Nightmares Revisited -Sign Up-


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
I give to you once more, per discussion with a few older players, a return of haunting horrors, the chilling creeps, The Tales of Terror. Inspired by legends and stories of old, each story will earn itself it's own arching over-line and a few subplots for those of you devils lurking in the details. But, my fellow fright seekers, it is up to you, the role players, to make the bumps in the night truly hair raising and spine tingling. So, my little lambs, are you ready for the return of the slaughter, violence, and mystifying deaths that plague South Pine?

General Setting:

A small un-mapped, boring town, present day, over the course of summer break to start (seasons will gradually change between arcs allowing for some chilling tales in the other times of year). The town itself has been rebuilt many many times, with legends in itself, and the two neighboring towns both half an hour's walk away to the North, and to the South, each with their respective stories, and a lot of woods. To the east there is a lake about half a mile into the woods, and to the west there is a mountain range and hoot hills, riddled with caves about a mile off.

Generic Information Knowledge:

Regardless of Age, everyone knows of the legends, the disembodied screams in the dead of the night from the forest, the house at the end of the dead end road that never stays occupied very long, that strange man that wanders into town selling damned wares to those unlucky enough to buy, the graveyard's gate keeper and his hatred of children and the dark stories lurking around him, even the local church has a story or two of it's own. Of course, stories are stories, and nothing to be afraid of, or so most say.

Generic First Arc Based Upon:

1. Juniper Lake used to be a pretty shade of blue, pristine and healthy, and filled with shiny white stones. But over the years, the water has grown murky, black even, always choppy on the verge of storms. Something is far from right, that a new lighthouse, there on the outcrop of rocks?

2.The old abandoned mansion that sits on the hill above Chestnut Cemetery still has a certain oddity about it, movements in the windows, howling on the full moons, and that eerie green light from the attic windows...

3. In the mountains to the west, people say a group of cultists used to hide out, sacrificing innocent creatures to appease their deity. But that was ages ago, there's no way people are still living up there, right?

Generic "Rules":

See RpNation's Role Play Guidelines.

I hold the right to deny characters without questions.

Sign Up


Age: Please Keep Them Above 17 and Below 25


Short Personality Summary:

Job (Optional, but please be realistic; it's a small unmapped town for a reason, no Tim Horton's or Hot Topics for miles.):

Appearance: (Description AND Picture, Please.)

History: -Everyone has lived in the town for at least 7 years minimum and you'd be familiar with the others in the town, even if you never did catch a name-

Vote for First Arc:
Name: Lucy Noctis

Age: 18

Gender: female

Short Personality Summary: Lucy seems cold and distant but in actuality she is extremely shy. A bit of a cry baby, she gets scared and hurt easily but always tries to put on a brave face. When scared, she tends to get rather violent.

Job: student

Appearance: View attachment 6235 Lucy is 5'4" and has a small almost delicate looking frame. She has long dark brown hair and green eyes that are usually down cast. She is usually hunched over and exhibits the body language of a very closed off person. Her face almost always has an expression of either sorrow or conflict. She usually wears oversized sweaters or jackets, fluttery skirts and a pair of old combat boots. Though with proper polishing, she could be considered cute or even pretty, her current state makes her go unnoticed by most people.

History: Lucy doesn't have an amazing story behind her. Other than emotionally unavailable parents, her family is not that much different from the next person. She's lived in the small town her entire life, but due to her shy nature, hasn't really been able to connect with most of her neighbors. Lucy's somehow developed a fascination bordering on obsession with the occult despite her being such a crybaby. She loves to read the lore and legends even though they scare her into a fit of paranoia.

Vote for First Arc: 1
Name: Sandra Hughes

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Short Personality Summary: Sandra is a very social, energetic, and friendly person; even when she was kind of forced to be, running into lots of people every day at the station. Though optimistic and bright on the outside, there's always something that is suffocating her on the inside, hiding it all behind the smiles. Being very gullible, she tries not to take everything so seriously, but it became especially difficult when everyone around her seemed to be talking about legends that brought out her deepest and well kept fears.*

Job: Clerk at the local Gas Station, owned by her grandfather.


Sandra has always been pale colored, or like some would say, "The color of the inside of an almond." She was 5'4, & Being neither skinny or overweight, she never really worried about her figure. With light brown hair and pale gray eyes that seemed to force people to look away whenever she made eye contact, there was always a faraway look in them. When it came to clothing, she'd almost always throw anything on, though always making sure she looked proper.

History: Sandra was born one night on the cold 25th of January, 1992. She was one of the few that could say that she had a happy childhood growing up, though most of it was spent at her grandparents' home. Her parents were hard workers and took care of her well, dropping Sandra off there whenever they had to go to work. She had become quite used to this routine until one day, Her grandfather pulled her into a kitchen and explained to her that she'd now be living there, and there would be no more visits from her parents. For years she asked why but her grandfather being as stubborn as he was, wouldn't tell her a word. Since then, she's became petrified of being left alone again.

When her grandpa bought a gas station in a small town, they moved there immediately, except now, it was just her and the old man she'd grown to love. Working their quickly got her aquainted with everyone and after 8 long years of stay, she basically knew everything that ever went on there. From the people, to the businesses, and even to those never ending stories that people just couldn't get away from telling.

Vote for First Arc: 3
Name: David Harvad

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Short Personality Summary: Blunt and to the point, he tends to keep people somewhat distant, making people think he's mysterious but in reality he's just not all that social, but when people get to know him, they find he has a sarcastic and VERY dry sense of humor, and those who don't understand it view him as being a Jerk when in reality he's not.

Job (Optional, but please be realistic; Owner of a local general goods store, passed on to him by his uncle.

Appearance: Standing straight at 6ft 1in David has plenty of body hair and his body is in good shape from all the lifting and carrying involved in running such an old store where he has to store goods in the basement down a flight of stairs.

History: Bought to town about 8 and a half years ago, David's mother was american, his father was Australian, they lived on a farm back in Australia herding cattle and sheep with Alpacas (Alpacas help keep foxes away) primarily, for meat, milk and wool, and the pelts from the foxes he and his dad killed who were trying to kill their sheep, have fetched them some extra spending money by selling the skins to various outlets which made them into scarves and rugs for tourists.

but after the great drought, and a pack of absolute "ferals" living next door (Americans call them "low lives" and "scum bags") who routinely took pot-shots at their cattle, sheep and alpacas and used phoney claims and thievery to take their livestock, so David's parents sold the farm for a good, handsome price, to an orange farmer who had the backing of a corporation behind him.

after mving to town, within a single month, both of David's parents were dead, his father died when a part of the floor in their new home collapsed while he was in the basement, and his mother died of a terminal sickness barely a week later where she died painfully and violently with siezures and coughing up blood, this of course left David an antisocial shut-in, and he knows there is something wrong with this place... with this town...

Vote for First Arc:2
Name: Lloyd Irving

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Short Personality Summary: A quiet and unassuming young boy who prefers to be alone and focus on his studies. Not overly adventureous, not very experienced with life in general.

Job: As just stated, Lloyd is a student.

Appearance: A young boy with glasses and brown hair, who is very reserved and calculated in even his body language. Standing at just under six feet, with brown eyes to match his hair, and a slight hunch to make himself seem smaller and blend in a little better. His posture isn't very good otherwise, and he is rather uncoordinated. With light, kinda pale skin, indicative of how much time he spends indoors, Lloyd is an easily forgotten face, and does his best to remain that way.

History: As a boy who mostly kept to himself and regaled in the land of fantasy, Lloyd doesn't even have much of a history in his own town. He does however, have a stellar memory and can

recall things about other people they wouldn't even remember. For example, who Becky liked in fifth grade, when Carter broke his arm playing baseball, etcetera. His memory doesn't just stick to things he's seen or heard about, it retains information he reads and processes.

Vote for First Arc: 1
Amdreams: Denied

Xx-Katherine-xX: Denied

Lovely Lady: Denied

Bettsyboy: Approved

Coro Kouhai: Approved
Name: Bradley Roberts

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Short Personality Summary: A daredevil, or more of an idiot. Likes to think he can handle anything with his own two hands, and some common sense. Isn’t very sharp, but thinks he makes up for it in humor and strength. Hasn’t really grown out of his teenage years…

Job: Works for the city, usually doing construction.


Bradley has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes, and he looks slightly young for his age but is muscular in build. He also towers in at a decent six feet and has slight stubble on his face, looks quite mischievous.


Bradley was the youngest child in his family, and was a rebel since the time he turned twelve, often throwing temper tantrums to permissive parents. That was when the daredevil faze started, as he started climbing roofs, trees and jumping off them. The boy also took to more daring stunts; climbing fences to chase around the neighbours dogs and eventually he was sent to a juvenile detention.

When he was let out, the boy didn’t change much, he had just learned not to get caught. Despite the years tolling away on him, the man hasn’t changed much from his younger years.

Vote for First Arc: 1
Name: Heather Anne Morrison

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Short Personality Summary: She has a tendency to be more on the quiet side, but that doesn't, by any means, make her shy. She's not afraid to speak her mind. She's sometimes sarcastic. She's smart and when she trusts, she trusts fiercely .

Job: She works as a waitress in one of the only Diners in the area.

Appearance: She has long brown hair and blue eyes. She's a little on the shorter side. She's thin with very little curves.

History: She's lived in the town all her life, with her father. Her mother died when she was very young and she doesn't remember her. She has an older brother that moves away the week he turned eighteen and never looked back. He always wanted bigger and better things. Growing up, Heather was always a bit of a tomboy, climbing things and getting dirty. Her father loved to watch sports with her. They're kind of each others best friend. Everyone else left them so they really treasure the bond they share.

Vote for First Arc: 1
Name: Phillip Daft

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Short Personality Summary: With a happy disposition and very much a people-person, Phil is always very friendly and kind when he deals with others. He's very into physical activity, often going hiking or playing some kind of sports on weekends. Phil is curious and has a very strong sense of adventure, he loves learning and is always fascinated by strange, new things. He loves reading, however Phil has bit of a short attention span and it isn't often that he actually finishes the books he starts reading.

Job: Studying & works at the local book store.


Rather short for a boy his age, Phil only reached 5"4' when he was about 16 and then stopped growing. His sandy blond hair always seems to be messy, no matter if he brushes it or not. Phil is very physically fit but due to his short stature he appears to be a little stocky. Blue eyes and with slightly baby-ish features, Phil looks a bit younger than he is, which isn't help by his height.


Phillip was always curious about things as a child, as most little boys are, always wandering off and picking up things that his mother really wished he wouldn't. His curiosity and need for constant activity didn't wane as he grew older though. To keep the boy busy, Phillip's father would take him out on weekends for camping or fishing or any number of other outdoorsy pastimes. During one such camping trip, when Phil was 12 years old, his father disappeared while looking for firewood. Phillip spent the night waiting inside the tent but when morning came around and there was no sign of him, he ran home to his mother to tell her what had happened. Despite multiple search parties, they never found the body. Heartbroken over her husband's death, Phillip's mother became depressed and antisocial. Her condition only progressed as the years passed, until she almost never left her own room. Phillip became the man of the house, he took care of both his mother and himself, as well as taking care of the family business, the town's local bookshop.

Vote for First Arc: Number 1
Kagura: Approved

XxRainyDaysxX: Denied

Tylar Annell: Approved

Arc One Currently Top Choice.

A Map of the Town is in progress, I will include all current business locations and offer a variety of "homes" that I would greatly appreciate claiming one as your own once it is up (For ease in knowing who and where people are located). The neighboring towns shall each receive their own map when they become of a greater importance.

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