The Spire

Tylar Annell

Junior Member

Once upon a time the skies were clear and blue, the only clouds that dwelt in them were healthy and watered the Earth with clean rain when they became too full. They say that the earth's soil was rich, nutrient enough for all kinds of plants to take root and grow. Grass covered the ground along with delicated plants called flowers and larger, stronger ones called trees grew across the lands.

Man had made their homes up above the ground then, towering buildings reaching up into those cloud-filled skies as if to take a handful. They had cities that covered the world and they could travel from one end to another in a day, fly through the skies, and travel beneath the once-great seas.

But all of that is gone now.

The stories to not say how or why exactly, the orginal tellers were too shameful of their actions to let the truth be known, but the earth became scorched and the skies were filled with toxic clouds, they poisoned the air and rained a burning liquid at would eat away at your skin. The plants and animals, those that were not burnt away into ashes, changed. They became monstrous and violent, eating whatever they could find, living or not.

Now, we few who remain make our homes below the ground, where it is safer. We make tunnels, burrowing down into the earth, searching for untainted food and water. But it is very hard to find. The machines that clean the air we breath are old, the metal rusts and their wires break. Those who know how to fix them do not number many and with each generation more of the knowledge is lost. Most believe we will simply die in the end, they have no hope for the future, they believe there is nothing that cane save us.

But some stories tell of a tall spire, the last skyscraper. Some magic of the old world protected it from the fires and it remains standing amidst a crumbling, graveyard city. They say that the spire reaches so high, if you were to climb to the top you could peer across the cloud cover and see the brightest light to ever shine. They do not tell us where it is, only that it lies across the dry sea somewhere and past the Great Dividers, the bottomless casms where the earth was torn apart in the Catacysms. None have seen further than that, but still that is where the stories say the Spire lies.

Inside it, the stories say there is something that might save us. They do not say what it is or how it will be our salvation, those that knew burnt with the old world but that knowledge too has been lost to us. Many have set out in search of the Spire; they left their loved ones and the safety of the ground to walk across the surface in search of the hope. But they do not return and there is no change to the world, so the other say the lost ones failed, that there is no hope, and that the Spire is not real.


Ok, so obviously post apocolyptic. This is kind of a work in progress at the moment, but I'm trying to get everything sorted so I can put it up soon.

Technology wise, I think it'll be a tad steampunky mostly because they have to scroung for materials but the level of tech before the cataclysm was very futuristic, probably a few hundred years ahead of our present day level, but most of that technology was either destroyed or no one knows how to use it.

The main goal will be to find the Spire and the device rumoured to be able to bring the world back from desolation. Any interest in this one?

Well Tylar, it looks to me like there's not much interest. If you want people take a look, advertise in the shoutbox maybe, but simply bumping your thread won't help you out.

Some advice, include the idea of what characters will be doing, possibly an inkling of plot. You've done a fine job creating the world if I'm guessing right, but you haven't really established it for your readers, so try to expand upon the people in this world a little bit more that members may take a liking to the idea, and where they'd sit in it.
Scanning this briefly, it looks like a very interesting world with a great set-up and a great atmosphere for the genre. That said, heartsteal22 has a major point. It's fleshed out setting-wise, so it just needs that thread of a story for people to run with. Getting the device from the Spire is a good start. What I would want to know, where I to be involved, is what this device would do, the motivation for getting it, what the dangers of this journey would be, what sort of society do the people live in, etc.
I would definitely join this for two reasons; post-apocalyptic is one of my favorite genres and I'm a steam punk fan, so I would join. I really also like the storyline, I think you might get more interest when it's an actual rp

(but don't trust me, I have literally zero experience on this xD )
Ok, what I was thinking was that I would just post this part and then the rest of the info into a different Info thread when I make it and the signs up. I didn't think of it your way Heartsteal, but you're totally right. Thank you for pointing that out. You too Progeny, thanks.

Currently revising a few things, so I'll just post it up here soon.

I didn't really know if I should just come out and state what the spire would be, seeing as the characters wouldn't know either, but I guess if people want to know before they join, I'll include that in the revised version as well.

Glad you like it WantYourSoul ;)
If the spire is intended to be a mystery, don't tell anyone, but at least tell what people speculate it to be, what the characters may think they know, but leave the truth to be discovered later.

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