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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

"Hmmm, too often" she laughed somewhat sheepishly "Though I uh, never was in an orange jumpsuit... Guess you're talking from experience?" She said tilting her head a little, she wasn't sure if she was but why else would someone bring it up?


Yappi said:
Joe (read his CS for more but he is a serial killer)
I approach the church, I see 2 people talking out front. I put on my 'happy survivor facade' and I walk up to the two, wearing a suit and top hat. My dad always said 'If I die, I'll die nicely dressed'... Before I killed him that is. I get a grin that would fool anyone.


Amber shrugged,
"You could say I wore one for a really long time," she said while throwing her scythe into the air and catching it with her other hand. She turned around to see a man with an extremely goofy smile she couldn't help but chuckle because to her it looked like he was a clown who was about to pop the birthday boy's balloon becuase the kid just sneezed on his favorite pants. "What's with the smile mister clown?" Amber chuckled a bit again just imagining him wearing a big rainbow wig.

"I don't know where you get clown from miss" I say getting irataded. "You know, your first words to someone shouldn't be a insult... Anyways names Joe Curry" I say holding my hand out for a handshake
((thought I posted sorry))

Miya looks surprised but smiled at him. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him into the pew, she sits next to him and kisses him again. She pulls away for a moment. "You don't know how hap-" she gets interrupted by a sharp pain in her lower back, causing her to cringe and squeel slightly.

Mira1 said:
((thought I posted sorry))
Miya looks surprised but smiled at him. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him into the pew, she sits next to him and kisses him again. She pulls away for a moment. "You don't know how hap-" she gets interrupted by a sharp pain in her lower back, causing her to cringe and squeel slightly.


My eyes widen, what's wrong I sign with my hands shaking, I expect the worse... Oh Christ what if Jack comes back, what eill I do. If I lose Miya I don't know what I will do. I start having a long train if unrelated thoughts that worry me, it's probably nothing but What happened to cause Miya pain
Miya cringes more in pain, not seeing what he had signed to her. "B-b..." she tried to speak but had some trouble. "I-i think the baby..." she huffed out, shaking some herself.


My eyes widen, what baby...oh shit. I run to the back and get some hot water. I sprint back to her... I'm not ready for a child Damnit, I know it probably not mine but Keons been no where to be found so it's more than Likly from when she kidknapped him. But it always could be... It's Miya's and I made a promise to be her's and I love her... I won't abandon her.

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She cried some when he ran off, breathing heavily and holding her stomach. "G-get it out of me!" She yelled as he came back with hot water. She wasn't ready to have a child and had no idea what she was going to do. She layed back in the pew and sighed as some of the pain settled for a moment.


I am panicking and when I hear her say 'get it out of me' I really start to. I Don't know how to help someone give birth, and it's way to late to have a abortion. I grab my head and think... I don't have to the heart to kill it when its born.

She grabbed her stomach again and let out a weak scream. "Please AJ help me! Get it out, please!" She said in pain. She was obviously happy about it, but couldn't show much emotion because of the pain.

Jason got up to only see AJ and Miya, he ran up with a slide "What is the problem!" He said in a nervous voice, he looked at them and shook, he had a hunch but he didn't want to say it.

@Yappi @Mira1

I yell through my mostly broken cords "She's giving birth!" I say it hurting like a bitch to say. I run around to see if I can find any pain killers. I find some small ones and I hand Miya a few. I get the hot water and place it at her hands.
Jason stiffened and sighed "Another, what do ya need." He said putting one hand in his pocket, he looked at AJ run like a mad man "Easy AJ. Don't stress yourself," he said with a weak smile, he knew this wasn't his first rodeo.

@Yappi @Mira1

It's too late for that, I motion my hand in a 'FUCKIN HELP ME' motion, I'm trying to help Miya but I have no idea what I'm doing.
Jason yawned before running over to him, he looked up before looking back at the door. He sighed "You got this covered, I need to find someone," he said running out of the church and going through the forest.

((Shoot, I got to get back to my vacation, bye! Be back later, sorry :) ))
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She takes the painkillers which don't help much right away. She is still crying in pail while AJ tries to get Jason to help. I squirm on the pew and grab AJ's shirt and pull him twoards me. "You need to get it out of me!" She growls before letting go and clutching her stomach.

I grab her hand, I have little choice. I take off her pants and spread her legs so the baby will come out. "Push" is all I say, I say it boldly.

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Lucas sighed, all he had come across where unstable buildings—nowhere safe to sleep. His legs ached, he couldn't go on much longer like this without rest. Maybe I should go back to the dumpster? he thought, rubbing his eyes "Ah, I can barely see straight" he mumbled with a yawn. Suddenly, in the distance he saw a larger structure—a church perhaps? It was sure to have people no doubt, but...His family might be there too. Should I...go? Would it be worth it? he shuttered at a new thought Would she be there?

I sit there on the churc steps shaking, I see the boy that conquest tried to hurt earlier. I sit there unresponsive, I swiped some weed from Drew. I sit there trying to calm.
Yappi said:
I grab her hand, I have little choice. I take off her pants and spread her legs so the baby will come out. "Push" is all I say, I say it boldly.

Miya looks at him when he grabs her head and smiled weakly. She nods at him and does what he said, putting her in more pain.

My hand is starting to get crushed , she's in pain. I don't have much to give her so she has to power through it. She's doing great, I hold her hand trying to give her support.
Lucas got closer and closer, until he could see the front of the church. There on the steps sat someone, but with every step forward he realized—it was her! He switched his pocket knife from his backpack into his pocket just in case, then he noticed she was crying. She also had more clothes on then before. Did the situation finally catch up with her? Feeling bad, he called out to her unconsciously "Are you o-okay?"

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"Yes... I'm sorry about earlier" I say shaking. "Can you forgive me?" I say trying to dry up
Lucas shuttered thinking of what happened—what almost happened—but tried his best to smile at her "I-I can, if you tell me why you did t-that" he told her, shyly fumbling with his hands "Y-you seemed like a completely d-different person!"

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