Let the Games Begin

Is this just going to be the few of us? Haha. I'm way too excited for this. Where are the other suitors! Saben cracks me up. I think opportunity for awkward moments will be abundant!
Poor Saben *pats him* he can never be seen as a real man just due to how he is around blood.
[MENTION=2146]Aura[/MENTION] I think there's a little confusion about the set up of tent/tents. Do you think you could just give a brief description of the set up your picturing? I think it'd just make it easier 'cause I think we all have a different idea of the area haha. It's a little confusing. Even if you just put it here instead of writing it into the rp would be good. It just so people don't have conflicting posts.
Yes I think so. I was originally just picturing one tent where everyone could mill around, but now I think that is a little unrealistic. Nobody should worry about correcting their posts if their vision was wrong and they wrote it down as such. I think I'll make it a square of tents. Most of which are devoted to serving food and drink and they have a collection of chairs and tables. Giselle's tent hosts most of her family and a few of their high-ranking friends, but it is relatively more empty than the other tents to allow movement of the competitors to greet her as they wish. Each food/drink tent has a few performers. There is one large tent that is devoted primarily to drink and dance however.

My apologies, I'll take care to explain setting better in the future. I don't know if I really clarified anything, but I hope that this helped. :)
No that helps. It didn't need to be detailed, we can fill in those with imagination :)

(Also, the Noire post is coming. Sorry it's taking a while)
It's a lot of fun. I'm enjoying Saben quite a bit as well! I'm trying to be patient with my postings and let everyone else go a round unless I'm having an interaction with someone, but I wanna keep going. lol
Somebody mind sending me a msg or something if anything big happens or if we switch to the next day? I really don't have anything more to post for the opening ceremonies at this point. Thanks a ton!
Ok, so Aura's going on a bit of a Hiatus. I don't how you all feel exactly, but judging from the ooc comments in this thread, you all seem to be enjoying the rp, and so I would hate for it to have to end. Do you all think it would be best if a current player took over Giselle's character or do we want to bring in someone else to do it, in which case I'll do a little recruiting.

I've sent Aura a pm about any particular plot points she had planned. She said she'll be popping in a little to see what's going on, not enough to keep rping here though, so she will probably see my message. For the moment, we know that the first task in the competition was going to be the jousting tournament, so I think that's enough to keep the rp ball rolling for now.

As for later, hopefully Aura will reply but if she doesn't by the time we're finished the jousting, I think I know the general idea of where things were going from the few ideas we tossed around in the ideas thread, so we can still continue if we want. I have been enjoying this and I hope you guys feel the same and want to continue.






Sad face. I think it would be best to have someone else control Giselle, but Tylar, since you seem to be involved with Aura on running this thing, you'd have my vote for major progressions of the story, if you and everyone else are okay with it.

I see a lot of potential in this, and I'd hate to have it fall flat on its face. Worst case we can hit reset and try again. =P
Honestly I don't think that's right or fair to her. I rather just drop out of the rp than for someone to take her place, since it was her rp and her idea. That's just me though and I seem to be weird at times.
I can see what you mean, Alexina. Hmm, maybe you're right. I suppose we can put it on hold or try again if/when she returns, too. I suppose it's off to find another rp.
@Tyler Annell I think we should have someone new. Otherwise, Giselle will end up being biased towards the original character of the person who took over her.
[MENTION=1552]Poshib[/MENTION] - If it was alright with everyone, I was going to suggest I make separate posts as the King of Verria who would announce the new tasks when they come up. But like the Joker said, I think it would be better if we brought in someone new to take over Giselle.

[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] - Aura made a short post on the rp thread (not sure if you saw) saying if we wanted to continue to feel free to have someone else take care of her character. I get what your saying and that's very nice of you. The new player wouldn't be taking over the RP, just using Aura's character. It'll always be Aura's rp. And if she wants to come back to it later I'm sure there'll be a way for her to jump back in if she wants to. I get you might not be happy with the prospect of the writing style changing, but I guess we'd only accept someone if they could properly stick to the characters personality that Aura created. If you wanna drop out, that's totally your prerogative, but we'll be sad to see you go :(

[MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION] - My thoughts exactly. You're right about the bias thing, but also I think it would be better 'cause the rp is focused more on character interactions and that would be easier to accomplish and provide more variety in personalities and writing styles if people don't double up on characters.

I don't know Aura really well, but personally if I had to drop out of an rp for personal reasons (I dunno her reasons) I wouldn't want to let a good idea go to waste. But if everyone feels that way, I guess we'll have to drop it. This rp is centraly about our characters, so if too many people leave, it just won't be the same and not really worth doing. We could try to leave it and hope that if/when Aura comes back she'll want to join again, but in my experience once a RP stops for a hiatus, the players just sort of move on and they don't end up coming back to continue it, so even when Aura does come back we may be the ones that don't want to come back to it. But it's up to you all, let me know how you feel.
I get what you're saying Tylar, but in truth my character was more built as a support for the main girl and what not. I figured whoever played her would be bombarded with too much at times and may need someone else to push some of the weight off on. Not that Saben is good at taken such lol as you can see by his last interaction.

IF Aura is dropping out, the only thing I can suggest . . . that might work is . . . have another decent rp'er come in to play a princess of sorts. Have Giselle be her name, but the character Aura played not really be her. But kinda a servant playing the part to keep the real one safe. For all we know the real Giselle could have been the drunk. (Except Saben would have SO stepped in if that was the case.) Just a suggestion.
Do you mean Aura's Giselle was the servant pretending, or the new one will be?

If the later, I'm not sure if it would really work. I mean, the suitors are all there competing to marry her and I don't think it would work if the woman they were all vieing for suddenly turned out to be someone else they hadn't met. Plus, there's already a suitor who's in love with Giselle from previous contact with her. This would work if the real princess was present but pretending to be someone else, to get to know the suitors without them trying to impress her or something like that, but that isn't possible in this case.

If you meant Aura's character being the servant covering for the real Giselle... it might work. I don't know. What does everyone else think?
I'm going to have to drop, I've been so busy lately I haven't had time for the internet. If it does keep going, or someone starts a similar roleplay let me know and I'll want to join it with the same character once I get everything settled in at the new house! Sorry for being away for so long!
Ok, I was waiting on more opinions, but anyway.

[MENTION=2929]Lux[/MENTION] - alright. Good luck with the move, hope it goes well. Hopefully by the time you get back we'll have decided what we wanna do with the rp.

[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] - alright, if no one has any objects to the new slight twist in the character, I think we could make it work? And so the tags....







Okie dokie? No objections? Everyone still interested?
I can do my best, still need to get my muse up. And I hope the new girl doesn't mind Saben still being a dear friend of hers. :P
( Sorry, If there is already a princess, and I copied the city/town thing.. ;_; )

Name: Giselle Hawthorn

Age: 18

What your city/town is like:Verria is the wealthy and powerful capital of the land Ardin. It is extending the hand of friendship by allowing all towns the opportunity to win Giselle's hand and therefore win a powerful partnership and the complete protection of Verria. (For poor towns this could be very beneficial)

Appearance: She has very long, copper hair that is very straight up at the top then curls a bit at the tips, She has stormy sea grey eyes, she has a very light tan and a little birthmark on her temple, she also has a scar on her ankle were she stepped in a bear trap.

Personality: Giselle has had a pure hatred towards the whole arranged marriage thing since her big sister was married off and died a little while later, Giselle was convinced that the husband killed her sister. Even though she tries to be nice, Giselle normally has a hotheaded nature, with poor social skills, she really likes to drif off into dreamland, normally at the most inappropriate times, she is very blunt, but also quite forgiving and likes to follow her own rules.

Other: Giselle has many accents she likes to slip into when shes bored.
( tylar Annell asked me to post this here, to see if you guys

Cordelia stares at her barren world and clutches at the steering wheel of the broken minivan she was using as a shelter.

The days were hot, then the days were cold, she was never sure when she should venture off to find something else to use as a shelter from the harsh weather.

When Cordelia heard a rustling from a nearby bare juniper bush, she jumped and fumbled for her battered military-grade gun, whatever it was, mutant or not, she'd still need to kill it.

As the rustling grew steadily louder, Cordelia braced for a wild, rotting mass of flesh to hurl itself at her,but instead, a small, rotting figure stumbles out of the barren bush.

Cordelia slips out of the door and waits for the rabbit to near her, before smashing her heel into its skull, swiftly shattering it, and getting a fine smattering of blood and brain matter on her military grade boots.

--- Time Transition~ ---

Cordelia was sleeping soundlessly in the back seat of her ransacked minivan when she heard heavy breathing outside her door, soundlessly slithering from her two sleeping bags, she investigates the noise, Its a man, peering through the windows, probably searching for some food, his eyes were murky and crazed, they didn't focus on anything, and he was obviously mad, considering that he was breaking in to an obviously occupied shelter with no weapons, but Cordelia decided to kill the man. It was mercy, right?

Cordelia came into the light and put the muzzle of her gun to his head "You're worth the wasted ammo..." Cordelia trails off as she pulls the trigger and the crazed man falls backwards.

Cordelia wiped the mans blood from her face and auburn hair before checking to see if the man had anything hidden in his torn and dirty rags.

Nothing. Her suspicion was right, she was spending another day hungry.
Ok guys, WantYourSoul responded to the recruitment thread so I asked her to provide an example of her RPing to show she could post at the level and length we've already got going. Hopefully everyone still wants to continue with this RP.

I'd like to get your opinions on her posting example and what do you think of her character profile?








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