Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (Sign up)

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] poor Erin, he so lonesome. lol, really though, that's fine. Also, I'm finding Lach and Yuuki's awkward, fearing-for-life dinner kind of hilarious.
hahahaha Yeah :D I'm hoping thoughs who aren't included are enjoying whats going on still :3 !!! i'm on my road to making this RP a very successful one!Since everyone is kind of scattered about, in a few days ill try to make some kind of event that everyone attends to like a festival! in fact!

Does anyone have any suggestions?!?!
Hoping I am not too late to join this. :) Looks interesting.

Name: Jayce Bright

Race: Siren

Age: 25

Past Occupation: Pirate

Current Occupation: Fisherman

Backstory: Once the allure of robbing sailors and trade routes of their goods dimmed, Jayce found himself in a difficult position. The lifestyle of his kind was not exactly thriving, and mostly because there were little ties between sirens and those above the surface; the little representation they did happen to have was not ideal, as their dealings were mostly with pirates- a dealing Jayce is guilty of himself.

He sought out the means to break these barriers, and by chance met with a warlock who could give him the opportunity. After telling him his story, the warlock bestowed on him a medium to make his mark via a "curse". He would be transformed into a human, capable of walking land, until his skin comes into contact with water, in which he would be instantly transformed into his fish form until he is dry again.

Goal: To atone himself as both a sirenian and a good citizen


Siren form: Jayce has a long, cyan, serpentine tailfin that can propel him to immense speeds in the water. Scales dot his upper body, including arms, hands, chest, back, shoulders, and cheeks. His gills are located along his ribcage, behind his arms where they are less likely to choke on small, rogue ocean objects.

Human: Much the same as his Siren form, he retains the blue hair and cerulean silver eyes. He is of average height, standing about 5'8" and weighs in at 143lbs. As his "legs" are formed through magical means, there are no traces of toned muscles. Instead they are rather skinny. His stomach and arms however are untouched, and most of what he has is located on his abdomen and biceps.
Good thing you warned me about it then. The last thing I want here is uncomfortable feelings.
I do encourage everyone that is not currently interacting with people to throw there characters in! As long as you try to get on once a day you will not get left behind i promise!
I will throw Kira back in when they get to the next day. Right now I don't think there is anyone in her area, and I'm certainly sure there's no one within her house xD
okay okay haha that's fine :P @The Whistler is also currently not busy, you could try to hang with him as well as [MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION]

whoops [MENTION=3228]TheWhistler[/MENTION]
another thing that those of you who have hard timezomes to keep up with the others. you could ask someone who has a good timezone that synchronizes with yours to join the rp and that way you can still have someone to go to if no one else is online at the time!
I am actually on 24-7 *I have no life? Yes!* My job keeps being delayed. My boss, has to keep staying in Europe longer due to his father's sickness. So I can stay at home for like two more weeks. -3-
haha xD well apparantly it has come to my attention that some peoples timezones cause them to get on when most people get off so to make sure people don't get stuck something i'm going to yell

No limit on characters at the moment! so if you want to have one character talking with people online at this time then another so you can talk to others at another time for those who get on a lot!
In that case I'll just post this little tidbit of when I will be available… (this is all MST- mountain standard time, if you don't know it it's an hour ahead of PST and 2 hours behind EST) I work nights, 3am~ approx 10am weds-sun, and 12-4pm some days (never certain, on-call based) at my second job. You'd think I'd be asleep in the afternoon, but I'm stubborn, so I'm usually up til 9-10pm or so or until I crash (whichever comes first).

In short, you can expect me on mostly in the morning and afternoon, but not at night. My schedule is all kinds of screwed. u.u;;
Thank you Cori for telling us :D now we know! and knowing is half the battle! @KaitWink I think Tylar had to go, he said he'd do the same as you and wait till the next day to post.
From what I can tell most of this forum is very active, play-by-post with whomever is online. Correct? I'm used to play-by-post over a long period (often there would only be 1-3 posts a day, depending on the number of roleplayers). Just curious ^^
yeah i used to go to a place called nationstates it was very much like that. but that can get really boring and people tend to forget to post
That is too true- many roleplays get dropped because of it. :( Well in that case, I'll have to figure out this new playstyle. I'll just have to see how it fits with my schedule since I work a lot.
haha i tihnk today is an off day cause. everyone got on and off a few times through out the day. i myself have been having a hard time. [MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION] I think KaitWink logged off i said you left cause i tohught you left x.x im sorry. hopefully she comes back on
@OriginalHylion Sooo much confusion... lol. Oh well, we'll sort it all out eventualy. it'll all settle into a rythm of sorts. I need to get off the computer now anyway, so it works out.
yeah haha :D all will be good! I have faith that this rp will become so successful people will join this site just to get in on some action on this RP >:3

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