Fantasy's End (IC)

Yuuki looked at him and said, "Now what, you're eating freely?" She walked to her small fridge and took out ome milk and handed it to him. Yuuki drank her rum, and got out another one thinking 'I obviously can handle this!' She glugged it down as her face turned a bit red, then back to normal. She was glad she could handle two bottles and tossed them in the trash pile. She ate her salmon, that she had caught and said, "Do you like your salmon?"
Lach watched her curiously, she was obviously getting a bit woozy but her question about his salmon made him suspicious. He poked at it a few times beginning to think it was poisoned again. He felt his neck his stomach then his forehead trying to feel for any sicknesses. He took the milk and drank some hoping that would kill out the poison he had so willingly ate. Lach was slightly beginning to freak out, thinking he had walked right into the hands of death. He didn't want to go out like this, he wanted to die old, with a wife and grandchildren. Lach peered at Yuuki with slight anger. He began to get crazy ideas and thoughts in his head. Dangerous ones possibly. "You look nice. Very pretty in fact." He complimented
Yuuki looked at him and said, "It's not poisonous." She took a chunk out of his salmon and ate it. "Perfectly fine..." As she complimented him she frowned and said, "Bullcrap, you're lying." Yuuki stood up and said, "I'm gping to change. I can't stand you eyeing my horribly so-called legs anymore." She walked to her room and shut the door. "Damn, this guy is in love or something?" she thought growling, as she changed into more Yuuki-like clothes. A buttoned blouse, and dark long blue pants. She tied her long hair up and came out.
Lach walked her walk away. He rubbed his chin as she left to change. He was full. He could just leave and head home but he decided he'd stay for a while. Lach went around the house and looked around. Examining the house. Not much like Lach's. His was much more unorganized but he had everything in a place where it belonged. Lach sighed when Yuuki came out with a boring outfit on. "You should unbutton that some." He said quite blankly. "I'll take you up on that drink. Lach very much imagined that he was runing her whole plan of making fun of him the entire night. Which wasn't a problem on Lach's side. Out of anything it was a very preferable thing. He walked over to her and leaned against the wall. He peeked into her room. seeing what was in there. "I'm serious." He said crossing is arms and growing a nice little warm smile. Yuuki may have been a cruel person to him but Lach was a good person. As well he didn't feel he need to disappoint her squashing her victory night.
Yuuki rolled her eyes and said, "Ha! You ARE a pervert! Trying to see them like that! What a loser!" She let out a hmph and handed him a bottke of rum. Yuuki did not unbutton it, but instead buttoned it up even more. She walked past him and said, "I saw you were peeking around my house... did you need something?" 'Like your death?' she thought, mentally giving herself a thumbs down.
Lach sighed and took the bottle. He took a few sips. "Drink with me." He didn't really care for the insults. He turned and followed her. "I was checking your place out. Did you make it yourself?" He asked as he gently and stupidly traced his finger down her spine. Stopping before he would be accused of groping girls again. He stopped himself and looked away from her. "I'm guessing you don't get to many visitors." Lach assumed. Out of anything he was just trying to distract himself so he didn't end up lusting over her. He wasn't really into her. It'd just been a while and she seemed attractive at the moment so he was possibly loosing his mind. He honestly thought that he was going to die by the end of the night anyhow. Since the forest was probably way to hard to navigate through at this time of night. Lach began to eye her down again. Not really realizing that he was staring at her.
Yuuki shook her head and said, "No, I will nit have a drink with you, and yes I did build it. As he touched her back, she slapped it away harshly. "I should call the villagers, are you trying to grop me?" She scooted away. As he began to eye her, she took a bag of ice and threw it at him. "Wake up stupid, this isn't a romantic dinner. It's a celebration!" Yuuki scowled and looked away. "What is your problem?" she muttered under her breath, taking a sip out of her tea. 'Is he a lustful man? If he is, maybe I should kill him!'
Lach was slightly woken up by the block of ice that was thrown at him. He shook his head. "What the hell is this?1" He asked wondering where there hell she got i bag of ice out of no where to throw at him. He pushed himself back to his feet. "I don't understand why I'm here! This is a celebration of two?! What do i mean to you?" He asked as he rubbed the small forming bump on his head. Lach set the bottle. "If your gonna try to kill me then do it now..." He said silently. "I've nothing to live for anyhow. I've still yet to make any headway at all towards finding a family. Lach looked to the floor. He shook his head and turned away. "Maybe i should head home." He said with a sigh and began towards the door. "Congratulations on your first victory against me." 'Don't expect another free one.' He thought to himself as he stopped for a moment waiting for her to make her final comments towards him. Expecting them to be insults.
Yuuki said, "You mean nothing to me at all; you're just anpther person." She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, "Just get out." She turned to head to her room, and she murmured, "Rivals become lovers? Wo the hell does she think she is?" Yuuki walked into her room and shut the door, unbuttoning the top a bit. She looked out the window, to make sure Lach had left.
Lach looked outside. Let out a heavy sigh. He could barely see the path on the ground in the day light. Now he would mostly wonder aimlessly until passing out somewhere on the road. He took a deep breath then began moving forward. He tried to fine the land marks he had noticed while walking here but his mind was elsewhere causing him to lose focus as well as the darkness covering everything around him. He kept moving. The best thing for now would be to get out of the forest so he could at least have the shine of the moonlight to lead the way. Lach was weary that he was lost beyond belief as well he had taken notice that it was only getting darker. He could hear the noises of animals going around him. He wasn't sure if there were hostile creatures but he didn't take his hand off the handle of his blade. He had at least made his way into the forest like area. Things were a slight bit easier to see but he was pretty sure this meant he was going the wrong way. Lach kept moving. He went towards the mountain aiming to get a better view from there.
Natalia had left the hot springs. In fact she had been out for a few hours when she decided to do something she's never done in her life. She threw on a pair of jeans and a light blue tee...clothes that normal human beings wore during the day instead of her black suit. She then began heading into the main villages. She might have been going crazy, but she wanted to meet beings. Human or not, she wanted to meet people and talk to them. Talk. Natalia hadn't spoken for 6 years! Even when she's alone, she refuses to speak. "Alright..." She mumbled in her mind, "Let's do this!"

The sun had began to go down as Natalia entered the nearest village. The people were alive and moving, and everyone was laughing and speaking and just plain out having a good time! "Why can't I do that?" She hissed in her mind. "Why can't I have fun?" She'd been on the island for a while now. She knew everything about every single being on this island, but no one knew she even existed. Moving quietly, Natalia did her best to keep her head held high.
Lach finally found his way out of the forest and made his way to the village. He smiled as he could see that it was only sunset. He looked back at the forest. "I hate that place." He sighed and went on. Realizing that it would be smart to never accept Yuuki's invitation. He didn't want another awkward confrontation like that again. He made his down to the village and looked about. People were still out and about but most everyone was starting to make there way in doors. He examined the crowd and realized everyone was going home besides a young girl that seemed to be standing there with utter confusion. He rubbed his chin and couldn't help but wonder what her problem was. It wasn't his problem though so he didn't think to bother her. He had enough trouble in this one horrible returning day.

Lach walked towards the girl. He walked passed the gingery girl with a slightly curious look as his eyes traced her body. "Lost?" He stopped. Then mentally beating himself to death. He did not want to stop. Why did he stop! why did he stop! Lach clenched his eyes feeling a complete idiot. Reaching for trouble again.
Natalia's eyes widened as the Devil's Son spoke to her. "Uhm... I don't exactly know if I'm lost or not..." She told him, flinching at the sound of her own voice. Of all people for her to speak her first words in 6 years to, why was it Lach Hunter? "You don't know where I could meet any friendly people do you?" Natalia asked, laughing at her own question. People weren't friendly. Peaceful, yes... but friendly? No. People were never friendly toward Natalia. Her hair color reflected evil, though all she did was good.
Lach found it odd that she acted so surprised that he spoke to her. "You're not sure?" He was confused by that answer. She then asked him if she knew where any friendly people would be. Another confusing question from her. What did she mean. "Well... He looked around." People were beginning to retreat into the safety of there homes. "Well, actually people will be going inside now. I don't know if I'm considered a nice person but you can come home with me." He offered as he let out a sigh. He was asking for trouble again. "I'm cleaning up my house. Maybe you could help me." He smiled to her trying to not seem intimidating thinking she was slightly afraid of him.
Natalia nodded keeping a straight face. She knew Lach could be trusted, so she decided to take up his offer. Giggling she told him, "I could finish cleaning your house in a matter of seconds!" Sure it'd be odd to move so smoothly and quickly without her black suit on but at least she'd be making an acquaintance. She followed silently behind Lach as he led her away and decided to ask a dangerous question. "So Mr. Hunter... how was your trip?" Natalia was almost positive Lach would begin to question who she was, but she wanted to see if he knew her name. The name she had been called for 6 years...
Lach chuckled when she seemed so excited to join him. At least this girl doesn't hate him. He lead the way back to his home. They weren't to far from his home. He only lived near the mountain. "My trip?" He looked at her. How did she know that he had just returned. "It was fine." He looked a head of him slightly confused. "I don't remember from when i left. Who might you be?" He asked her trying to learn who this odd girl was. "How did you know that i arrived just recently?" Lach couldn't help but wonder. He could understand that some people knew him by his reputation.
"That's wonderful!" Natalia smiled as he told her his trip was good. Then, he did exactly what she had hoped. Asked her who she was, asked how she knew he had just returned. Instead of answering, Natalia giggled, did a flip, and landed in a nearby tree. "How I know you had just returned? Simple, it was the talk of the hot springs." She answered, leaping down and touching the ground light as air. "My name's Natalia" She said, holding out her hand.
Yuuki saw him leave and sighed with relief. "Rule one, never invite your rival- who's secertly a pervert into your home" she muttered checking her clock. She went out into her garden and thought that it would be a good idea to harvest before th enight animals came to storm all around. She kneeled down, getting the soil all over her face and hands. Yuuki began to pull out the tomatoes from their vines and pluck the grapes from their leaves.
It was sunset now, his favorite time of the day. After a long, tiring round of netting and hauling dozens of fish from sea, Jayce was ready for some time to relax in the village. The catch was all netted up by the docks, the smell of salt and fish oils finding its way into the island. Everyone knew when a fresh catch arrived. Not many gathered at the docks to purchase some of the fresh catches, but Jayce knew that by morning, the markets would be nearly empty, and the docks would be bustling with commerce. But not Jayce. He had little to do with selling his catch. His job in the fishing company involved using his own talents to round up the fish and net them- a task he was most suited to perform among his crew.

It was now his turn to relax. Jayce meandered away from the docks, from the shouts of the crew working to unload everything. He made his way past the market, now long deserted after the villagers all tucked in. As much in tune with the ocean as he was, he came to enjoy the feeling of sand beneath his feet. He towed with him a single sea bass, hung by the jaw on a hook, which he intended to be his dinner. He hadn't realized just how hungry he'd become after hunting all day.

Jayce came to his favorite spot, close to the river. Here, he pushed together some firewood he'd gathered from his previous stays here, impaling the fish on his pike. It was easy to start a fire, and not long after was the sea bass cooking rather handsomely over it. By now, the sky had fallen dark, and the stars looked down on the island from cloudless skies. A relaxed smile crept over his face. There was no view of the sky quite like that from land. Under the ocean waves, it was pure darkness. If you looked to the surface, you might see the moonlight dazzling in patches of light. Nothing was quite like this.

He wondered somewhere in the back of his mind if he ought to build a home on land here. After all, he wasn't going anywhere from this island anytime soon. Jayce made his home wherever he set up camp for the night, which he had been doing for three months now. Sometimes it would be in the river, sometimes in a little grotto around the far end of the island, and sometimes right here on land. He had discovered that the hot springs was not a good place to sleep- the villagers did not seem to appreciate him appearing from the bottom of the pool in the middle of their soak.

The sea bass was smelling wonderful now. He liked the taste of other foods, like eggs and bread, but he couldn't deny what he was, and loved nothing more than a good tasting fish- and nothing could top clams.

“Bon apatite,” Jayce bit into the sea bass, tearing out a good chunk of its belly with his sharp fangs. It was everything he wanted it to be- delicious and satisfying.
Yuuki finished plucking the veggies out of the ground and sighed. "Maybe I should drop by the hot springs." She grabbed a toweel, and a change of clothes. She silently took off her clothes and wrapped the towel around herself, leaving her house for the hotsprings. She took off the towel and sighed in relief. She dipped into the water and let her toes peak up, out of the water. She closed her eyes, and did not realize there was a man nearby. ([MENTION=3206]cor![/MENTION])
The fish was nothing but bone now. Jayce's voracious behavior surprised even himself, but he disposed of the sea bass remains nonetheless, tossing it into the campfire to burn with the rest of the wood. He would need to locate more to use for later. As of now, it was time to settle down. A quick visit to the spring wouldn't be a bad idea, he decided. Nobody was there at night, anyhow. Picking himself up, he gathered the linen towel and slung it over his shoulder, sashaying lazily from the river toward the springs closer to the mountain side.

He approached the spring from the off-path; the villagers rarely emerged from this side, as it took one through rougher terrain and was, after all, on the opposite side from the village. He stopped in his tracks, however, as a girl came from the other side, removing her garments and slipping into the warm water. The light steam rising from the pool was enough to conceal her lady parts, but that didn't stop the red hue from creeping up Jayce's features. It came as no surprise to him that she hadn't seemed to take notice of him yet.

Well, he figured, it was a public spring. He composed himself, hoping the pink in his cheeks had vanished, and stepped into the area nonchalantly.

"Evening, miss," he greeted her. "Odd time to be visiting the spring, no?" He looked her over, noticing the fresh-looking cuts and bruises on her skin. She must have been in a bit of a scuffle recently, he guessed.
Lach looked at her do a flip slightly puzzled. She offered her hand and he took it. He smiled warmly to her. "I guess I'm pretty lucky if such beautiful girls like yourself talk about me." He honestly wondered if it were something bad that people were talking about him. Lach released her hand and stood beside her on the path. He hooked his arm in a position for her to hold onto him, like a lady would hold onto a gentlemen. He continued to lead her to his home. It was in the distance now. "Well, i'd guess that you know a bit about me. I don't know anything about you though." He said looking to her. "Tell me about yourself miss."
Natalia smiled as he said the word beautiful. When he hooked his arm around hers and asked her about her, Natalia was thrilled. She had never told anyone about herself so she didn't want to give up too much information. "Well, I come from a small village on the mainland that was once ruled by demonic souls. I'm pretty well known in most small villages, so you've probably never heard of me, being so great and all. I was self employed... my job included killing, spying, and saving... but I'm not a spy...they called me The Ginger Thief... I haven't spoken for 6 years.. and I was once on the continent's most wanted list... that is until I banished the evil from the villages and retired here. People think I'm weird because I never leave my house unless I'm going to the hot springs, and I usually wear an all black suit. Oh and I know a basic profile on every single being on this island and the mainland!" She explained, then mentally beat herself. That was too much information idiot! She blushed and looked towards the ground when she finished. Lach was probably laughing mentally at her right now!
Yuuki jumped and covered her chest. She nodded and said, "Oh- Hello. I was doing hardwork in my garden." She smiled a bit and said, "I'm Yuuki Ichiara," She put her avaliable hand out to shake and said, "If you'd like to join the spring, I believe it's okay. I've been in the army. I had to sleep to men before." (Sorry it's short)
Lach smiled as she explained her life story to him. "You seem very talkative for someone who hasn't spoken in six years." He teased with his kind, deep, smoothing, voice. He nodded. "A hero to the people then?" Lach tried to sum up the story she told. "I could never live like that. To much publicity." He looked to her. "I mean, with all the villagers expecting you to help them i would think you would be strained." They arrived at his door. "My job was to simply do what I was told. The only responsibility i had was to my brothers and my Lord." He opened the door and welcomed her in but continued the conversation. The place was small and cozy. Made for two, a couple, but Lach had no other in his life. A table was to the left of them where most of the eating and work was done. A kitchen to the right. a bed to the far right with a chest at the side and a larger locked chest at the feet of the bed. The far left was a large master chair with a fire place against the wall. It hasn't been lit in a long time. Lach found a some chairs for his guest and himself. "Anything else i do, it would be very hard to decide. My work, or my heart." Lach said as he sat down. More just enjoying his conversation with her.

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