Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (Sign up)

Name: Belle Ridley.

Race: Angel.

Age: 19 years old.

Past Occupation: An innocent farmer.

Current Occupation: Deadly assassin.

Bio: Belle used to be an innocent daughter, always helping her father with work around the farm. She would work for many hours everyday, whether it was taking care of the horses, or watering the crops, she was always active. Until one day while walking in the barn to grab some hay, she found her father, who was lying in his own pool of blood, his head cut clean off. On the barn wall were words written in blood saying "Your next." in big red letters.

Ever since that day, Belle was never the same. She vowed to kill the person who had killed her father, no matter how long it took her. Anyone who got in her way, will be killed the same way her father was killed. The head cut clean off, And big bloody letters on the wall saying: "Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare.." Which means "Till death do us part.." in French.

Goal: She made a goal for herself to kill the person who killed her father. But also to find herself on the way.


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Coolio! acceptedededed but please try not to cause a large amount of trouble! Again things are PEACEFUL so no mass murder sprees!
Hey!!! @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ this is medieval tech! no guns unless powder one shotters.

My name is Jack Frost. I am of wolf kin. I once worked as a professional soldier by the great warrior Solaire in the Sol army. Now I live here along with many old friends and rivals. You may know me from my achievements like battling 5 soldiers at once, while unarmed and unprotected and defeating them all. I've lived here for one day. The villagers only know that I'm a skilled hunter, capable of setting the most elaborate traps and snares, and killing a 3 deer with two arrows. I am also one of the greatest blacksmiths of the land, capable of crafting the finest tools and armor. I once made a pair of swords for the great Lach Hunter, but haven't seen him for seven years. I'm looking for my place here in this village, and hopefully more of my kind.

Greetings, @Original Hylion my old friend!

Heres Jack's pic-

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sure haha, You can say you made all of Lach's weaponry since he has a chest full of weapons built for him. BTW delete your old character.

[MENTION=1750]The Magic Hobo[/MENTION] Tylar's character is human
I'll make a character, but this is only for people who can't soicalize or have no one to socialize with. Because sometimes I get backtracked and can't handle two characters.... I don't know, it just happens to be that way. Plus, I'll have to do my special character split, so it looks cool... but I only can do that on the computer.

(Special split!)

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Name: Lucas Salo (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)

Age: 19 (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)

Race: Vampire [Fletchling... aka new vampire] (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)

Bio: Lucas walked in the 'dark' side of the island, searching for some seeds. Many legends on the island stated that if you found seeds in the 'dark' side you would have a bundle of delicous crops in one day! (dunno sorry, couldn't think of anything) It was late at night, the only time he could leave the house, and was avalible. He was hit on the head, then bitten by a vampire. (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)

Occupation: Miner, the only place where you can work in the day, blocked from the light. :P (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)

other: He wears an emerald, charmed necklace so he can stay a fletchling, so he does not have to harm any humans. .-. (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)

Looks: (ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ)
Slow day?? no! A restful day! >:3

@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ [MENTION=3206]cor![/MENTION] [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=3028]ReiPie the Ginger[/MENTION] [MENTION=1906]Silver Lion Coalition[/MENTION] [MENTION=1750]The Magic Hobo[/MENTION] [MENTION=2486]Thesmashbro[/MENTION] [MENTION=3228]TheWhistler[/MENTION] [MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION]

Check out the first post of the info and ooc thread and look at the new Settings catagory, i tried to wright down where everyone is so we can keep slight track just in case anyone gets confused! :3 if anyone can give more suggestions or ideas on how to keep improving the rp please step forward!
Good idea with that, should make things a little easier to keep track off. As for improvements, I have a desire to make a map of where everything is on the island. Would you like me to?
Could you? haha that'd be great if you could!!! i was thinking about doing that but i've not the time! if you could do that thatd be awesome X3
Ok, cool. Just wanted to clear a few things up first.

The island is far out at sea sitting in between a trade route of the two major continents. It is often used as a quick stop for storms or r&r. The dock town flourishes with foreign events and night life. Towards the inner part of the island is a bit of forest along with a large town where a majority of the residents live. With in the town is a common market, a dining hall, and other things. The village ends at the mountain bottom. Near the top is a small cave and atop the mountain alchemists work in a alchemicum. On the other side of the mountain is a small secluded place where the witch lives. The rest of the island is farmland or uninhabitated.

Ok, 1. Is the Island very large? Or is most of it populated? 2. The major harbour town, is it the same town our characters are currently in, and is it the same one that's at the centre near the forrests? 3. Any other towns/settlements other than the main one?
okay okay >:3 let's do this! The island is fairly large but not extremely. a majority of it is populated except for the sides of the mountain. On either side is either forest or jungle/swamp. The harbor town is connected to main central town by road and farms. to the sides of the main town is a bit plains and open field that led to the mountain, forests, and jungles which cuts the island in half. the other side of the village is a small town where most of the poorer refugees and more "eviler" fellows live.
Ok. Was there a particular shape you had in mind for the island or doesn't it really matter? what side of the island is the mountain on?

Also, is it alright if I just add a couple of little things to the environemnt? The first is a river that goes from the mountain through the forrests. The trees and animals need a fresh water source, as well for the swamps areas. And the other thing was hills. Most places have a few, especially when there's a mountain. It provides a sort of middle-ground between the tall mountain and the flat plains.
okie dokie :D add what you want. like i said the mountain is somewhat in the middle of the island separating everything.
No one is updating, So i decided to make another character to use.

Name: Ryoko Jigen (which is backwards of "Jigen ryoko" which means "dimension traveler" according to google translate)

Race: Human

Past Occupation: Dimension traveler (if it wasn't already obvious enough).

Bio: Ryoko is a dimension traveler. He has been many places in time and space. His personality is very comedic, but serious when he needs to be. He can manipulate chi energy and often uses techniques from other dimensions. One of his most identifying traits is that he breaks the fourth wall often.

Goal: To play through the "story".

Appearance: Ryoko often wears a black long-sleeved shirt, brown pants, and black shoes. His hair is dark grey and points backward in many small spikes.

Age: unknown
I mostly use the character as comic relief. He might say something like "You misspelled [insert misspelled word here]" even if it isn't part of the other character's dialogue. Or he may point out tropes like dues ex machina or Mary Sue. I won't make him a G-mod or anything like that.

also I don't see why a dimension traveler would be bothersome to just about everything. Maybe if you explained it I could change the character (becasue I really want a comedic character).

"You misspelled because." quiet...
haha well if you haven't noticed, my character has gotten into quite the events that are really amusing. Tylar also.

Idk i just don't like the whole, Dimensional traveler. It may come in to bother things when things start to become serious. If he starts about guns or things ery out of the lore than i'd rather not him stick himself in. If you'd like him as a side character to keep yourself busy then okay. but i'd rather not have him as a main character when he can get so close to dangerously killing the lore of everything.
He doesn't just go around town saying that he is from another dimension. He immediately obtains knowledge about the dimension he goes to, so he knows about what "move-set" he is limited to. If he goes to a dimension that is in the stone age, he doesn't go around killing dinosaurs with a lightsaber (no matter how awesome that would be).

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