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  1. C

    Sorcery and the Yozis

    The story of Brigid (as I read it in 2nd ed White Treatise) state that her quest takes place during the primordial war. Crying into a pool for your lover wouldn't have summoned a demon from Malfeas, that place doesn't exist yet.  And if you assume that the Primordials were transformed by...
  2. C

    The New Deliberative Constitution

    Me and a player (Eclispe PC) chatted about the campaign and came up with an amusing concept. The Eclispe PC would come up with a constitution for the new Deliberative (Which he wants to be more inclusive the old one) and then he'd get allies to swear a sanctified pact to uphold the constition...
  3. C

    Help with Sidereal Schemes

    Err, technically it's the Siderals that destroyed First Age's civilization through the usurpation. Solars might have been mad, but they were civilization in the first age.  Without them, the wonders couldn't be maintained. I'd also point out that without the Usurpation, there would be no...
  4. C

    Help with Sidereal Schemes

    The Sideral are the master schemer of creation only in their dreams. In Practice, when a Sideral puts in motion a "masterplan", it is opposed by other siderals from the rival faction plus possibly by Deathlord, Rakhsa, Demons (None of whom are factored in their astrological powers) and now by...
  5. C

    Statting up a ghost

  6. C

    Quick Artifact Question

    *edit of previous post gone awfully wrong (Translation : I hit Quote instead of Edit)*
  7. C

    Need advice on spell

    Err... Nevermind then.   :oops: Though I think if you find the number of DK trained too low, you should just have higher power charms that cost no essence and improves that ratio. Kind a like this Dragon-Soul freeing prana Essence cost : - Minimum (attribute) 5 Minimum Essence : 5...
  8. C

    Need advice on spell

    Isn't there a Charm to train Dragon-Kings back to cvilized status?  I could swear I saw one, and an official one too.  I think it was linked to Tiger-Warrior Training as a pre-requisite. Rings any bell to anyone? --- EDIT : Yes, found it.  In Exalted Player Guide (P.158)...
  9. C

    The Great Observatory

    When the Orrery is described in 2nd ed (In Wonders of the Lost Age), they still state it allowed the Dragon King to predict the Great Contagion, a feat the Sideral failed to do.  And by then the authors had a pretty definitive idea of how the Sideral work. The Orrery is the Ultimate...
  10. C

    The Great Observatory

    It is stated that through the Orrery of Arainthu, the Dragon Kings were able to predict the Great Contagion and the Fair Folk invasion, something that the Sideral were unable to do. I'm not sure what you mean by the flavor being off ; It is the means to make the most accurate prediction of the...
  11. C

    Quick Artifact Question

    The rating of such an artefact isn't very important.  It's a plot device.  You should probably make it unique.  If there's even as many as half a dozen in use it means roughly half the house have one and it greatly diminish the plot hooks tied to this device.  Considering it could...
  12. C

    Dragon-blooded population

    I read somewhere that a man in excellent physical condition can cover more ground in a day or a week than most horse.  Probably depends on the breed of Horse tough.  I'd hope that breeds of horse used in endurance race can beat a man!
  13. C

    Dragon-blooded population

    Yeah, well, if you use your own definition don't be surprised if people don't understand.  Halta is part of the East canonically (always included in the East section of any sourcebook) and thematically (it's arboreal, for pete's sake!). But yeah, Halta is pretty damn big. Hardly realistic...
  14. C

    Dragon-blooded population

    Well, Halta isn't part of the North. What maps are you referring to that shows the territory, anyway?  I never saw one.
  15. C

    Dragon-blooded population

    When the fluff text talks about the North being riddled by petty kingdoms and city states, that's what they mean. I don't remember reading anything suggesting that the whole North is covered by the combined territory of Whitewall, Gethamane and Haslanti league.  Heck, the territory of...
  16. C

    Dragon-blooded population

    Not sure what you're talking about.  "Kingdoms"?  As I understand it, the North is basically a handful of city state like Whitewall whose territory extend only as far as they can send an armed patrol.  Then there are petty kingdoms left to the ST's imagination, barbarian tribes and of...
  17. C

    Backstory for Mask of Winters

    Nah.  No way Mask believed the chimera could kill Ma Ha Suchi.  If anything, sending the Chimera would warn Ma Ha Suchi against Mask of Winter and make future attempt on his life harder. If you need to try to fit this move in a master plan of some sort, it would be more likely to be that...
  18. C

    Backstory for Mask of Winters

    Beofe reading anything on Mask, I decided he had been a Solar named Oreste who had dwelled in the invisible fortress. I was amused to eventually discovers he was precisely in the Invisible Fortress (except he was named Larquen Quen) in canon too.   But then it's not that impressive a...
  19. C

    Dragon-blooded population

    Yeah, that's my whole point. It makes for better stories that are enjoyable by a wider audience.  That's it.  All these attempts to justify this in terms that are politically correct aren't very convincing. Very few RPG even differentiate between male and female in terms of strenght...