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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(I think we may need a new base xD )

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors](AGAHG A GINGER!?! NO WONDER!


(Getting real tired of your shit -Shoots him too and rips off his head, Saran promptly greets Yappi and give him a fist bump before AJ starts to shit down his neck-)
Reid peeks out of the window of the abandoned apartment. His ears perk up at the sounds of gunfire, explosions, screaming, more explosions, and what appeared to be fireworks.... and explosions. And judging from the fireworks lighting up the skyline, there was some sort of celebration going on at the church. "Wait. Is that the mast of a ship?" Reid rolls his eyes. "People have really gone bat-shit insane, havent they?" He giggles to himself. Down in the street, the few zombies in sight start shambling towards the commotion. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and starts climbing down the fire escape. "Might as well see what all the fuss is about." Reid mutters as he slinks towards the church like a old tomcat.
(So new person, shark name is AJ and he was tortures a lot and made into a human pet. He has a collar and his teeth were sharpened. He was also made mute by a stab in his vocal cords)


I see the girl caught up with someone else so I run away on all fours. I come across someone, I go Infront of them with a low growl.

I jerk suddenly at the sudden appearance of a ragged looking man on all fours. "Oh man. You're.... different." Reid raises his rifle. "Ummm... good doggy?" Reid smiles, unsure why this grown ass man is on all fours and growling at him.

I sit down at the rifle, the collar around my neck and scars are more visible at this angle. I smart person would put two and two together, my sharpened teeth show slightly. There are stitches where my voice is.
"Damn. Someone sure did a number on you, eh?" Reid lowers his rifle, happy the man-dog-thing isn't tearing out his throat. Reid stares uncertainly at him. "Could you...ehh...could you show me towards your home?"

I shake no my head knowing Jack would kill him, i try to talk but it hurts so I don't. I sit down next to him.
Reid is very tense and eyes the man sitting next to him. He starts easing his way towards the church. "uhhh...im gonna go."

I sigh and walk to the church also, I go into the church and lay down on a pew. After a while I get jittery so I go back to the man, I try to see if he knows sign language. I ask him signing, Can you understand me?
Jack rises from where he lay at the side of his old pool. He looks twoards his favorite church to see it had been practically destroyed. What he noticed second is that Shark was no longer at his side. Without thought he bolted into the church. "Shark! Please tell me you're okay... Wow, this place had gone downhill." He chuckled and looked around, seeing him standing infront of a man. He quickly runs over and hugs him. "My Shark! I'm so glad you're okay." @Yappi
((I got bored with doing nothing, I thought I would have more movies but the rest are hiding from me. I just hope this doesn't get as crazy as before. It can be hard to keep up with at school \( ^_^ )/))
Mira1 said:
Jack rises from where he lay at the side of his old pool. He looks twoards his favorite church to see it had been practically destroyed. What he noticed second is that Shark was no longer at his side. Without thought he bolted into the church. "Shark! Please tell me you're okay... Wow, this place had gone downhill." He chuckled and looked around, seeing him standing infront of a man. He quickly runs over and hugs him. "My Shark! I'm so glad you're okay." @Yappi

I hug him back, I let out a low purr and let go. I look around hoping Miya didn't see that.
Salex said:
the doctor woke up, seeing harmony still struggling "harmony you there?" he asked (damn, just got this new cs:go model knife, it's huge!) @Yappi @Mira1

I look at him confused "No we were asleep when I woke up I was tied down here. I had a nightmare again that I was about to stab someone and I was tackled last second. Then I started doing this wierd thing with my neck" I say getting more creeped out, I pull weakly at the bindings. The circles around my eyes are getting darker as I haven't got any 'good' sleep in a while.
Yappi said:
I look at him confused "No we were asleep when I woke up I was tied down here. I had a nightmare again that I was about to stab someone and I was tackled last second. Then I started doing this wierd thing with my neck" I say getting more creeped out, I pull weakly at the bindings. The circles around my eyes are getting darker as I haven't got any 'good' sleep in a while.
"well harmony, something snapped, your eyes were all black and you almost killed a guard" the doctor said @Yappi
Salex said:
"well harmony, something snapped, your eyes were all black and you almost killed a guard" the doctor said @Yappi
I sit there unresponsive, I flinch almost as if waking up "That's- why?" I say tired, i say not sure why I don't remember it. Not even Choas remembers.


Lucy tried to follow the man, but she wasn't able to keep up. As she was taking a breather the man had begun running the other way past her. Lucy basically gave up on catching up to the man and just followed his foot tracks ever so slowly. Raquel had woken back up at this point,
Raquel: "So where's vampire dude?" Steven: "Ahead of us, he's just been running everywhere so far." Raquel: "So I guess you guys scared him huh?" Steven: "No, Lucy is just really bad at running fast or for long periods of time." Lucy continued walking even though they were annoying her at least they weren't fighting.

-=-=((General Post))=-=-

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CellistCat606 said:


Lucy tried to follow the man, but she wasn't able to keep up. As she was taking a breather the man had begun running the other way past her. Lucy basically gave up on catching up to the man and just followed his foot tracks ever so slowly. Raquel had woken back up at this point,
Raquel: "So where's vampire dude?" Steven: "Ahead of us, he's just been running everywhere so far." Raquel: "So I guess you guys scared him huh?" Steven: "No, Lucy is just really bad at running fast or for long periods of time." Lucy continued walking even though they were annoying her at least they weren't fighting.

-=-=((General Post))=-=-


Lucy would be approaching the church, it would be damaged and half burned down. I would go down next to Jack, I constantly cringe at my burned arm.
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