Fantasy's End (IC)

(Kay kay kay! Thanks for the map, and yes i would have preferred to discuss this in the OOC. Okie dokie, We are skipping to the next day! Everyone went home and went to bed. Now it's next morning, feel free to post. i'll be posting in the OOC soon to say the event title.)
Blake opened his door and walked outside. He stretched his arms and yawned as he looked at the sunrise. He soon shielded his eyes from the sun so his eyes could adjust. He walked towards the town with his tail swinging behind him. "I wonder if I will see her again..." He thought to himself as he neared the boundaries of the town. He looked around and saw that not all of the shops were open. Probably because it was morning. He figured that more people would come when it was closer to noon. He went to his usual position on the roof of the building and looked down at the town.

A small transport ship entered the docks with a handful of people on it. As it stopped and prepared to drop the anchor, one of the passengers jumped over the railing and landed neatly on the docks (which startled most of the people on board). He got up and casually walked towards the town as the ship dropped the anchor and lowered some steps to let the other people off. The man who did that feat was named Ryoko Jigen. He was known by many people for having a few screws loose. Sure he is loony at times, but he just likes making life entertaining. He continued walking through the not-as-crowded streets as he got used to his new surroundings.
Event two: The Festival

In spirits of the returning of the many loved adventurers and islanders there is a large festival going to be held. So during the night a bunch of the villagers prepared a festival to surprise everyone that would come to town in the morning. Their were games and prizes, costumes, and toys. All was meant to have fun at the event. So have fun! As people crowded into the festival the word quickly spread that their was celebration in the town. Soon enough, everyone on the island would show up at the festival. Don't be an odd one out.
(Lol. It might be kind of a bad idea for Belle to show up at the festival xD Since she's the bad guy of the area and everybody's afraid of her. Or, I can just make her come, and just end up scaring the townsfolk from her presence xD )
(Please post OOC in the OOC thread :3 thank you. and just show your character up and ill improvise a way for her as long as im online at the time)
Abel woke up in his house. It's good to know that Lach's back, was the first thought in his mind. Wow I'm hungry, was the second. He quickly changed into his favorite clothes--black shirt with white pants--before going into the kitchen and finding a bowl of food as well as a note waiting for him. He quickly scarfed down what was left in the bowl before reading the note. "Son, you've worked hard these past few days. Go ahead and take the day off." Abel stared at the note, wondering why his father didn't just tell him in person. After a few minutes, though, he shrugged, grabbed his pouch of money, and walked out the door.

As he neared the town he noticed a few differences in it, and once he neared the town he figured out why. He walked through the town, gazing at all the attractions that the festival had to offer. Abel smiled and laughed quietly to himself, glad to see that the town was celebrating before he went to one of the games and started playing, not really caring if he won a prize or not.
(about time someone else posted. anyway, this song plays in the background: )

Blake watched as the town became more and more crowded as the festival began. He was glad that he got here as early as he did; going through that crowd would have been difficult. He still couldn't find the girl he "met" earlier. he decided to stop looking and enjoy himself at the festival. He jumped down, careful not to land on anyone, and looked for some interesting activities to pass the time.

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