Fantasy's End (IC)

Natalia was too distracted to see the attack coming. With barely any time to react she crumpled to the ground. Dropping her sword, she took a knee next to it like she had been taught to do when defeated. "I guess this makes you undefeated?" She asked, laughing. "I have much to learn before I will be able to beat you..." She told him, smiling. "And I intend to learn it all!" She exclaimed. The man was the best warrior she had ever met. It was clear why he was praised and hated all over!

((I have to go for tonight... sorry!!!))
(That's fine night. Paradise, check the Sign up thread!) Lach nodded. He couldn't say he was undefeated. There were tohse who could beat him and those who couldn't. "Not undefeated? Well, at least not in a while, as well as not beating on equal terms." he said as he quickly sheath his sword with the same movement he did to put it away. He kneeled quickly to help her to her feet. "Are you alright?" He asked hoping that he hadn't over done it. Lach picked up his Katanna as well. He swooped her right off her feet and carried her inside to his bed and let her sit down while he got her some more water as well as put his weapons away. "I have an apprentice actually! You could practice with him." Lach grinned. "He needs someone to kick his butt."
Belle, who was angry at herself for losing the killer, settled on a nearby tree branch and stared at the ground below.

"Stupid me... How could I lose him? I was right on his trail.." She spat to herself, breaking off a leaf and crushing it in her hands. She threw it down, watching the pieces of it float down and disappear into the darkness. She sighed, leaning against the tree trunk and crossing her arms in deep thought. Everyone around here knew about her, since she was the worst killer in the area. People stay away from her. That's why she's always alone.

She was beginning to get a little bit bored, so she decided to head towards the marketplace, which probably wasn't a very good idea. Everybody would probably run away from her and leave the place abandoned for all she knew.

She swooped in and folded her long black wings on her back, walking forward and admiring all the small shops. The people, however, shot her nervous glances and immediately scurried away from her. She rolled her eyes and put her sword in its sheath, even though half the marketplace was abandoned already. Her presence wasn't always the best to have around..
When Jayce was gone, she sighed and rose from the water, getting dried with the towel and putting on the dress that she had worn with Lach earlier. "Why did I bring this?" she mutered standing up, and getting out of the water. Yuuki thought about Jayce, 'He's a kind man. But he's not my type. I should visit him anyhow. Of course if it is fish, I could benefit some...' She was lost in thoughts as she picked up the throwing knives to check if the neko was there. She sighed, yes he was.
Blake heard a faint splash as he heard two masses leave the water from the hot springs. After a few minutes, he assumed it was safe to look over there. He glanced over in her direction as he wrapped his tail around the handle of the throwing knife and let go with his hand, just in case he would need a quick getaway. He figured that his naive cover could be useful here to convince her that he didn't mean to invade her privacy, or it may just convince her that nekos are mindless thieves... it was a chance he had to take.
Kira heard something outside. Her ears perked up at the noise, and she stopped a moment to listen. "Someone's in the garden," she said angrily. "I was THIS close to bed, and now there's something or someone in my garden." She grumbled as she threw on her cloak, hiding her ears and tail away, and padded barefoot to the side of the house where the garden was planted. She stopped when she saw a man trying to coax his mule out from the planted area. Kira crossed her arms. "Excuse me, don't mean to interrupt your mule's dinner." she said in a tone that was none too pleasant.

At that time the mule must have sensed that she was part wolf. Scared, it trotted quickly from the garden, obediently waiting for it's master to do the same as it came to the side of the house where Kira stood. She pulled down her hood, not caring anymore if this man was against her kind, and waiting for him to speak. Perhaps he was lost, but that was no reason to allow this animal into a stranger's property to eat their food.
Yuuki looked at him and a bead of sweat dropped at her feet. 'For some reason I feel so exhausted....' she yawned and tried to stay awake. It was aiming at mid-night so it made sense why she was tired. She said, "I don't know why you were watching me, but if it's something to do with that devil, leave me alone." She walked away hastily, trying to not turn around and throw the knives at the neko. Yuuki looked over her shoulder to make sure he was not following her. She growled, for some reason she was nervous. 'I'm never this nervous... why am I?' she thought as the aura of fear aroused from her.
Blake saw Yuuki leave and looked at the knife he had. "I should probably return this... But if she saw me walking towards her with a knife she might get the wrong idea... I'll just give it to her while she's asleep." He watched her using his night vision so he could find out where she lived so he could return the knife. He went from rooftop to rooftop, far enough behind her so she couldn't see him in the dark but close enough so he could see her, which was easy because he is a neko. The tip of his tail was curved around the handle of the knife with the rest of his tail wrapped around his waist like a belt. He liked this position because his tail would be less likely to hit something, he's less likely to drop the thing he was holding with his tail, and just looked cooler. He was careful not to make any sound as he followed Yuuki.
Jack stepped off of the boat, finally glad to be on land again. After he had run out of work on the mainland, he remembered his forest home on this island. It was his home away from home, with large forests and plenty of game to hunt. He wondered if there were other half-breeds here, and if there were, where? Oh well, I guess I'll just explore a little bit. he thinks to himself.

He walks through the marketplace, studying how everything had changed. The market was still the same, and his favorite little old cook was there. He buys a loaf of bread, and nibbles on it as he walks along. He smells the air, smelling more half-breeds, the scent of a wolf being the strongest. Jack runs at a full sprint towards his home, and quickly enters through the front window. He quickly shuts the door and pulls on his worn leather boots. He was preparing to hunt. He rummages through his home until he finds a quiver of arrows and his most powerful bow, and heads off into the forest.

He finds a fresh trail, deer. "So it begins..." he says with a grin. He stalks through the forest, the scent of deer getting stronger and stronger. He reaches the edge of a clearing, and stops. He spies several deer lying down in the grass, and more grazing. He sizes them up, finally choosing the large buck that had to be at least 400 pounds. He notches an arrow, draws back, and aims. He looses an arrow, and hits the deer in the spine. The deer collapses, and the rest scatter as he walks out into the clearing. The deer, still alive, pants heavily and looks at him. with one quick movement, he pulls out a knife and punctures its heart. He drags the deer back through the woods and to his house. He loads the carcass onto a pull cart, and pulls it into town to the butcher. He asks the butcher, "Have you ever heard of Lach? Lach Hunter?"

The butcher gladly tells Jack all about Lach, most of which he already knows. He heads over to Lach's home, and pounds on the door., "Hey Lach! Guess whoooo!"
([MENTION=1750]The Magic Hobo[/MENTION] - Erin screams as a man steps on his non-exsitent cat tail.... think you got confused with another character, lol)

"Excuse me," Erin immeadiately froze as a voice sounded behind him. 'Oh dear,' He thought to himself, cringing and not wanting to turn around and face whoever was behind him. 'What do I say?' Slowly turning around, Erin faced the owner of the backyard he was currently standing in. 'Oh no...' It was woman standing there, looking quite cross with him.

"Ah... I...I, I, um," Erin stammered, suddenly at a loss of how to explain himself. It didn't help that at that moment that she pulled down the hood of her cloak, revealing a set of animal ears. He had heard and saw half-breeds on the island, but his business never brought him into contact with any before, and he was momentarily distracted by them.

His mule suddenly made a whinnying hee-haw sound, probably telling him it was rude to stare, drawing Erin's attention to it instead.

"That thing," Erin pointed to the animal, giving it a slight glare too, "It ate you're garden. I'm sorry..." The end of his sentence faltered a little as he realised he probably sounded like a complete idiot.

Blushing furiously at his humiliation, although hopefully she wouldn't be able to see it in the night, Erin drew a breath to calm himself down.

"I, I'm sorry. He wandered off. I was going to knock, but I heard him already in your garden and I wanted to stop him before he did too much damage. I'm sorry for disturbing you Ma'am." There, that much was better.
Yuuki sweat as she walked, fearing soeone was watching her. Her eyes dart around the trees as she swiftly turned around and threw a knife at the roof. Nothing was there. "I swear I saw something..." she murmured rubbing the back of her head. She procceded walking, quickening her pace. 'It better not be that groping no-good pervert.' she thought looking at the roof tops. Yuuki sighed as she looked around. It would be horrible if she missed whoever was stalking her, so she decided to keep the throwing knife in her hand.

Yuuki soon got into her house and turned around. She sighed and entered, locking the door. She closed the shutters and muttered, "I still feel like someone is watching me." Yuuki changed out from her dress into a blouse that was short-sleeved and dark short pants, easy for running. She looked at her sword collection, that was sitting in a locked, now unlocked cabinet. She pulled out the sharpest sword she had and kept it in it's protection holder. She carefully put it on the side fo her bed and growled, "To keep the perverts away, have a sword to slay." Yuuki walked to the kitchen and poured herself some cold tea and sipped it. She moved her eyes along the floor and saw the ice-now water puddle lying on the floor.
Kira had a hard time holding back a grin. This guy was freaking out. It was kind of amusing, and she would have toyed around with him more if it weren't so late. "It will grow back," she said, clearly meaning the plants. "Why are you clear out here, anyway? Mine is the only house out here, and you'd be crazy to travel alone in those woods at night." Almost as if on cue, a wolf howled from the trees.
Blake picked up the second knife that she threw and continued following her. Once she reached her house and went inside, Blake got a piece of paper and wrote on it. He folded it up and went to the door. He used the two knifes to attach the note to the door and quickly left. The note said: "You dropped these." with a small paw print that he drew on the bottom right corner of the page.
Yuuki yawned, and heard a small thump on her door. She quietly walked to the door and saw two blades and said, "Oh god. Is Lach trying to scare me?" She opened the door and saw a Neko paw print and sighed in relief. She yanked the blade out and went back inside, shutting the door after herself. She yawned and rubbed the back of her head, setting the knives on the table, then walking to her bed.


Lucas looked around, his eyes a deep blood red. He sighed as he exitted the minshaft, from a long day of work. He saw a mouse, and caught it quickly, with his super fast abilites. He sucked the blood out of the poor mouse and it was pale and he dropped it on the ground. "Not enough." he muttered.
Lach smiled to the beautiful young girl. "You did well. Your very fast. Perhaps if you were to come over more often and practice with me i could get you to tippy top shape." Lach then stopped as he heard the knocking at his door. He turned looking at the door curiously. Who would be visiting this late at night. Lach stood up and nodded to the young thief. "Let me go see who it is." Lach went to the door. He cracked it slightly. He wasn't sure who it was. Plenty of people knew his name due to his popularity, but few came to his door this late at night. Most would visit during the day or afternoon when they finished work. Lach was sure to have a dagger in hand but out of sight. He opened the door half way to get a good look at the visitor. "Hello?" He greeted. "Can i help you?" Lach asked, it was almost midnight.
As soon as she went to bed, she knew she couldn't sleep. She scratched her head, tossing and turning and thinking of Lach. "Holy hell! Why am I always thinking of him?!" she growled at a picture of herself and kicked it off the dresser. As is fell to the ground, the frame crashed open and another picture came out of it. A picture of Yuuki shaking hand with Lach and sighed. A little child had drawn it for her and she quietly folded it smaller, and put it inside her pocket. "I should have nothing to do with him..." she muttered, shivering as she thought of him touching her back.

(Note: The pictures are drawings, not really photos)


Lucas walked quietly, in the dark shadows. His necklace made a 'shimmering' sound as it dangled and hit his arms. He soon stumbled upon the lively market place and sighed. He used to shop here all the time. He looked around and saw garlic. He laughed a bit. 'Does garlic actually ward off vampires?' he wondered approaching the garlic. He touched it, and nothing happened. He mentally shrugged and thought, 'Heh, I knew it was fake.'
Belle watched as people scrambled away from her in fear, disappearing into there homes and slamming the doors behind them. She could only chuckle in amusement as she walked around the marketplace, humming softly to herself. She had gained quite a reputation around here, since she had caused a lot of bloodshed on this island.

Her clear blue eyes shimmered as she walked towards a shop and looked at the swords. The man squinted at her and laughed a little bit.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't Death's Angel. I'm surprised to see such a cold-blooded killer prowling the streets of such a lively town." He adjusted his glasses and than looked her straight in the eyes. She chuckled to herself, but it was harsh.

"Is that what the townsfolk are calling me now? Death's Angel?.." She growled irritably to herself, her eyes beginning to glow a bright red. The man stepped back a little, becoming slightly fearful.

"That's pretty much what everybody has been calling you.. Since you kill. But your an angel." He muttered, avoiding her gaze which was piercing. Not taking much more of this, she whipped away from him, walking away. But than she stopped and looked back.

"I would run away like the other townsfolk. I can't control my temper easily." She murmured, watching the man stumble away and disappear.
(woah so dramatically... AWESOME!)

Yuuki left her home, and found herself heading to the marketplace. For no reason at all, she brought three dozen of throwing knives, that were stowed away in her selling pouch along with her crops she was going to sell tomorrow. She looked around the marketplace and saw a girl. She scratched her head and said, "Oh, ha. I must had gotten so carried away, Hopefully I didn't break down my house." She looked at the girl, and wondered who she was. "Hey, why are you out here so late?" She kept her hand on her pouch, just incase.
Belle turned her full gaze towards the girl with a wicked smile on her face. Her blood red eyes were still shimmering brightly in the darkness.

"I should be asking you the same question. It can get dangerous around here.." Her smile grew wider as she reached behind her and pulled out a long red Katana. She walked towards her, dragging the blade of the Katana on the ground, creating a horrific SCREECH sound that just got louder and louder.

"I'm surprised you don't know who I am.." She looked up, the moonlight showing her face only slightly. She stopped walking when she was only a foot or two away from the girl, and than spread her long black wings slowly.
Yuuki smiled and took her throwing daggers out of her bag. "I've just got carried away with something. But I'd love a challenge, whenever I get one." She noticed she was short a dozen and all she had other than the veggies was a short dagger. She growled, and thought, 'I'll use the dagger last, and throw/slash with the knives.' Yuuki scanned the girl amd said, "Belle. You're a killer; avenging your father's death aren't you?" Her mind was strong, and Yuuki was not able to develop any other information.

This skill was taught by her master, who was a retired stratgiest. It was called 'facts'. You would look at them, guess their name. If they were weak minded, you could easily know everything about them. You could their age by their facial appearances. Their occupation? How they spoke, moved, and if they had any hinting items. If they were smart, their goals, were basically the only thing you could know about them.

Yuuki spun one of her throwing knives and yawned, "Let's get this started. Your killer will run away, let's hurry this up."
Laughing slightly, Belle's eyes grew brighter and brighter every second.

"You think I was challenging you? Needless to say, but I have more important things to do than fight a frail creature like you." She grinned at her, only saying this stuff to make the girl mad. She absolutely had no intention on hurting this girl, but simply trying to scare her off. She only kills people that are on her list. And this girl was not.

"Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare.."(Till death to us part..) She murmured in French, bowing her head a little bit, before vanishing in a matter of seconds.
Yuuki smirked and said, "Certaines personnes ont tellement peur de mourir, qu'ils ont à tuer d'autres personnes. Like you perhaps?" (heh... google. Some people are so afraid to die, they have to kill other people.) She looked at the girl who banished. She wasn't mad, but knew what she was thinking. Soon, the villagers came back out, making the place lively. "Thank you Ms.Ichihara, it's in our debt that you save-" Yuuki cut the villager in mid-sentance and said, "I did not help you; nor am I in your debt. That girl just simply left because she had no business here." She turned sround to leave.
Belle actually had not vanished, but was standing on a rooftop, her black wings spread and ready for flight. But she wasn't about to fly off just yet. She had overheard the conversation with the villager and the girl, and for some reason, she had an urge to find that girl once more. Realizing that was probably a stupid idea, she dropped down into an alleyway and appeared in the middle of the marketplace. She was searching for that girl.

Once more, everyone shot her nervous glances and tried to scurry away. Belle, of course did not care what the townsfolk thought of her, and began gently flying upward. She glided over the lake and dipped her hands in the water slowly, creating a wake behind her.
Yuuki walked to her home and sighed. "Gosh, since when have I been able to speak French?" She opened her home door, and felt an odd feeling about entering her home. She grabbed her short dagger and entered, as her eyes dared around the room. She made sure nothing was moving, execpt the bugs scurrying among the floorboards of course. "I feel like someone is coming soon." she murmured grabbing her sharo sword, which was mean't for killing Lach, not whoever decided to pay a visit to Yuuki. But at this time? She defintely needed a sharp sword.
Abel yawned as he made his way towards the market. He couldn't get to sleep, though he didn't know why, and with nothing else to do, he decided to see what he could buy at the marketplace. He looked around, smiling and saying hi to everyone he passed on the road. He breathed deeply as he felt the breeze brush his hair.

As he reached the marketplace, he noticed that everyone was staring in the direction of the lake. Abel sighed, realizing that he probably missed something interesting. "What just happened?" Abel asked as he put his shoulder on a man to get his attention.

"You didn't see it?" the man asked incredulously, "Death's Angel was here, and a woman just saved us all by sending her off." Abel's only response was a sigh, though he wasn't sure if it was in relief or annoyance. While the rest of the villagers began returning to their business, Abel noticed a trading ship at port. As he tried to shake off his drowsiness and try to realize why the ship seemed more important to him than usual, he went and bought himself two apples. Suddenly, he remembered why the ship was important. "I wonder if Lach came back on that ship," he said to himself as he bit into one of his apples.

He paid for the apples and walked off in the direction of Lach's house as he thought to himself. What was she was doing here? he wondered, and after all the rumors about her, who would be brave enough to stand up to her? He was still lost in thought when he reached his mentor's house, only to realize that someone else was there, and that the door was half-open. "Lach! Is that you?" he shouted as he ran the rest of the way to the house to get a better look at the person, only to realize that Lach was inside opening the door for the visitor, not outside going in.

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