Fantasy's End (IC)

Natalia smiled. "Hero? No. I am no hero. I have killed, scarred and wounded. I was not strained, because no one knew who I was. No one really knew I existed!" She told him as they walked into his home. It was small and cozy, causing her heart to feel sore for the man who had no significant other to share his place with. "Doing what you're told made you more famous than you will ever know Mr. Hunter" she told him politely, taking the seat he offered her. "You're better off not having to make that decision... you're lucky..." Natalia said, then paused. She was somber for a quick moment then looked up with a crazy smile on her face. "Would you mind telling me about your relationship with your nemesis...Yuuki Ichiara? I've always adored watching the two of you fight!" She said trying not to sound too morbid. Natalia was enjoying her first conversation in 6 years immensely and wanted it to continue for as long as possible.
Kira closed the book. She'd been reading for awhile but now there wasn't enough light outside. She picked herself up and walked back inside to brush her hair. She was especially tired for some reason and was wanting to go to bed early.

((Sorry it's short. Also, what time period are we in? I figured it was a setting in the past since people are swordfighting and such but now Natalia is wearing jeans??))
(( Kati, sorry! I guess I should've explained they're not like modern day jeans... they're made up of a fabric somewhat like a combination between denim and leather... she made them herself... I just didn't know what to call them exactly >.<))
Jayce stifled a laugh when the woman nearly jumped clean out of the pool as he made himself visible. She quickly covered her chest, and then offered her other hand to him. He nearly lifted a brow. She was a jumpy one.

"A pleasure, Yuuki," he took her hand briefly, before returning with his own introduction. "Jayce Bright."

He proceeded to take her up on the invitation. Jayce strode a ways away from her, throwing aside his linen fishing stocks over a rock. "The army of the mainland?" he asked her curiously, as he stepped into the springwater. The water shimmered along his skin, and once fully submerged, his skin rapidly began to sprout bright cyan scales. The long tailfin now in place of his lower half, he settled into the water up to his neck, so as to allow them communication.
He spread his tailfin along the perimeter of the pool in a large arc to stretch. After seeing her jump before, he hoped this wouldn't startle Yuuki too badly. Jayce continued:

"I've seen retired soldiers from this army travel across the trade routes, to and from the mainland from this island. I know little of them, however."

Forks not a problem. I'm a very patient but long-winded roleplayer, so take your time.)
Lach nodded, she did seem to envy the choice of not needing to choose between the people and yourself. She changed the subject and Lach moved on as well. "Yuuki?" Lach felt trouble brewing from this, whenever Yuuki was brought up when Lach was around it would only mean trouble for him. "She and I..." Lach wasn't sure of what to say. "I guess back when we served the Sol army, I supposively stole her position as head strategist." Lach smirked. "Which wasn't honestly my fault. I just did my job. Better apparently." He looked around his house while he spoke for no real reason honestly. "So ever since then, she's found it mandatory that she challenge me to a fight. I try not to get to involved with her antics but i humor her and at least let her practice on me, although i wish she wouldn't be so mean about it." Lite explained. "I mean, I don't even try to hit her back yet she constantly finds it necessary to destroy me when i obviously don't want to fight. It's mostly just an annoyance really." He looked back to the beautiful thief. "It's nothing really exciting, just a grudge against me i guess."
Natalia nodded as he finished his story. "I've always studied the two of you, but could never figure why she hated you oh so much" She told him. "The Sol's that retired before you used to tell me that they always preferred you over her in any position!" She stared deep into the man's eyes. He looked calm, which was good. Usually Natalia made people feel nervous and uncomfortable... she had her entire life. She quickly lifted her right hand to her head and fixed the painted chopsticks that pinned it up. One of the chopsticks fell to the floor and her hair fell, covering her entire face. She blushed and scrambled to pick the lost chopstick from the floor.
Lach chuckled. "she can be very mean, but i'm sure she means well." He said before he noticed her hair fall in front of her face. He let out a little laugh as she scurried around. Lach simply kneeled down and held it to her with a smile. He was on a knee looking up to her. "You look quite pretty, I'm surprised no men have worked there way to your house just to speak with you." Lach said with a smile. "I'm being honest." He said guessing he was just complimenting her. "If I were still like most young men, I'd probably do it." (brb)
Yuuki nodded and smiled, "The SoL army, and it's nice meeting you Jayce." She looked at him as he stripped flushing red a little bit, but she thought 'Think of him as a soilder.' As he turned around she looked down into the water.

As he submerged into the water, he began to grow cyan scales. She was a little shocked, as he changed into a creature. "Hm, are you a water creature?" she said. He shoulders stifened as she moved her arms back and forth. As Yuuki moved her arms, she touched one of the cyan scales and quickly moved her arm away. "I'm sorry." she murmered.
Natalia's face lit up with bright red embarrassment. "W-why thanks..." She murmured. "I've been undercover for 6 years... everyone was afraid of me!" She laughed, leaping in the air and floating back into her seat like a feather. Then when he told her he'd do it himself if he was younger, she almost fell out of her chair. This was the first time in her life a male had noticed her. She stared at him hard and came to a quick conclusion. He was quite attractive, but probably a lot older than her. She was thrilled he was her first acquaintance... no... first friend. She had studied him for years but never dreamed of meeting him. "That means a lot..." She whispered.
"Sol army? Hrm, now that does ring a bell," Jayce mused, "Heard some talk of a fellow they call Lach Hunter, from the same army. I don't suppose you know him, do you?" He tore away from his musings briefly as he felt her arms brush against his tail. He smiled impishly as she jerked away again. A quick apology followed.

"I'm guessing you've not had the pleasure of meeting a Siren before," he probed, shifting his serpentine body such that the very end of his tailfin rested near her legs. "I hope I haven't frightened you."
Blake continued walking towards his house which wasn't very far from the town. He briefly put down one of his bags to open the door and stepped into his house. It wasn't very big and had only three rooms; His living room, bedroom, and kitchen. He liked this house because it only had what he needed and cheap enough to let him get anything else he needed. He put the contents of the bags he was holding in his hands into his cabinets. He put the bag that he was carrying with his tail into his hand and let his tail move freely as he walked into his bedroom. He put some new clothes into his dresser and walked back into the living room. One of the walls was stacked with trophies from his fighting days. They were in a variety of shapes and materials, some gold and some silver with one or two being bronze. He walked to the door as he went to do his favorite hobby.

He eventually reached the town and watches everyone around him. "They seem excited about something..." he noted. He kept on walking and ended up at the base of a fairly tall building that can be called the social hub of the town. Going down a back alleyway, he worked his way to the top of the building and sat on the roof. He used his cat attributes to get information about what is going on. He mostly heard rumors about various things such as ancient monsters and dark powers. He didn't really care about those things. He then realized that he could see the hot springs from here. "... nah. don't want people mistaking me for a pervert." He scanned the area below for anything interesting, trying to keep his sight away from the hot springs.
Lach nodded. "No problem." He smiled and stood up. "I don't quite understand why you been undercover." He said as he sat back down and adored her. He didn't quite hear what she said. "What's that?" He asked as he listened to her. (sorry, >.< couldn't think of anything)
(Haha it's fine!)

"Because if anyone knew who I was, I would've been killed. My job didn't allow me to go out in the open..." Natalia explained "I had to wear all black and move as quickly as possible or face certain death. I was illegal!" She laughed. Natalia wondered if people who lived a normalish life couldn't even imagine being undercover. She herself couldn't imagine living a normal life. It was odd to her, eating in public, speaking in public, walking in public, and talking in public.
Lach nodded. "What were these things that you did?" He asked adoring her face. It was obvious that he was simply enchanted by her beauty. He himself was once chased the law when he worked with the sol although he was free to go once he got to the sol area. Lach put his life line as a soldier. His life was much easier once he ranked up. He looked around "Would you like something to eat or drink?" He asked as he stood up and went over to the kitchen and scavenged around he forgot he had nothing.
((I'm gonna kind of skip out a bit here, When you post something to draw everyone to the same place or involve more people, or if you time skip, I'll post more but for now there's no reason for me to keep doing so.))
([MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] oh okay, i guess that's fine, sorry >.< At least it's bothering your school work to much right!? I'll try to include everyone so no one feels left out in some kind of event or festival)
Yuuki managed to keep her voice down and said, "Yes, Lach took my job as a head stragiest." She growled and saw as his legs moved closer to her. She urged a small giggle, and said "Oh no at all! I think sirens are quite intresting." She mentally rolled her eyes and looked around. She grabbed her towel very abruptedly and grabbed a pocket knife from her spare clothes and said, "Someone's here." She quietly looked around and moved her eyes to upper ground, and threw her dagger. It landed successfully near the peeping tom. Yuuki walked quietly near and said, "Pervert! Is tha you Lach?"
As Blake was looking at the people below him, he heard something cutting through the air towards him. He quickly scrambled away from his post on top of the building and swiftly jumped to the ground in a cat-like motion. "Just great... Why do people keep on throwing sharp objects at me?" He tried to act like his naive, oblivious cover in order to blend in with the crowd, which was hard to do when you have cat ears and a tail.
Yuuki looked up and said, "Oh well. I guess it wasn't him... Maybe some neko. Who knows?" She walked back to the hot spring and looked at Jayce. "I apologize. What were we talking about?" She smiled and dipped herself back in and looked at his tail, that was resting peacefully. "As you now can tell, Lach is my enemy..." she sighed and rubbed the sweat off of her head."

Jayce listened closely to the tone of her voice. She clearly felt bitter about Lach. He contemplated what that meant about her, his tail curling in the water. That must mean she was a very high ranking individual in the Sol army. He found that more fascinating than he intended- the woman before him was a real soldier. Questions raced through his mind, but they were subsided when she turned to fetch something from her clothing laid aside.

Jayce stifled a lewd grin, graced momentarily by her shapely backside. Yuuki threw a knife through the trees, a dull thud sounded nearby. She emerged from the spring, wrapping the towel around her. Jayce followed curiously to the edge of the water, crossing his arms over the edge as she approached whom she believed would be Lach.

Lach Hunter? A 'pervert'? Jayce chucked inwardly. She seemed to have quite the history with the man.

"I apologize. What were we talking about?"

Yuuki had returned to the spring. Jayce shied away a bit, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"I venture you had a spar with him recently," Jayce guessed, noting the fresh cuts and bruises on her skin.
Blake heard her due to his cat ears. "should I risk going back on top of the roof?" He usually went on top of the roof when he was bored. He liked hearing about other people's lives or exaggerated rumors, most of them. Being up there also gave him a sense about what is going on around town. Also there are fewer obstacles to obstruct sounds such as cries for help. He decided to go back up there, but face a different direction. He went back to the alley and worked his way up. As he began looking for a good place to sit, he found the knife stuck in the roof. He wrapped his tail around it and transferred it into his hand as he sat down.
"Just water's fine! She called to Lach before answering his first question. "I mainly infiltrated into small villages, capturing and torturing anyone suspicious... chasing out the evil souls that lie within. I went too far sometimes... killing off evil that was being hired to change... not being able to save some citizens. I also spied for a year on every single being alive at the time..." She explained. Her work clearly wasn't as dangerous as his, but she was a threat to the evil souls. "And my red hair made me an even larger target... everyone thought it was the mark of the devil..." She finished, nodding to herself.
Yuuki growled and said, "Nekos are the worst... they always steal my mint (the herb)! I always end up not being able to make a profit from them." She frowned as she looked up, seeing the neko up on the roof. "You better not throw that." Yuuki said, rather quietly.

As Jayce chuckled she looked at him and said, "What's so funny...? Lach is seriosu business! H-he tried to grop me!" Yuuki laughed and said, "That is actually rather funny. A high-leveled man, trying to grop a underclass man." She smirked and crossed her arms.

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