Zero Tolerance [RP]

The Behemoth was hit by Zink's shot as more damage was done to it's outer armour.

"Come on Circuit! You must know some way to beat this thing..."

Flare yelled to Circuit through the comms.

"I'm not sure. This thing was built to be a moving tank, it is covered in thick outer armour from head to toe. There is no way to damage it from the outsid.... Wait, I think I may have an idea. Zink, we need to get the Behemoth to fire it main mouth cannon again!"
"Xi is your enlightened leader and knows best. Xi and the generals are leading Utonia to even more peaceful and better days. The rebels, drifters, and trojans stand in the way of the betterment of humanity. Xi loves you and is watching out for you."

Noremac wakes up with the same sense of happiness and gratefulness he feels every morning at hearing those words. What ever his duty is that day he knows it will lead to the betterment of life. After all, Xi knows best.

After rising from his sleeping compartment Noremac makes his way to the kitchen. A nutrient pump extends from the wall and attaches it's self to the chest plate of Noremac's suit. As the syrup enters Noremac's body he feels refreshed and energised. As usual the meal leaves euphoric high that makes him even more enthusiastic about his day.

Noremac feels love an benevolence towards the Utonian military for giving him the luxury of a nutrient pump. "So much beter then traditional digestive methods." He thinks.

Noremac makes his way to the command center to receive his orders for today. Under the high of the ration syrup he barely notices the dirty city and scared homeless citizens in the street. He does not notice that the beggars shun away from him as they see the Utonian military crest on Noremac's suit.

"What a wonderful world Xi has created for us." Noremac gayly muses as the Utonian drug courses through his veins and circuits.

Noremac reaches the command center and enthusiastically awaits his orders.
A messenger Blade makes it's way toward Noremac, it stands before him and begins to recite his orders in it's robotic voice.

"Lieutenant Noremac, you have been order to take by a squadron of five standard Blades to the appointed co-ordinates. You are to examine the current situation of Utonia's new weapon, the Behemoth, report your findings and engage the Rebels if necessary."

The Blade spoke and then began to walk away after reporting it's message and giving the co-ordinates. A Hover Jet was being prepared to send Noremac and the 5 Blades towards where Zink and Flare were currently fighting the Behemoth.
"How do I do that?" Zink wondered outloud, still hovering in front of the now motionless Behemoth. She'd been shooting at it, and flying around it, there wasn't much else she could do to make it fire it's cannon. "Alrighty then," Zink turned up the power on her thruster rockets and sent herself blasting towards the giant robot's head. At the last second, she brought her feet around before she hit the thing head first, using both the impact of her feet and the rockets to damage it before they shot her off in the new direction she was facing.

Stabalising herself midair so she didn't get too far from the Behemoth, Zink again hovered out of reach of it's arms, so it would have to use it's cannon weapon if it wanted to kill her. "C'mon, you overgrown toaster!" She shouted at it, her insult refering to an antique device she had heard about. She fired a few more shots at it's visor, just for good measure.
(My mistake if I do something wrong because this is my first sci-fi roleplay. The only sci-fi movies I've seen are Avatar and Star Wars, so.... *facepalm)

Alyssa, rather Sonic looked out her window in Utonia and sighed. She looked around feeling there was something that must be done. She stepped onto her hover board and drove to the rebel's base. Her white mask was already on, so no one would know her true identity. She looked back and forth for Zink, her old friend. Some rebels told her she was at a Behemoth. "Behemoth?" she asked. Sonic shook her head and said, "Whatever I'll go and find her." She jumped onto her hover board and went soaring to find Zink.

Soon enough, she was at the location of the Behemoth. "What is that?" Sonic asked Zink flying her hoverboard parallel to Zink. She took her Scythe out and said, "Want to try my sonic screech? I've been yearning to use it!" She put the weapon on the front of her board and aimmed it at the device.

(If I had messed up don't feel bad to tell me. I joined in a middle of something so it's probaly a better chance I messed up. ^-^)
(It's fine, no worries!)

The Behemoth continued to take shots as it's head became more damage and as Zink flew towards it, it grabbed her with it's giant hand then flung her towards Sonic before she had a chance to fire her weapon.

Circuit spoke to both Zink and Sonic who had just arrived.

"Listen you two, we need you to get that thing to fire it's main beam weapon. Stay in it's line of fire and stay a distance, that will force it to use it's cannon as long as you attack and remain a threat..."
Sonic was hit by Zink and flew back. "Oww!" she said as she held onto her mask. She hopped back onto her hoverboard and said, "ZINK! Are you okay?" She put her staff back up and said, "Main beam weapon.... WHERE?"
"Heh, that will be easy." Sonic leaned back on her hoverboard and it went backwards. She opened her mouth and a loud screech hit the Behemoth's mouth. "Did it work?" she asked staring at the monster.
"What?" Suddenly distracted, Zink only registered briefly the arrival of her friend, Sonic, before she felt the crushing hard grip around her torso. Zink gasped as she felt the pressure on her suit, then the beast threw her through the air and sent her crashing into her friend. Sonic recovered better than Zink did: the multiple rockets on her suit all pointing different directions, she lost control of her flight and it took her a few moments to right herself, almost diving in to ground. She caught the last part of Circuit's instructions and realised the plan just in time to cover her ears to provide at least some shielding from the high-pitched screamed produce by the girl on the hoverboard.
(I really don't want to say if it worked or not, but since none of you are doing so... I'll just wait a bit longer...)
(Sorry I was just waiting for the others...)

The sonic blast smashed into the Behemoth causing it to shake and spark, showing it was obviously affected by the attack. It then began to open it's jaw to fire another energy blast as the cannon emerged from it's mouth.

"Now it's my turn!"

Flare positioned his rocket launcher and fired a rocket straight into the mouth as it exploded before the cannon finished charging as an explosion of fire and metal erupted from the Behemoth's mouth now leaving an exposed hole of wiring and machinery for the group to attack.

"Now it is exposed, attack with all you've got at the opening that has just been blown open. Quickly!"
Circuit explained to them now was their chance now they could get to all the vital systems under the Behemoth's thick armouring.
Sonic grinned deviously and said, "Behemoth, I send you to hell!" She hit it with her scythe for a finishing blow. A few sparks flew and she hovered away from the monster, adjusting her mask. "That was easier due to you guys." She laughed a bit as it collasped and said, "You guys stood out here long! I'm sorry I didn't come sooner!"
Far above the battle field Noremac watches. The behemoth, he can tell, hold tremendous destructive power. However, it did not require the finess necessary for a mission such as this one. It should have been used in a larger battle where it could flatten dosens of enemies with one sweep of its arm. "The generals probably used this as a test run." Noremac thought.

Noremac thinks about engaging the enemy but decides against it. It would be a six on five battle with numbers in his favor, but the standard issue blades where not the brightest of soldiers. Better to watch a little longer and learn what he could about the rebels.

(I am going to post as Adam with a different color then Noremac. I also like to use italics for flash backs.)

"What a trip." Adam thinks as he returns from a reconnaissance mission. "Never thought I would be sent on such a mission. Fighting suits me best. Circuit was right though, it was a calming change from days hiding under ground and nights fighting Blades in Utonia."

A week ago Adam had severly damaging his suit while trying to beat his nightly blade slaughter record. Although Adam had a good record in Blade destruction the success of his missions had grown worse and worse over the past couple of months. Circuit had told him that time away from action would do him good. Anyways Adam's speed made him a good candidate for the job anyways.

"Just search the mountains north of here." Circuit had told him. "I will send you the coordinates for a canyon that leads into the mountains."

"What could possibly be of interest out there?" Adam had stubbornly inquired.

"Who knows? Trojans, mutants, things beyond our imagination. A colony of drifters perhaps. Radioactivity has lessened since the Cyber Wars and the mountains are the most likely place for life to gravitate towards. Soon we may be forced to move there. Keep our eyes peeled for a better place of operation then this miserable desert. After all the number of refugies only keeps growing. You may not like the job, but knowledge of our surrounding area is crucial."

Of course, Adam had agreed in the end. His mission had revealed little. The land was still war torn and showed no sign of life. There were occasional ruins of once great cities, nothing remained of mans once great civilization. Only two things of interest caught Adams eye. One was a large cave at the about half way up the mountain at the end of the canyon. It was not quite large enough to fit a city of refugies comfortably but could be expanded. The end of a narrow canyon might not be the best place to establish a base, but it was worth telling Circuit about. The other detail was a large pile of rubble and trash on the outskirts of a ruined city at the entrance of the canyon. Adam had wondered at it because it almost seemed to be organized...It seemed like some one had meticulously picked though it looking for items of use...Perhaps it was purely coincidental. Adam included it in his report anyways.

As Adam crossed over a large sand dune of on his way back to base he came across quite a scene. Before him lay a gigantic metal beast with a hand full of rebels around it. "What the hell happened here?" he shouted over his com link as he approached.

The three operators cheered as the Behemoth was taken down into a pile of dust.

"Go girl!" Luna couldn't help but yell out.

Circuit nodded as he silently left the Communications Room with his head down, he then told the Operators to send the Rebel Fighters to the De-briefing Room. It was time...

Phoebe sent the message to Zink, Sonic, Adam and any others to head to the de-briefing room as soon as possible.

The De-Briefing was a huge room with a massive oval shaped table for everyone to sit around with a massive screen for visual presentation. This room was used for giving missions, de-briefing any important discussions that involved everybody.
Sonic hopped onto her hoverboard and saultued to the group. "I guess I'll see you at the de-briefing room then!" as she flew farther away from the others she took her mask off quickly and rubbed all the sweat out. She put back on the pallor mask and began sweating once more. As soon as she reached the base, she hopped off her hover board and walked in. "Which way was the de-briefing room again?" Sonic thought outloud.
"This way diva" grunts a low voice. The spiked figure of Adam passes Sonic. Sonic quickly moves out of the way, as many did, in fear of being stabbed by some protruding sharp appendage.

"He must be grumpy because he missed the action." Sonic thinks to herself this time.

"Hopefully Circuit has something good for us. I am in need of a change from this dull desert life." Adam says, not particularly towards Sonic, but to anyone who was listening.
As the different Rebels had gathered in the meeting room, Circuit entered solemnly.

"As some of you may know, we just under attack. Utonia has unleashed the Behemoth, this was suppose to be a weapon that was never suppose to see the light of day... The plans for the Behemoth have existed a long time, but it was decided to never be used as this was a weapon for pure destruction. It was not only built but sent to destroy us, this shows Xi is losing any compassion or sense he once had. He's not going to stop, not until he kills all those he thinks are Trojans. All of us...

If we want to survive this, we can't just keep staying in the sidelines anymore. We need to fight back and not just defending attacks or sneaking into Utonia. It's time to start a plan, a full scale quest to stop Xi before it's too late... Somehow..."

He took a deep breath, it was easy to see this was very difficult for him and he really didn't want to say what he was saying, Circuit was wishing this was just some bad dream, a horrible nightmare and couldn't possibly be real, but it was.
Sonic nodded and said, "I never have the dull life because I'm a- I'm always adventuring! You should try it too!" She sighed in relief, Be more careful, you can't let anyone know you're a high-lifed movie star! she thought. She began to walk into the de-briefing room and noticed the meeting already had started. "Heheh, soory for the tardiness Circuit." Sonic adjusted her mask and took a seat next to a random rebel.
"I have a very bold mission I wish to attempt as we cannot idly sit by as Utonia attacks us. I wish to send a small group to sneak into Utonia itself and break into the High Security Loran Prison and Execution Center also known as Hades..."

He took a deep breath as began pacing around the table.

"I know this sounds insane and this around the heart of Utonia not to mention the security around there and Utonians warriors who will be guarding it, not to mention the stories and urban legends surround it...

However there are hundreds of innocent people being kept there, some forever and some worse are soon to be killed in the Blast Chamber. We can't let all these people down, we have to save them and stop Utonia from killing these innocent people.

Now because this is such an insane task, I won't force anyone. So... I am asking for volunteers..."

Circuit knew he was nuts for asking this, but he couldn't stand by anymore. They had to do something or there would be no Rebels left... and Xi would... Xi might... He took a deep breath as he stared around the room, looking each member in the eye expecting that no one would be insane enough to speak up and raised their hand, but he closed his eyes for a second and hoped.
[[MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION] Question.... Sonic would have no access into the prison, even though she is a member of Utonia correct? She would know the legends too, and stories. Not to mention she would definity volunteer, because that Trojan flashback, etc...]

Sonic gasped when he said, "Innocent people, killing." She had a flashback of when a man at one of her concerts was killed, even though he was an innocent man. "I'll volunteer." She said as she stood up. "I know the urban legends.... they are plenty dangerous!" Sonic grabbed her hoverboard and said, "So who's with me...?"
Zink had sighed with relief as she watched the giant Behemoth come crashing down into the desert sand after Sonic's final blow. This had been a completely different attack than they were used to, and the fact that the Utonian's were working on such powerful and secrect weapons put her on edge. 'And they came so close to the base,' Milling over these thoughts, Zink trailed back to the base after Sonic and Adam, following them into the debriefing with Circuit.

Circuit was right, absolutely right. Their base here in the desert was supposed to be outside of Xi's influence, a safe haven for those wishing to escape Utonia. This attack had changed everything though. They couldn't afford to stick with their passive recconaisance missions and self-defence anymore. They had to take the fight to Xi.

Zink had been listening, but her mind was also going through what this would mean for their futures. She looked up when Circuit meantioned Hades.
Hades... Zink knew the Utonian exocution centre well; her fiance was among the hundreds, thousands, that had been killed inside that house of death. Seeing his face in her mind, Zink clenched her fists tightly, the grief and anger starting to rise inside her again.

"You don't even to ask," She said darkly, she's be all too happy to put an end to that place. "I won't be able to leave straight a away though," She added on, tapping her temple she indicated her now-faulty eye, "I'll have to pay a visit to the workshop. Got sand in my eye."
Adam let a small laugh when Circuit asked for volunteers. "Sounds like fun. I'm down."

Circuit gave Adam a serious look. "You might not survive this time Adam."

"Ha!" Adam retorted, "Anything to get out of this boring hell hole."
Sonic smiled as the people volunteered. "I'll go collect some data..." she said standing up. She realized that her maids back at home must want to know where she went, so she needed to think of a good excuse. She adjusted her mask and waved goodbye and exitted the room. She hopped onto her skateboard and checked flew away from the base. Sonic pulled off her mask and put it into a secert compartment she installed into her suit. She hummed a little tune as she flew to her home. She entered through the door, and one of the maids asked, "Ms.Alyssa, where were you?" For an instance, she didn't respond. "Oh, who me? I was at the mall, I wanted to see if I could get some new hoverboard items, but there was nothing good." The maid nodded and Sonic disappeared up into her room.

Sonic closed her door and turned off her security camera in her room. She went onto the Hades's system on her hologram computer and looked at the layout of the prison.
Guards always need to guard the least expected, and the most expected spot... What if we entered through the most expected spot...? There would be cameras there thought.... I should send this to Circuit. she thought looking at the map. She took out her fast-mail device and sent the blueprint to Circuit and sighed. She opened an urban legend hologram page and read through it. Intresting... is it true that people have escaped...? That must be so the rebels could think it could be cracked... Impossible. If there was people who escaped... how? They must be dead.​ She scratched her head and continued to research.

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