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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Nikki sighed "I've been there, almost ripped the teachers hand off for giving Threat a C when I first adopted him. Fuck that bitch, but it's good you have an actual child." She said putting her knife away in her sleeve, she looked down at Rin "Heh, adorable," was all she said leaning back on the pew.

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I push him off of me and stand "I can't allow conquest to hurt you. I heard what you said... Your right, I'm sorry" I say before flipping my hoodie on and walking into the church, I can't stand to hurt him any longer. Conquest is gone just like that... I'm just Harmony again, Peace was the reason conquest existed. Some shit huh? The one thing that caused my suffering also makes my happyness. I walk out the back door with my old cloak on, the coat he gave me on the pew.
Yappi said:
"I don't know where you get clown from miss" I say getting irataded. "You know, your first words to someone shouldn't be a insult... Anyways names Joe Curry" I say holding my hand out for a handshake


"Aww I'm sorry for offending someone who was rude enought to not even answer my question, boohoo. On the other hand your a human being who can smile so you probably can laugh the pain right off." Amber said the first part withm a sarcastic smile and sacrastic tone. "So what brings you to this barely standing building?" She says as she holds onto her scythe in her right hand.

Peace wanted to say 'Stop' but knew that she shouldn't and couldn't for Threat's sake. She sat on the pew and looked at the jacket, she put Drew down and started to cry. Peace put her jacket back on "What have I done," she said taking out her cigarette, twirling it. Her temptation killing her, she put it down but still in her hand.

@Yappi @Mira1

I laugh "Just saw people here, but I'll go" I say walking into the woods. I see a little girl, I walk up to her "Hey kid, ya lost?"


"No, I ran away.." I say sadly "Can I go with you?"

@anyone_who wants to intervene
Lucas woke up from the commotion, and noticed Harmony running out with tears in her eyes "Oh no, did it happen again?" he asked to himself. He didn't really want to get up, but he couldn't bare to see someone cry without doing something. Getting up faster than he should have with his backpack, he ran after her. "Hey! Wait!" he called to her, catching her arm "What...What happened?"

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(No it's good)


I hide in the bush as Harnony talks to someone


"No, conquest is gone. But I can't take a chance at hurting Peace, if you want to come with that's ok. Conquest won't hurt you" I say keeping my cloak hood on.
((Okay, thanks))

Lucas still looked uneasy even if Conquest was gone like she said, but he still nodded "I don't think I'm needed here anyway, I still have to look for my family so, yeah, I'll go with you" he told her, adjusting his backpack as he thought over what she said "So is Peace the one Conquest mentioned when she said her heart belonged to someone?" he noticed her still wet eyes, and got nervous "Did something happen between you two?"

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"I can't see him anymore, let's leave it at that" I say keeping my head down "Conquest may be gone for now, but she will return. When she does be prepared" I say walking down the streets.
Peace growled "Congratulations, we have invented a new kind of stupid, a drinking bleach kind of stupid. Messing with a gun kind of stupid. Peace, it was a act of self sacrifice. Sacrifice? I was in a loveless love, I did it for your own good. I look at us and think what have we done with out lives, and what did it gets us. I love my Harmony even more than my life. I will would choose her happiness over mine every time. Congratulations, every sacrifice is for your own needs. Congratulations," they almost sang and fell to the ground.

(I'm being fueled by a song to do this, it just seemed perfect)
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@Yappi[/URL] @Mira1
Miya giggled and nods at her. "Would have dint the same." She said with a smile and watched as Nikki greeted Rin. Miya dealt like she could trust her but didn't want to take any chances. She finally sighed and grabbed Nikki's hand. "D-do you want to hold her?" She said with a smile, deep down she was very nervous.

Drew saw peace start crying and frowned. He got up and hugged her close to him. "Mom, please don't be sad." He said almost crying himself. "I don't want you to be sad, cause then I'll be sad."

Mira1 said:
Miya giggled and nods at her. "Would have dint the same." She said with a smile and watched as Nikki greeted Rin. Miya dealt like she could trust her but didn't want to take any chances. She finally sighed and grabbed Nikki's hand. "D-do you want to hold her?" She said with a smile, deep down she was very nervous.

Drew saw peace start crying and frowned. He got up and hugged her close to him. "Mom, please don't be sad." He said almost crying himself. "I don't want you to be sad, cause then I'll be sad."
((Nevermind the part with Drew x3)) @Shammy the Shamrock
Nikki looked at her "If it is alright with you. I have never held a baby before, I was never trusted with one." She said looking down at her hand "You really don't have to let me hold her, she's yours." She said moving the cross away from her throat in case it became a hazard.

Lucas looked at Harmony as they walked, offering her a comforting smile "D-don't worry, whatever she mi-might do to me" he paused, as he mustered up they courage to continue speaking "I'll never hate you for it, I promise" he gave a nervous shutter "Not that I'd let that happen again!"


I love Peace with all my heart, I may not show it like him but I do. I sit there bleak eyes, Harmoy doesn't know this but slowly Conquest is working his way into her mind. She wants to turn around and go to Peace but I can't... I get attacked by a zombie, I jam my knife into its skull with a grin... I hold my knife hanging barely by my finger tips.

"No problem, don't hate Ha-me for it. After all I'm your friend" I say trying to impersonate Harmony
(Conversation after the apocalypse: Threat introduces to Drew's Teacher Threat: I'm his brother! Teacher: Now where is your mother Drew. *Points to peace* Peace: I'm his mother, you called for me to come. *Teacher leaves* I don't get paid for this shit)
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Lucas noticed her smile, and jumped back a few feet in shock. He knew that smile! "Y-Your Conquest, aren't you?" he said, grabbing his gun quickly "D-Don't come n-near me!" He didn't want to hurt her other half, but...he'd love to be rid of this one. He started backing away form her, wondering if he could make a break for the church. What did he have to lose? Turning quickly, he ran like his life depended on it to the church.


I grab his arm "There's no hiding it now? Anyways I won't hurt you... Atleast not right now" I say with a insane grin. "I have a gun on me, abandon Harmony and I'll shoot you. Harmony loves you, she is in a time of strife, she needs you" I say sounding serious "She gets depressed and kills herself it's me on the line too"
She smiled and carefully hands Rin to Nikki. For a spit second her eyes seem to burn. "Try anything, and I won't be afraid to rip that pretty little face right off." She said then goes back to an innocent smile as the child makes contact with Nikki's hands. "Be careful, don't drop her, support he head!" She squeeled out as if Nikki was rins big sister.
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