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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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He turned his head to look inside... Only to be slammed to the ground, having his throat ripped out by the psycho at the doorway! Exactly what I needed right now too. Yes of course! Exactly what you needed at this moment! Anyways, Leo was having his throat torn out at the moment by a fucking psycho. He's been pinned by more people he could imagine. Trying to not scream, he was about to kick out the psycho's legs from under him when suddenly he was off him. Leo stood up quickly, and backed away from the trio confronting him. Fumbling through his belt to pull out a small rubber duck with a large red button on it. It was his favorite rubber duck.

"Oi you gits! If you don't back off, i'll blow us all to pieces, I've laced that truck with more explosives to bring down a... Fuck. A barn or something!" He turned, watching the zombies draw closer due to the attraction of blood. It wasn't every day that he had to make a false bomb threat, but he wasn't being killed by some random strangers. "Why the fuck are you even mad at me anyways? I just accidentally crashed a van, there's fuckin' zombies! You think i'm gonna be able to see where i'm goin'!?" He squeezed the rubber duck's head a few times to comfort himself, giggling as he did so. It really was his favorite rubber duck.
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Ducky? DUCKY!? What the fuck ever. That skeleton, cowboy, ninja... thing. What the fuck? Skeleton cowboy ninja? That is at best a confused creature and is best left alone. Anyways, Leo wasn't letting anyone touch him, no matter what the Day of the dead sombrero ninja said. Whipping out his own weapon, a welding torch, he pieced together a quick spear from the wreckage of the front of the ice cream truck, and he started to run off, holding his neck to stop the bleeding from happening.

Fucking psychos. I swear to god.

He ran past the chick with the gun, and off he went to go hide somewhere, probably find a new ice cream truck, and hopefully get these bandits off his tail. Did I mention the fact that Leo is being chased by bandits and he's just led them here? They really want his ice cream. Running back to the confused creation, gun girl, and dog man, he started yelling. "BANDITS! THEY WANT MY ICE CREAM!" Running into the church, he fell into a few pews, and started looking for material.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina had been standing there completely confused by the ice cream truck crashing through the wall, which scared the heck out of her that's for sure. Staring at this new man that was running around with a rubber duck she tilted her head. Who the heck was this? Whoever it was, was kind of highly strung, okay, that may be a bit of an understatement. After talking with the others and running ariund a bit, He suddenly ran into the church screaming about bandits taking his ice cream. That may have been weird to hear someone scream but he actually had a ice cream truck, so it wasn't out of context. As he ran into the pews looking for materials, Melina blinker a few times before beginning to follow him "E-Excuse me...What are looking for?" She asked curiously as she tugged at her cardigan sleeves a little nervously.

@Surprise Meteors



@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya rolled her eyes to the confusion around her. All she knew is there were bandits, Zombies, and a... a fucking ice cream truck... and some duck man. She aimed her gun and quickly slapped on a silencer. She pointed out and started shooting as many Zombies as she could with one clip. "Headshot....headshot...headshot..." she mumbled then turned to duck where duck man went. "Hey duckey. Wrong pew." She said hopping over one and pulling out a bag of guns. It was her own stash that she kept for an occasion like this. Though she prefers her knife, a gun allways works for her too.


@Shammy the Shamrock

@Surprise Meteors

Before Miya responds my head perks up from gunfire, I run out the door not wanting to get shot. I am moving pretty fast so I could be tracked, though I don't think about it. I come up on the penthouse and I lay on the step waiting for the door to be opened.
Jason put the sword away on got out his revolvers "Time to go cowboy on this bitch!" he shot at the zombies taking them down. He whistled for Snow as she tackled and ripped apart more. "Go tell that long tongue liar, go and tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter," he sang taking out more heads. He stomped on the limping ones, he continued his shooting praying that the zombies would stop.

@Surprise Meteors @Yappi @Mira1
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I wake up, some form of sleep walk. I grip a knife and wake up moving over to a bunk with a sleeping soilder lifting my knife up. @Salex

-=-=((Lucy: "What's up?"))=-=-

-=-=((Amber:"...Who the heck are you?"))=-=-

-=-=((Lucy: -=-=-((Raquel: "Say you're secret agent Mustard because you shouldn't reveal your identity!" Steven: "Say your actually name because if you lie to them they probably won't believe you later on!"))=-=- "I'm secret agent Lucy, I mean I meant Lucy Brams!"))=-=-

-=-=((Jaqluin: "Well you're the worst spy I ever met, Lucy."))=-=-
Damn religious chairs. I fucking hate them. Pulling himself off the floor, he got up from a few pews he knocked over. He began fumbling around for whatever scrap when he was stopped by a girl. "E-Excuse me...What are looking for?" "Metal! Any sort of-" He was stopped short by gun girl, "Hey duckey. Wrong pew." "Yeah I fucking hope you've got them loaded. These guys really like fire." Luckily for the group, Leo didn't exactly need to explain how much the raiders liked fire, as they burnt down the front door of the church. "Come on welder boy! Join our motley crew already! You could really use our protection!" The raider was dressed in a fire retardant, gas mask, a fuel tank, and a few bolted on metal plates. The raider hefted his flamethrower and puffed a jet of flame, making the air smell like ozone.

"Give me one of these!" Leo thrusted his hand into the bag, fishing out a Smith and Wesson Model 59. He switched off safety, and blew the fucker's brains out. "Damn serves them right. Here, you can have this back." He tossed the gun to the ground carelessly, a bullet flying from the slug thrower. The body of the slow arsonist attracted the attention of the rest of his gang. About 7 more quick witted arsonists rushed in with more pirate ornaments like bandannas, hats, and earrings stuck onto their masks. Their flamethrowers were more outfitted with skulls, some of them fresh. "Warned ya!" Really fucked now aren't I? Royally. Leo jumped behind a pew, tackling his two new companions down with him as a jet of flame blew overhead.

"Any ideas!?" He absent-mindedly fiddled with a small red cue ball with two white x's painted on two sides of it.
Yappi said:
(sorry haven't been posting)

a soldier on night guard was getting tired and goes into the barracks, he saw harmony taking the knife and about to plunge it deep into his comrade, he instantly rushed and tackled her which sent the whole barrack waking up @Yappi

I start to struggle and stab widely at the guard, my eyes not Choas or Harmony. A grin more like when I was in the mourgue, my eyes are cold black.
Yappi said:
I start to struggle and stab widely at the guard, my eyes not Choas or Harmony. A grin more like when I was in the mourgue, my eyes are cold black.
the guard stops harmony by holding her hand, other guards start to help by taking the knife and tying her up, she was then tied up to a bed in the lab where the doctor was awoken by this incident @Yappi
Yappi said:
I silently look at the doctor without blinking, a insane grin on my face. Pulling on the ropes endlessly

the guards starts to use handcuffs seeing how much damage harmony can do, they use chains to restrain her as well until she reaches the normal state @Yappi
Salex said:
the guards starts to use handcuffs seeing how much damage harmony can do, they use chains to restrain her as well until she reaches the normal state @Yappi
"Don't act like you don't know me, I'm the same person yet killed your bomb squad leader. I have to thank you, I've been dormant all these years until you foolishly tested Harmony" I say and following it with a insane laugh.
Yappi said:
"Don't act like you don't know me, I'm the same person yet killed your bomb squad leader. I have to thank you, I've been dormant all these years until you foolishly tested Harmony" I say and following it with a insane laugh.
"what are you talking about? chaos killed john" he said john referring to the bomb squad leader @Yappi

"Oh please, I don't have a name. Do you really think anyone would name there child just Harmony. I'm a different beast than the half insane girl and her imaginary protector. I'm the dominate personality, Harmony just managed to push me back" I say before chuckling "Ever since that test I have been slowly crawling into her mind, and it's all thanks to you!"
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