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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

She blinked as new glasses were placed on her face. Smiling gently at him "Thanks" she said as she then stood up "What the heck happened here?" She asked, looking around.



~*Melina Herford*~

Melina nodded "Oh...right" she understood some sign language since her cousin was deaf so she had picked up some of it from him. "W-What about everyone else? Are they okay?" She then asked as she looked around.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.jpg.73f84a5307399aa519ed149ca7d50d2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127484" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.jpg.73f84a5307399aa519ed149ca7d50d2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Ashton! Where are we going?" Jericho asked as he clung to ashton. He was giggling like mad as they walked down the street, trying to figure out where he was being taken.

"I told you Jericho, we aren't going anywhere! We are just walking, is there something wrong with that?" He asked his partner with a raised eyebrow. He truly didn't know where they were heading. All he knew is that there seemed to be a partially burned down church up the road. "How about there? There may be some survivors."

Ashton nodded ta him and smiled, letting go and running ahead. He decided it was pointless to gain permission to enter sense it was partially destroyed anyway, so he just enters and looks around. His eyes land on two, noticeable people. "Why hello there!" He said approaching the two. A clear blade could be seen hanging by his side. He was wearing a white hoodie with black dots, matching along with his jet black hair.

Ashton followed behind him, his hands set behind his back. He was wearing a black hoodie with white dots. He had blood hair and a similar blade but instead of it being white it was black.

@Yappi @Nona }~



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Hiding himself away from the others, he had prepared a few more cue ball grenades with a few skulls from a nearby cult. He sealed off the orifices with cement (Due to the fact the skulls were in a construction site, nearby a river), and came back to the church better prepared. Dressed in new "Cult Garb" because he thought it was cool, he had a red cowl with more symbols of Chaos Undivided sewn onto it with human sinew. Despite that, it totally looked cool.

As he neared the church, he saw Mad Dog and the girl that wasn't holding weapons, and two matching... Bandits? Psychos? Maybe they were crazy and thought they were playing dark souls, so instead they started playing fashion souls! Mmm... Fashion Souls. Holding a skull bomb in his hand, he waved over to the 4, his welding mask still showing the dirty Cthulhu-esque squid curled up around it.

He braked, and started walking like a normal person.
"Well, that's some quite fine attire if I do say so myself!" He brushed himself off, the dried blood and organs still stuck onto the cowl. He looked to the mostly collapsed, charred, ice-cream-trucked church. "I didn't do any of that, by the way. I just smashed the ice-cream truck into it and then pirate-pyro-trucker-bandits attacked." Perking up, he reached out his hand for a vigorous handshake, "Well, how do you do!?"

@Yappi @Nona @Demon Slayer
Jericho looked over to the man that had approached he'd him. He smiled and looked down at his outfit, which really didn't have much to it besides it matching Ashton's. Nevertheless he smiled and bowed to the man. "Thank you my good sir! And might I say that is a rather nice looking mask you have there." He said with a smile.

Ashton didn't speak but rolled his eyes at the man who had approached them. Being the 'leader' of the two he approached and gave the man a firm handshake. "I'm Ashton, that's Jericho." He said simply before lowering his hand. He was about to speak before Jericho cut in again.

"Does the truck still have ice cream in it?" He asked with a locked gaze on the truck.

@Yappi @Nona @Surprise Meteors }~
AJ(he was tortured and made into jacks pet, his vocal cords were ripped out and his teeth sharpened)

I run up to the 2 men, on all fours. I sit down my legs tucked in like a dog, I look at them with my head tilted.
Yappi said:
AJ(he was tortured and made into jacks pet, his vocal cords were ripped out and his teeth sharpened)
I run up to the 2 men, on all fours. I sit down my legs tucked in like a dog, I look at them with my head tilted.
@Demon Slayer
Jericho's gaze on the ice cream truck quickly broke when he saw someone approach him. He looked down to the person acting like a dog and smiled. "I have seen many things in my time, but you're something different." He said kneeling down and holding out his hand. "I'm Jericho, and you are?"

@Yappi }~
He tilts his head to the side some, reading the name on the collar. "Look, I've done some kinkey stuff in the past bit I've ne-"

Ashton hushed him, placing a finger on his lips so he says nothing more.

Jericho nods at him and chuckles. "Anyway, that doesn't matter, Cool name though!"

~{ @Yappi }~
The harsh white light was menacing to her misty hazel eyes. She thrashed in the restraints, trying to scream but her throat just couldn't manage. The gloved hands groped around; monitors, needles, wires surrounded her. Max cleared her extremely dry throat. "Where the fuck am I." Her voice was colder than her usual icy voice. "You are fine, we are just running some tests to compare human blood to the...Diseased blood." The researcher, a man, was very calm with his tone. Max knew he was lying. She was good at telling foul words to the truth. "Liar." She stated clearly. She thrashed an arm, breaking the leather restraints. She wrapped her hand around his neck. "Tell me what you did to me. Tell me now."

I tilt my head showing interest, I really wanted to hear the rest. I curl up next to his leg showing scars down my arms and to my chest. Signs torture are visible
Jericho rubs his head showing slight signs of affection. He kneels down and smirks. "I'll tell you later." He said with a whisper then looks up at Ashton. "Sweetie I'm going to explore some, I'll be back soon." He said with a smile.

Ashton looks at him with uncertainty but nods. "Go ahead..." he mumbled.

Ashton cheered happily and tugged on Sharks collar gently before letting go and running outside, hoping he would follow.

@Yappi }~
The man gasped for air, his face turning a light shade of purple. "Tell me and you live." That was untrue. She had never and would never kill anyone. The researchers had left her things outside of the hall, she could see through the glass wall. The man finally spoke. "For the antidote, we need to compare the blood. We were using you for an antidote. Your blood is special, we have been looking for your type for years." Max let him go as he slumped to the ground, inhaling deep breaths. She looked around the pristine room, doctors gaping at her. A few reached for her, she hit them, knocking a few out and bursting through the door. She grabbed her things and kicked the emergency exit off, sprinting as guards and researchers went after her.
"Yeah, there's probably still some-" He was interrupted by fucking dog man. God fucking dammit. Leo silently watched as "Shark" as he just learned, took his new friend whose shared interest in ice cream clearly brought them together. Watching as the Jericho walk off he turned to face Ashton.

"I'm pretty sure that thing exists to torment me." He took a deep breath, and reached inside his pouches for some spare fuses and hopefully some ammonia nitrate. Sadly, the last peanut plant he had was dead. Placing a peanut into the ground nearby, he buried it in front of the church. "Hopefully that wasn't one of those roasted peanuts I love to eat. Hey," he addressed Ashton, "Do you happen to know where any cars or legume based plants are? If any at all? Kinda need some for bombs." He pulls out one of his red marked cue-ball grenades, and cracks it open to show a crude lighting technique, and a small canister of gas. He reassembles it, and pockets it.

"I mean, it's not exactly the most common things, but I like those for pretty sparkle effects that add to the ANFO, black powder, fulminates, and other bullshit I have."

@Demon Slayer
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Max knew they would be after her. But she was out. Free. She saw her car up ahead, getting in the olive-green pickup and slamming the door behind her. She was off. Gone. A few miles down, where she knew they were not following, she switched out cars so that they could not track her.

~*Melina Herford*~


Melina nodded then looked at AJ as he curled close to her, just as she was about to talk with the dog boy once more she heard someone else call. She looked up at the two who seemed to be in matching attire? And the man with the icecream truck from before as well. Okay, that was to many people for her at one time to be interacting with. The feeling of Anxiousness washed over her as she looked around at them. "U-Uhm..." She paused, adjusting her glasses and regaining her composure somewhat to look less meek "Hi there..." She said waving a little.


@Surprise meteor

@Demon Slayer

Seeing that Shark as following him, Jericho picks him up and quickly ducks behind the church. "So, Ashton is into some great stuff right. He really likes me to be tied up though, and between you and me." He starts and leaned closer to him. "That's how I like it too." He giggles and crosses his legs, tilting his head.

~{ @Yappi }~

Ashton looked at the man he was left with, not really paying much attention to what he was saying until he mentioned bombs. He smiled at the mechanism he had pulled out and nodded. "I know a few places where we could find cars." He said thinking about his old apartment which happened to hold one. He never used it, so it wouldn't be a problem giving it away.

@Surprise Meteors }~
His smile fades some at his devilish grin. "S-something on your mind?" He asked, starting to get a little nervous.

~{ @Yappi }~

(Why do I have a feeling he will regret telling AJ that? xD )
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