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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"It's conquest, she's another person in my body. She took control and tries to ruin my life, I hate her" I say getting flustered

Yappi said:
My hand is starting to get crushed , she's in pain. I don't have much to give her so she has to power through it. She's doing great, I hold her hand trying to give her support.
She hears a cracking sound coming from AJ's hand. She wanted to say sorry but she was to determined to get the baby out of her. She looked at aj and smiled weakly, it fills her with determination and she pushes more.
Like a double personality? Lucas thought, thinking he'd heard of something like this before "I...It's okay, she's not you so...I don't blame you for what happened" he said, trying to comfort her "D-do...Do you know what triggers her to come out, though?"

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"No..." I Say thinking


I see the baby crowning, I hear a snap in my hand. I still hold on tight, she needs to keep pushing.

Miya growls and continues to push. "Damnit just get out of me!" She screams continuing to crush AJ's hand I'm the process.


I ignore the screams, my hand is unresponsive to what I'm telling it to do, broken as hell. The baby's head is all the way through, almost there (what gender do you want it to be?)
"Oh..." Lucas said, a bit unnerved "Well, t-that's okay. Let's just hope it won't happen again!" he said, sounding more cheerful to lighten to mood. He wiped his eyes again, his exhaustion catching up with him "Hey, how 'bout this" he yawned "Let's both go take a nap, okay? I'm sure we'll thinking more clearly afterwards!" he told her with optimism "B-besides, we've both had a long day..."


"I-ok" I was going to say something but I decided not to, I sit there on the steps trying to relax.
Miya continues to push, hoping this shit would be over soon.

((I don't really care, suprise me ;3 (also it's AJs did I mention that?)))
"Shouldn't, uh, we go inside to sleep?" Lucas asked, worried the undead might pop out while they were sleeping "W-we might get ambushed, here" he offered a hand "Let's go in together, okay?"

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"yea, your right" I walk inside with the boy


The baby is all the way out, "It's a girl!!!" I say avoiding the pain in my neck. I get my knife and cut the umbilical cord, I then promptly give it to Miya "Name?" I ask not really good at naming things (No you did not mention that xD )
Lucas held onto Harmony's hand as they walked through the church, he turned to her as they did "So, do you have any beds in here we could sleep on or do you just use the pews?" he asked her, enjoying being inside a building for once.

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"Both, though we ran out of rooms a while back" I say not wanting him to be remotely near me in fear of what conquest might do
"Oh, well..." he paused, taking in his surroundings "I'm sure you already have a place to sleep so..." he let go of her hand, smiling sheepishly as his cheeks turned slightly pink with embarrassment "Where should I sleep?"


"Well... Most of the pews are claimed so you can sleep on the one next to the door... Or you can sleep In my room. I say hoping he will sleep on the pew.
Miya finally sees him pick the baby up, curring its cord. She holds out her hands and takes the child, hugging it and looking at its features. It strongly resembled Aj from what she could tell. She tilts her head and giggles. "How about... Rin?"
(Heya, AJ and Miya have a kid now)


I nod my head, I think I need to let my throat heal. Rin... A perfect name.
Threat slept down stairs, he curled up in a ball still thinking about what had happened. It was awful and he didn't want to think about it, he softly cried into the pillow.

Jason walked back inside, he saw the child and immediately took out his camera "Smile!" He said pointing it at the three and snapping a picture of them.

@Yappi @Mira1

I am suprised by the camera but still get a smile out. I see the flash and I turn my attention back to Rin
Lucas blushes harder, looking at Harmony with a small smile "Well, I-I...wouldn't want to risk 'that' happening again, but" he scratched his head a bit "A-are you sure that pew isn't t-taken by someone? I mean if s-'she' doesn't come out I...wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor next to you, I have a sleeping bag in my backpack after all" maybe he was just saying this because he didn't want to be alone, or because he wanted to get to know this part of her better "Still, I'll be fine sleeping on the pew if it'd make you uncomfortable."


"She usually only comes out in short burst so you will be alright" I say blushing a little "Though i don't know if the pew is taken. Anyways I'm going to get some sleep" I say going up to my to my room and laying on the large bed. I do think hes cute... But I don't love him, Peace already has that.
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