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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I try to hopelessly call for help through the gag, the scars are somewhat sensative so I recoil back a little when he touched them
Crying, Lucas fled the scene with a heavy heart. Shooting the undead in his wake, he apologized in his mind. I'm sorry, I so sorry! his mind shouted, as he ran I'm no hero...
((Anywhere I could join in? ;-; I forget where Melina was...))

Stuff could be heard, very messed up stuff.... I mean messed up stuff, like moaning and screaming.
Nona said:
((Anywhere I could join in? ;-; I forget where Melina was...))
-=-=((CellistCat606:-Raises hands while sitting in an imaginary desk- "I know! You were last sitting against the wall at the front of the church!"))=-=-


I sit there traumatized and exausted. I silently whisper "no more" as I try to weakly struggle. He was sick and in here with him trapped. Im going to die here aren't I?
CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((CellistCat606:-Raises hands while sitting in an imaginary desk- "I know! You were last sitting against the wall at the front of the church!"))=-=-

Yappi said:
(The church, Sane AJ is there)
((Okay thank you :3 I'll get a post out now))
Quill was finally finished a couple hours later. He kissed Harmony and patted her on the rump.

"That's enough for today, babe. I gotta say, that was great."

He laid down, spreading out. He pulled her close to him, kissing her some more.


I don't acknowledge him, I just sit there silently whispering the same chant. She is pretty much lax at this point taking nearly anything even the kisses, focusing every bit of energy on not falling asleep afraid of what my happen.
Quill picked her up and took her to her room, locking it and bolting it shut. He laid back down on the bed and tried to get some rest. He was absolutley blissfull. Harmony was like a dream come true to him. Eventually, he fell asleep.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina was still at the church or well, what was left of it anyways, sitting outside with her book in her lap, her eyes drifting over the words slowly. Why she was still here, she didn't know...it seemed that everyone had went their own ways again yet she was still here. She probably would leave here herself soon enough when she needed supplies again.

Lucas runs, he doesn't stop running, he can't stop running. He wished he'd never wondered there, he'd wished he hadn't ever found that place. Please, just end this he thought, forlorn I can't take this anymore... "Someone!" he shouted, tears filling his vision "Help me, please!" He didn't know what to do anymore, he wanted to see someone normal. "Anyone!" he cried harder "Please..." The undead must of heard him, huh? They sure look hungry... He ran around, wiping his eyes as looked for safety.

I wake up from my trance like state and see that I'm in a room. I try to get up from the bed.
Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina was still at the church or well, what was left of it anyways, sitting outside with her book in her lap, her eyes drifting over the words slowly. Why she was still here, she didn't know...it seemed that everyone had went their own ways again yet she was still here. She probably would leave here herself soon enough when she needed supplies again.


I walk up to the sitting girl and sit down next to her. My wounds from the torture have scabbed over and I have a smile on my face.

Yappi said:
I walk up to the sitting girl and sit down next to her. My wounds from the torture have scabbed over and I have a smile on my face.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina's gaze stopped moving along the pages of her book when she felt someone move in her direction. Blinking a few times she closed over the book and looked over at AJ "Ah, hello" she said quietly, she tilted her head slowly when she noticed he was sitting like normal and smiling.



Lucy opened her eyes to see she had fallen asleep on one of the beds in the basement once again. She sat up to see Steven sleeping beside her, she decided to shove him off. ((Steven: Steven got up from the ground and picked up his head and yelled at Lucy "What was that for?!")) ((Raquel: Raquel got up and rubbed her eyes and then went back to sleep on her own bed.)) Lucy slammed her hands on the bed that she was currently on top of, "You were sleeping on the same bed as I was!" ((Steven: Steven glared at Lucy "SERIOUSLY?! I'm your imaginary childhood friend not your boyfriend that's disgusting!" He then crossed his arms.)) Lucy sighed while realizing that he was right, "Sorry I've just been on edge recently with the zombies and falling asleep all the time." She then walked to where Raquel was sleeping and shook her until Raquel finally woke up. Lucy walked to the storage room in the basement and found a bunch of loaves of breads sitting on one of the shelves. She took one and began to eat it ((Steven: Steven stared at the bread in Lucy's hand with disgust, "You're eating that by itself!")) "Shush, I need to focus on my eating."

-=-=((General Post))=-=-

Quillicious said:
Quill picked her up and took her to her room, locking it and bolting it shut. He laid back down on the bed and tried to get some rest. He was absolutley blissfull. Harmony was like a dream come true to him. Eventually, he fell asleep.
((First off, eww, secondly what in the name of godric gryffindor happened while I was gone?!!))
QuendalynNym said:
((First off, eww, secondly what in the name of godric gryffindor happened while I was gone?!!))
((Shit happened, man...shit happened...

*rocks back and forth in the fetal position*

*lets out a small sob*

Where did it all go so wrong...? Where...?))
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