Zero Tolerance [RP]

(Cameron I request you don't control my character Circuit again. It's ok because this was small, but don't do it again.)

Circuit seemed shocked that so many volunteered, he was truly taken back by this amazing gesture and it showed in his face. He nodded with a new sense of drive and clenched his fist.

"Ok... take the day to prepare and be here tomorrow an hour before sunset and we will begin the infiltration. A small group is best, so it will only be a few of you to attract as little attention as possible. I and the Operators will help you from the base as best we can!

He then watched as everyone left the room, hoping for the best.

Later that night as he was doing his own research he got messages from Sonic. The layout of the prison was fair enough, but it was only the exterior. To get the interior would be impossible, only the Blade Guards, very high scientists who designed the prison, maybe half the Generals and Lord Xi knew about the interior itself and what tricks and horrors lay inside for his small infiltration team tomorrow. He could only pray for the best, but the truth was he was really worried...

He wondered how the other two volunteers were doing...
Sonic looked hazily at her computer and quietly sighed. How did those people escape? Sonic typed up some things, "Did anyone actually escape Hades" she hit enter and confirmations and denials that it actually happened. She clicked a site and saw a video. It says this guy didn't escape... she tapped the video and saw a person trying to exit through a window. She clicked another video and an old fuzzy video appeared with a blurry man in the picture. I've seen him before... who is he? She clicked the pause button and zoomed in. She took a picture of it and sent it to Circuit with a video message with her wearing her mask saying, "I think this man did actually escape Hades, I believe I've met him somewhere. I do not actually know his name. He looks very familiar..."

Sonic looked out her window and saw it was begining to get very late,
Stay focused, you're doing this for your safety. She looked up some Hades legends and read it in her mind. She took out a note book and wrote down some notes about the stories she read. There's traps everywhere. Only the guards and Lord Xi know the interior. It is known as a torture chamber of doom. No one is confirmed to escape, those are the urban legends. Is it true that in middle there is a huge spike pit? With dead bodies on those very spikes?​ She began to think about her last concert, and her final one. She fiddled with her thumbs and sighed.


"Give it up for Alyssa Scream!" the crowd roared as she sang her newest hit. Alyssa walked on stage, flashy with beautiful make up on. She sang and sang, then she saw a group of strong men take away a man, who also looked strong and well built. Alyssa knew she could do nothing to stop it. She kept singing, but her voice cracked here and there. Once she was done, Alyssa quickly bowed and threw some of her signed guitar picks and ran off stage. She dashed down and asked some men, "Did you see where that man went?" They nodded and said, "To Hades." Alyssa was shocked, there was rumors that Trojans went there do be demolished, and gone from the world. "He was innocent! I could tell!" The men shook their heads, they could do nothing about it. A few days later a holographic newspaper about it came up. She sat in her room and put her hands to her face and she realized she was selfish. Living the luxary life...

Sonic opened her eyes and noticed her hologram-computer was off. She laughed a bit and said to herself, Was I dreamng about that again? She shook her head and stood up. She turned off her room lights and turned back on the security camera. Sonic walked quietly to her bed and laid down. I will live through this... she thought.
(Don't want to wait forever, so moving on. You guys can post your preparations when you next post and then join Forks in the same post)

The next day had arrived and the group had gathered for their mission. They were going to sneak into Utonia after sunset and from their go into Hades. Getting into Utonia wasn't too difficult, they could use their Hover Cycles and Hover Boards to sneak past the Blades patrolling the city. However getting into Hades itself was the difficult part, the main perimeter had an energy fence with posts that were connected by pure energy beams that one touch would fry an individual. The posts themselves were extremely strong and emitted enough energy that they couldn't be climbed. Destroying the fence was not an option, you had to find some way around it or through by magic or being super super tiny.

Also at specific points were Guard Blades, huge Brown Blades equipped with high destiny almost unbreakable spike shields and built with larger frames, specifically the torso. They were almost no blind spots as the Blades were spaced evenly enough so they could cover the entire perimeter. Once they got past the fence, getting into Hades itself would be a whole another mission.
Sonic smiled as they entered. "I'll go in first." she said, rushing into the enterance of Utonia. She entered, and soon the crew disappeared. She took off her mask and sighed. Sonic tucked it into her cyber suit and waited at the far front of Hades for the group ot come. She looked at the place and realized that there was almost over 4000 volts of eletricity flowing through the gates. She shivered and looked around. "Why, what is Miss.Scream doing here?" asked a guard passing by. Sonic shrugged and said, "I've always wanted to see Hades myself!" As soon as the guard left, she rolled her eyes and thought, "Who would want to see Hades?" When she saw the group coming near she quickly put on her mask and sighed.
(So sorry, I thought I did post it :S )

Leaving the debriefing room, Zink made her way towards the labs and worshops. The halls and walkways of the rebel base were much less packed and the people walking them much less frantic than when she had left this morning. The workshops she was headed to were not too far away from where she was so it didn't take her long to get there. Inside, the workroom was filled with people tinkering with various machines and working at computers. Zink made her way over to a particular table where a tall, dark haired man stood working at his bench. "Kile," The man looked up from his work and smiled when he saw who it was.

"Zink, it's nice to see you again," He said as he put away the obbject he was working on, "How are you?" Kile was a robotics technicion and was very gifted with intricate machines, such as Zink's eye, and Zink always prefered going to him when she was in need of repair.

"Honestly? A little worse for wear actually," She said and when he gave her a questioning look she tapped her currently disfunctional left eye.

"Ah," Was all he said before he gestured for her to lie down on a clear worktable nearby, which Zink promptly did.

"Sorry to always bother you like this," She said as she laide down on the cold metal surface of the table and waited.

"I don't mind. Really." Kile smiled warmly as he reassured her, "What happened this time?" He asked the question as he turned to his worktable to locate the tools he'd need for the delicate work on her robotic eye.

"I got sand in it," Zink remplied simply. This earned her a very incredulous look from the technician which Zink could only smile at. Kile simply turned back to his equipment, muttering something along the lines of 'I'm not even going to bother'. He soon turned back to her though with the equipment in his arm and he laid it out methodically on the table beside her head. He put on a magnifying visor, picked up a set of his fine-tipped tweezers and set to work repairing the robotic eye.

"So..." Kile said quietly as he worked, "How about that dinner we rain-checked on?" Zink tried to remain relaxed as remembered Kile's proposed dinner. He had asked her to have meal with him a few weeks ago, and a couple of weeks before as well, but each time another mission had interupted the plans.

"I'm sorry, I have another mission tomorrow night," Zink apologised. The truth was she was thankful she had the excuse of going on a mission. Kile was one of the few people Zink had grown fond for in the last couple of years, but she didn't think that she was ready to have the kind of relationship that he was hoping for. And certainly not right now, when she was about to head off to the place her last love had spent the last days of his life.

"Maybe... when I come back," She didn't want it to be an empty promise, but it sounded like it, even to her own ears. Kile didn't say anything, just continued to work on her robotic eye.

It didn't take long for him to fish out the three tiny granules of sand that had found their way into an opening, dropping them into a metal contain to despose of them later. "All done," Kile said as he put away the equipmt.

Zink sat up and got down from the table. She quickly tried out her eye, scanning the desks and equipment in front of her and nodded when everything functioned perfectly again. "Thank you Kile. I'll let you get back to what you were doing then."

"Stay safe, hm?" Kile called out to her, smiling warmly despite yet another postponement on their date. Zink simply smiled back and nodded before leaving the workshop.
'Damn it. This would be easier if he wasn't so sweet.'


They had decided to spit up on entering the city to draw less attention to themselves. Zink stowed her hovercycle away in a dark alleyway, not too out of the open but too hidden that if found it would raise suspicion. She had been required to take the vehicle rather than rely on her jetpack, which was much too noisey for a covert mission such as this. Zink adjusted the dark coat she had brought with her and concealed her disessembled weapon underneath, slipping her hands into the pockets as she walked out along the path and looking to the casual observer as a citizen on her way home.

It didn't take long to navigate the meandering streets to the execution facilities known as Hades, her route having been memorised before they got here. Zink came across a couple of Blade patrols a she neared the prison, but she had cautiously avoided them, taking cover in shadowed alleyways or circumventing them by taking short detours down smaller side streets.

Before long she had made her way to the rendezvous point and found Sonic already waiting for her. Walking over as quietly and as nonchalant as she could, Zink stood by her teammate and observed the fortress in front of them. It was going to be tricky getting inside, even harder would be getting all those trapped inside out safely. "How are we going to do this then?" She whispered quietly to Sonic.

(Also, sorry for the rediculously long post...)
(ILY For a ridciouslously long post!)

Sonic looked at the barbed wire and sighed. "We're screwed, it looks like a death zone." She had saved a map of the outside of Hades and took it out on a handy portible holo-graphic device. She handed it to Zink and said, "This is the exterior design. I tried to hack into the system to get intel about the interior, but all I got was note about the traps around here... endless pits, claymore tripwires, spikes, man how do these guards survive?" she joked. She stopped joking when she realized it was not a great time to be foolish. "If we used our hoverboard we would be noticed by that spy tower." she pointed to a tower on the map, with it's range of sight it could see. "If we walked, we could get spotted by the guards." Sonic mumbled, "And when this was just about to get easy..."
"Ok so our first part is to get past the fence. I have an idea, Sonic if you create just the right frequency with your sonic enhancers you might be able to break the energy flow of the fence for a few seconds, however it will automatically be restored after a few seconds. Furthermore guards will come to investigate the disturbance, so you will have only a few seconds to take out the current guard as quietly as possible and go through the opening to get the complex all in go, avoiding spotlights, other guards, alerting the others and all within a few seconds time gap.
Do you understand this and do you think you can pull it off?"
Circuit explained through the infiltration team's comms.
Sonic shook her head and said throught the transmitter;

The loudest I could go, without blowing everyone's brain out is 85 decibels. Even so, we would be impaired for a while. The eletric waves require more, I can tell... this damned fence is a lot more powerful then it looks. I believe we'd only have about three seconds, but for three people, that's obviously not enough.
Zink was studying the map when Circuit spoke to them and gave them the plan. Her mind went through the motions of the plan as she listened.

"If we time it right, I could take out the guard with my suspressed sniper at the same time Sonic starts her scream to disable the gate. After that will be trickier," Zink said, still thinking of options, "Sonic, your hoverboard should be able to go fast enough couldn't it? Adam already has his own speed enhancements and I could probably use the rockets on my heels to boost my own speed." It's be close, but Zink thought if they they didn't come up against anything unexpected then they could just pull it off.
"Don't worry, I have created a special transmitter that I will patch in through the cooms that will focus your sonic waves into higher pitch frequency to help disable the gate for the few seconds you need. Just activate your suit and I'll do the rest, however it will disable everyone's suit systems and boards for the next 10 seconds. So you will have to get through without any enhancements and if you get caught you will be trouble. Zink I suggest you shoot first, because after Sonic fires her weapon you will not be able to use your enhancement for those seconds."
Suddenly sounds were coming as guards were starting to move around.

"You need to hurry and do it now or the guards will discover your location, hurry! Right now."

Sonic nodded and said, "Zink shoot..." She flew up in the air for a bit and said, "I'll help throw your hoverboards over." She placed her sycthe in poistion and whispered, "100 dB" Her weapon made a power up noise, and got 'bigger' and she angled it towards the fence, "Zink, ready?"
Zink had pulled out her weapon as Circuit had finished speaking, quickly assembling it. "Just about..." She responded to Sonic as the final piece clicked quietly into place. Her robot eye wirred a little as she scanned the area, analysing wind speed, distance and tracking the guard's movement, all of which culminated to lock her aim onto the target as she raised the rifle in line. "" She fired, and the bullet made only a muffled noise as it was fired from the barrel and when shooting towards the target. "Go, Sonic."
Beat Rizumu casually walked into the communications room. He was a new recruit in the rebels facility, and he had just come back from one of his stealth missions. "Three missions and all of them are stealth missions... When am I going to get a real one?" He said to himself, but making sure that Circuit could hear him. He leaned against the wall next to the door. "Who are you talking to anyway?" He said, obviously bored.
It was exactly when Sonic had mentioned not having enough sound power to break through the barrier that Beat had walked in.

"It's funny you should mention that, I'll need to borrow your sound enhancements to help add a bit of extra oomph into comms systems for me."

He realized if Sonic's soundswave couldn't go high enough to break the fence, combined with Beats funneled through the Comms system it would be more than enough.
Beat looked confused. "Um, are you sure you want me using my sonic cannons near all of this technology?" He said. "If you really need me you can just send me over there." Beat was obviously dying for some excitement (not literally).
Sonic said, "I think I'll manage." She aimed at the control box and it let out a hell of a ear breaking noise. The hoverboards deactivated, just like Circuit said they would, as she raced past the fences. Saying "Go!" She quietly hopped off her hoverboard and it dropped, into a tiny package as she heard guards marching. "Hurry!" she said.
"Not now, I need you to do it quickly..."

The rush for Beat to it had quickened, and he was forced to accept letting Beat join the trip to Hades to get him to fire at the same time as Sonic so their combined sound would be enough to disable the gate. Thus he eventually allowed it and gave Beat the co-ordinates to join the others as well as a Hover Cycle.


Meanwhile at the fence the sound had temporarily disabled the fence, giving the group a chance to jump it. However as they ran towards the prison, they were intercepted by a Guard Blade who was changing rounds and spot them. His eye glowed as he charged them with his spike shield forward, however their weaponry and enhancements were still disabled thanks to the sonic attack...
Beat was on his way to the prison on the hover cycle. He had already pressed his "mute button" so he could get there without too much risk of being spotted. It was because of his mute button that he had been sent on so many stealth missions. However using his mute button also eliminates the effect of his sonic cannons, which doesn't help with his attacking ability. It also meant that he couldn't communicate with Circuit during that time. He figured that he could ask him to get him up to speed once he turned parked his hover cycle at the destination.
Sylver was rushing to trail the group of rebels, she was jumping from cover to cover over-exaggeratedly, her violet eyes were on high-beam, as she could barely see anything without them. Sylver was still jumping forwards not-so-soundlessly when she nearly walked into one of the group members, Sylver tried to dim her eye glow, but she knew she was already caught. "Hi..." She waves a bit and nervously tucks a strand of hair behind her pale ear "I wasn't just following you guys or anything..." Sylver trailed off, peering around the group to see if anyone else had noticed her, she was noticed all right.

( Man, I'm bad at character introductions ;_; )
"Oh crap- oof" Zink was backing up from the guard Blade when somthing knocked into her from behind, pushing her forwards a little. Spinning around ready to fight, thinking it was another enemy, Zink saw a young - very young- rebel looking like an animal caught in front of a speeding vehicle. She looked familiar to Zink, Silvia or something. Whatever her name, she was not suppose to be here.

"What are you- nevermind! We do
not have time for this," Zink grabbed Sylver's arm and pushed her back, away from the approaching Blade. Facing the robot, Zink readied herself for actual hand-to-robot-hand combat.
Sylver smirked devilishly and her face went slack and her eyes flash momentarily, and just as the Blade was raising its arm to brain her, she dodged and skidded behind it, laying her fingers to the base of the Blades 'skull' she ignited her flame fingers and the Blade's whole head lit up briefly then it crumpled, with a large whole of molten metal at the back if it's neck. Sylver quickly rolls the Blade over and begins fiddling with its one large eye "who the heck knows how to steal this fools memory!?" Sylver shouts and leaps up, looking a tad bit impatient "we want a map, right? This thing must have a map of the interior in its hard drive." Sylver steps back and gestures to the small group, waiting for somebody to help her.

(I just realised Sylver was using her enhancements in my other post, so let's just say she wasnt close enough to be affected by the sound waves, because she has speed feet xD

Yeah, sorry about stealing your epic killing scene, I couldn't help myself.

Im a steam punk girl... So when I think of Blades, I think of clockwork automatons, I probably have the whole thing wrong anyways.. ;_; )
(It's ok, we will say you were far enough...)

Suddenly the Blade got up sending Sylver falling down from it's size. Normally her attack would destroy a Blade easily, but this Blade's armour seemed to be twice as thick from the normal...

It smashed it's shield into her, sending the little one back into Zink as it charged forward again to smash them with the shield like a mace, the noise it was making might soon attract more Guard Blades.
Beat was able to sneak his vehicle behind a big rock near the prison and, after turning it off, he turned off his mute button and talked into his headphones. "I've reached the destination. What is the plan for getting in?" He looked from behind the rock and saw the electric fence. "Is there some kind of barrier around it or do I only have to get over the fence?"
"Just give it a second, the fluxations from the sonic vibrations should be traveling through the metal conductors to this part of the fence."
Soon it was obvious what Circuit was talking about as a break in the fence began traveling along the mesh towards where Beat was, allowing him a brief second to sneak in.
Beat ran up to the fence and activated the sonic cannons in his feet. He used a brief blast of sonic waves to give him a big boost towards the fence. He broke through it and landed safely on the other side. "I assume there was something that would prevent me from just jumping over... right?" He said into his headphones just as he look towards the others.

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