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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Yappi said:
"Oh please, I don't have a name. Do you really think anyone would name there child just Harmony. I'm a different beast than the half insane girl and her imaginary protector. I'm the dominate personality, Harmony just managed to push me back" I say before chuckling "Ever since that test I have been slowly crawling into her mind, and it's all thanks to you!"
Yappi said:
"Oh please, I don't have a name. Do you really think anyone would name there child just Harmony. I'm a different beast than the half insane girl and her imaginary protector. I'm the dominate personality, Harmony just managed to push me back" I say before chuckling "Ever since that test I have been slowly crawling into her mind, and it's all thanks to you!"
"i have troubles believing that, you see i am a trained doctor, and multiple personalities cannot dominate over one another" the doctor says "say what you want im tired, you are constrained and im gonna wait until harmony returns" he says, he then lays down on his sofa and sleeps @Yappi

I wake up tied up, I scream the second I open my eyes. another nightmare, I start to look around. I weakly pull on the bindings and I try to get the doctors attention. @Salex
Yappi said:
I wake up tied up, I scream the second I open my eyes. another nightmare, I start to look around. I weakly pull on the bindings and I try to get the doctors attention. @Salex
the doctor too tired simply couldnt hear her, he kept sleeping and sleeping @Yappi (goin to bed, cya in a few hours)
(Hai, I'm new to this Zombie RP but it looks fun, so once I get approved, Max the Strange will be here to RP!)

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(Hia cupcake, Shark was tortutered and made into a pet. His teeth were sharpened and such so you know in advance) I walk back on all fours to the church, I see the zombies and bandits are dead. I go inside and lay down on a pew, curled up.

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((Should I wait for the bandit attack to be over? Or would it be better if I just try and jump in?))=-=-

You can join in at any time as like... A hostage the bandits are holding, or you can drive a bigger, badder, more explosive laced taco truck into them. Your pick.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]You can join in at any time as like... A hostage the bandits are holding, or you can drive a bigger, badder, more explosive laced taco truck into them. Your pick.


-=-=((I just didn't want to seem like I was interrupting anything or power gaming. Also could you explain to me if my character was the hostage where and maybe what would be holding her?))=-=-

-=-=((You don't have to answer I can continue waiting.))=-=-

CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((I just didn't want to seem like I was interrupting anything or power gaming. Also could you explain to me if my character was the hostage where and maybe what would be holding her?))=-=-

-=-=((You don't have to answer I can continue waiting.))=-=-

(Probably in their truck that's out front. It's outfitted with cannons, and is mostly made out of wood. It used to be a truck, but they outfitted the shipping crate on the back to be a "pirate ship." All that means is that it has cannons, and is a double decker that is made of wood. I know, the fire bandits are in a wooden ship, but they think they're pirates, so what more would you expect from a bunch of bandits with the mental age of a 7 year old?)
CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((I just didn't want to seem like I was interrupting anything or power gaming. Also could you explain to me if my character was the hostage where and maybe what would be holding her?))=-=-

-=-=((You don't have to answer I can continue waiting.))=-=-

(Probably held in some sort of iron cage contraption with at least 1 prisoner or what was a prisoner before they starved to death, because they don't feed them. You'd either be a recent cap due to their only recent arrival in this town.)

I come back from scavenging to see bandits attacking the place, I pull out my smg and start to fire at them from behind throwing homemade explosives at the ship.
CellistCat606 said:

-=-=((I just didn't want to seem like I was interrupting anything or power gaming. Also could you explain to me if my character was the hostage where and maybe what would be holding her?))=-=-

-=-=((You don't have to answer I can continue waiting.))=-=-

(Actually, I'll set you up with a trapped scene and take care of Yappi with RUINING MY PLANS. I can't have any fun anymore can I?)

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors](Actually, I'll set you up with a trapped scene and take care of Yappi with RUINING MY PLANS. I can't have any fun anymore can I?)

-=-=((Could you let me know when it's the trapped scene?))=-=-

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors](Actually, I'll set you up with a trapped scene and take care of Yappi with RUINING MY PLANS. I can't have any fun anymore can I?)

(muffled trololo in the background)
Yappi said:
I come back from scavenging to see bandits attacking the place, I pull out my smg and start to fire at them from behind throwing homemade explosives at the ship.
The pirate captain, not paying much attention to the grenades, as they thunked off the ship and exploded on the ground, or got the cannons destroyed. Eh, they were easy to replace he thought. Or were they?! He hit himself on the head once or twice with the scrap cannon to get his head straight. His second wave was being shot at, and there was a survivor that ran inside to go save the others from the first. The third wave is currently trying to arm broken cannons and protect their newest cargo they've just picked up. "Heh. The slut's awake." Just then, a new survivor trapped in a rotting, rustic iron cage got to her senses.

Meanwhile, inside the cathedral, panic ensues on both sides.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Yelled one of the assaulting arson. "My fucking leg!" "We don't pull out, keep pushing!" One of them limped along as the assault edged closer to the 3 survivors.

i see the bandits go into the church, i slowly creep up on one and pounce on him ripping into his throat with my sharp teeth like a hot knife through warm creamy butter. blood splatters over me as i look at the others expecting them to be intimidated.

@Surprise Meteors

Lucy was awaking in a blur as a grenade explosion was heard in the background. As she was getting to her senses a very oddly dressed man was calling her a slut. She thought of how to respond with her friends (Raquel and Steven) standing right next to the man, Raquel: Don't say anything! Since when has reveling your identity to a stranger who just called you a slut a good idea?! Steven: I think Raquel has a point about not revealing your identity, but you should at least say something. How about, Who are you? Raquel: Or you could go with Bob the Builder (never a bad choice). Lucy gulped she had made her decision, "Who are you and why am I here?" She honestly tried her best to sound courageous, but near the beginning and the end a little squeak emitted from her mouth.

@Surprise Meteors))=-=-

-=-=((Also when you said
Eh, they were easy to replace he thought. Or were they?! Made me laugh so much xD ))=-=-

-=-=((Also Raquel and Steven are basically imaginary friends that almost never go away.))=-=-

Yappi said:
i see the bandits go into the church, i slowly creep up on one and pounce on him ripping into his throat with my sharp teeth like a hot knife through warm creamy butter. blood splatters over me as i look at the others expecting them to be intimidated.

@Surprise Meteors
CellistCat606 said:

Lucy was awaking in a blur as a grenade explosion was heard in the background. As she was getting to her senses a very oddly dressed man was calling her a slut. She thought of how to respond with her friends (Raquel and Steven) standing right next to the man, Raquel: Don't say anything! Since when has reveling your identity to a stranger who just called you a slut a good idea?! Steven: I think Raquel has a point about not revealing your identity, but you should at least say something. How about, Who are you? Raquel: Or you could go with Bob the Builder (never a bad choice). Lucy gulped she had made her decision, "Who are you and why am I here?" She honestly tried her best to sound courageous, but near the beginning and the end a little squeak emitted from her mouth.

@Surprise Meteors))=-=-

-=-=((Also when you said
Eh, they were easy to replace he thought. Or were they?! Made me laugh so much xD ))=-=-

-=-=((Also Raquel and Steven are basically imaginary friends that almost never go away.))=-=-

The assault was reaching its climax when one of the offenders was sneakily dispatched, only given away by the loud scream the victim left before he gurgled a slow, choking death. The flamers turned their bodies, and coincidentally their CURRENTLY FIRING flamethrowers at the new combatant, sending a hot spew of fire in his direction. This was enough to let the 1 of the three behind the burning pew (LEO. VALOS.) incapacitate them by discombobulating grenades, meant to only STUN, and not RIP THROATS OUT. JESUS ROLLERBLADING CHRIST! THEY'RE PEOPLE TOO!

"Who are you and why am I here?" "Burntbeard! Creative, I know!" He stroked his ever singed beard, putting out a few fires here and there on his lovely mane. "And yes, I did knock you out so you could be my personal servant/sexslave/cook. You better know how to cook. Or i'll kill ya! HAR HAR HAR! *Cough, ah fuck, cough* We just stopped to get one of our assets to fix your cage- I mean new home! Don't fuck your home up." The uncreative trucker-pirate-pyro-bandit captain- Wait a second. We're having a second 'Skeleton cowboy ninja" character, no, group in this!? Whatever. The captain walked back up to the main deck, and got himself a good ol' swig of rum. The large gap on the right hand side of the pretty big. Big enough to fit a large poodle sideways through. There really wasn't anyone watching the ONLY PRISONER on the ship, as their fighting capability was their redeeming factor for their absolute incompetence on board.
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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Back! What did I miss, also good to see you back Cell! (:3))

(Bandits arrived, Shark might be burnt to a crisps depending on how much yappi wants to let him get burned at point blank range, and Johnny has arrived to throw grenades at cannons. Uh, the bandits are PIRATE TRUCKER PYRO BANDITS OF DOOM! And, there are 3 people besides Shark in the church under assault. Nona, Leo, and Mira(?) Or is it Miya? I don't care mostly. Anyways, what are you going to do SKELETON COWBOY SAMURAI SHARPSHOOTER!?)

(Never in my flipping life as a clover have I laughed so hard at a nickname xD )
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