Fantasy's End Pt. 1 (OOC/Concept)

Original Hylion

RPn's Original Jello Lion Pirate
Chapter Prologue:

Men and women, Warriors and thieves, dungeons and cities. Explored, conquered, and defeated. Now every adventurer, sellsword or warlock is out of work. Most go crazy, Go against the law, or eventually get themselves killed. The few that don't have, either young or old, retire or go into smaller work. One place known is dailish island. Many have taken refuge and retired on the island. Some villagers have welcomed them with open arms. This place is now known as home.

You are another retiree or young adventurer falling back into village work. You've lived here for maybe a month possibly longer, possibly less. You've gotten land with house on it or planning to build one. This is the life. Its your turn to relax and let others do the fighting.

The Lands:

The island is far out at sea sitting in between a trade route of the two major continents. It is often used as a quick stop for storms or r&r. The dock town flourishes with foreign events and night life. Towards the inner part of the island is a bit of forest along with a large town where a majority of the residents live. With in the town is a common market, a dining hall, and other things. The village ends at the mountain bottom. Near the top is a small cave and atop the mountain alchemists work in a alchemicum. On the other side of the mountain is a small secluded place where the witch lives. The rest of the island is farmland or uninhabitated.

The two continents are very much a like. Covered with different biomes of land. Deserts, forests, jungles, snowy mountains, plains, and many others. They are incredibly inhabited by many races that for the most part get along with each other. Most everything is ruled by a localized government but mainly everything is controlled in a federal type government where all the local governments are somewhat controlled by the Great Lord Stein. People are happy with the government and the current economy. The East continent has more local governments since the capital is situated on the west continent where the Lord Stein usually resides.

Important Lore:

Every man, women, and child have a soul. No matter how dark or how good they are. Every living creature carries a soul in them. These souls are valuable. Souls are like flames in the heart. They ignite at birth and go out in death. They reside in all races.

All manner of races reside everywhere in this world and each live in peace with one another. No race lies higher then the other. There may be a few races that hold less in number then others but that doesn't make them anymore important or less important than all the others. All live in peace.

(Important!) There is a special gene that resides in the Souls of all races. It is a very rare gene and only a few have it, as well it only shows in certain members of the gene carriers not all carriers can access it. This gene, in summery, makes the bearer generally better then everyone else besides other lords. Those who have these "Lord Souls" are instantly recognized to be the best of the best and usually earn a place in royalty or nobility. Some may just settle to a life of adventure. Lord's rule the land, there was once a massive civil war between all the lords but that has ended with the democratic rule of Lord Stein.

Soul Eating:

(Will be Important If RP becomes successful) The studying of Soul eating is forbidden and is a crime punishable by death. If you are directly caught or evidence strong enough to prove such accusations then you will immediately be executed. Don't do it!

Souls are rumored to be the main power of everything. The brighter your soul burns the greater you are. Lord souls are rumored to burn white. They can burn incredibly bright and sustain a massive size without any need of nourishment and can grow with out stop and without affecting the carrier in any bad ways. Regular souls can only grow if they absorb another soul or in other words: If they eat someone else's soul. If a regular soul gets to big then the carrier will be affected physically. They will grow to a enormous height and some will even become deformed. The only way not to be affected like this is to absorb or be a carrier of a lord soul.


Everyone must start in the village. Remember, things are in peace! Theres no need to try to start a war to spice the RP up. If things get good and lots of people join i will do something to have everyone move into chapter 2. you can choose any race you want, doesn't matter to me just as long as they don't bother my lore and that they don't go crazily powerful. I am god, i will make things happen. No need for anyone to get any ideas on destroying the village or anything that will screw with my storyline. Have fun!

Current settings of IC:

Event: Welcoming and introductions.

Time: almost midnight. so head bed soon

Current positions of characters:

Lach's house: Lach(Original Hylion), Jack(Magic Hobo), Natalia(ReiPie), Abel(Silver)

Kira's House: Kira(Kait), Erin and his awesome mule(Tylar)

Idle or at home: Yuuki and Lucas(Forks), Belle(Lost), Jayce(Cori), Blake(SmashBro) Gaap(TheWhistler)
I'm a fan of this thing called Soul Eater, when you mentioned souls I jumped and started screaming, well actually no, I didn't. I am a evil lover of anime, and I'd like to do some soul eating.... In Soul Eater, there is something called a kishin soul, Kishin in Japanese means Demon god, literally. The Kishin ate human souls, and became more powerful and powerfuler. You think there should be something like that? Sorry I'm such a Soul Eater fanatic, I really would love that! The Kishin is shown on my signature by the way.
@Original thank you but I have soooo many RP's going on right now I can't take on any more ): I'll have to drop some soon when school starts as it is
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] Oh, D: I like rping with you Kait. That's fine though. thanks for considering though.

[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] Haha i have indeed watched soul eater, Forks. I did take that in to thought but mine is honestly a lot more reminiscent of the two games Demon souls and dark souls. Except everything has my own little twist to it. Like i said in some of the description stuff like that will happen only if the rp gets big.
*Cries in the corner* It's okay, I'll surly join, there is no improvements to be made!
Sounds cool, I especially like the lore about the Souls. Very nice. One thing though, you've said that life is pretty peaceful both on the continents and the island, but our characters are retired/have retreated to the island to live a peaceful life and "leave the fighting to the others". It's just a tad contradictory. But still looked good, I'll join.
Sorry, so I am I apprently haha. I meant which is it? Is the mainlands violent, or not? Is the Island just peaceful-er than the mainlands?
'Kay, thanks. I just wanted to know 'cause I've alreayd got an idea for a character, and it would affect his background.
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

any race? That leaves it quite open O.o can I use my half beast shepherdess from another RP I was in?
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] - Ok, so here's a rough sketch. I just wanted to show you and ask I got everything in the right place. If so, then I'll prettify/do it properly. It's suuuper bad quality. I have such a crappy scanner and just light pencilwork like this doesn't usually show up very well.

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I haven't put the 'evil' villiage on the map yet, 'cause I wasn't sure where you meant it to be.
That looks amazing!! I'd say make the central town a slight bigger other then that everything is amazingg!!
I'm sorry to admit it but think this RP has been forgotten :c

I really wanted to get a lot further but it seems that almost everyone is to busy or can't sync to Rp during the rush.
[MENTION=3206]cor![/MENTION] [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=3028]ReiPie the Ginger[/MENTION] [MENTION=1906]Silver Lion Coalition[/MENTION] [MENTION=1750]The Magic Hobo[/MENTION] [MENTION=2486]Thesmashbro[/MENTION] [MENTION=3228]TheWhistler[/MENTION] [MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION] @<3Lost_In_Paradise<3

Now, i know that things have gotten slow and many may have given up but i shall not! So those of you who would still like to join me please feel free to continue posting. We are continuing to the next day and starting up a new event. i will begin to post it up now. :3 I hope everyone returns and things go back to booming and everyone has fuunnn
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] So... It doesn't seem as if this RP is still active anymore, but I thought I'd give you the map I made anyway, you might like to use it for another RP at some point.

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yesh i do wish this rp was still active. Partly my fault as well for disappearing for the long while. I did indeed lose faith in this site for a little whiles.

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