Tylar Annell

    Fantasy's End (IC)

    ((Original Hylion Moving ahead without them doesn't necessarily mean kicking them out of the RP. If they still wanna be involved, they can just catch up by time skipin or something and they can back track if they want or work out what they wanted to happen between their characters with PMs...
  8. Tylar Annell

    Traditional Stardusts Sketchbook

    Naw, those bead pictures are adorable! Shame that girl one looks like it's melted a bit. I totally know where you're coming from, it's very hard not to make character drawings not look stiff or rigid. Clothing is a pain in the a$$ too. Ume is right to suggest skeletons. They really help you...
  9. Tylar Annell

    Nightmares Revisited -Sign Up-

    Name: Phillip Daft Age: 19 Gender: Male Short Personality Summary: With a happy disposition and very much a people-person, Phil is always very friendly and kind when he deals with others. He's very into physical activity, often going hiking or playing some kind of sports on weekends. Phil...
  10. Tylar Annell

    Fantasy's End (IC)

    My character is asleep, I'm waiting for the next day in the rp. LostinParadise and Forks's characters were still doing stuff, but they're not being active anymore. It's only been 9/10 days since the posting stop. Not really long enough to be labeled as dead. @OriginalHylion You wanna move the...
  11. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    Zink cursed as the metallic spikes continued to grow out from the walls around them. "Alright, hold on guys," Zink extended her legs out behind her and powered up all of her jets, "This'll be rough." Zink put as much power as she could into the initial blast from her jets. As the last in line...
  12. Tylar Annell

    Let the Games Begin

    Ok guys, WantYourSoul responded to the recruitment thread so I asked her to provide an example of her RPing to show she could post at the level and length we've already got going. Hopefully everyone still wants to continue with this RP. I'd like to get your opinions on her posting example and...
  13. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    "Soryr Beat," Zink smiled apologetically at Beat as he moved forward. She was a bit harsh, but it was just a result of severity of the situation they were in. "Thanks for the back up." When Sylver - 'that's it, her name!' - inquired about her injuring, Zink tried to study how bad it was. She...
  14. Tylar Annell

    Forever seems so long. [Sign-Up/OOC/Info]

    Understable, I was a bit busy when I made it, so it was a really rushed job. It's ok, I think my RP plate is a bit loaded anyway.
  15. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    Zink sprited as fast as she could after the others with the Blades hot on her heels. AS she reached the square hole in the wall that was her destination, she jumped and caught the top ledge of the opening, swinging feet first into the vent. There was a drop of several feet and Zink slid...
  16. Tylar Annell

    Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (OOC/Concept)

    Original Hylion - Ok, so here's a rough sketch. I just wanted to show you and ask I got everything in the right place. If so, then I'll prettify/do it properly. It's suuuper bad quality. I have such a crappy scanner and just light pencilwork like this doesn't usually show up very well. I...
  17. Tylar Annell

    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    Zink got to her feet after being knocked to the ground by they young, silver haired rebel - again - as the other Blades were called in and started to surround the small band of rebels. "Damn it, not good." Zink tested out her enhancements but there were still out from Sonic's blast, so was her...
  18. Tylar Annell

    The Spire

    Ok, what I was thinking was that I would just post this part and then the rest of the info into a different Info thread when I make it and the signs up. I didn't think of it your way Heartsteal, but you're totally right. Thank you for pointing that out. You too Progeny, thanks. Currently...
  19. Tylar Annell

    Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (Sign up)

    Ok. Was there a particular shape you had in mind for the island or doesn't it really matter? what side of the island is the mountain on? Also, is it alright if I just add a couple of little things to the environemnt? The first is a river that goes from the mountain through the forrests. The...
  20. Tylar Annell

    Forever seems so long. [Sign-Up/OOC/Info]

    Um, is my character approved?