Zero Tolerance [RP]

Sylver was slammed into by the Guard Blades spiked shield, she was lucky, and only one of the spikes grazed her cheeks as she was flung face-first into the ground. "Ngh..." She mutters, pulling herself to her feet, she staggered forwards to get closer to the Blade and she draws her kilaj from the sheath embedded in her cybersuit. With a small spark form Sylvers fingers, the white metal was blazing and she stood in front of the Blade, wearily eyeing its spiked shield.

Sylver quickly flashes Zinc a look then turns her comm back on, which she had turned off to avoid being tracked by Circuit.

(I think I failed at writing this...)
Zink got to her feet after being knocked to the ground by they young, silver haired rebel - again - as the other Blades were called in and started to surround the small band of rebels. "Damn it, not good." Zink tested out her enhancements but there were still out from Sonic's blast, so was her gun. She just hoped that they came back online soon enough for them to actually win this fight. Their uninvited ally caught her eye for a moment before turning back to face the Blade that had attacked her. At least Sivler, or whatever her name was, still had a weapon that works, Zink supposed she must have been out of range of the sonic blast. At least they had that working for them.

Two of the Blades side by side rushed her, but instead of retreating or sidestepping the attack, Zink sprinted towards them. Timing it, she jumped and used one of the large spikes on the shields to kick herself up and over the top of the protective metal. Grabbing a hold ofthe top of the shield, she used both her momentum and that of the Blade to plant a sold kick to the joint between the head and chest casing. The other in that time had turned to swipe at her with it's shield. Seeing it coming, Zink kicked off the shield she had momentarily perched on and somersaulted over the top of the the first Blade towards the ground.

Her actions were a little too late though and the edge of the spiked shield came into contact with her thigh and ripped down towards her knee as she turned in the air. The contact threw off Zink's landing and she crashed hard into the ground. Hissing, she clasped the open gash in her suit as it sparked from the severed circuitry that ran through the metal. Despite the injury and the pain, it was too dangerous to remain idle so Zink stood up and readied herself to continue fighting.

(Sorry if I controlled the BLades too much, I didn't write whether or not they sustained any damage from her attacks though. When can their enhancements and stuff come back on?)
"You guys need to get out of there, you still have 4 seconds before your powers come back. Even when they come back, there are far too many guards to fight. Get to the prison now, go for air duct 34. I'm sending you all the map now. Hurry!"
Circuit yelled for them to hurry.Back at the base the Operators spoke to Circuit.
"Sir, we are already receiving intercepted reports about the break in Hades, they know..."

Circuit's eyes darted back and forth between the screen, this was not going well.
Sylvers eyes dart around and then she starts to sprint towards a square whole several feet above the ground, "found it!" Sylvers stands by the vent Ellington at everyone to get in, her eyes were darting around nervously as the Guard Blades began to chase the other rebels "Hurry!" Sylver frantically motions the others to get in the duct, before leaping in herself.
Beat ran towards the Blade attacking the group and put his hand on the shield he was holding (making sure to not impale his hand). He activated his sonic cannons which caused the shield and the blade to vibrate violently. "I've provided an opening, get to the vent!" He said as he removed his hand and ran towards the vent that Circuit was talking about. He dived in head-first and waited for everyone else to come.
Sylver grabbed Beat and tried pulling him farther into the vent, but she was too weak "get farther in the vent, the others are going to crush you if you don't move now." she hissed at him, pulling herself farther down the vent shaft, her eyes were now glowing like a flashlight.
Zink sprited as fast as she could after the others with the Blades hot on her heels. AS she reached the square hole in the wall that was her destination, she jumped and caught the top ledge of the opening, swinging feet first into the vent.

There was a drop of several feet and Zink slid swiftly down the smooth metal walls of the air shaft until she came to a stop just behind Beat. Above she could hear the sounds of the Blades still giving chase to the last member of their troupe. "Quick move forward," Zink gave a swift kick to whichever part of Beat was in front of her so she could move forward and avoid a collision with Sonic when she joined them.

([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] )
Beat continued forward through the vent. "You know, the least you could do is thank me." He said without stopping. (Sorry that it's so short. That's all I can come up with)
Sylver eyed Zink's leg and said, almost curiously "are you still bleeding? I saw you get cut." Sylver pokes her head around Beat to get a better view of her wound, "because," Sylver continues, gesturing vaguely to Zink's leg " Heat makes blood stop, right?" Sylver leans back, stretching her legs out in front of her and wiggles her strange feet in front of her, the material that covered her feet was slightly pulsating as Sylver waited for Zink to answer her question.

( sorry about my fail post TTATT )
The group had finally made it through the vent and to the inside of Hades, inside it was dark and red lights flashed. they found themselves inside a small vent behind a grate where they could peer out into the many layers of the prison which seemed to go underground and seemed to have hundreds of floors. Each holding individual cells where they could see the bars and many prisoners trapped inside, living in horrible conditions. The dark was terrifying only made worse by the red lights that flashed at intervals, showing the dark hell that was so aptly named.

"Are you guys ok? Hello anyone? Please! Speak to me? Are you guys ok?!!?"
Circuit yelled frantically for an answer.
Sylver says in a shaky voice "Yeah... were OK..." Sylver dims her eyes to strae in horror at Hades, she had never seen anything like this, she has never even killed anyone before. "What do we do now?" Sylver asks.

( She is, like, in shock, just pointing that out because, well, I'm terrible at writing TTATT )
"Soryr Beat," Zink smiled apologetically at Beat as he moved forward. She was a bit harsh, but it was just a result of severity of the situation they were in. "Thanks for the back up." When Sylver - 'that's it, her name!' - inquired about her injuring, Zink tried to study how bad it was. She couldn't see quite clearly in the dark, and Sylver's eyes could only provided so much from ahead, but her suit took most of the damage and Zink was sure the injury to the flesh itself was not too bad; the bleeding had stopped a little since she was no longer moving very much inside the vent. It hurt, but not unbearably so, and Zink said to the young rebel "Thanks for the offer, but I'm fine for now."

Progress through the vent was slow at first but the group soon found themselves in front of a small grate in the vent where they could look out.It was a tight queeze, but they all managed to be able to get a glimps of what lay beyond. A part of Zink wished she didn't though: it seemed the entire prison was designed to inflict fear and dispair on those inside, and it did it's job well. The dark and ominous red lights made it hard to see, but ZInk could make out the different levels that extended far down into the ground. Emanating up through the air were the cries of sadness, pain and utter hoplessness from those trapped behind the prison bars. The sounds sent a distinct chill down Zink's spine and made the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand up. This was where her fiance had spent the last days of his life. Here, in fear and in darkness.

'Oh John, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you...'

"Ah," Zink exclaimed slightly when Circuit's voice errupted in her ear and pulled her from the grim direction her thoughts had taken her, "Circuit, yes, we're fine." Her voice was soft when she answered and it was from more than the need to remain undetected.
Suddenly as if the vents were reacting to their presence they began to make a whirring sound which grew louder as suddenly rows of spikes began jutting out of the walls of the vents straight towards them.
"Um.. Circuit? Do you see what is happening here? I think we're in a death trap." Said Beat. "Figures. The people who made this place probably watched too many movies to fall for the 'sneak through the air vent' trick."
Sylver squeaks in terror, jumping from her stupor as she rattles the vent, pushing and pulling before shouting in terror, " I can't open this, it won't melt!" Sylver kicks the vent in frustration and fear "Circuit, what do I do!?"

( all of my shorter posts are from my iPod, I only get 1-2 hours of Internet a day, so most of these suck... )
"You need to get out, do whatever it takes or you will be crushed and don't back or the same systems will activate throughout the vent. Get through the grate quickly or you will die!"
Circuit yelled to them at the comms.

Who knew what other nasty surprizes awaited them in this deadly prison.

(Sort posts are ok by me, as long as they move the RP along)
Zink cursed as the metallic spikes continued to grow out from the walls around them. "Alright, hold on guys," Zink extended her legs out behind her and powered up all of her jets, "This'll be rough." Zink put as much power as she could into the initial blast from her jets. As the last in line, Zink was sent her crashing into Beat in front of her, who in turn crashed into Sylver, before the lot of them were blasted out through the grate. As soon as they had broken through, Zink immediately shut off her jets and the group fell to the floor.
Having finally made it out from the vent, Circuit breathed a sigh of relief, however it wasn't over yet...

"OK guys, it looks like this can no longer be a stealth mission. We need to do this fast and do this now, start breaking people out of the cells and leading them away, make sure to destroy any Guard or Patrol Blades you come across and please be careful!"
"whoohoo~!" Sylver jumps up from under the heap, "Hey, hey Curcuit! Can I light myself on fire? Can I~?"

Sylver almost seems... Excited to stop sneaking around and start actually helping others. Oh, and killing blades, too.

( it's ok she can light her while body on fire, right? Not just get hair? )
After hearing Circuit, Beat raced down a hallway. "Well, I'm off to beat up some blades! Don't bother waiting for me!" He yelled to the group as he ran. A few seconds after the group could hear some quick, low-frequency sounds, kinda like someone turning up the radio in their car and you can hear the beat of the music. Beat was really tired of stealth missions (If you couldn't tell from my first post here) and loved beating up things. The sounds became more faint as he ran down the corridor.
Sylver giggles and first, her long hair ignites, then her arms and torso, in a matter of seconds the young Sylver was like a small fire monster, waving a flaming kilij around and giggling in excitement at the thought of killing stuff.

Sylver races over towards an opening in the wall and sees a regular blade, wich she quickly dispatches with a fiery kick to the head casing. "Zink, do you want to go human hunting with me?" Sylver asks,but she was obviously terrified of going down the dark tunnel alone.
"Freeing, not hunting" Zink growled as she stormed after the eager young girl, "Now cool it Fireball, and stop drawing attention to yourself!" Zink looked down at the broken, slightly charred Blade on the ground before checking their surroundings: it seemed it had been a lone patrol and it hadn't been able to raise the alarm quick enough.

Speaking through their comms so Beat could hear her as well, Zink chatised the both of them for being so rash. "This mightn't be a strictly stealth mission anymore, but if we alert the entire freaking prison to our locations, none of us are going to be getting out of here alive, let alone actual save anyone from this hell hole." Zink glared at the young rebel by her side as she spoke and she hoped the expression was evident enough in her voice to have the same effect on Beat, wherever he was now.

"Beat, carry on with what you're doing. They know we're here now, you distract them while Sylver and I start rescuing these prisoners," Zink said as she started to move along the hallway, "Don't go getting yourself killed though." They'd need all hands on deck to pull off this mission, they couldn't afford to lose anyone here.

"C'mon, we need to be quick here," Zink said to the young girl beside her before she headed off. The light was dim and their surrounds were only briefly illuminated by the flashing red lights. As they made their way swiftly through the shadows, Zink could hear the noises of the prisoners up ahead of them, they were approaching the first of the prison cells. "We're close, let's hurry." They had to make their time count, any second now Zink expected the alarms for start blaring, signalling the intrusion to the rest of the fortress.
As they freed prisoners they were greeted with such over joyed responses of gratitude for being free and disbelief that they were actually going to be able to be free...

Some were so weak, they could barely walk... They all had to be guided and shown as they were gathered, getting it was the easy part. Getting would be extremely difficult and with all these people, it now became impossible.

However being impossible wasn't enough, things were going to get much worse as a powerful woman began stepping down the halls towards the group.
Sylver's excited smile faded at Zink's chastising, the fire extinguished as she mutters "Sorry, I didn't mean to make everything worse..." Sylver looked like a kicked puppy and then peered down the hall and saw the first door, where she could hear a moaning that made her shiver, "H-hey! Wait up!" Sylver scrambles after Zink and then looks at the cell door before poking her sword through the hinges, igniting the metal and sawing down until the metal hinges were gone and the door crashed onto the floor. Sylver looked into the cell to see a little boy, who looked to be the same age as Sylver crying in the corner.

(Sorry, I didn't have my Ipod or laptop to write on... )
The little looked up at Sylver with tears still in his eyes as turned his head from his dark corner.

"Have you come to kill me?"

He asked meekly, the fear evident in his voice as another tear rand down his cheek and hit the dark and dank floor.

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