Quick Artifact Question


Primordial of Abstract Logic
What Artifact rating would you place on a bracelet that improved the Breeding rating of a DB (or Inheritance rating of a god) by the number of successes scored by rolling the N/PC's Permanent Essence for purposes of creating offspring?

I'm thinking a 3 or 4, but it might be a 5, I'm not sure.

So, a Dragon-Blood with said Artifact that has a Breeding of 3 and an Essence of 5 that rolls 2 successes on their roll contributes to the Breeding of their child as if they had a Breeding of 5.

Obviously, this can produce some extreme Breeding and Inheritance levels, but since they're not for PCs, it's not that big of a deal with ingame crap, as I don't feel giving enough to allow an Inheritance or Breeding of 7+.
I'd rate it four, just so that not every house has dozens of them lying around and could easily make more.
Last time I checked, I thought it said that DBs have a hard time making high level Artifacts and, at least in my game, the Sidereals are a bit reluctant to want all of the Dragon-Blooded in the Realm running around with Legendary Breeding or better, as they might get a bit uppity.

I'm going with it being a rare First Age Artifact, so there may be a half dozen of them around, at best.

In the game where this Artifact exists, the players (at a later date) will be having to deal with the upset of the Realm by Houses Mnemon and V'neef.

V'neef has concocted a plan with the help of an errant god to offer it prayers in return for large quantities of jade for Artifacts and money.  The god is also helping with copies of the aforementioned First Age Artifacts that improve the level of Breeding present in the bloodlines.

Originally, the god was working only with V'neef, as she had the highest Breeding of any of the Empress' children, but V'neef (in my game) has no interest in becoming Empress, instead wishing to become an advisor or possibly the head of the senate, and has been conspiring to bring the Roseblack to power as warlord, with the blessings of her older sister, Mnemon.  In this position, the trio will be more capable of ruling creation in it's entirety, not just the portion of the threshold that the Empress did.

(If anyone cares: the god has been able to keep off of the Sidereals' radar and keep from drawing the attention of Yu-Shan to himself with a combination of Charms, natural abilities, and Artifacts)
The rating of such an artefact isn't very important.  It's a plot device.  You should probably make it unique.  If there's even as many as half a dozen in use it means roughly half the house have one and it greatly diminish the plot hooks tied to this device.  Considering it could bring a Dynast House to prominence within a few generation by drastically increasing not only the quality but quantity of offspring, it's a great lure to every House.

...V'neef (in my game) has no interest in becoming Empress' date=' instead wishing to become an advisor or possibly the head of the senate, and has been conspiring to bring the Roseblack to power as warlord, with the blessings of her older sister, Mnemon.[/quote']
V'Neef, Roseblack and Memnon are working together?  And Memnon support the Roseblack for the Throne?  Well, that just kills a lot of the tension surrounding the succession, considering Memnon and Roseblack were the two frontrunner.  It's also a very different interpretation of Memnon character.  The canon Memnon would (and probably will) sell her soul for the throne.  She'd never support anyone else and if the Roseblack is assassinated in canon, she'd be the most likely culprit.  

Hey, to each his own.
Last time I checked, I thought it said that DBs have a hard time making high level Artifacts and, at least in my game, the Sidereals are a bit reluctant to want all of the Dragon-Blooded in the Realm running around with Legendary Breeding or better, as they might get a bit uppity.
I'm going with it being a rare First Age Artifact, so there may be a half dozen of them around, at best.
Then you really didn't need any replies to your query.....

Vanman said:
Last time I checked, I thought it said that DBs have a hard time making high level Artifacts and, at least in my game, the Sidereals are a bit reluctant to want all of the Dragon-Blooded in the Realm running around with Legendary Breeding or better, as they might get a bit uppity.
I'm going with it being a rare First Age Artifact, so there may be a half dozen of them around, at best.
Then you really didn't need any replies to your query.....

Interesting how this entire post doesn't mention anything about the question I posed asking what Artifact level everyone thought it might be set up as... :roll:
As you seem to show that you're under the impression that I have answered myself by noting that it is an exceptionally rare, but not unique, Artifact.  Or did I miss some vaguely inferred point in your post?
I would say it's an artifact 3 device IF it's huge and clunky and you're willing to sit in it for hours on end while it monkeys with your essence for your sexing someone to get a kid with better breeding.

Artifact 4 if it's a tiny artifact that allows you to boost the breeding with some essence spending....

EDIT - but then I sort of view such an artifact as simply using the essence trait if it's higher than breeding (for DBs)

For Godblooded, that's kind of redundant.
I'm going to go with a 4 then, since it's supposed to be a bracelet, even with EM whining in the background about it being N/A because it can make a small army of high powered DBs over the course of a century.
I'm going to go with a 4 then' date=' since it's supposed to be a bracelet, even with EM whining in the background about it being N/A because it can make a small army of high powered DBs over the course of a century.[/quote']
An artifact NA version would have you automatically succed in spawning a dragonblooded who'll have maxed out breeding. EVERY TIME you have sex unless your partner is sterile or can't have kids being a guy and all.
My opinion was at about that level as well.  Unfortunately, it's about as difficult to get EM to admit he's incorrect as trying to get Flagg to admit that something exists in the spirit plane. :?
trying to get Flagg to admit that something exists in the spirit plane. :?
Show me some convincing evidence that there is a "spirit plane", and I might consider the possibility that something exists there.
Define 'spirit plane' and how it impacts our material world. If this can be done, I'm sure Flagg will go along with any crack pot ideas and concepts you may have.   :D
Haku said:
Define 'spirit plane' and how it impacts our material world. If this can be done, I'm sure Flagg will go along with any crack pot ideas and concepts you may have.   :D
Or he will make cruel jokes about you for voicing them with the rest of us laughing ^^
Safim said:
Haku said:
Define 'spirit plane' and how it impacts our material world. If this can be done, I'm sure Flagg will go along with any crack pot ideas and concepts you may have.   :D
Or he will make cruel jokes about you for voicing them with the rest of us laughing ^^
Hush... ^_-

I wana hear about the plane full of spirits like vodka and stuff...   :D

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