Fantasy's End (IC)

Lach looked down the hill to see his apprentice arriving. Lach opened the door a bit wider. "Abel, come over here!" Lach said smiling. He looked to the man that was at his door. "Please come back when day out." Lach bowed in apology then waited for his apprentice to come in side. Abel had been under Lach's wing for a few years now. Lach had become very fond of his skill and dedication to learning how to use the blade for the sake of his mother. Lach always believed that a warrior with a cause is a warrior that will win. Lach smiled at his apprentice. "I have someone you might want to meet!" He called again. He looked at Natalia the thief sitting on his bed with some water naturing her bruises.
(I know... I'm sorry...)

Erin looked a little nervous as the wolf howl echoed out through the darkness. He knew it was dangerous, but the sun had set before he could make his way home. "Well, I was taking a shortcut to my house actually," Erin said, he was feeling a little more at ease now that the woman didn't seem to be as mad as him as before, "I have a... a bad leg, and I can't walk too far before it starts hurting. It didn't really help that mule wandered off from the marketplace while I wasn't looking, so I had to carrying my things myself." He explained. "In retrospect, I should have kept to the road. But then again, if I had, he might of finished off the whole garden." Erin said, gestured to the mule that was still eyeing the plants, although he wouldn't make a move towards them again.
Kira looked back towards the garden, which was now a mess of half-eaten plants. "Your home is on the other side of the woods?" she asked. That was odd, since the woods led to another town, but maybe he lived in one of the woods' popluated 'safe zones'. She thought about it for a moment. Certainly she couldn't let him and his animal wander off into the forest alone, especially if this man's leg made him as handicapped as he was letting on. She looked back to Erin. "I walk through those woods many times a week to transport goods, but mostly animals." she said, motioning towards her penned sheep. "If you would like, I can assist you. At least help you make it home safely. The wolves will not bother you if you're with me."
Abel quickly went inside after giving a quick hello to the stranger. After a few quick breaths he regained his composure and looked around the house, noticing how everything looked almost exactly the same as the last time he was here. Although he was itching to ask Lach how his journey was, he was quickly distracted by the woman on his mentor's bed. Ideas popped into his head as he looked from his mentor to the stranger. Suddenly he smiled. "Hey, I've seen you around before," he said as he walked up to her, "I never got to introduce myself. I'm Abel."
(... I may or may not have any idea of where they actually are right now... I'll just go by the decription of the forrest in the info thread. Sorry if it's not the layout you were thinking off :S )

"Oh, no, I live further along, still only on the edges of the forrest," Erin pointed in the direction he had been heading before detouring to this house. He thought about her proposal; he did feel alittle nervous travelling home alone at night, especially with his leg. But his pride was a little hurt at the prospect of being defended from wolves by a woman. Granted she seemed to be oder than him, but still. 'Maybe it has something to do with her being a half-breed?' Erin thought to himself, looking at her ears but in the dark he couldn't distinguish what sort they were.

"Um, no, that's alright thanks," Erin declined, "If you come with me, you'll have to walk home by yourself." He couldn't make a lady walk home by herself after all.
Belle flapped her wings slowly as she landed on the other side of the lake, staring off into the distance. She felt an odd presence, but she couldn't figure out what it was yet.

"Could it be a vampire?" She murmured to herself quietly, searching the horizon as the sense grew stronger and stronger. It was coming straight towards her.

But what is it.. She thought to herself, gripping the razor sharp katana fiercely as she awaited what was coming.

"Belle... Marie.. Ridley.. Have you forgotten yet?.." Was all she heard before she felt something stab deep into her stomach. She knew that voice..

She collapsed, gasping in pain as she gripped her stomach. Blood dripped down, soaking into the lake and making it run red. She heard an evil laugh that faded into the distance, and than everything was still.

"D*mn it. How could I let my guard down like that?!" She spat at herself, standing up, but just ended up falling back down onto her knees again. This wasn't good. The sword that had stabbed her went straight through her organs. If she didn't get help soon, she could die.

She chuckled, looking over at the bloody lake.

"What am I thinking.. Nobody would help me." She scowled, trying to stand again. But failed in attempt, and watched as the lake that was once blue, turn a faint red.
Yuuki said, "I can't take it anymore, Lach, damn assasians, and stupid nekos!" She rose from her bed, she was feeling annoyed, so she decided to go bathe in the lake. She walked quietly to the lake, it was already around two in the morning. She brought her sword just in case someone decided to pay her a small visit. She walked to the lake and saw it running red, with Belle in it. Somehow, she just blurted out; "Celui qui tue, va toujours être vengé." (The one who kills, wil always be avenged. I think I got that from a book... *shrugs*) She shook her head, "How am I doing this?" she muttered. Yuuki looked at the floating Belle, and decided that she had to be saved. Yuuki walked into the lake; unaffected by the bloody oders that came from the water. She sniffed it in, it reminded her of the army. She grabbed Belle's body, and began to carry her, swimming in the water.
Belle's eyes fluttered to stay open as Yuuki began carrying her off. She groaned in pain once more and than looked to the side before falling into unconsciousness. But before she did, she had whispered a few words.

"Thank you.. For not leaving me alone to die. I thought.. That no one would of came.." A single tear whisked out of her closed eyes, and fell into the bloody lake below.
Kira shrugged. "Suit yourself." she said. He probably didn't want to feel less 'manly' by having a girl walk him home. It's true that she wasn't very old, but the wolves in the area all listened to her like a mother, staying away from who or whatever accompanied her. "I wish you luck. I hope you make it." she said. She tried to remember any houses in that area. She'd never seen them, so maybe he lived on a side road somewhere. She let out a yawn, her ears laying back while she did so. She of course didn't mean to sound rude, just genuinely wishing a human luck late at night against the wolves. "Well if you don't mind I suppose I'll return to bed." she said. "Please don't let your animal eat any more of my plants." she added, though she knew the mule wouldn't disobey her silent instructions from earlier.
As soon as Yuuki was able to pull Belle out of the lake, she looked unconcious. "Hey assasin girl, are you alive?" She took her towel and began to dab her wounds carefully. "Organs are quite squishy..." she joked drying up the blood. (Sorry it's short... .-.)
"Of course, I, I leave you now," Erin said as he walked, trying to lessen his limp so she didn't see as he made his way over to his mule by the side of the house, "Sorry again about the garden. Good night." With that, Erin took a hold of what was left of the leash attached to his bridle - 'great, I'll need a new one of those now,' - and left the small backyard and the woman still in it.

"You cause me so much trouble Engary," He said quietly to his animal as they got further away from the house. He quickly found the items he had left along the trail and put them in his mule's saddbags. "You need to stop running off too, it's getting annoying," Erin continued to scold the animal, who in turn didn't look contrite at all. In fact, to Erin's eyes, he looked a little pleased with himself.

Despite Erin's concerns, the walk back to his house passed uneventfully and went quicker now that he didn't have to carry his belongings. His leg still hurt from the trip though, and Erin made a note to himself to visit the hot springs so he could soak it in the warm waters, that usually freed up the muscels in his leg and made him feel much better afterwards. Erin walked around his house to the backyard gate at the side, leading Engary in and locking him in he's pen, giving him an armful of hay to eat if he got peckish durring the night. Which he did, often. On his way to the backdoor, Erin glanced towards the chicken coop, all the birds inside seemed to be sleeping soundly. A pair of tired golden eyes watched him from the small porch of his house, and when Erin trumped up the stairs the owner of them sat up and wagged his tail in quiet joy.

Tavros was an aging sheep dog with a light and dark brown coat. Erin had had grown up with him and when he left his villiae to travel to the island, he brought his dog with him. While Tavros was too old to be a sheep dog, he was still a pretty good guard dog and he kept away most creatures that wandered out from the forrests onto the plains. Erin stopped to pat his loyal companion before going inside. Exhausted from the walk, all he could do was change out of his clothes into a night shirt and a loose pair of pants and splash his face with a little water before hitting the bed and going to sleep.
Blake, realizing how late it was, headed to his house. He decided that he should get some sleep so he could get started on tomorrow's events. He didn't need as much sleep as normal humans, because he is a neko, but he needed SOME sleep. He sang Mosane to himself as he walked towards his house. After reaching his house, he immediately went to bed.
@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ [MENTION=3206]cor![/MENTION] [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=3028]ReiPie the Ginger[/MENTION] [MENTION=1906]Silver Lion Coalition[/MENTION] [MENTION=1750]The Magic Hobo[/MENTION] [MENTION=3228]TheWhistler[/MENTION] [MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION]

...Guys? is this RP dead?
Pretty much. I mean obviously it's not been moved to inactive yet but it's not all that active either
My character is asleep, I'm waiting for the next day in the rp. LostinParadise and Forks's characters were still doing stuff, but they're not being active anymore. It's only been 9/10 days since the posting stop. Not really long enough to be labeled as dead.

@OriginalHylion You wanna move the rp along a little? I think you might start losing players if things don't pick up soon.
(It does seem things are dieing but i really don't wanna give up. Since a bunch of characters have already stuck themselves in. So before i kick them out and move the RP along i'd like to try to get them back in.)
((YOU SIR ARE NOT KICKING ME OUT. I'm kind of frozen, squishing someone's internal organs.))
( D: ive not said i was kicking you out, im just saying we need to bring the people who are giving up in the RP a chance to explain themselves and officially say that they are dropping out)
(([MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] Moving ahead without them doesn't necessarily mean kicking them out of the RP. If they still wanna be involved, they can just catch up by time skipin or something and they can back track if they want or work out what they wanted to happen between their characters with PMs.

Also just kind of stating this for like future situations, we probably should have had this discussion in the info/ooc thread, not the actual roleplay thread. Also, Hylion, I've finished the map, so I will probably be posting that up on the Info thread soonish))

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