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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Leo got to the top of the stairs, and sighed. He was insane, and was hearing voices again. Shut the fuck up you silly voice. No you. Anyways, He moved down the "ship" salvaging bits and pieces from the crew, making his way to the Church. He looked around. Just the usual carnage that follows Leo wherever he goes. Zombies were nearing the bodies because they couldn't resist the new meat. In haste, he heely'd down the street, waving bye to Skeleton cowboy man as he passed him by.

He passed a house booming with gunshots, and zombies, so he dropped a boombox outside, drawing the zombies nearby it. Too far, too many zombies past that, so he rolled himself back to the church, a little more beat up and bloodied that he was.
CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((It took me an hour to make Lucy's CS

xD ))=-=-
(JESUS ROLLERBLADING CHRIST! It took me like 15-30 minutes to do Leo! And he's from scratch!)
(It takes me 10 minutes at the most to make a CS... The Again I mostly wing it from there and I write regularly soooooo)
-=-=((We need a big plot I feel like. Something similar to Slasher's bandit group maybe.))=-=-

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I stand up when my bonds are undone and my eyes go black, in a instant I grab a scalpel and go for his throat missing by a hair. I fall to the ground on my knees.
Max had been riding around in the pickup all day, not really bothering to shoot any of the Reapers; as she called the "zombies." A steady Allman Brothers song crackled over the radio, along with the sputter of the old engine. She hadn't seen anyone in days, and when she had, it was a small group traveling somewhere. Max slightly hummed before pulling over to the side of the road for the car and herself to relax.

About 3 approximate minutes later, a bang was followed by the sharp smell of smoke; the car exploded and sent her crashing to the ground. Maddox gave a blood curdling screech as her arm seared with burnt, black skin. Lucky bullet to the tank shot. Who the fuck did that. Max twisted her neck around and hauled herself to her knees, both caps had grazed against the asphalt. A hand shot out from behind her and grabbed her arm, hauling her to the back of a truck and strapping her down; zip ties and all.She squirmed in the bed of the truck as she heard the engine rev and the wheels turning. She was off.

Max blinked her eyes against the harsh, white light of the hospital. No, not a hospital. It was all white, utterly sterile. People in pristine coats ran over to her and strapped her down, before drawing blood and leaving. Some stayed and watched. Not watched. Examined.

(Sorry this is long lol, its my opening. Mine will be shorter most likely haha.)
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iiCupcakeCraver said:
Max had been riding around in the pickup all day, not really bothering to shoot any of the Reapers; as she called the "zombies." A steady Allman Brothers song crackled over the radio, along with the sputter of the old engine. She hadn't seen anyone in days, and when she had, it was a small group traveling somewhere. Max slightly hummed before pulling over to the side of the road for the car and herself to relax.
About 3 approximate minutes later, a bang was followed by the sharp smell of smoke; the car exploded and sent her crashing to the ground. Maddox gave a blood curdling screech as her arm seared with burnt, black skin. Lucky bullet to the tank shot. Who the fuck did that. AJ twisted her neck around and hauled herself to her knees, both caps had grazed against the asphalt. A hand shot out from behind her and grabbed her arm, hauling her to the back of a truck and strapping her down; zip ties and all.She squirmed in the bed of the truck as she heard the engine rev and the wheels turning. She was off.

Max blinked her eyes against the harsh, white light of the hospital. No, not a hospital. It was all white, utterly sterile. People in pristine coats ran over to her and strapped her down, before drawing blood and leaving. Some stayed and watched. Not watched. Examined.

(Sorry this is long lol, its my opening. Mine will be shorter most likely haha.)
(Name AJ is taken bud)
(I'M SPECIAL WITH MY NICKNAMES! I also am back on a computer....feels good being back on this thing, instead of a iPhone 4)
(Lol I was typing AJ cause I have another RP who's name is AJ. My mind switched over xD . My character is Maddox. Max for short.)
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((Okay so I stopped getting alerts for here for some reason x-x now I'm lost, can someone give me a quick summary so I know where to place Melina?))
(But apparently the church is half burned down)


I run down to the church, I go through the rubble and find Melina relativly undamaged. I go next to her and nudge her trying to wake her up


~*Melina Herford*~

Luckily she had no broken bones nor sprains on her body. Just brushes and cuts from the sharp pieces of rubble against her skin. Her unconscious body soon waking and starting to come to as she was nudged. Her eyes slowly fluttering opened as she began to sit up a little, blinking a few times to adjust her eyes to the light. "...AJ?" She asked quietly as her eyes adjusted and began to focus on the source of the nudging, recognising his face somewhat, though she had no glasses on so it was hard to see



I see she's without her glasses, I go through her bag and find some spares. I run up to her and put them on her, I sit down like a dog waiting for her to stand.

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