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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I see them start to turn, I get behind a pew but my arm got burned, not enough to burn off the skin but enough to hurt a shit ton, I hear the flames stop and I look to see there knocked out.
Jason ran to the back door seeing other people "Fuck, what's with the party," he said running through, he jumped and slid underneath the back pew. He looked at his revolver "2 BULLET EACH! I really need to scavenge more," he said before aiming at one of the FUCKING PIRATE TRUCKER PYRO BANDITS OF DOOM! shooting one bullet at them. He crouched back down underneath the pew, he grabbed a bible, set it on fire with his cigarette and threw it 'FIGHT MY RELIGION," he yelled ducking back under.

@Surprise Meteors @Yappi
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[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]
The assault was reaching its climax when one of the offenders was sneakily dispatched, only given away by the loud scream the victim left before he gurgled a slow, choking death. The flamers turned their bodies, and coincidentally their CURRENTLY FIRING flamethrowers at the new combatant, sending a hot spew of fire in his direction. This was enough to let the 1 of the three behind the burning pew (LEO. VALOS.) incapacitate them by discombobulating grenades, meant to only STUN, and not RIP THROATS OUT. JESUS ROLLERBLADING CHRIST! THEY'RE PEOPLE TOO!
"Who are you and why am I here?" "Burntbeard! Creative, I know!" He stroked his ever singed beard, putting out a few fires here and there on his lovely mane. "And yes, I did knock you out so you could be my personal servant/sexslave/cook. You better know how to cook. Or i'll kill ya! HAR HAR HAR! *Cough, ah fuck, cough* We just stopped to get one of our assets to fix your cage- I mean new home! Don't fuck your home up." The uncreative trucker-pirate-pyro-bandit captain- Wait a second. We're having a second 'Skeleton cowboy ninja" character, no, group in this!? Whatever. The captain walked back up to the main deck, and got himself a good ol' swig of rum. The large gap on the right hand side of the pretty big. Big enough to fit a large poodle sideways through. There really wasn't anyone watching the ONLY PRISONER on the ship, as their fighting capability was their redeeming factor for their absolute incompetence on board.

-=-=((CellistCat606: -Can be seen running in the distance- "NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!"))=-=-

Shammy the Shamrock] [COLOR=#00b359](Never in my flipping life as a clover have I laughed so hard at a nickname [/COLOR] xD [COLOR=#00b359])[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [CENTER] [COLOR=#8000ff]-=-=((Hi! Also my new character Lucy is captured by [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25388-surprise-meteors/ said:
@Surprise Meteors[/URL]'s Pirate Bandits))=-=-
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors](Let's wait for the 3 ladies to reply, then i'll carry on this orgy)

-=-=((I consider myself as a kitty cat!))=-=-

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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](*Tackles* YES! YES! YES!.....What are you running from?)


(Ohh, now I see what you where running from *Picks up Cellist* FUCK NO! FUCK NO! FUCK NO! *Screams off into the sunset*)
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Lucy gave the man an odd look, before Raquel or Steven could say anything she said "Wait what?" She then looked back at Raquel and Steven whom were basically both face palming so hard. Raquel: Why did you say that! Now that gives him a perfect opportunity to make fun of you! It has happened to you before plenty of times when you said, "Wait what?" Steven: Yes the man is probably going to make fun of you, but luckily I believe he left. Lucy looked away from them to see fire beard was going away, she let out a sigh of relief because she didn't have to feel any more uncomfortable than she already was in this whole ordeal. Raquel: Try and lock pick that always works in the movies! Steven: But Raquel, this is real life not a movie. Raquel: It can still work! Steven: Yes as long as we're in magical Raquel land! Lucy yelled "Shut up! Could you guys maybe please be quieter and less blah blahing and actually help me out?" Steven: -Steven nodded- Sorry, how about we see if there is anything useful nearby?

-=-=((Nearby (I think) @Surprise Meteors))=-=-
(Directly in front of. These are the bandits assualting the church)
CellistCat606 said:

Lucy gave the man an odd look, before Raquel or Steven could say anything she said "Wait what?" She then looked back at Raquel and Steven whom were basically both face palming so hard. Raquel: Why did you say that! Now that gives him a perfect opportunity to make fun of you! It has happened to you before plenty of times when you said, "Wait what?" Steven: Yes the man is probably going to make fun of you, but luckily I believe he left. Lucy looked away from them to see fire beard was going away, she let out a sigh of relief because she didn't have to feel any more uncomfortable than she already was in this whole ordeal. Raquel: Try and lock pick that always works in the movies! Steven: But Raquel, this is real life not a movie. Raquel: It can still work! Steven: Yes as long as we're in magical Raquel land! Lucy yelled "Shut up! Could you guys maybe please be quieter and less blah blahing and actually help me out?" Steven: -Steven nodded- Sorry, how about we see if there is anything useful nearby?

-=-=((Nearby (I think)
@Surprise Meteors))=-=-
@Surprise Meteors[/URL] @Yappi
Yappi said:
I see them start to turn, I get behind a pew but my arm got burned, not enough to burn off the skin but enough to hurt a shit ton, I hear the flames stop and I look to see there knocked out.

Nearby the ever-so-confused Lucy's cage, is a large wrench, a fuckload of keys on a keychain, and a bottle of sex lube. (That's like the slipperiest thing on the planet.) The captain was a little passed out on top, and the crew was fucking about, drinking, passing out, throwing up, and then drinking some more. Oh, there also was a lighter on the table, but fuck you.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

Back in Christianity Central, Skeletor, Dog Boy, and Ladykiller were taking care of the rest of the assault squad, but Xx_FAZECALN4LYFE_xX made sure to keep at least one of them alive for questioning, and that one was the one who was wounded in one leg. The place was mostly on fire, and the bandits were mostly dead, or too injured to continue fighting. The second wave was very dead due to being shot in the back of the head, and the third wave wasn't getting out anytime soon.
"Anybody here a medic? We've got a second degree burn, potentially 3rd!" Leo called out. He hoped anybody was able to take care of this, because he wasn't dealing with any cybernetic shit anytime soon.
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Jason looked around at the burn church, he took out his cigarette "No here is a doctor, maybe Mira but she ain't here. We can't be here much longer, if it gets too bad go outside we can grab everything when the smoke clears." He fired his gun, using up two bullets, he sighed getting back down. He flipped through a bible "Oh that's why we go to church on Sunday," he said throwing it at a bandit and running to another pew and grabbing his case, going near the back door, shooting the last remaining bullet.

@Surprise Meteors @Yappi
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i yelp in pain, the burns on my arm hurt like hell. I quickly get up and bail out the window. I start to run away not looking for anyone around me, i bump into a bandit exhausted. I try to sprint around him.

@Surprise Meteors

Lucy was looking around as she saw Raquel dart toward a stool nearby the cage and said, Raquel: Look Keys! Steven continued to look around as Lucy had her face almost going through the cell bars as she reached for the keys. Once she grabbed them she took a deep breath and started to unlock the door as she thought no way am I going to be anyone's servant! Steven: That's right! Okay now a bit to the right and I think you almost got it.

-=-=((Nearby (somewhat) @Surprise Meteors))=-=-
CellistCat606 said:

Lucy was looking around as she saw Raquel dart toward a stool nearby the cage and said, Raquel: Look Keys! Steven continued to look around as Lucy had her face almost going through the cell bars as she reached for the keys. Once she grabbed them she took a deep breath and started to unlock the door as she thought no way am I going to be anyone's servant! Steven: That's right! Okay now a bit to the right and I think you almost got it.

-=-=((Nearby (somewhat) @Surprise Meteors))=-=-
Yappi said:
i yelp in pain, the burns on my arm hurt like hell. I quickly get up and bail out the window. I start to run away not looking for anyone around me, i bump into a bandit exhausted. I try to sprint around him.
@Surprise Meteors
@Surprise Meteors[/URL] @Yappi

The door unlocks with surprisingly little effort. I guess they use that sex lube for more than just sex. It's not like they have any sex slaves around here OH WAIT. THAT'S YOU! Come to think of it, there is a whole lot of sex lube around the "ship". It's not like they have any other sex slaves, and considering they captured you, they're not gay... Or like that they'll be having THAT much sex with you. That takes away from fighting. Come to think of it, there isn't any oil anywhere on the ship. Whatever, let's not think about why Meteors chose sex lube and get on with it. A little more shooting can be heard outside, but there isn't any return fire. There's also the faint smell of smoke, and there's also a bit of crackling, like there's fire nearby. Clearly, not on the ship! That'd be straight up brain damage right there! Burntbeard is currently passed out, and so is most of the crew members. Now is your chance!


Shark runs into a
DEAD bandit, because of the UMP fire from earlier, and continues out into the NON-METEOR ZONE! Out there, I have no control out there.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Inside the church, there was nothing to do, because #4CHIN was too busy looking for a doctor for a patient that ran away, and the two women still huddled behind a few pews were in shock from the intense firefight, and had be knocked out from the sudden tackle by Leo. They hit the ground pretty hard.

I decide to return back, I slowly creep up on the ship. I see multiple people passed out and drinking. I slowly get on deck and pull someone off the edge this time covering his mouth as I bite into his throat.

@Surprise Meteors

Lucy got out of the cage and silently swung it closed. As she was sneaking up the stairs Raquel and Steven were already ahead of her. Steven: Everyone seems to be non mobile c'mon! Hurry! Lucy nodded at Steven and run up to hear and see gunshots very close by her head as she ducked, Raquel: "Try and say "I hate you all!" It'll get their attention towards you. Steven: But it would also get them to shoot at you, just try standing up and put your hands in the iconic I surrender symbol so hopefully they see that. Lucy slowly began to stand up as she held her arms in the air and yelled "I come in peace!" Steven: I wouldn't have suggested that, now they're probably going to shoot you too because they may think you're lying. Also someone's behind you... Lucy turned around and saw a man biting into someone's throat and thought are they a vampire? as she let out a shriek of pure fear. Raquel: no he isn't because if he was he would've been a lot paler, haven't you ever seen Twilight? Steven: I actually think you're dead now by getting that dude's attention whom clearly does not seem friendly at all...

-=-=((Please don't hurt me I'm just guessing on whom is near the pirate ship, car thingy (if I get it wrong either don't reply or let me know) @White Shamrock, @Surprise Meteors, @Yappi, @Mira1, and @Nona))=-=-

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