Forever seems so long. [Sign-Up/OOC/Info]

Name: Natasha "Tasha" Powell

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Job at the Center: Cabana girl/kitchen help

Personality: Tasha can be a bit of a flirt and is always teasing people, the other staff and the people there. She is really friendly but has a little bit of a mean streak as she likes to embarrass people or see them squirm. Still Tasha tends to be a good natured person and always ready to lend a hand, although she can be lazy at times or get distracted. She is a hopeless romantic as well and a gossip.

History: Tasha was born to a very loving family. She was an only child, although her parents claimed throughout her childhood that they were always trying for another child. Tasha wasn't always sure what to make of this, happy to have a younger sibling, but also wondering if her parents wanted another child to love and weren't happy to have her. Tasha eventually decided not to dwell as it never happened. She, as many only children, was spoiled with affection and things. The one thing Tasha loved more than anything was swimming and she was on her school's swim team all the way into high school. Once she graduated, Tasha decided she wanted an adventure and moved around a lot, looking for a good college. She went to a pretty expensive college at nineteen, but dropped out due to family complications. Tasha ended up taking out loans when she started and had to pay them back and also raise money for college again and for living. When Tasha saw the job availibility she took the opportunity. She had been working there for a year and a half. Although she is still saving for college and paying off her loan, Tasha says she is happy with her job and doesn't plan on quitting anytime soon.

Tasha, a notorious flirt dated a good amount. She only had a few boyfriends in high school and one in middle school, but once she left, she wanted to try more. Tasha, surprisingly, is still a virgin though she claims she had a lot of "near misses" in this department. Tasha is also rumored to have dated other staff members, but no one is sure of this or nor as none of the male employees have said one way or another if this happened. Tasha says she is looking for her prince charming and knows he is out there.

Name: Byron Payne

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Marriage Partner: Nicky

Personality: Byron is a nice guy when he has to be. It takes a lot to impress him and he tends to veer away from people he deems stupid. Byron can be helpful if he thinks it'll be worth it, but he's not a jerk randomly. Byron is always polite when the situation deems it and he tries not to judge people too soon as well. It takes a lot to earn respect and trust from him though. Byron is also a hard-worker thinking anything that is done should be done right.

History: Byron was born into a rather wealthy family and so didn't have a lot of want as a kid. When he reached school age though, he wanted to prove he wasn't just a rich prick and he worked hard to make good grades. Byron proved to be smart and hard-working from a young age and found he'd rather like working for things than having them given to him. Byron got a job at sixteen as a waiter and people were surprised that he was actually working for money. Byron still used his parents' money but for only things he deemed important enough that he couldn't wait. Because Byron worked hard for things when he didn't have to he started to develop a high view of himself and began to look down on others. This caused problems amongst friendships and relationships as people felt they were never good enough for him (or Byron made it clear that he thought they weren't).

Byron is currently working on getting a degree in business but went to Vegas on what he thought was a much needed break. He didn't know that he'd get so drunk and end up married to a guy of all things. He doesn't care about the gender, but he's not certain about the person.

Name: Nicky Clayworth



Marriage Partner:
Bryon Payne

At first glance Nicky would piss anyone off, he has a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and tends to be crude with his words. His humor is that of dark or sexual nature, and all and all he just seems to be a man-whore that runs his mouth. But beyond that Nicky is good natured, he's there for the people that need him (even if he won't admit it to himself) and is surprisingly a loyal friend, but would easily slap said friends for calling him a bleeding heart.

Originating from the UK, Nicky's upbringing was somewhat different from the average American's just in exposure alone. Growing up in a small flat with barely enough food to go around, the boy was skin and bones, and an easy target for bullies for a number of reasons (an older sister of reputation didn't help the matter). He grew tough skin at a young age, and when he grew into his own starting secondary school, the guy became an enforcer with his fists. Soon after graduation his father passed of a heart attack (both him and his sister were born when their parents were up in years) and Nicky developed a devil don't care attitude, and hasn't really looked back since. Yet the fool moved back home to help his mum out. As of recent the old lady passed, and some friends cohered him into taking a vacation into the states to get away for a bit and clear his head. He was just taking in the sights going to the biggest attractions when he woke up in bed with another man.


Understable, I was a bit busy when I made it, so it was a really rushed job. It's ok, I think my RP plate is a bit loaded anyway.
Guys it seems I'm having a bit of comments about slow post. I'm going to request that if you can please reply to post within a week at least. That's 7 days, not asking for you to do it same day or the next. This allows us to know you're still alive though and want to rp. If people don't we may have to work past that character or around or re-partner even if the wait gets too long. If you have to go somewhere for awhile give us a heads up. That or discuss it with your partner if you have one, if they don't complain we won't know unless you're posting to someone else. Staff is semi a different matter, but this is more towards anyone who is in a post with others.


@Michishige Sachiko











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